What's your favorite depiction of goblins, Veeky Forums ?
What's your favorite depiction of goblins, Veeky Forums ?
Dhaakan goblins in Eberron are pretty top tier.
I see you are a man of culture.
Boggarts from Lorwyn (MtG) though I would rather use them for Feywild goblins rather than normal ones
Warcraft Goblins.
dance, magic dance
That one actually.
Kamigawa goblins, they're red and have shells
I've had a fun interpretation of goblins I'm quite proud of:
>Goblins are what would happen if evolution was on meth
>They breed like rabbits, each generation riddled with mutations and malformations. An extra arm or a missing ear isn't uncommon.
>Goblins are biologically immortal. They'd never die of natural causes.
>This great advantage is countered by their insanely impulsive and stupid curiosity.
>90% of all goblins get themselves killed during their first years of life
>Those who survive longer, are capable of great feats of intelligence
>That's why you'll often encounter a horde of dumb, young goblins, commanded by smarter, older generals
>There are even the solitary elder sages, who've overcome their dumb nature and now ponder the mysteries of life and magic
Prepare to get fucked, slut
I honestly liked 4e's art for goblinoids. They looked cool.
>tfw unironically love shortstack goblibs and use them in my campaigns
Bring it!
Of Orcs and Men had a pretty cool concept. Goblins being mainly vermin level, but with a very small number of exceptions, since orcs and goblins are magic experiments gone wrong.
Lorwyn gobbos.
Happy Goblins best Goblins.
This, I love their design and behaviour
DD in general has a great cast of classic creatures done really well
I unironically like Warcraft goblins and wish they were used for something other than comic relief.
According to a lot of pictures I’ve seen they’re used for various kinds of relief
Depends if I'm jerking it or not.
If not; WHFB Goblins are best.
If I am,
IIRC, Jareth himself is specifically not a goblin.
Absolutely this. Close second are Warhammer Night Goblins
One theory is that he's really as ugly as the other goblins, but uses glamour.
Whoever drew these
>Night Goblins
dis nigga knows. However I too am fond of the Warcraftverse, I just wish they didn't have Brooklyn accents.
I unironically like Styx and wish more goblins where like him.
Just remember, their kind hates ice and fire both.
Kopinski's goblins for the Return to Ravnica set
>all 5e goblins look the same
Warhammer, easily.
>card game autist thinks his flavour text is an actual setting
The only one that really matters
Pretty funny actually
Yeah, I like this version. Potential for cool designs, keeps most at a low level of challenge, and leaves the potential for more advanced foes.
It is now
>Brooklyn accents
This goes with the comic relief thing.
I don't mind it that much myself tho. Anyway, my favs are Warcraft, but I also like Warhammer ones (both Fantasy gobbos and 40k grots) and shortstack goblins
what an amazing goblin
Green or brown?
Brown or greeny brown
and youtube.com
Olive, greeny brown, greeny grey or grey. Maybe a sort of dull moss green, but I don't like lime green orcs and goblins.
>Waaagh Grom
>no Grom
I'll stick to
Well shit, I had no idea.
Forest Green
The artist goes by Fault. He does a lot of Dwarf Fortress stuff.
Unironically Warcraft goblins, but the "mad alchemist creating horrible mutants" side of them instead of the "exploding engineer" side.
moria goblins and IWD goblins
I like the exploding ones. Goblins and dwarves are my tech races; dwarves make reliable, sturdy goods and magitek, and goblins make haphazard but clever shit (traps, rickety vehicles, primitive bombs and rockets that tend to go awry).
Wot da zog did you jus' say, 'umie?
Ordered by preference
>Film Moria Goblins
>Night Goblins
wild, swarming, and smack things with clubs. No strategy just send in the waves of chaos
I normally just like the standard "Stupid, small, ravenous" since its a simple but enjoyable concept.
However I've been feeling to change it up and make take goblins along the mischievous yet magically powerful fae/spirits/mysterious creatures with defined rules ingrained in their race based on some old irl myths.
I like the Pathfinder version of goblins unlike the seemingly normal fantasy D&D and especially shitty Warhammer ones.
Generally stupid, vicious, and small but weak on their own. However not irredeemable and stupid and vicious by nurture not nature... ok they are still a little stupid by nature.
