Reposting from the old thread, hopefully getting some responses in this one.
So I wanted to start a campaign where the players start off as a group of kids and grow into their powers over time. So each level they don't just get stronger, but it could also represent them growing up through the years, getting bigger and stronger and more independent.
I thought that it would be a cool story telling device to kind of show them face small threats until they eventually get strong enough to take on undying beasts, towering monstrosities, and ruthless tyrants so that they could look back on the days when they were little and struggling against rats and stuff.
I wanted to really make my players feel a sense of wonder in the setting and a feeling of nostalgia every once in a while. Furthermore, I feel like if their characters grew up together, then they would be a better, more cohesive party and they would get more into roleplaying as their characters.
My question is: how would you guys handle this kind of story telling thing? I'm really excited to do this thing but I'm not entirely sure where to start, or where to go. I have a few ideas brewing, but nothing in particular.
>tl;dr how would you run a campaign that takes a party of children and grows them into an adventuring party to be reckoned with?
Kevin Ortiz
If the DM is using Going without a Long Rest rules from Xanathar's, the not-long-resting coffeelock is subject to a constitution save against exhaustion.
Hunter Evans
Has there ever been anything official regarding preparing abilities/spells/etc when leveling up? Came up after our last session since we've handled it as "You need to rest to get access to those powers" until now but noone can say why we went with this.
Brayden Brooks
Can wyrmlings lay eggs? I reckon they are in the 5 years old range of a dragon, but is it possible? I can't find any solid answer elsewhere.
Alexander Evans
Why is Mike Mearls, presumably a straight man, so intent on acting gay and immersing himself in homosexuality?
Oliver Morales
If you don't need to sleep you don't need to sleep.
Alexander Miller
>This character transcends exactly one aspect of the system: resource management. He's free.
Wasn't that the original idea behind warlocks in the first place? Low level casters that never run out of mojo to sling around. Essentially a fighter/thief hybrid with magical abilities instead of conventional.
Owen Hill
why are you so interested in the answer? you got a crush?
Logan Richardson
Going without a Long Rest rule does not exclude creatures that don't sleep. This would include elves. Are you saying elves don't need to take long rests ever as well?
Wyatt Rodriguez
Stop being a retard.
Christopher Morris
Personally I wouldn't, it's a gimmick that isn't going to instill anymore sense of wonder than just telling a decent story. Unless your players are all for this then God speed to you lot.
Joseph Reed
Why else would I ask? Of course I've got a crush!
Cameron Cooper
Honestly, I'm failing to see how this would even unbalance the game.
Brayden Fisher
What could a Aspect of the Moon Warlock get up to during that extra eight hours of down-time RAW without multiclassing?
Jonathan Lee
jerkin' it
Colton Phillips
I would see if they are up for this and then do some of It as a kind of session zero where their characters would start as kids. I wouldn't make it take too long before they are adults though .
Owen Sanders
Ritual casting like a motherfucker
Eli Wright
>Flameskull isn't immune to exhaustion. >Microwave it with Sickening Radiance Does the Flameskull rejuvenate?
Austin Myers
What rituals?
Jayden Peterson
Keep concentrating on the Hex spell from yesterday.
Carter Sanders
Forbiddance, Divination, Commune with nature, Augury, and the like . That is assuming it's a tomelock.
Hudson Brown
Also Contact other plane if you're feeling lucky
Juan Russell
It has to be a tomelock.
I guess that's true
Ian Nguyen
I don't think this has ever been clarified, but let me approach this in the worst way possible - real world comparisons.
Dragons seem to be endotherm reptiles that lay hard-shelled eggs. The closest relative in the real world given those aspects would be Pterodactyls and Leatherback turtles, with both only having pseudo-endothermia and leatherbacks only having almost hard-shelled eggs.
Both of those species become fertile only in the second half of their lives, most often in the last third, and both have a natural lifespan of 30 to 50 years.
That being given, a female Wyrmling would probably not be able to lay eggs - a Dragon will probably be able to reproduce once he reaches 200 to 300 years of age.
Jose Thomas
Hey Veeky Forums, I've just joined a new game and our DM is letting everyone come up with a "signature" magic item to have. Could I get some suggestions on what to put for mine?
