Forgot to put "Infinity General" in the Subject field and jumped the gun (old thread not on page 9-10 yet). Disgusting alien.
Benjamin Smith
Yeah, sounds like a lot of unnecessary crap. It's autosaging and on page 6/7.
Ryder Peterson
Questions about this game: >What's the average entry/solid force/competitive price points? >What's the community like? >How much room for "Your Dudes" is there? >What factions are there, and what do they play like? >As someone who plays Dark Eldar/Harlequins in 40K, what do you think I'd like in Infinity?
Samuel Sanchez
Typical point level is 300pts. Starter games are usually 150-200pts. I've been told it averages to $100-150, but I'm not American, so I can't verify.
Community is good as long as you're not in some bumfuck town in Eastern Europe.
You can paint your guys however you like, but the factions are pretty well defined.
Check the faction rundown in the OP. There's 8 main factions + 16 sectorials, it can be a bit of a headache to try to take it all in at once.
What's Dark Eldar/Harlequin playstyle like, fast, lots of bikes, aggressive? If so, Japanese Sectorial Army might be your pick.
Caleb James
I came from orks in 40k. My 300 pt army (which is the standard size from what I've seen) ran me ~$100.
The Your Dudes room is tiny compared to 40k but there is still plenty of room for customization of your list to make it feel unique to your playstyle. I have yet to see a single unit that is 100% trash, meaning you could put together just about any list you want (with a few restrictions) and expect to do well so long as the list has a plan.
You are probably going to do Yu Jing / JSA. They are more melee focused and have some high-speed options.
The other thing to think about is Haqqislam / Hassassin Bahram. They are less powerful in CC but have way more tricky stuff. What they lack in speed they make up for starting further up the board.
Christian Cook Man, if I didn't have old Highlander HMG... I like the arm options, it's like they wanted to appease both people who like their guys posing heroically and those who prefer more sensible and easier to storage poses. Or for people who want to double up on AP HMG, but don't like having two exact same models.
Luis Young
My Dark Eldar are groups of squishy guys who ride around in decently armored boats, all of which have really nice guns, but die the moment someone gets in punching range of them. My Harlequins outrun some factions' bikes on foot, and focus on getting into CC range as soon as possible and melting enemies, biggest threats first. Both are pretty aggressive, with different approaches to it.
I'll look into those factions. Thanks for the advice!
Levi Allen
>I have yet to see a single unit that is 100% trash They don't have a resculpt and aren't in stock for a reason.
They don't get as much flak as Teutons or ORCs because the latter two are in starter sets. But Securitate is just plain useless and everyone forgets they exist.
Lincoln Morales
idk, they look pretty greasy, just high risk for the points.
Sixth Sense means they can go into SF anywhere and light up anyone that comes up to them. Repeater means more hacker coverage and also means that the camped out securitate can threaten targets hiding behind walls and shit.
Leo Long
After reading over the factions, here's my opinion on each:
>PanOceania Doesn't really sound too appealing. Military Orders has an aesthetic that I like, but the playstyle probably wouldn't line up. >ALEPH Sounds conceptually interesting, at least, but the rtf doesn't really give more than "lots of points but it balances out". Assault Subsection could work pretty well with a vaporwave aesthetic, which is making ALEPH appeal to me even more. >Yu Jing I like ninjas in pretty much any game I can play them in, and high speed CC is always fun to use. I like the concepts behind both JSA and IS. >Haqqislam Lots of tricks and LI sounds like it could be fun for a bait-and-evade playstyle, but I'm not sure how well that would work out. Hassassin sounds like it could be fun to flesh out a personal squad on, but Qapu sounds much more fun to play. >Nomads Cheap gear could be good. Great aesthetic, and they sound like a versatile faction. Corregidor sounds somewhat interesting, and Bakunin sounds like it could be a nice cyberpunk thing. >Tohaa Bio-punk space elves sound awesome as fuck. Not sure what viral weapons do, but they're probably interesting. >Combined Army Great aesthetic, and high power per unit sounds like it would be a fun faction. Morat sounds okayish, but Shasvastii sounds great. >Ariadna Sounds really boring, both aesthetically and mechanically. I get people like the realism type stuff, but it's not for me. >Mercs Depending on what's available, that could make for a wide array of tactical choices.
