iamge limit got reached, so new thread is in order
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>this is not okay.jpg
I don't get it.
Probably for the best
That's okay, stay pure user-kun.
Oh fucking hell
That's a vibrator isn't it
RIP Ragna, you deserved better
Well, anything is vibrator if you're brave enough.
Okay, I just thought it was one disguised as a Geiger Counter.
Yikes, as a Canadian, I'm surprised I never heard of the incident pictured, though, doing some quick research, it seems some of the numbers and information are both wildly inflated and/or inaccurate.
There's a very fucked up hentai story about a pedophile going door to door pretending to be a civil servant checking for radiation hotspots and of course he finds a young girl, molests her and she becomes mental from the shock etc.
Eh, so I guessed right, it was some lolicon bullshit
Less lolicon, more straight up pedophilia.
>(((Wikipedia))) is wrong
Color me shocked.
It was so realistic, someone used the manga as a template and succeeded at raping a small girl.
.. that's all?
i was wondering what kind of creative and horrifying uses some asian dude's come up with for a geiger counter, and whether accurate or not-so-accurate depictions of radiation poisoning are involved.
The information has since been corrected on wikipedia.
Great, and I was already disturbed enough by the story.
Trust me, it's super fucking disturbing.
The story is called Geiger counter (there's 2 parts).
I keep seeing this girl.
Is she just a pure sadistic cunt or is there actual romance feels between the bullytimes
pure sadism.
We are all just waiting til the boy snaps and revenge-rapes her.
Only four chapters out, might be some romance down the line. The girl is a pure sadist and the guy is a hard M though, so it's not going to be anything but fucked-up.
>be eastern european
>flashbacks to communism days
>only four chapters out
There's no chance of romance
This is a long running series of one shots that involve ball kicking. There is no chance of romance.
>Only four chapters out
>no chance of romance
wrong on both accounts
It's weird that the default my brain defaulted to seeing this was loss first.
In the slim chance someone is curious:
>Magical (old) Girl Fairytale Kururu
Oh nice, thank you.
technically speaking blood forging is Quietus
If you've read the original image sets, they do get pretty romantic later on, albeit in a "soft" way. It's more implied than stated, but the relationship gets fleshed out, and we see she has genuine affection for Senpai, and that Senpai is able to nut up when the situation calls for it, and knows he has power in the relationship .
Wow...I am legitimately sickened. That doesn't happen often...
No. Anything is a dildo, if you're brave enough, but not everything vibrates.
Nope, its a pull and chase manga where they make it so the only reason you keep on reading is because you think something might change,
Nothing changes, not even in the shitty porn version.
The most bullshit thing is that he beats them.
But its all right too people because doom is le epic man XDDDD
>geiger counter still gets people's panties in a twist
Not trying to be internet tough guy or anything, it's just pretty vanilla as far as rape hentai goes.
They're only Celestials. If any of those were Reed Richards or, God forbid, Squirrel Girl, Doom would've rightfully gotten wrecked, but they're only Celestials.
desu I don't get it either, I bet half the people offended/shocked have loli rape on their computer.
what's the source on this anyway?
Also, what are the chances of someone drawing a version where the girl gets fucked senseless?
I can't tell if this is mocking people who like Camus or just people who don't get him at all. With the second one I'm leaning towards the latter.
>geiger counter
>somehow connected to rape hentai
what in the god damn
What did I miss?
>first result in google image search
>H spin-off mentionned in the thread
Is "not even trying" a professional occupation of yours?
oh ok
thanks but no thanks
Poor squirrel
I'm pretty sure it's making fun of people who shit on those who find any kind of happiness or meaning in life and think themselves "deep" for doing so.
Almost missed it.
>people freaking out over Geiger Counter
naruhodo naruhodo
really makes you think
>it's been 20 years
>it's only halfway done
>current arc has been going for a full year
It's specifically targetting Camus and his absurdism though. It's either mocking people who didn't get it, or the comic creator read The Plague and thought the point of it was to ruin everyone's fun. I'd like to believe the former.
Didn't the seaman arc take like 3 years?
Also here's a kicker for you: Oda's killing himself by working TOO hard
>there is a timeline where oda died before the fishman arc
>there is a timeline where one piece is never finished.
what the fuck
What's going on there? I'm confus
>reading Geiger Counter
I've never read it and plan on keeping it that way. Why would anybody subject themselves to it? Why would somebody go out of their way to boil their own blood when all you have to do is overhear some news from the radio or tv? I have enough anger in my life.
on the bright side, at least this thread isn't ALL reposts
Its a rape fetish doujin but the creator also wanted to touch upon how fucked up his country is.
In japan, you can't criminalize or arrest people with mental handicaps or even hold them accountable, that goes to the parents, the mother being handicapped as well means there's really nothing the police or state can or will do.
So if you got downs or something you can head on over to japan and rape away and only be slapped on the wrist.
Because sometimes you've just got to enter righteous rage.
So that's what a Dire Chicken looks like
Because it feels good to feel negative emotions, personally I avoid it, I don't want to get angry or sad. But you know that meme pic about the fat guy who entered a thread he knew he wouldn't like? There's a real reason people do that, venting or even just getting upset about things feels good, being depressed is comforting, disgust is thrilling.
That and people are into it or want material to troll with.
somebody put all the harry potter books into some machine learning program and this is what it came up with
Hey now, you forgot the kid that lives during the last big fight.
Somehow a rape fetish doujin doesn't seem the best place to raise attention to that kind of problem. Or maybe it is, I don't know.
>Why would anybody subject themselves to it?
Same reason I came to this shithole of a website to begin with, some decade ago. Desensitization.
I've read Takotsuboya doujins out of sheer morbid curiosity and I would still not touch Geiger Counter with a ten foot pole.
Step up your shaking game then
The manga that gifs from is pretty much the same.
"Oh so sad sad, will anything change? No haha sad SAD ha ha!"