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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Showing jumpmaker support and solidarity is always classy.
What would be some good software that would help me image jump(s) I'm making?
I may be getting ahead of myself here, since I'm still super early stages in my current projects, but I just think it'd be nice to pretty them up if I finish the basic text version in decent time.
I'd prefer something free, but if it's just not possible, I'd be willing to shell out if it's something that'd be useful down the line, like Photoshop or something.
Jeez, I get it. I will try to not voice my opinions unless I'm asked or is relevant enough.
I'm also apologizing for the shitposting my comment caused.
Sorry guys, it wasn't my intention to ruin things nor hurt your feelings. I'm really sorry.
Depends on your tastes, I guess. There are like 15 "heroines" until now, so there's a lot of room for choosing.
I would go for Harissa, Lia, and Suzuran.
Not always. A lot of the time it is either shit posting or engaging with shit posters. Posting on Veeky Forums at all is also kind of low class.
Who's the worst jumpmaker?
Gimp 2
One thing that helps me write pre-made OCs is think of what archetype I want them to be on the practical level. Like a sciency person, or a fighty person. And then I just tally up Perks to make a build worth their price, and think of why they'd have gotten those perks in-setting. So if they have a perk that gives them fistfighting experience, I'd write about how they joined a fight club and write the first reason why that comes to mind. And just go from there until their description is done.
Some OCs I go in with specific plot hooks in mind, but that's not really necessary. If they have a good 800 CP of normal perks it's not too difficult to have a personality and backstory SOMEONE will want in a Companion built just from explanations.
The only shitposting you "caused" was because Sleuth was triggered.
You literally did nothing wrong.
So Slueth needs to be ostracized as well.
I just put it out there as an example of popular programs that cost money, hell if I know whether it'd do any good on a totally 2d text project.
for freebies, there's Paint.Net, GIMP, LibreOffice/OpenOffice.
>Not pirating it
Also dunno if it works, but many people on CYOA use it
Well, thanks for the advice.
Is it just me or is the previous thread not shown as archived?
Jumpers, do you celebrate Christmas with your companions every year? If so, how?
It's almost as if shitting on random people to look cool causes problems.
No, you are absolutely right. Voice your opinions.
Alright thanks. I'm not the most knowledgeable about file types. Can things thrown together in any of those programs be converted into pdfs? Since that's the de-facto file type for jumps.
Shut the fuck up OA.
So, the thread kinda died right after I asked, but how bad would K6BD be for a demiurge with the Sanctioned Action?
Get fucked.
What happens if you take both fate immunity and fate enhancement perks?
>Jeez, I get it. I will try to not voice my opinions unless I'm asked or is relevant enough.
>I'm also apologizing for the shitposting my comment caused.
>Sorry guys, it wasn't my intention to ruin things nor hurt your feelings. I'm really sorry.
I know you are Italian but stop acting like a canadian and apologizing when you did nothing wrong
>Comes back to Veeky Forums after Finals sees Ricrod did nothing wrong edition and Ricrod Image Crying
What happened?
The enhancement perks dont activate until fate inmunity is disabled, also do we have fate enhancement perks?
Shitposting happened and shitposters clung to it. Stop clinging to it, you're feeding them.
OAA shitposting.
Assholes being assholes.
Merlin and Medaka Box, as well as all the plot armor perks
Sleuth is no longer welcome because he's a shitposter.
You don't want to know.
Look, it's not worth for anyone to cling to the shitposting. If I can stop it by apologizing then is better that way. Is better for us to have fun instead of shitting at others.
>Is better for us to have fun instead of shitting at others.
But that's how we have fun.
>But that's how we have fun.
Won't you prefer to talk about jumps or waifus?
TES as written by Micheal Kirkbride meets early DBZ.
>Look, it's not worth for anyone to cling to the shitposting. If I can stop it by apologizing then is better that way. Is better for us to have fun instead of shitting at others.
You're a good guy Ricord.
Those get boring after a while.
>I would go for Harissa, Lia, and Suzuran.
Are those the ones you keep posting pics of?
Hey Red, what's the upper limit on how powerful the magic Spell Vampire can eat at once is?
This. People always turn a blind eye when someone shits on bancho, but when something mildly negative is said about OAA? Oh noes, we must defend the poor, defenseless idiot. It's plainly apparent that the only reason anyone defends him is because they want his jumps.
How about we talk about Jump write-ups?!
Here's an extended sneak peek for everyone of my Divinity: Original Sin write-up.