Justin Bennett
They've basically been made obsolete by Morans in the Repeater + Board Control department. 1 ARM with 0 BTS for those points? Yeah, I don't think anyone is going to fear a Sixth Sense guy with BS12.
Ian Howard
Oh, Mercs are not a viable force. They're scattered across factions and sectorials. They used to be their own force in previous edition.
Viral weapons basically kill 1-wound infantry with bypassing the "Unconscious" state, so they can't be healed. Just like Shock, but targets BTS instead of ARM, and outside Tohaa most units have 0BTS. It's the bane of Ariadna, where everything has only 1 Wound and only one unit has any BTS at all.
Andrew Rivera
I've narrowed down to ALEPH/Assault, Yu Jing, or Tohaa.
Thomas White
ALEPH and Tohaa are very tough, though in different ways. ALEPH is straight lots of armour + No Wound Incapacitation + Mimetism or ODD (making them hard to hit in the first place). The Assault SubSection adds a melee focus to this, with guys like Achilles or Ajax crashing down on the enemy like man-sized TAGs. And it's not like they can't shoot well too. Steel Phalanx has its own fireteam rules, called Enomotarchos. They can have multiples of them (instead of one limit, like Core or Haris), but they can be 4 man max and they need a guy with the skill to form them in the first place. Most of the named guys can Enomotarchos at least one unit.
Tohaa is tough due to Symbiont Armour: effectively every Tohaa trooper has two Wounds. On top of that they have Symbiomates that absorb hits as well, so you really need to commit to kill a Tohaa. They have a rule called Fireteam: Triad that lets them form 3-man fireteams with mixed troopers (normally fireteams are 1-trooper type + sometimes an extra). They don't play like any other faction in the game.
Yu Jing is focused on Heavy Infantry, but are pretty generalist, mixing high tech equipment with some low tech skills. JSA is a more aggressive version of Yu Jing, with none of the super heavy infantry, but a lot of fast and cheap cyber-samurai, cyber ninja popping out of nowhere and biker troops. ISS is the secret police and their playstyle is a more traditional 1-2 heavies supported by cheap troops, but can go full heavy Pain Train by linking Wu Ming. They also use a lot of mercs and some Ninja as well.
Jaxon Scott
Alright. I'm leaning mostly towards Tohaa, followed by Assault ALEPH, followed by pure ALEPH, followed by JSA, followed by ISS.
Jace Carter
There is a 300 point box for Steel Phalanx (ALEPH sectorial) and for Tohaa. Both are decent, but Tohaa, which is possibly a little better, may be sold out in most stores. They usually come in at around 80-90€, and contain about 120-140€ worth of army.
Blake Cox
I found a site with the Tohaa box on sale for 75USD. Tempted to pick it up, but at the same time, I'm wondering if there's not some other combination of Tohaa units I'd like starting with more.
Jeremiah Robinson
>two HMGs in the box YES. YES!
Ryan Turner
For 75$ you absolutely should pick it up because you can easily expand after it into whatever you like the most.
Jose Harris
If they just gave us a 2nd head. But hey I'm ok with running the Angus brothers.
Zachary Ward
That's an exceptionally good discount. I'd go for it.
Honestly, if you already have a different combination of Tohaa in mind, why are you even asking in this thread? That said, you can always get Boxes and Blisters at regular price.
Just for comparison: Makaul Box(28€), Kaeltar Box(32€) and starter Box(35€) are all included in the 300 point box along with 2 Blisters. You can buy that all separately, but I guarantee you that you will buy both the Kaeltars as their CoC+Symbiomates profile is too good to pass up on, and the Makaul box, as they are Warbands that yield regular orders, which is not the norm - and all armies have a use for cheap orders.
