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Thank you, pingu.
Thank you, piguu.
Time-traveling master race here, always remember that wizards are bitches and Rangers are pretty cool guys.
So is Emilia really your wife or she used her magic to trick everyone into believing that?
Also how fucked are you if you pick two? Would they hate eachother forever? Or they will find common ground and eventually learn that they both own your hearth?
This really needs to be updated
You're pretty cool too time cop dude
I'm going with either
A) Wife of you from an alternate dimension
B) Delusional nutcase who's either good at forgery or alters your memories the very first night to make you believe that she showed you evidence.
>Multiple women
I'd assume they'd be largely fine with each other from the beginning; the other three would at the very least need some convincing.
Hey guys. I know you like elves, so I've decided to add them as a race. But what do elves do? They like trees or something right? I'm not familiar with them like you guys are. Give me some ideas.
Are you seriously telling us that you have never seen an elf in ANY kind of media whatsoever?
Just assume they're your bog standard Lord of the Rings elves.
Public Speaking
Smaller Arms
Advanced Ship
>Personal Equipment
TCS A-08
Medical Kit
Guide Book
Audial Implant + Vocal Modifier
>Crew Equipment
Security Gear
>Ship Extras
Ship A.I.
Jump Drive
Frank Kirkland
Colton Crisp
Javier Zamora
Ed Butler
Joseph Spencer
Alan Haggerty
Kazuo Yano
James Hood
that's like the worst thing he could do
a step up would be "actual lotr elves", but that would still be really boring
Lewd Behavior- Expert Seduction
Expert- Empathy, Science, Stamina
Advanced- Improvised Weapons, Charm, Evasion, Stealth, Medicine, Internal Defense
Basic- Explosives, Small Arms, Durability, Acrobatics, Maintenance, Tracking, Chameleon, Bluffing, Survival
Basic from Drawback- Boarding, E.V.A., Traps
Fully Manned (+2 Crew)
Advanced Ship (+2 Add-Ons)
Compulsion- +3 Basic Skills
>Personal Equipment
Weapons- Lukashenko E17
Equipment- Medical Kit, Guide Book
Cybernetics- Ocular Implant, Cardiac Regulator, Respiratory Bypass, Skeletal Reinforcement, Refined Digestion
>Crew Equipment
EVA Suits
>Ship Extras (+2)
Ship AI
Sick Bay
Jump Drive
Melanie Krauss
>Crew (+2)
Nick Wells- Pilot
William Heywood- Doctor
Jesse Pool- Hydroponics, Doctor in Training
Gustaf Seidel- Combat
Ed Butler- Combat
Sila Demir- Thief
Luisa Ossani- Hacking
Julie Southern- Crew Morale
Mary Palmer- Mechanic
In other words, think posh, yet beautiful race of human-like creatures that usually described as graceful and dexterous in all things they do and look down on all other races as inferior or childish.
If you're doing that, then remember that Tolkien's elves had inherent limitations in that they were directly tied to the world and were ruined alongside it. Removing their weaknesses but keeping everything else results in a pretty obnoxious concept.
Just choose two who have good synergy.
Faith + Rose
does he have any more like this
What kind of modification options would you like in terms of being able to change a race? Like, for example, I have options that allow you to change their proportions, height, skin tones, less like furshit, etc.
But of course I want to implement non-physical options. I'm drawing a blank for things like that, though. They've got to be sort of able to be generalized to multiple races, but that's not such a big concern.
What do Elves do?
>Look like hot women (especially the men)
>Live for a long time
>Fuck Humans a lot
you could go with some sort of innate intrinsic property of a race, like hobbits are hard to spot beyond just their physical size
What about changes to their culture and values?
You could have Far Eastern, European and South American cultural variants; and races that grow up in Patriarchal Monarchies, Libertarian Republics or Tribal Matriarchies.
Darn I did not finish posting this last thread oh well i'll just restart
You'll get bored eventually.
more like i'll eventually have to go to sleep
I have work tomorrow doing this again so late was a bad idea on my part
See you tomorrow!
The only "weakness" the elves had is that they were huge assholes.
if you don't finish, then you're a bitch
Elves are only good for genociding.
Make them more loving, more innocent, make it so they get an instant boner around humans.
>around humans
Whoever said you have to be a human?