The character is a Tiefling bard/warlock. Classic musician-who-sold-his-soul-for-talent backstory. I've already figured that I'm getting an Instrument of the Bards, taking the form of a fiddle, because I love Charlie Daniels like everybody else. Trouble is, I don't know what spells to stick on it. The fiddle comes from his Fiend patron, so fiend-appropriate spells, as well as anything that has thematic resonance with Devil Went Down to Georgia, would be nice.
If you come up with some other thing a magic fiddle could do or be, of course, that'd be nice too, I suppose. I got the impression that just grabbing something out of the DMG was rather gauche.
Connor Lopez
Fair enough. I'll come up with something else.
Ayden Ramirez
well what kind of power level are we talking?
Luis Rivera
Pyrotechnics from Xanathar's Guide sounds like a good fit.
Thomas Sullivan
I've talked to some of my players about it and they seem up for it. I was kind of thinking of one or two sessions of them growing up. Like little kids going on a small adventure and sneaking away from their parents, turning into teenagers who are starting to want to adventure out. Then a larger section when they are young adults setting out on their adventure to where things start to get crazy. I hope it goes on long enough that they can hit their prime and maybe the epilogue could be them settling down or training the next generation of adventurers.
I got some of the idea from the feelings evoked at the end of Earthbound to be honest.
Would y'all be against playing in that kind of campaign? I mean, the timing can be changed around and stuff, since it isn't a big deal, but I realized that there are plenty of campaigns about a group of strangers joining forces to take down the bad guys, but we don't hear stories about old friends walking into the pits of hell for each other.
And when we do hear of those, we don't always get to know why they're so close. I would like to explore that.
Blake Gray
If you're the DM, fuck whatever I said and do you. Comparing Dragons to real world reptiles is only good for activating your almonds and nothing more. You could even have infertile Wyrmlings being able to lay eggs that can never be fertilized, I mean we're talking about a species of animals that can spit fire, electricity or even whatever "poison" is.
Michael Wood
"A female dragon can produce eggs beginning at her young adult stage and remains fertile though the very old stage." -Draconomicon p.10 So probably not.
Cooper Long
If you don't have the book here's the spell, albeit kinda small
Jaxson Fisher
>Are you saying elves don't need to take long rests ever as well?
Ayden Rodriguez
I am, but you made a good point. I found an article that says something close to what you said, too, so I came up with something else. The red dragon wyrmling will be protecting her other siblings (still in eggs) while the mother is away hunting.
I'll check it out for more information.
Kevin Gutierrez
You know how a gagged/tied Sorcerer can cast V,S spells with Subtle Spell? I found the solution: put them in armor that they're not proficient with.
Ryder Reyes
Holy shit, a Bardlock that isn't a Hexblade. Do mine eyes deceive me, or is this man not a powergaming munchkin?
Gavin Lee
I really like the idea of a Monk/Fighter hybrid. Pathfinder had a cool idea (hear me out!) with the Brawler, and I've been pondering if there was a way to port the same concept over to 5E. A light-medium armored frontline fighter who has a number of martial arts tricks to fall back on. Nothing ever really felt like a Brawler, in my opinion.
Been thinking about this, but my brain keeps locking up. So I thought I'd see if /5eg has some ideas. I don't want to make /another/ goddamn Zen Swordmaster archetype like I see everywhere. I want a more traditional...low-Wuxia sort of warrior, if that makes sense. An armored warrior that combines his sword and spear skills with kung fu. A highly self-disciplined soldier with an air of both mercenary and mystery. A Ki-Fighter.
What do people here think of the concept?
Mason Hill
>mage prison where everybody is forced to wear plate
William Cruz
>Devil Went Down to Georgia Minor Illusion with sound only, being able to replicate any musical instrument
Michael Gutierrez
That actually sounds a lot cooler than if your original idea was young mother. I've never fought the big sister dragon in 20 years of roleplaying, good on you.
Grayson Green
We have a running joke about our groups Monk being afraid of shields to the point where he would fall into a panic-induced coma if he was ever forced to carry one.
Eli White
It also helps building up a later arc, in which the red dragon mother is hellbent on finding and killing the adventurers for destroying her kobold cult and taking her eggs and hoard.
Evan Cooper
>the head of the prison gang is the Mountain Dwarf who has Heavily Armored
Jonathan Myers
>A light-medium armored frontline fighter who has a number of martial arts tricks to fall back on.
It's called Battlemaster.