Jason Nelson
Friend just bought this box during black friday for about the same price. You get 14 models and none of them are really useless.
Julian Thomas
Alright. One last question; how do I find people to play with? I'm moving to a new area (a suburb of a large city), and I'm unfamiliar with how exactly to look for niche games' playerbases.
Owen Howard
Local gaming places? I live in a fairly crappy city in the UK that has a placxe with gaming tables, some guys there have it. I just have 4 friends IRL that I play with. I rarely play, I just like the collecting and modelling.
One thing I will say is you DO need scenery to play games.
Hudson Thompson
I'll look for gaming stores in the area, and try them out. I won't have any friends in the area, so that's not going to work, but maybe, since it's a large city, at least one of the stores will have a community.
Anthony Barnes
How does Ariadna deal with bts damage? Or does it just not?
Joseph Rogers
Cover and praying
Julian Evans
>Angus brothers Uh-oh!
Xavier Bell
Looks like I was a little preemptive in deleting my thread. Titles exist for a reason you colon, use them. Even beyond looking nice and keeping filterfags happy, they're the way these threads are found in the archive.
And link the thread in the old one when you make it, especially if you jump the gun and do it early. Having two active generals at the same time is exactly what the page 10 guideline exists to avoid.
Liam Ross
you done good user, have a GHAZI!!! on the house.
Ethan Rogers
Facebook, hit up WGC Infinity group and ask if there's anyone in your area.
Kayden Turner
what do I do; if there is non?
David Parker
Hi, folks. What is the name of the girl with Saber-like hairstyle? I'm quite positive it's from Infinity.
And how long does the shipping take for the shipping if I buy from their webstore? I live in the US.
I'm considering getting into this game and currently looking at the factions.
Gravitating towards Aleph - 'git gud' aside, is it too point-dense for a beginner? I'd really enjoy having a bot later on for the sheer aesthetics of it.
Am I stuck with PanOceania?
Angel Watson
Yes, that one. Shame it's a limited edition.
Eli Reyes
Every army is playable. Tohaa are maybe a bit more complex since they use a couple of special rules you don't find in other armies
Jacob Gomez
>Gravitating towards Aleph - 'git gud' aside, is it too point-dense for a beginner?
Not really. ALEPH tends towards the more expensive but they've got a lot of very reasonably priced models and basically everything with a greek name is easy enough to learn for a beginner. You have bigger numbers than the other guy, go apply your bigger numbers to his face.
Carter Wright
Don't give up user, not everyone bought Angel's book. There will still be some kicking about somewhere.
Sebastian Roberts
I know there are people recasting it
Grayson Wright
This is great news, see not all doom and gloom.
If only I could get recasters to do the Chasseur rifle instead...
Mason Cooper
Nah you can start with pretty much any faction. Aleph is maybe even more forgiving than usual despite the expensive units, their dudes have lots of fancy skills to aid survivability.
Aiden Torres
Thanks guys, I ended up buying it for $40 on ebay. Oh well.
Anyway, if I want to start this game with her as HQ, what else should I buy?
Gabriel Ross
>If only I could get recasters to do the Chasseur rifle instead... Chasseur 1: plain rifle Chasseur 2: ADHL, weapon is separate so swap for a rifle Chasseur 3&4: convert pic related and Muslim infiltration of France will be complete
Mason Fisher
Do you want to smash through your enemies with a pack of heavily armoured knights, or have a wide selection of versatile support units along with nasty heavy infantry and giant robots?
Lincoln Ramirez
General release one has a Saber hair head too. And a grabby alien corpse.
Andrew Lopez
Well, you can go either into general PanO or Military Orders. In the first option she works great with a multitude of different units, but can be more of a support figure, while in MO proper she can link up with other Knights and be a centerpiece in a smashy unit.
Luke Phillips
Is it worth running two AP HMG Greys? I thought common use was sticking one in the Volunteer link. I thought the extra HMG could be used to convert the Mormaer from the starter box, although I also have Intel Spec-Ops with a spare HMG and T2 Rifle is not a bad weapon all things considered.
