How do you make a wizard advisor for a kingdom that isn't a backstabbing piece of shit?
How do you make a wizard advisor for a kingdom that isn't a backstabbing piece of shit?
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You don't. Wizards are always in it for themselves. The moment the monarch stops being useful is the moment that fucker is going full Brutus.
Make him cowardly piece of shit, think Skeeve or Rincewind
Just do a variation of the good old Merlin.
Merlin back stabbed Uther...
1. Make a Wizard
2. Don't have him backstab anyone or be a piece of shit.
3. ???
4. Prophet
It's a complicated and difficult process, I realize, but I have faith that you can follow through
>I have faith
Squad-allah, we're off
>Make powerful wizard
>Remove the "total asshole" component
In all seriousness all you have to do is have them *not* back stab anyone. Hell you could even still make him a jackass, but a ultimately loyal one.
I'm saying I can't envision a wizard that isn't a back stabbing piece of shit.
Sounds like a psychiatric problem. You need another board for help with that.
You just posted how op
Have him teach young kids in his free time and make him an overall good Samaritan
Easy. Have him grow up as a loyal adherent of the nation. Have the king be good, and have the wizard acknowledge that. As the wizard comes into his own as a magical user he only further realizes the good kings ambitions. Having the wizard backstab assumes that either the wizard is a douche , or that the king is corrupt. Neither of those things have to be true. is this hard to do exactly?
Then you're wizard racist, I guess. Or wizardphobic. Whatever. It's current year, bearded old men are allowed to spit in the face of God and dance with the devil if they want to
Is Merlin the one to blame for Uther's desire to get laid? Uther knew what he was letting himself into when he asked for help. Merlin just did what he was asked for.
Have a wizard who is in the early stages of being an advisor. Maybe he is only on his 3rd monarch, he isn't all knowing, and hasn't got sick of people not just instantly listening to him, he still has patience for people making human mistakes.
Stealing his first son and his crown a few years later? Merlin fucked Uther over big league.
The king's father is a wizard. When he becomes a lich, he abdicates and is the grand vizier for his son.
Wizard is the king's Great great Uncle and familial love is still intact. He gave up the throne to pursue the arcane arts during his brother's reign which made him live longer, but still paid attention so he would dispense knowledge to his great nephew if needed.
>he became an advisor because he is interested in the good of the kingdom, but knows he's not cut out for the head honcho position
>he is a loyal childhood friend of the king
>he is the kingdom's archmage and is happy to cooperate with the crown
>he magicked himself into the position and does little more than idle around and be a minor magical nuisance on whim
>he is an ancient oracle-tier guide of the kingdom
>he was recommended for the position due to qualifications and skill, and simply has a good work ethic
>he's a sentient shark and keeps his intentions to bite people clear and upfront
All wizards are backstabbing assholes.
A honest wizard is a wizard that does not use magic
>A honest wizard is a wizard that does not use magic
naive, they are even greater backstabbers than the ones that do
Fucker is so reclusive he couldn't be assed to backstab anyone. Backstabbing requires him to move out of his tower and any long distance spells requires him to care enough to mark a target, he does neither.
>He just wants peace and quiet to do research, and it turns out that keeping the king in power is a great way to maintain that
>He's a true patriot at heart
>He's totally senile
Are those different options, or descriptions of the same character?
The vastness of magic has given the wizard confidence issues and lack of grasp of how powerful he really is. He does his job because he doesn't want any additional trouble.
You make the wizard not stab anyone in the back.
The Wizard is legitimately interested in the advancement of the Empire, and wants to see it prevail among its peers.
He is always advancing the sciences and magics, seeking out talent in the nation and training them to introduce marvels and wonders far ahead of their time, establishing a university.
In all things of national reform, he wants to establish what can be thought of as a constitutional monarchy. Trying to make a system more reliant on an effective parliament, but fostering reverence to the King, realizing that absolute monarchies cannot last the age. To this end he does his best to prove to the King its effectiveness rather than subvert him, by showing how effective it is at distancing himself from the bureaucracy and increasing the wealth and taxation of the people by making them feel closer to their government, and the ability to establish a standing army and overseas colonies.