Who said all the modifications had to involve you? Just change it to 'x race' in that case.
grabbing all freebies
>Room type
A fancy manor estate mixed into a Magic forest cavern with crystal lights and bright water that reflects to the roof creating a night sky like top
a small sphere in the center floats like a moon
every room gets it's own comfy cave
>Entrance method
during the day you just chill back wanting to go there and you fall through whatever floor your on in a cool theme park like ride down into another dimension
during night you walk into darkness only to find your new surrounding is the cavern
you can drop and switch people as you please
Auto-Veeky Forums
Jam session
Normie station
Gayman Piisii
Stronk Gear
Fully Loaded
Veeky Forums as heck
Veeky Forumsbulous
Slam Zone
The Rest
Comfytown for an extra outside with lakes and cool shit in general
(the rooms and cavern are all in a mountain)
Will get mountain villages all over the outside of the mountainscape and give myself trainers and teachers
>extras 17pts
Redesign 2
Interbot 9001 3
Lasting Effects 5
Reality Convert 7
HQ, HQ 8
Charm cognition 9
/d/ enchant 10
Data Center 11
Machine Learning 13
grabbing 2 min-maxes 17
don't stop you slut
But you're the slut to want that long ass cyoa
>Piracy: Evasive Maneuvers and Ambush (Experienced), Rebellion: Guerrilla tactics (Storied Past)
Flight, Small Unit Tactics, Public Speaking
Stealth, Survival, Strategy, Leadership, Evasion, Navigation
Durability, Stamina, Small Arms, Melee, Languages, Empathy, Performance, Chameleon, Repairs
>Storied Past (Rebellion), Experienced, Advanced Ship, Fully Stocked
>Public Enemy, Notorious
>Hydra 2120, Reichardt 6, Noble 550, Intruder Armor, Polaris, Guide Book, Medical Kit, Dermal Transplant, Skeletal Reinforcement
>Tactical AI, Security Gear, EVA Suits, Supplies, Spare Parts
>Explorer (it is an advanced ship, gonna rely more on ambush tactics though to win than actual weaponry)
>Hydroponics, Jump Drive, Sensors, EMP Shielding, Support Craft (useful since the new ship will be a bit recognizable)
>Disputed Space, Alliance
>Frances Byrant, Melanine Krauss, Peter Wolsey
>Kasuo Yano, Sarah Jolly, Leah Easton, Dean Faulkner, Amelia Young, Wei Jin, Sila Demir
My story is pretty obvious: My world's long been at the edge of disputed space and we've tried to stay independent for as long as we could, but eventually, the war was lost and with the alliance still on my ass for inciting the initial rebellion against their rule, I turned to piracy, and met a few like-minded people in jail.
Our mission now? We're gonna help those who need it, even if it goes against the laws of whoever.
Unfortunately my idealism does not endear me to the Underworld at all.
damn, I didn't see half of the first page of crew options because my browser cut if off.
>These pervert convicts
Dammit, really, guys?
I'm going for a depraved build but I hit a block seeing most if not all of the potential crew members would hate/kill pedos. Fun challenge, though.
I guess I can't blame you too much, I wanted to do a full on 'incubus spawn' build in the Gifted CYOA. Speaking of...
whoops, sorry, man, I'll finish up soon.
of lower quality, yes. The others focus less on combat, though.
and this should be it. Enjoy, /cyoag/
Sorry man didn't see how many were left didn't mean to interrupt.
This is so simple yet has a good charm to it, I wonder why.
Would pick Violet. First, she seems to have an obsession with me but is otherwise attracted to me (unlike the others besides Emilia), and since she would try to copy my personality, I might be able to use my self-deprecation to get her to develop a personality of her own. I'd also enjoy having a partner with a similar outlook as me (it isn't easy finding a traditional qt willing to wait until marriage).
I would go out of my way to kill Rose, animal cruelty is unacceptable.
last one
What kind of metal is this
or is it more of a metalloid?
Gothic metal? Folk metal? Symphonic metal? PROG METAL?
Where's the Doom? Where's the Thrash? Where's the Sludge? Where's the fucking Heavy Metal?
This is a bush league metal setting and therefore a bush league metal CYOA.
