All PCs should be lesbians
All PCs should be lesbians
In a pure text game where ERP is tolerated as a side-activity and everyone's able to keep it separate from gameplay. With a GM that holds and enforces this distinction.
So sure, in an impossible game all pc's should be rug munchers
So a game about Lesbos anti-degeneracy vigilante squad?
Nah. Every good party has variety, based on the characters each player would like to roleplay. Hence the term, roleplaying. Lesbians are nice, sure, but having too much of one ingredient can ruin the entire dish. Moderation.
Speaking of which...
But how will I play my “David Bowie but with a starship and no morals” character if I can’t be a dude.
David Bowie wasn't always a dude either.
Yes, males included.
Pretty dang sure he had a Y chromosome his whole life.
That’s a dude.
That would be boring, like the 90% of yuri anime and manga which is only yuri because there are no guys in the setting.
Life, uh, finds a way.
Genetics are fickle.
The ideal PC is an extremely horny female knight that rapes anyone cute or sexy regardless of gender.
Technically, this is SFW
I don't have a PC, I have a Mac.
So, already extremely fucking gay.
If they won't delete /pol/ shit, what makes you think they'd delete this?
y'know, I've always wanted to see something either in a movie or a book.
a setting with a princess (or at least some rich/noble daughter of some sort) with a rather smitten lesbian handmaiden or guard. She's wanted by the gallant hero of the setting and the manic and sadistic villain as well
The princess is aware of the attentions of the the others but is young and not quite sure what she wants to do or even how to handle things of a romantic nature
The scene I've always wanted to see (it could be the hero or the villain, villainy preferred) is where the lesbian guardian gets into a rather fierce battle with whoever comes to retrieve the girl, exulting how they can never have her or can't protect her, before the hero disarms and assures her that this is the best path or that he'll protect her well, or the villain viciously kills her while the princess watches and screams in the background and says something like "If my prize is half as good as this cunt was, I can't wait to get a taste!"
and I'm talking obsessed super love between characters, like just being in the same room as each other is like breathing love-scented cocaine and getting further from eachother feels like every step is on a newly sharpened nail
dunno, I've always wanted this to happen somewhere, but it just never seems to appear
is that a double crossdress?
ok, now provide your supporting arguments for this conclusion...
That's Tilda Swinton.
AKA David Bowie.
play “Tilda Swinton playing David Bowie but with a starship and no morals”
Shit beat me to it.
Technically, you're a faggot and deserve to be hung for your straight shota garbage
>All PCs should be lesbians
If so there would be fewer chances for sex and much more domestic violence.
Look up "lesbian bed death" and how often rug munchers whale (pun intended) the shit out of each other.
Fuck off retarded faggot.
You have it backwards, OP:
>All lesbians should be PCs
Your taste is shit and you smell of it.
Just because I'm small doesn't mean you can make me be a girl. Look, I'll play a lesbian, but you have to make public corporal punishment normal in your setting. We're merging magical realms.
No, because then I can't cockblock the bard by seducing the girls he targets.
Lesbians are monsters, to be honest. They have the pettiness of a woman with the vindictive nature of a man. Plus, more likely to use violence.
Lesbian characters are just a big cocktease, the big problem is that they cant dick other girls without becoming disgusting trannies and losing all their original charm
Its an unescapable conundrum
>they cant dick other girls without becoming disgusting trannies
Or course they can, if they really wish to.
No they cant, its impossible, the moment they have a dick or something similar attached to them they lose their feminine charm and the sanctity of pure lesbianism has been corrupted
Even strap-ons are shameful interlopers
What if he did and it said that you are a huge faggot?
>Ywn be that squire
Why live.
Curvy chicks in plate armor makes me incredibly hard, I wonder where this fetish even originated from.
You have some serious baggage, man.
It took me a while to realized that she's wearing neither a tasset or a cuisse, though, to be honest, I thought it was hotter when she had a piece of armor firmed shaped to her ass.
I don't like lesbians because unlike straight women they wont put up with my garbage and pander to me!!1!
No wonder I prefer women over men.
If you're running Car Lesbians this should've been obvious from the start.
How about megucas using their gems for sex? Is that wrong too?
In my experience, all female PCs already are
But indeed, I concur to that statement.
Oh, it is SOOOOOO wrong.
But in a good way, right?
Just play Tilda Swinton with a spaceship, no morals and some space ice bear pets.
>/pol/ shit gets deleted
>/pol/acks complain that muh esjaydubjah threads are all over and are never pruned
>fa/tg/uys point out there are no lefty/pol/ threads around
>/pol/ starts a false flag lesbianposting raid
So am I getting the gist of it? Or do we have our own brand of barneyfag tier autist now?
Also there's Oscar Wilde reincarnating as a lesbian within his own family in order to hit on the wives of the men he hit on.
Veeky Forums is second only to /u/ in terms of how many gay girl enthusiasts we have. It's always been like this, user. Maybe you're only seeing it for the first time.
/v/ has better yuri threads than /u/ most of the time, believe it or not.
Not even close. /pol/ shit never gets deleted. /pol complains that they are unfairly targeted by people who hate them on Veeky Forums, which is anyone who likes Veeky Forums. Shitposters have been posting this crap since before the nazi mod existed, and long before and after the promlematic writers and questers were banned from Veeky Forums (despite that being one of the major excuses for banning them).
Totally forgot about that, but now that you mention it... indeed
I'm one of the guys that made Car Lesbians, don't tell me shit. There's been a noticable uptick of threads about lesbians and not in the usual /totallygay/ way. It reeks of a raid.
Seconded. Just play Car Lesbians OP
Bullshit, I've reported two threads yesterday and they were gone within the hour.
I don't think it's actually a raid because it's been only one thread per day, but you could be right.
And... yeah, I agree they've been bad threads.
Citation needed, because I've seen threads reported multiple times by multiple people stay up for days.
How the fuck am I going to cite that, nigger? Even if I screenshot the catalog before and after, that might just be a shoop
Go back in time and take pics of the catalog.
a raid by /u/ is probably the most genteel raid
I might shop those, though. If I go out of my way to lie and then time travel to provide pictures, shopping them is a small task.
Then go into the past and take a pic of the catalog and you buttfucking your past self with a timesstamp. Those that know about shoops will be able to tell of you are telling the truth or not
>Genetics are fickle.
Not according to dental records. Some asshole soy sucking nu-male that mutilated his dick gets murdered and guess what, he's still male once the coroner gets a heads up from forensic odontology.
If people want to raid by dumping yuri manga or something, I'm pretty okay with that.