Lone Wolf (+200) - 4 Active Companion Slots
Plot Bound (+200) - Time to beat a void dragon!
Race: Lizard
Class: Inquisitor
Background: Source Hunter
Companions: (400, 1000)
Full Party (Race, Background, Class + 400 CP)
= Katia - Elf, Wizard, Freelance Adventurer
== Wand (N) [Can funnel mana into focus crystal to light it up like a torch, as well as shoot non-elemental energy bolts through them]
== Willpower (N) [General resistance to non-magical manipulation, intimidation, diplomacy, ect.]
== Loremaster (N) [Introduction to identifying magic items, grows stronger with time and practice.]
== Geomancer (Vital Essence [M] - Earth Shield, Fortify, Bless, Blessed Earth, Summon Earth Elemental)
== Pyrokinetic (Fever Fire [A] - Fire Shield, Wildfire, Purifying Fire, Firefly), (Casting Flames [A] - Flare, Burning Touch, Fireball, Summon Fire Elemental),
== Friendly Face, Leadership
== Light Stepper
= Hrist - *Gem*, Battlemage, Freelance Adventurer [Hrist “refused” race change]
== Single-Handed (N) [Basic Skill]
== Shield (A) [Basic Skill + Bash + Counterattack Mastery]
== Aerotheurge (Thunder and Lightning [N] - Shocking Touch, Blitz Bolt), (Winter Winds [N] - Bitter Cold, Winds of Change)
== Master-at-Arms (Sword and Board [A] - Defensive Stance, Battering Ram, Elemental Tortoise, Barbed Wire), (Commanding Presence [A] - Encourage, Shrug Pain, Taunt, Rage)
== Pyrokinetic (Casting Flames [N] - Flare, Burning Touch)
== Friendly Face
== Iron Hide
== Grenade Bandolier [Given to Peridot]
I definitely see Harissa in the pics (she's the person in the pic you just responded to in fact), I don't know so much about the other 2 though.
They aren't even going to be that good. People are just wasting their time.
Depends on the specific date enhancement perks. If they affect you, they won't work. If they extend to influence other people, they'll still do that.
>date enhancement perks
Behold, Jumper dating methods!
> implying there are any jumps worth talking about
What does "date immunity" entail?
= Peridot (Raogrior) - *Gem*, Wayfarer, Freelance Adventurer [Peridot “refused” race change]
== Crossbow (A)
== Crafting (N)
== Expert Marksman (The Eagle’s Eye [A]), (A Helping Hand [N])
== Geomancer (Crushing Force [A] - Boulder Bash, Midnight Oil, Petrifying Touch, Tectonic Spray]
== Scoundrel (The Silent Step [N] - Shade Walk, Fast Track), (Baited Trap [A] - Venomous Strike, Wind-Up Toy, Spike Trap, Pin Pull)
== Sneaking (N) [Pretty decent stealth booster]
== Friendly Face
== Pinpoint
Full Partner (Race, Background, Class + 900 CP)
= Bea - Lizard, Enchanter, Source Hunter
== Willpower (A)
== Charisma (N)
== Bartering (N)
== Aerotheurge (Wandering Breeze [A]), (Thunder and Lightning [A])
== Hydrosophist (Bond of Blood [A]), (Creeping Frost [A]), (Flowing River [N])
== Witchcraft (Vocal Manipulator [A])
== Air of Trouble, Bane of Sourcery
== Headstrong
= Dual Wielding (N) - Basic Skill + Ambidexterity (Free)
= Wand (N) - Basic Skill + Torch (Free)
= Aerotheurge
Thunder and Lightning (A) (50, 950)
= Pyromancy
Burning Man (A) (50, 900)
Fever Fire (N) (50, 850)
= Witchcraft
Deadly Fingers (A) (50, 800)
True Necromancy (M) (150, 650)
Vocal Manipulator (N) (50, 600)
Air of Trouble (Free)
Nose for Magic (100, 500)
Bane of Sourcery (200, 300)
Demon (Free)
End of Time (300, 0)
Geeze, I had to trim out most of my notes just to get this to fit. Divinity Builds are freaking huge.
>date enhancement
Not exactly, those are Harissa, Satsuki and tsukimi. Mostly because they got nice reaction faces in the manga.
Lea is pic related.
For some reason you will never have a date in your chain.
Can we take Robin (M.) and Robin (F.) in Fire Emblem Awakening?