Brody White
Anthony James
hey aldus can you help me rearrange the keep, just hang on a sec, would you just hold this coffee table for a minute, the top comes right off, not heavy don't worry, why are you sweating?
Nicholas Phillips
I understand that D&D is a game about roleplaying and I really, truly do understand the value of getting inside your character's head. I love the "social" aspect of the game. I need to preface that, because I don't want to come off as a curmudgeon.
But I have a player in my game right now whose character is - secretly - a warlock. In-character, she's trying to keep the fact that she is a warlock hidden from us, but we know that she's a warlock out of character because there have been scenes where her patron has talked to her and warned her that we won't trust her if we know she has an infernal pact. This is apparently like, a whole thing she and the GM set up.
The problem is that, because she doesn't want us to know she's a warlock, she refuses to use her magic in front of us. She's just been hanging in the back of combats for two sessions now, plunking off crossbow bolts, and not using any of the abilities that would make her not dead weight.
This is all evidently building up to a big, cool, dramatic moment where she has to use her powers and I'm sure it will be a great roleplaying moment for her but... am I being a badwrongfun guy for finding the fact one of our spellcasters is absolutely refusing to cast spells really, really annoying?
Brayden Anderson
Come up with an in character reason to ask her if there's anything else she could do in combat, or maybe bring it up with her out of game
Jace Brown
Im running a warlock whos convinced hes a cleric. Still chucking spells around, but not really there for healing, till he took a level in bard, then is able to toss heals all over the place.
Andrew Martinez
blackmail her with erp if she doesn't carry her own weight
Kevin Cox
>am I being a badwrongfun guy
Sorta? If she's working with the DM, then I'm hoping the DM is also avoiding situations that could only be solved by the Warlock's spells or invocations.
Sure, it's suboptimal, but once the big reveal happens she'll most likely turn into the EB turret you're expecting. Any indications as to how far out the big moment is?
Gabriel King
Why would your character be traveling with someone whose only addition be that she shoots something from time to time. Or just pretend she's a ranger/fighter/rogue and see if she is being actually different from any of those. Then just treat her character as if she were one of those
Hudson Lopez
Give her character the dramatic moment she needs to come out. Let a monster break through to her or get yourself in a form of danger that she could negate by using her powers if your characters are close.
Or, you know, detect magic while she is within 30 feet.
Alexander Collins
>detect magic while she is within 30 feet
Wouldn't work.
Brandon Stewart
Gabriel Ward
Have your character start berating her character for being so useless, so that the player is encouraged to have her "big reveal" sooner rather than later.
Ethan Ross
Detect Magic detects magic. A spellcaster isn't necessarily magic by themselves. Once they cast a spell, or have a lasting spell put on them or someone else in the area, then you would get the ping.
>detect magic =/= detect spellcasters
Hunter Carter
Because the character isn't using magic.
Samuel Davis
What about a campaign where the party is actually just children the whole time? It could be like a Goonies-style adventure, with the group of children being forced to use their wits and limited abilities to defeat comparatively much stronger adult enemies.
Xavier Jenkins
Making stuff within a semi reasonable time
Kevin Green
Wait, did my group misinterpret this spell the whole time? >Any creature that bears magic Seems to imply spellcasters for me
Mason Myers
Bears magic could be interpreted that way, sure. But it was intended to be if someone was charmed by a spell, tagged by hunters mark, or had some magical item on their person.
Charles Flores
Ah, good to know. I guess I'll bring this up with my group next tuesday. You really do learn something new every day.
Jaxon Thomas
help Veeky Forums i'm pretty completely new to this whole thing and i decided to sign up for a casual event on saturday i don't know whether or not i'm supposed to bring my own character or make my own or what i'm stressing out over this because there seems like so much stuff that goes into rolling a character what do
Jonathan Wright
Jaxon Garcia
There are tools online that you can use to make/manage a character, if doing it manually seems intimidating. Do you know/can contact any of the people who will be playing with you? If it's a casual event, I imagine at least one of them would be willing to walk you through the process of making a character from start to finish.
Caleb Ramirez
The event hoster should have details, or at least be able to put in you in contact with the DM.
Unfortunately I have no contact with any of them outside of the meetup group, but I guess I can pose a question on the event page.
Christopher Mitchell
Ok I need you to take a deep breath and get your balls out fo your purse. Ok if it's a casual thing then panicking over this is pointless. It's easy as shit to make a character if you're not sure because you can just pick the standard array, then follow the guidelines in the class you want to play. If nothing else you can also just ask someone or the DM to help you make one right quick. Pick one or the other, either make one now or just wait and make one there.