Lunar here. What I was aiming for was saying much with few words. So, you'll notice that I start each girl out with a claim. This doesn't only give you information about what they are like, but it is also allows the reader to decide which girl has the most "legitimate" right on him. Next is the yandere personality quirks, which are really the second quirk, because the girls' first quirk was their claim. I tried to avoid making them too similar, and I also tried to avoid cliche's as much as possible.
(The "We were Lord and Lady" in a past life has been done before, like in denpateki no kanojo, but over all I have never seen anything where a girl claimed to be your guardian angel, or that you are her only hopes of her species' reproduction. At least as far as yandere tropes go.)
As for the combat, I kept in mind you wouldn't always be fighting, So I made sure to give each girl her own magic she could make use of before combat. Also fighting with projectile is obvious for a sorceress, so I gave two little modifications to each girl's projectiles. All that was left was giving them a general school of magic for combat purposes.
Anyway, I'm really proud of this CYOA. It's a nice blend of adventure and waifus. Straight to the point, no tedious hogwash.
Pic related was a picture I was considering for Lydia.
>Animal cruelty is unacceptable
>Doesn't mention the possible human sacrifice.
My sister is just like you. Cares about animals more than people.
Also, Rose sacrifices animals, but it never said she did so inhumanely. Perhaps she kills them quick and cleanly?
I just want Emilia and Faith to get along.
>Industrial Metal
>Shock 1, 2, 3, and 4 18
>Digimortal 3 16
>Mechanize 1, 2, and 3 12
>Female, I dunno, 23?
>Ishtari 1, 3, 4 8
>Ishtari Armor 5
>Industrial Metal Groupie (Female, 17, sassy, bicurious) 4
>Jennarella 2
Can The Metal be sustained by yuri germs? There is only one way to find out.
>My sister is just like you. Cares about animals more than people.
Is she legal? Am 19, looking for misanthropic gf.
>Perhaps she kills them quick and cleanly?
Doesn't matter, it's still an arbitrary killing. Although I would extend her the same courtesy in my attempts to execute her if that were the case.
What is the point in ever fighting though, they don't want to harm you. If you just sit back and let them fight over you you get to have 5 waifus.
Because you won't have 5 waifus. So many people are going to die. You'll at most have 2. So you better pick the ones you like/think will win.
Anyway, It's a bit like adventure without as much peril. So it's kind of comfy.
If they kill each other in the pursuit of dick surely the best choice are the ones least likely to win, so you can enjoy them before their inevitable demise.
I'm not sure I understand your logic, user. Are you saying that the craziest girls are the ones most likely to stick their neck out in the fight, and thus most likely to die? And that if they are crazy they are not as desirable as the others, but it is still worth having sex with them just to try them before they die?
I've been thinking about this one!
TL;DR the idea is to pose as some kind of spirit of nature, trading 'gifts' (healing, weather control) for favours and being generally spooky and all knowing.
Some comments on the CYOA:
Fresh start' is the best option to me, especially with the Synchronity perk. This means i would become rather similar to who i am now, and also there is no dissonance and pain from losing the old life.
Reset on the Lifespan, because its cool and fits the theme
Asexual is halfway to a boon, it rids you of a basic human need, one can still have a romantic relationship with some luck.
Telekinesis is a very very good weapon, in comparison to other stuff. Clairvoyance and Future sight are very powerful aswell, cant imagine anyone skipping both.
The build:
Power Source: Nature
Mental: Enhanced (24)
Life: Reset (19)
Memory: Fresh Start (29) - cuz, losing your old life kind of sucks
Telekinesis, Precision (23)
Clairvoyance, Direct (21)
Healing, Self Service, Miracle (11)
Empathy, Influence (8)
Weather Control (5)
Friend of Nature (2)
Mind Reading (-2)
Levitation, Efficient (-6)
Blessing (-10)
Future Sight, Relevant, Clarity (-16)
Invisibility,Ghost,Invisibility Field (-21)
Weakness (-13)
Asexual, Neutered (-6)
Emotion Link (1)
Guardian: Ally (Jane Farley)
Home: Gaia
I'm going to pick Rose then kill her ASAP
She is intolerable due to the whole human sacrifice thing, so she is the only one I am completely opposed to.
She won't see it coming, and this is the easiest way to get rid of her.
With the only real unacceptable one gone, I'll just wait to see who wins and accept her as my waifu.
Make a better one, I dare you.
user is METAL
Have a good day, user. Yes, (you)!
don't cut yourself on that edge, kid
>being so desperate to ask another user about his sister
I like your style.