I guess they're still going onto hope that it'll be better than the jump on the drive. It's not likely, but we'll see. It's still pretty sad, though.
Um. I'm gonna say it depends on the strength of your weapon.
>Doctor Strange knows you're a jumper
Why would there be two Robins of completely different genders in the same world.
We only see two Robins when one's become Grima anyway.
No, one or the other.
If you want pdfs with both images and selectable text, you do the text in LibreOffice/OpenOffice/Publisher/whatever, the fancy image work in Paint.Net/GIMP/Photoshop/whatever, copy-paste your images into your text document, then export your doc to pdf.
Well, I guess I'll be able to fanboy without being looked at weird then.
That name seems suspicious. . .
The various Office progs have an Export To PDF function.
Not really. Only one of my companions even knows what Christmas is, and they're a Celtic nature spirit.
As you might expect, he's not very fond of it.
My companion from Rome managed to get my adopted sisters to celebrate Saturnalia though, so we still get the whole 'Exchanging of gifts, drunken singing, and relaxing of constraining social roles.
Just get the other gender in Heroes.
What are the best jumps to inspire a villainous jumper to not be an asshole all the time?
Sailor Moon (possibly)
Nanoha (Befriending!)
Its always so hard to find a character attractive when you can see her skeleton
Do you think Doctor Strange would want to be a companion for a while? Seems like the guy could use a break from being the only thing standing between reality and literal Lovecraftian horrors that want to torture everything forever.
What determines the power of the weapon? Do they grow over time naturally?
>What determines the power of the weapon?
Its ATK stat.
What an odd skeleton.
I tend to put more emphasis on birthdays and anniversaries than I do Christmas. That's more due to the fact that the first several worlds I spent time in didn't celebrate the holiday. So I got out of the habit.
Bea, strange as it might sound, is our little Christmas fairy. She doesn't go all out. It's simple little things. Christmas lights around the windows, gingerbread in the oven, mistletoe in the doorways, those kinds of things. Also gentle prompting to have a small gift ready for everyone a few weeks beforehand.
What exactly those gifts are varies from world to world, but they're often silly things. I tend to end up buried in candy. Katia usually gets an armful of rare alchemical components. Bea is always quite happy with whatever we dig up for her. She's hard to buy for.
Superman the Animated Series and Justice League are pretty good.
But what if it uses Power Trick?
That's Pokemon.
You idiot.
You absolute fucking imbecile.
God I hate you.
My companions and I celebrate Arrival day. All other calendar considerations are problematic simply because the calendars between different worlds are unlikely to match up even if they've got the same year and month lengths.
Look, user. Just because you don't like Beyblade is no reason to be mean.
Reminder that Moses used a Beyblade to split the sea.
Ah ok.
>Lea is pic related.
I see much plot in her future.
Did you not read the part of the Bible where it states "And thus the Lord said, Let It Rip."
But seriously. Search Moses Beyblade and you will find a clip of it from the show.
Jump 54: CATastrophe
Race: Inukami [900]
Age: 18
Origin: Drop-In
Location: High-Tech Settlement
Wanderer [950]
Dog's Ear
Party Animal [850]
Hot Buns [700]
Salty Dog [400]
Biggest Boat! [200]
Full Party [0] - Meiling, Yakumo Yukari, Asgore, Ford, Stanley, Okita Souji, Speedwagon, Shaggy
Too lazy to do full imports right now.
We built a small memorial in the Warehouse, just in her small corner of the studio-like apartment inside of it. A photo and a poncho. There wasn't anything else we could bury - and even if we did, the idea of leaving some unmarked grave in the middle of a world we'd never see again didn't sit well with me. I wanted to act like she was still here with us, as we wandered this eternal cycle of rebirth across the stars. That some part of her would always be with us every step of the way.
It was wishful thinking. I knew it was. But I wanted to believe it.
Everyone mourned in their own way. Stan did his best to keep everyone's spirits up, saying she wouldn't want us to be sitting around moping, and even taking money and prizes from his various scams to trade to the locals for food or games. When he was alone, I could hear him beat his hands against the walls, wondering why ‘such a good kid’ had to die. Ford disappeared into his workshop and would occasionally emerge with some new healing gadget or do a quick check-up on the health of the others. Even me. He kept his lab encased in lead walls and soundproof material, but once, and only once, I could overhear...
>"I can fix anything except the soul. Why am I so useless when it matters the most...?!"