Aaron Jones
where do I get chasseur 1, plain rifle?
Justin Robinson
Looks like I'll need to make a facebook, then.
Owen Jackson
From the second-hand market and suck up the scarcity surcharge. Or just buy the vanilla starter. You wouldn't happen to live in/near Warsaw? I have a spare one.
Jackson Bennett
Thanks user, I think I might have to do that. Can't take you up on your offer as I live in London
Cameron Nelson
Prefer armored knights concept, but want to know about other options as well.
> I don't know anything about this game. I just saw someone posting that Joan pic on Veeky Forums
Is there any fluff book for this game btw?
Jayden Butler
If you can find the RPG book in the OP, it should have its share of fluff If you want you can buy the rulebooks (their paper edition contains fluff, the free online edition only contains the rules)
Look up Shae-Konnit, he lives in the UK and splits Infinity boxes.
Aaron Campbell
>Haqqislam >Implying islam is anything more than a death cult DROPPED
Julian Foster
It's actually surprisingly progressive. It's more like the golden age of Islam during the middle ages
Michael Gray
>It's actually surprisingly progressive That's the problem m8, completely immersion breaking.
Jack Peterson
The Super AIs are not immersion breaking, or the new crusaders, or the ancap furries but progressive muslims are?
Charles Bell
I know this is bait, but Islamic empires were much more progressive when Europe was stagnating during the middle ages
Juan Brown
>responding to lazy bait user no. You deserve a higher level of craftsmanship than this.
Jack Morris
Yes. Does this game take place during the middle ages?
Charles Edwards
Haqqislam is responsible for the fewest morally objectionable acts in infinity, and has the cutest women
William Cooper
No, it's set in the future
Alexander Parker
They are literally the only reason I refuse to buy into this game.
Brandon Fisher
Don't let the airlock hit you in the ass on the way out.
Ayden Gutierrez
>literally funding slavery, giving gangs legal territory and having an uncontrollable order of assassins that work for incredibly vague ideals Though I guess anything that can filter out thin-skinned whiny faggots like can't be that bad.
Easton Hernandez
>giving gangs legal territory something the Bakunite nomads would probably do as well
>literally funding slavery i'd say Yu Jing's penal troops are on the same level of moral wrong as this
Grayson Cruz
I would totally play Haqqislam if not for their current attempts at destroying Europe.
Zachary Wood
>Bakunin also does this Not helping your case m8. I'm not even saying Haqq is the worst around, but they're mired in shit just like everybody else.
>Yu Jing's penal troops Conventional penal troops like Wu Ming don't even come close. Kuang Shi are closer, though at least there's usually reasoning for their 'conversion' beyond being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Human traffickers are some of the worst scum in existence and Haqq not only keeps that industry going, it has the gall to claim that it's doing a good thing by doing so. It's not great.
Bentley Morris
You know you kill all the factions you don't like in Wargames, right? I don't like furries but I get to blow them to hell when fighting Ariadna or Bakunin.
Daniel Rodriguez
Stop responding to baits.
Daniel Smith
What do you recommend for Chausser proxies? Not a lot of other armies' models could fit aesthetically with an MRRF or Ariadna force generally.
Nathan Ward
ja mieszkam na ursynowie chetnie pobrałbym szaserskie cudeńka.
Parker Wood
Hunzakuts (sniper and LGL specifically). It's almost a shame to waste them if you're playing MRRF.
Nie cudeńkA, bo drugiego zostawiam dla siebie. Ale nadmiarowego mógłbym na coś wymienić. Jesteś na forum lub DS pod jakąś ksywką?
Andrew Evans
how many Devil Dogs is too many? MwBgLAPqIQygpgWwA7wE4AIBiBLCBWAUgHZgBGQgJjAE4bCBCMgNhOIA4r3iKnKTgnSvkr8+AoSLFl+pSaMYVilYlTDteSlWuL0mJbdWJhFB1UaL7l5sB0IABVaWBV8IFw06kTw8Iy/APm5E9vZAA===
Nolan Long
Yes, that'll work nicely. Thank you.