>It is not beyond her to sacrifice a human if the opportunity presents itself.
The wording suggests she isn't DIEHARD for human sacrifice though.
>If the opportunity presents itself
A strong word from you would probably prevent that.
With big ol' horsecocks and sweet, sweet horsepussies.
Not exactly 'desperate', more like lonely over having very few people who might get along with me. It was half-jokingly, anyway--Veeky Forums is not where you should go to meet people.
And what is edgy about what I said?
Quies >>>>>Everyone else
Why are you such a slut user?
Time to turn this into a Super Hero CYOA!
>Divine Origin
>Emotional: no change, Physical: No Change, Mental: Sharpened, Life: No Change, Memory: Fresh Start, Spiritual: Magnet
>Healing (Self Service), Blessing, Athleticism (Peak Human, Raw Power), Vitality (Immunity), Empathy, Mechanics (inner focus), Barrier (Permanent, Wide), Tongues (Siren, Non-Verbal), Psychometry, Dowsing (Specific)
>No Curses
>Ally Guardian
>Riverfront East
>Danny Glass (basically my sidekick/partner. The city is sick and we're the cure!), Kate Fox (sweet girl, helps Danny and I find trouble to punch), Anna Ramstead (Troubled girl who helps us out, it stings like hell but I've been helping her craving for flesh by letting her munch on me and then heal myself)
>Eric Strickland (my friendly police contact), Holly Osborn (my guardian and helps keep me informed), Louise Webb (My teacher who is in-the-know and helps keep my stories straight with the others)
>First impressions, Synchronicity
And while enemies are not actually an option in this, for my usual rogues gallery I'll pick:
>Derrick Wright
This demonically empowered thug torments people throughout the city, Danny, Anna, and myself regularly need to teach him manners, but we all fear each time we beat him down, Derrick becomes less and less human.
>Lorie Copeland
Far from the most dangerous of malevolent foe, she's still reckless and often endangers herself, her friends, and others around them. not to mention property damage. Often seen with her Gypsy friend Liam Black.
>Joseph Harrison
And here's my biggest foe: the corrupt politician whose made himself seemingly untouchable in his safe little bubble of hired thugs. I and my league of justice plan to pop that little bubble of his and pull out the black roots of the city's ills right out from the soil he's blighted!
>Cpt. Walter Brunn
>Skills : Navigation, Logistics [0|0|2.5|0.5]
Former hotelier who lost his business early during the war. Joined the war effort to regain his patrimony.
+Jazz, Routines
>Operator : W.O. Lulu Velstadt(0|0|0|2)
>Gunner : 1st Lt. Marcelle Browning (3|0|1|0)
>Driver : Cpl. Penny Hathaway(0|1|3|0)
>Mechanic :Sgt. Sandy Wentwood(0|2|0|0)
>Reisengrimm(Giant's Rage)
>Artillery [2|1|0|1]
>Specialties : Sniper, G.E.S., Phoenix Rounds
>Final Stats: (5|3|6.5|2.5)
>Destination : North Canarican Battlefront
The Reisengrimm is capable of effortlessly climbing mountains and raining fire down on it's enemies. Elevation alone makes targeting this tank with traditional artillery nearly impossible, and the rocky locations chosen as it's nest and the presence of Ubermensch Wentwood complicate infantry assaults. Logistically, it can keep firing indefinitely thanks to a high Mechanic stat and W.O. Velstadt's unique ability, which strips nature of it's minerals and uses them to fabricate shells on the spot. If overpowered, the Reisengrimm will make use of it's high speed stat and flee further/across the mountains, finding a second location from which to resume shooting on important targets/pursuers.
>Although I would extend her the same courtesy in my attempts to execute her
that's maximum edge right there. also misantrophy is just a phase you'll grow out of, trust me
Proportionality is edgy now?
I don't think I will ever stop hating humanity, also--everything that happens nowadays just makes me hate them more.
Now that I've done my obligatory Gifted CYOA self-response, to try this lovely little thing.
I'll be blunt, I'm a horny bastard.