Speedwagon and Shaggy mourned more conventionally, with tears, regret, and toasts to a departed friend. Asgore didn't make any speeches or weep openly, but I could see the shadows of memory in his eyes, and he put a small potted garden of sunflowers around the little ‘shrine’ in the Warehouse. Yukari...always a mystery, was gone from sight after the funeral.
I see much plot in her present, too.
Lots of plot.
Vast tracts of plot, even.
Also, the Egyptians trapped monsters in stone tablets for their card games in-between hashing out the rules for Keijo.
She's a little like an old cat, I guess. She didn't want anyone to see her genuinely saddened...or maybe it was out of consideration for us, because she was bothered so little? I can't say. Toki was silent. Sometimes, he would clap his hands together and murmur a silent prayer to the small monument, but otherwise keep to himself. I don't know who he prayed to, or if they could hear us from this place, but I hoped they did. Okita was the quiet one...though once when she tried to cook a recipe, she instinctively called out Kaori's name before she realized what she was doing. I think Meiling took it the worst - she went right into her training and said or did little else. I think we were both thinking the same thing.
‘I should have been stronger. I should have found a way. I should have won.’
I have a little more in common with Yukari than I do Okita or Meiling, though. I couldn't stand being surrounded by the others like this. The unstoppable, unbeatable, invincible Avatar couldn't even protect the people precious to him. The one he undoubtedly owed his life and his soul to. So I took to the skies and disappeared into the horizon. Circling the globe was an old hat for me by now - I didn't doubt I could find my way back to the others or them to me if it was really necessary. I had hoped that the gift of flight would rejuvenate me somehow, breathe life into my soul and my mind, but even that had become mundane and everyday for me.
I saw rain clouds forming in the distance. I stopped, preparing to change course...until I heard something not too far away. The sound of a boat thrashing against the waves. It was creaking, ready to give way. An old instinct overcame me as I zoomed towards the sound, finding the old and damaged ship as a small crew of Kemomimi huddling together and desperately trying to keep their vessel afloat.
Those god-damned Egyptians and their love for children's games!
Oh! Quite note for those interested in the Cryptark Jump. I'm putting it on an extended hiatus. It appears there's going to be a sequel that isn't just set in the same world, around the same time, but is going to be focused on the scavenging on alien wrecks as well. So rather than update it later, I'm going to hold off for now.
On the plus side, FPS and Dual-Stick game fans will be all sorts of happy about this version of the game.
Not by in-universe standards.
Why is the loincloth even showing up?
Because a ninja never reveals his secrets.
So no companion respawn in this chain?
Ancient Anime Egypt Jump when?
Is that a ghost skeleton in between the three furries?
Sort of. It's a bit...conditional. And Kaori's soul being gone removes her from said conditions.
I landed gently on the boat even as it rocked from side to side - the crew did a double-take at the fact a flying dogboy had suddenly boarded their ship. And started barking orders at them on how to brave the storm. Of course, it also helps when you have someone who can fly and part the clouds enough to clear the way, too.
They look at me with starstruck wonder, but on my side, this was a normal day at the office. For a moment, I remembered my years in the Justice League, and my first real debut as a superhero. Nostalgia overwhelms me until someone pokes me in the nose. Apparently, these people call themselves The Shinies...since they're Shiny Hunters. Creative. I counted seven heads among their crew, but I could hear an eighth heartbeat. The Captain, a Nekomi in her 30s, was pregnant. I had saved eight lives from a storm that would have almost definitely killed all of them. That's why I can feel the sincerity in their smiles and the gratitude they express. They invite me to join them for parties or treasure hunts. I decline, but thank them and hope to visit again someday before I leap off to the sky.
Their smiles...and the gift of being able to live another day, to live their own lives out and to raise a child...I hadn't even paid any mind to it, yet I did it as easily as breathing. Just the act of being able to grant a moment of hope and happiness to someone...I had been doing it all on instinct ever since I had first met Kaori.
And wouldn't it tarnish her memory if I stopped now? If I just became a beast obsessed with battle and death again?
I soon find myself listening to the sounds of the sea and the cities below, as I go on patrol for the first time in centuries. It's not much, but it's something. And I won't let what she taught me be in vain. Then, when I return...
That's Izanami. She's 300% spoop by mass.
I have smiles to give to the others, too.
My heart is heavy. My eyes still feel tears just waiting behind them.
But a hero's duty is being able to carry that burden, and not succumb to it, yeah?
Are there any perks that would help make a yandere decide to make us their new obsession instead of their original one? I know Elfen Lied has one but that is it.