Adam Watson
You mean it's not for detecting magical bears?
Colton Clark
>STRENGTH >MONK No armor proficiency. Strength isn't as good as dexterity without Unarmored Defense.
Owen Bell
BM sucks.
Hunter Diaz
If the bear is magic, as in has magical properties or is enchanted, then yes you can detect it. If the bear can cast spells (but is currently not casting any spells, or have spells effecting it) then no
Aaron Morris
>what do Breathe mate, this hobby involves rolling dice for a whole evening and laughing about silly Goblin voices.
After you've done that, if you can't contact the group before the event it will be a good way to get the basic idea of the system by creating your own character, wether or not you are going to be playing that one.
Stick to martials for now, the resource management of most arcane classes can be overwhelming and hinder your enjoyment of the session a lot, especially if you're already stressing out now. Use an online tool like Orkpub or print out a sheet of paper and stick to the player's handbook for now.
Sebastian Jones
>i don't know whether or not i'm supposed to bring my own character or make my own or what Ask the DM. >i'm stressing out over this because there seems like so much stuff that goes into rolling a character There isn't. Stop being autistic. Use your social skills. Ask the DM.
Grayson Reyes
I'd play the shit out of it and laugh at all the autists that would screech about anime in these threads if someone posted a homebrew for it.
Hudson Wilson
It's a social event. They will help you out.
Thomas Cruz
In any case, print one or two 1st lvl chars from the link in . It's a safe assumption that a game on a meetup would be a 1st-level one. I'd recommend going with someone non-magical: Rogue, Fighter or Barbarian are stupidly simple at first level.
Nolan Edwards
If a bear mage bears a barely visible magical bair in his bare paws, would you need to see it first (perception wise) or would the standard action reveal it nonetheless if you didn't know it was there?
Brandon Parker
thank you guys for the advice, this has been p helpful with sorting out being anxious about nothing
Ryder Jackson
Would a slightly buffed Death Knight be a reasonable final challenge for 5 level 12 adventurers? It's intended to be very tough, but still doable.
Gavin Long
all you need is one level of fighter, though two works better.
Julian Gonzalez
The hell is with the green and red?
Wyatt Sullivan
According to the spell, if it is within 30 feet of you, you can sense the magic of the magical bair in the mage bear's bare paws. To bear witness to the bair's magic you would have to use your standard action to see the faint aura around the bair (if the bair the bear is bearing bears magic). However, the bair's aura might be lost in the bare hands of the bear and might require a perception check. Of course, none of this matters if the bear's hands are made of 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. Unless the bear used its magic to make its paws that way. Then you would detect the magic used to transform the paws. Don't forget you learn its school of magic if it has any.
Kevin Watson
Cheers, user. And if you find yourself worrying about things as the event gets closer, take a breather and remember that most people attending a casual event will either be beginners themselves or very beginner-friendly. Don't worry about messing up your first time, it's expected and it's how we learn.
Ian Scott
Red is things you lose by being an armored Monk. Green is things that you still have while wearing armor.
Logan Stewart
Might as well mark flurry of blows in red because you can't replace the damage while wearing armor since they are unarmed strikes. So you're locked to 1d4/2 or 1d4 with a feat.
Eli Brown
Thanks for clarifying I am a man of simple pleasures
Josiah Martinez
It should be. I ran a boss fight for 5 15-17 lvl adventurers with a slightly rebalanced Death Knight, his retinue of 4 Wights with PC levels and some lair effects. They fought each other for, like, 5 rounds. PCs came out pretty well out of it, so I initiated Phase 2 - dead DK transformed into a Devourer. That was fun.
Juan Mitchell
My pleasure dude I don't have anything better to do with my life at this point
Luis Smith
An Open Hand monk can use those flurries to force prone, which might be useful for an armored Monk grappler, since you're already taking Strength for your Athletics rolls.
Levi Flores
Just got Volos guide and starting a new campaign. Any fun character builds based on the new races?
Daniel Flores
So...lose all the best and most worthwhile parts of the Monk class.
Owen Wood
Gotcha. I appreciate the help, friend. I don't believe I'd be turning this particular guy into a Devourer, but I have some other plans for him in particular.