>Super Heavy Tank
Less about the intimidation and more about my crew and I being able to make ourselves at home. (I guess it'll be way less frightening when this thing rolls up with some of the girls sleeping on hammocks out the side and a barbeque set up)
>Morale (that's what I'm here for, isn't it?), Navigation (normally, I'd be recruited for tactically value but I was needed to help this thing be a little more mobile)
>Flamethrower (because we're gonna need to cover a lot of tank and reach into gaps a machinegun might miss), Vacation supplies (long term operations and fun), Ablative Armor (to keep us alive)
Now for why we're all here: waifus.
>Erika Opaline (Gunner), Agnes Kagutsuchi (Engineer), Penny Hathaway (Driver), Elanore Waterhouse (Operator)
So my tank's final stats come out to:
Cannon: 5
Armor: 6
Speed: 5 1/2
Tactics: 5 1/2
Funny how the cannon on ours is the 'weakest' part of the thing.
Then again, this might actually be a weaker build in general compared to what others might be able to do.
Operation: Skaldsland Countryside
That said, there's a reason I brought Erika with me and I stressed speed and tactics over offense: we need to be careful about how we fight the enemy here and avoid civilian casualties, more than that: our tank is meant to be a symbol of Veropean's power and ensured victory. We're basically more trying to go on parade and stomp a few enemies along the way to win over the people.
Doesn't this have a DLC?
>last one
I was wrong there's more
Ah yes you're correct.
Ah shit, my build for this ended up being over 15,000 characters. Nobody is going to read that.
you know you want to post it, user
I wish to be the (creepy psychic) little girl
>Psychic Energy
Latent psychic powers awakened by a home invasion
>normal emotions, sickly body, sharpened mind, prime of life (21), fresh start, spiritual magnet
My powers may have sharpened my mind, but my body doesn't hold up as well and just having these powers seems to attract weirdness.
>Precise powerful telekinesis, Wide Barrier, Efficient Levitation, Influential Empathy, Deep Telepathy, Pain, Relevant future sight
Most of my abilities directly effect objects around me, and the rest relate to reading people. Future sight is akin to spidey sense.
>Emotional Link, Anxiety
A 12 year old kid isn't going to have the best control over their emotions. Especially when said kid has freaky powers.
>Ally Guardian
Since my parents died, I've been living with my great uncle Henry Morris. He has cool stuff and lets me touch his beard.
>Yarrow Falls
The town is small, but feels comfy. Everyone knows each other and is pretty friendly. We even have a 7-11.
>Danny Glass, Adam Wiley, Leah Dawson
Danny's a rough kid but he wants to help people and I don't feel nervous around him. Maybe because he's so honest.
Adam was the first one I told about my powers. We sit next to each other in class and Ms. Webb made us study buddies.
Leah comes into Uncle Henry's shop a lot. We both can do weird stuff so we're besties.
The four of us get into trouble a lot between Danny's crusade, Leah's magic and my powers. But there's some grown-up who help us out.
>Henry Morris, Eric Strickland, Lorie Copeland
Sheriff Strickland is actually really nice and didn't even tell anyone about the time I wrecked that truck that almost hit me. Tells Henry when I stay out late though.
Lorie is Danny's friend and old babysitter. Her cigarettes smell bad but her friends play cool music and helped us fight off that crowman in the scrapyard.
>Family (Henry Morris), First Impression
TL;DR: Superman living in Gravity Falls more or less.
Male, 15
>Power Source
Physical - Perfect (-4)
>Life - Prime (-15)
>Memory - Fresh Start (+10)
Vitality (-3)
Athleticism with Raw Power upgrade (-10)
Barrier with Permanent upgrade(-6)
Charm (-3 We in the negatives now but we'll get some points back from curses)
Interference (-2)
Blessing (-4)
Emotion link (+7)
Ally - Charlie Hedden
Yarrow Falls - All about the quiet mountain town with strange occurrences, and small town feel
>Student Allies
Kate Fox - The childhood friend that may or may not like me
Scarlet Manning - Tsundere as fuck
Danny Glass - Bro who helps me get in and out of trouble while off having adventures with
>Adult Allies
Charlie Hedden - He may or may not own and operate an oddities shop and mystery location tourist trap
Julie Slater - Obsessive doctor who likes to run "tests"
Family - Good ol' good for nothing Uncle Hedden took me in
First Impression - Gain Victoria Bainbridge as an ally. Ghost/Corpse who'll surely make life more interesting having around.
Sad stuff happened
Please post wholesome CYOAs so I can ease my sorrow