Why is it a shame though?
Gabriel Wilson
Smoke grenades, mainly.
Alexander Edwards
>Why is it a shame though? Because they're pretty. But I play Haqq as well, so that's where all my extra Hunzas go.
Xavier Green
I mean, given the French colonies in Alergia and North Africa I am willing to bet some of the Merovingians are Muslims. It kind of makes sense in my mind to use them as alternate sculpts for Chussuers.
French can be pretty too.
Ayden Stewart
Most modern or light sci fi troopers would fit Ariadna aesthetic.
Christopher Smith
>French can be pretty too. Exactly why I bought the MRRF, they're the best period for Infinity sculpts IMO.
Zachary Ross
Europe wasn't stagnating at all during that time, it was exactly the agriculture and learning system that they developed then that lead to the high middle ages.
Cameron Howard
I know you mentioned JSA as a fast army for this new guy.
I'm thinking of getting in myself - I like fast but I'm not so sold on the CC aspect. What are all the fastest armies on average in the game? Basically I prefer hit and run to purely rushing in - I like high speed for flexibility. I like factions in things that can generally re-position themselves very quickly as need be.
Grayson Murphy
It was surely stagnating compared to the Roman Empire
Samuel Taylor
Moran is 3 less points than the baseline Securitate and doesn't have Sixth Sense L2.
BS12 is a legit horrifying BS to have to deal with, especially since it means she covers all angles, meaning she can go into SF in more locations. She doesn't have mimetism but SF + Cover is still really damn good.
Justin Mitchell
Oh, Angus!
Adam Richardson
>not converting them to differ from each other I've planned to do "Good, Bad and Ugly" ones.
David Johnson
No mid table presence, need to get up there and interfere otherwise it can be a race against the clock to win via some scenarios.
Jordan Taylor
The point is that you but one blister and get 2 HMGs inside. A lot of material for conversions. If CB keeps working that way, they are going to beat GW in terms of customisation.
Charles Rodriguez
They aren't literally funding slavery and the Hassassins are extremely controllable. If you want to troll at least read the lore.
Joseph Richardson
You want slave trade to end in the Human Sphere? Ask the hyperpower what they are doing about it.
Thomas Morales
Not a lot of re-positioning in Infinity. A game has 3 turns, so people being able to go in, do a thing, then bounce would be really OP.
That being said, the order system does allow for repositioning shenanigans so long as you have the orders to move the guy.
The biggest repositioners are probably Yu Jing/JSA since they have Ninjas. TO Camouflage infiltrators in general sound like your jam, and those guys are all over the factions.
Ayden Roberts
The schtick behind PanO is that its straight-forward. Some factions' troopers can synergize together much better, and some factions have plenty of tricks. PanO isn't strong in those two departments but PanO gets the advantage of having plenty of units that can operate effectively on their own as well as having the equipment to shut down many tricks relatively easily. Also, if you like giant robots, PanO has the best TAGs in the game.
Yu Jing is awesome, they're like PanO but they have units that can synergize well. They also have some of the best power armored infantry in the game (Look up the Hac Tao and Yan Huo and drooooooooool). They aren't too heavy on tricks per se, that's more for Nomads, Haqqislam, and Ariadna.
Word of Warning though, close combat isn't always viable in Infinity. Your opponent can react to what you do so if you rush at someone to chop them you are likely to risk yourself getting shot up. Yu Jing has an edge in CC that no other faction does and its great when it comes up but it shouldn't be your primary tactic.
Kevin Perry
When are O-12's hyper-elite army[/spoilers] going to join the fight? When Morats enter the Solar System?
James Bennett
Co-ordinated Order. Move-Move.
Jaxson Sanders
I was really hoping the new Joan would come with a helmet option like the Bust...