Another night in alone on New Years, anons

Another night in alone on New Years, anons.

I tell myself next next will be different and that I'll get things done but nothing ever materialises. To make matters worse, all of the normies out having the time of their lives tonight have more money than me too.

At times like these I'm always reminded how close I am to just ending it for good.
Life flashing by so fast before our very eyes and we are the ones who will miss it. We'll miss everything, the fun, the laughter, the romance, the smell of the fresh air, the feeling in the air... the fireworks. We'll miss the fireworks.

The ultimate FOMO, my friends. We are living it.

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Happy New year mate

You too mate.

same. relax u faggot. everythings mooning. so its a good day.

dude who cares

if you can't enjoy life on your own and being alone then you should probably kys because your well being is dependent on others

>girl asks me to come over and celebrate
>boyfriend out of town

Does she want to fuck?

OP if you're white, just chalk up you being lonely to "white genocide". It's the jews and the blacks and the browns who forced you to be alone with no gf and friends

its not your fault ;^)

Fear of Fireworks

maybe, but your autistic ass will probably mess it up

I don't have a lot of crypto to make it anyway even if they mooned x100

"dude"... are you retarded? I can live on my own, but I have done for too long now.

Well I mean, it probably is though, isn't it? The reason I have no social interaction with these people is precisely because I'm not low IQ enough to like the normie shit they like, thus we have nothing in common.

user, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group asap..

same user. But my crypto gains will allow me to stop waging to travel and work on new ventures full time.

Great future ahead and you can do it too if you seize the moment of this once in a lifetime opportunity crypto is giving us.

In a few years those normies will still be waging while you made it in 2018/2019.

I fucking hope so my man. I can't take this shit for much longer

>Well I mean, it probably is though, isn't it? The reason I have no social interaction with these people is precisely because I'm not low IQ enough to like the normie shit they like, thus we have nothing in common.


dude I literally did it. I lost all my friends years ago after going full schizo and was pretty much a shut in for 5 years.

Now I'm literally sitting on 7 figures all thanks to crypto and unlimited time & autism.

Im going to get rid of all responsibilities I have in my shitty country and travel and force myself to have a social life.

You can do it too. Curret bubble cycle may be deflating but that just means you can place your bets for the next one

You can make it!

>dude I literally did it. I lost all my friends years ago after going full schizo and was pretty much a shut in for 5 years.

Are you me? SHIT

I hope you have a good year user, thx for the advice.

OP how old are you? Tbh if you're under 21 or 22 and REEEEing about normies it doesn't fucking matter. I hate to say it but just like what you did in high school doesn't matter at all once you get to college...what you did in college doesn't matter at all afterwards (aside from your career and money situation). Socially, people don't give a fuck once you're an actual adult on your own supporting yourself.

My friend group has changed dramatically since graduating college and moving home. I'm 26 now. I dunno OP, I know the loneliness can suck, but my point is that you can still make friends and become part of a group, it's never too late really

Honestly I think with crypto It helps being an outcast and having been removed from society for a while. We can look at shit from the outside without travelling in the normie realitytunnel.

I'm watching TV with my wife. We've barely spoken to each other all day. I'm just waiting to roll a fat one and play PS4 after the year changes.. being alone isn't that bad

I'm 23, neet, no friends, literally close to poverty.

Probably true if it was 5 years ago

It is, man.

post an email address, user.

[email protected]

clever beg thread OP

Nah man, just a feels thread

happy new year OP

happy new year

>5 new posts

23 is still young OP. I hate to say this, but I'm 26 and feel way way older than I did at 23. At 23 I barely felt different than I did at 20 or 21. You're still in your "early 20s". Use this to the max.

I'm in my later 20s and approaching 30. I have a few years to get my shit together, you have closer to a decade. Of course I may be saying the same thing to a 26 year old in a few years, but my point is that don't think 23 is too late. It's not.

I have a new year's eve party to go to tonight. But it's supposed to be negative 30 windchill (I'm in fucking Missouri not a cold state) and I've had a DUI before so I don't want to drive. The thing is I don't even want to go. I'll just see the same people I always see and I'll drink and smoke pot and probably snort some cocaine if given to me. But truthfully I'd rather just sit at home obsessing over cryptos even though I'm not making any money. Of course though if I don't go to the party people will think I'm being a weird anti social hermit

You just know something will moon or crash when people are out partying tonight, unable to get to their computers in time to buy or sell.

>i too smrt for friendz

22 here and never been to a party in my life. Haven't had friends since I was 11 years old. Has anyone recovered from a hole like this?

You are the same guy who said you were going to kill yourself in The other beg thread bc you lost 26ETH :/

I can feel my youth evaporating

No, but its the truth

Probably, user. You have to try stay positive either way

u reminded me of this song havent heard it in years

Point of view.

In my country is 23:14 and at 39y, for the first time in my life I'm alone in front of the pc (except my dog) at the last night of year.
This time I refused to exit with all other decerebrated sheeps to do the same autistic shit of every fucking year (laughter, romance, fresh air, fireworks, etc).

Much better a new year starting with all you faggots

Man up you faggot. Do whatever make you happy and stop comparing yourself to others.

what if you are black and want to blow your brains out?

You'll make it user

The grass is always greener on the other side

23 here, with a 8-5

lived by myself for a few months now and decided i will never live with anyone again.

i dont get how people ''need each other'' to be good. Its probably one of those gigantic memes that snow-balled into modern society.

I could have a lot in common with someone, but if their general way of thinking shit thru is ass, i'll probably never want to see them again.

i can fix this on my own

>Non happy
money can fix this

great, actually

I sometimes agree and feel like I am doing something good. I am sacrificing my youth for the future, etc... however on nights like these, I feel like the character out of a Russian novel.

I hope we all make it someday, user.

happy new years everyone. you'll make op if you're honest with yourself and try. I've been here on and off since 2013 (bought 1 btc ath then never told anyone when it promptly dropped) and spent more than one new years on Veeky Forums. It's okay to spend a new years alone, try to get out more this year okay though?

Happy new year to you too. Yeah, I will hopefully do more this year. Steps forward....

and all that I mean to say it was a terrible shame for me because I considered myself not a brainlet but I never sold and it turned out okay even if it took years (i did sell the first go around to 12k and bought alts and eth). Usually things work out.

Happy New Year faggot

wow its me but I just started

hope to be you