None of this can be accomplished by backstabbing a King and causing chaos, since he's going to rely on the King heavily for support of his, sometimes, radical ideas.
You can never tell with wizards
Have the wizard be loyal to his Kingdom, and have a king who's competent and just. Perhaps makes his heir a child whose regent would be some dipshit, ensuring years of terrible leadership before the heir comes of age. Perhaps the king hasn't had a son yet, and his brother is a vicious man. Get creative.
Thank you for being a friend~
Uther was destined to die. Taking Arthur away from the court saved Arthur from being killed along with his father. Merlin did nothing wrong.
Make the King a asshole but the Advisor the guy that keeps the kingdom just barely running.
The idea of backstabbing never occurs to him because he's a massive doormat.
Magnus did nothing wrong
Preach it nigga
This is going to be my next character.
I'm going to just play Kircheis to any other member of the party. The childhood best friend who is absolutely loyal to a fault, but tells them what they need to hear to reign in their urges and ambitions. The confidant. The buddy.
I have never done this before. Now I cannot wait to. Thank you, Veeky Forums; you did something useful for me today.
>Make a wizard advisor for a kingdom
>Don't make him a backstabbing piece of shit
Wizard is in love with the monarch.
But not like obsessively clingy or anything.
Make him Benjamin Franklin.
Those are Warlocks.
Awakened Shark Wizard is the most believable
Make him disinterested in the kingdom. He just hangs around for grant money.
Born 63 years after the last wizard, so he couldn't possibly be one. Also
>converted to dualism after reading too much anti-dualism literature
Why not have their relationship be mutual. The wizard helps the king when he needs it. The king supplies him with a comfortable place to practice his magic, and pay for his resources. On top of that, it would be good for them to have a strong friendship as a result
>How do you make a wizard advisor for a kingdom that isn't a backstabbing piece of shit?
Make a wizard advisor for a kingdom that isn't a backstabbing piece of shit. How is that not a simple thing?
Just make the magical version of Revolver Ocelot.
Make a kingdom full of backstabbing, shitty nobles, with either a) a shitty disinterested King or b) a young/weak King, without the abilities to reign in his nobles. The wizard is then the only man keep the kingdom together.
This actually works well for rpgs, because you can make your players essentially the wizards hands. The wizard can't officially order anyone around, and the army is led by the shitty nobles anyways. So he has the PC's go around take care of problems that the wizards thinks need solving
Behold, the crafter of waifus, glossaryck
He's a wizard, he's an advisor, and he stabs nobody in the back.
>won't stab you in the back
>sentient shark
be careful user
This gave me an idea.
Give him 600 dollars just to shut the hell up
Because a Wizard has no more reason to wish to be the King of a kingdom than he does to be the biggest leaf on a bonsai tree or the prettiest rose in his garden.
Great. Now, I want to Slip Gwonam in my games.
How did they get 3 of these through before Nintendo backed out?
Nah, he's right.
Lich's tend to stab you from the front.
>Benjamin Franklin.
He was so backstabby it hurt!
haven't you seen after the cutscenes once?
>get baited to act like an idiot by inhuman monster
>nothing wrong
why do people on here always defend him? is the bullying to relateble for you?
I figure if you fuse two treacherous archetypes it would be like multiplying negative numbers. And you didn't even need to watch post credits in Sons of Liberty, where he betrayed everyone multiple times.
He's the king's brother, a bright wizard who passed on the crown because he wanted to do research instead.
Now he's the court wizard, advising the kingdom and giving them magical solutions to their problems, because he loves his brother... but he doesn't actually give a shit about the kingdom. He just wants more books and research material, and that's what he gets paid in. The more he helps the kingdom, the more books and research materials he gets.
If you want to make your wizard adviser an asshole without making him a backstabber, make Dr. House.
If you want your wizard adviser to be a swell chap with no reason to backstab, make Gandalf the Grey.
Make him the fart inspector.