Though I am partial to the lusty shortstack beauty as well but generally the two don't co-exist.
>I am partial to the lusty shortstack beauty as well
Opinion forever discarded.
Cute little country bumkins that dont mean a whole lot of harm, like the mtg lorywn ones that have a strong sense of family and strange morals and beliefs that get them in trouble due to shenanigans.
does anyone know where pic related is from? cant google fu it.
How do you guys differentiate normal goblins from other goblinoids, similar creatures or other societys?, personally:
Goblins: Hierarchical, darwinistic, foul mannered, majority of them are stupid but some are mad genius level, live in crude fortresses, their culture and modus vivendi will vary wildly if they live along with other goblinoids
Feywild Goblins: Tight knit, morally ambiguous, weird customs, self-sufficient and relatively friendly, cunning and more intelligent than material goblins but no geniuses, dont get along with other goblinoids as they are already varied by their own mutations, some to the point of being really difficult to distinguish from gremlins or other fey, monarchical to communal social structures depending on area
Hobgoblins: Jarringly human-like, sinister, control the other goblinoids either directly or from the shadows out of necessity, actually love the company of other goblinoids despite being much more civilized, they know shit you dont, they can greatly upgrade the way goblins live
Orcs: Not goblinoids put possibly (actually in my setting) related, much smarter than the regular goblin but OOGA BOOGA BRUTAL, almost always tribalistic societies, live in the open except in special cases
Bugbears: Tragic monsters, actually slightly more intelligent than goblins but beaten into submission, they either devolve into troglodytes when alone in a group or can develop near-human intelligence if adopted by another community
Kobolds: Not goblinoids but sometimes confused because both are considered small dungeon pests, they are actually nothing alike, kobolds are much more sane and organized than goblinoids and much more likely to be regarded as a proper "race" rather than monsters
Gremlins: terrifying chaotic fey creatures that simpletons might confuse with goblins
this image is very evocative, it hurts to know that i will never truly run a campaign that captures the spirit of this picture, fantasy always has to be cartoony for people that I have played with
also what is the artist i think i recognise the style
What his name?
Log Horizon gobbos are funny
Kotlins are superior
Magic has a lot of distinct goblin designs. I cant say I LOVE any of them but I appreciate it. I like the art of Svetlin's Fiora goblins and yes, Karl Kopinski's Ravnica goblins.
I try to take a spin on the original with hobgoblins, who started out as kind and helpful spirits in pagan lore but as christians came in they were depicted as demons to discourage paganism.
So they're quite agreeable and willing to help out, maybe a bit toothy and menacing looking but quite nice... until they meet something religious. Which is why most religeons hire hunters or go on crusades against them, making them rare.
Is it too fedora? I mean the reason isn't an ideological and more just how they work, like a species wide curse. Sure they don't ping to detect christians but the moment they hear or see a religious item, verse or act even thought its something it never have off known before.
A dead ones.
That's a good goblin design, with or without their masks.
SKARSNIK! Warlord of 8 Peakz!
Never referred to ask goblins, but they pretty much are. Even concept art of them of how they look under the mask is pretty much like a goblin.
Paul Bonner's the artist.
I'm not sure if it's Trudvang or something else, though.
There's a weird ships-in-the-night thing going on with early pen-and-paper stuff and fantasy illustrators, where the latter was going through a golden age, and the former was too nascent and marginal a hobby to afford to commission them.
It eventually got there by the 90s, with really strong visualists like Brom and Di'Terlizzi, but imagine how much better it would have been if Brian Froud illustrated the early monster manuals, instead of Gygax and Arneson's buddies?
Yep, Trudvang.
Squee, or Grots.
Especially the scraploota grots.
Those hoods have a way of making them perfectly badass and stupid all at once.
Hoorah, people on the internet like my ideas!
Sound a bit like Boggarts from Lorwyn, especially the curiosity part. Their sages were "aunties", who apparently worked as chieftains and midwives.
My only gripe was that D&D goblins were not supposed to be green. They were described as ranging from yellow to deep red, yet all the art had them green. And after a while even the miniatures turned green from yellow.
Similar how in 3.5 MM the orc was green instead of gray, but orcs were gray (or covered in shaggy hair) in other art.