Let's laugh, lads.
Other urls found in this thread:
what was the story behind this again?
the SM guy couldn't deploy because of some rules and the kroot player deploying across an entire table edge?
Couldn't the SM player have deployed on his side of the table?
>thai cuisine
Oh, the humanity!
He kept his entire army in reserve to avoid getting shot at during the first turn.
Marine player reserved everything.
Tau play told him he had lots of infiltrators, asked repeatedly if he was sure he didn't want to deploy something.
Marine player was sure.
Tau player deployed his infiltrators in a line across the marine player's table edge.
Marine player can't bring anything on from reserves. Could have avoided this by deploying one model (infiltrators would need to be at least 12" away) or by having some skimmers (can move over enemy models) or tanks (could tank shock through the enemy infantry).
The SM player had an entire army that deployed later in the game. Essentially, his enemy would deploy, the game would start, and then his army starts showing up.
The Kroot player blocked off the table edge where the other guy's army could show up from, meaning that they never show up because of rules interactions.
IIRC The dude getting fucked had the gimick of deploying no units and then bringing them in after his opponent placed his units in and form a spearhead. What mr shiteatign grin did was place all his scouts on his opponents side in single formation. They would be right fucked but since they where placed in such a way that spearhead guy couldn't put units down anymore and he had no units on the field, mr shiteating grin won turn 1.
>The Occult
>Thai Cuisine
I hope that dude's at least wearing a thong under his loincloth
the chances are slim, user, the chances are slim
Well, at least was only 1 damage.
What, you've never read through the tomes of the arcane to craft the most powerful items of all: spicy foods originating from the mystical lands once known as Siam?
It is reserve shitters getting btfo.
Explanation for those of us who don't wargame?
someone who really likes the white scars
He's wearing a "white power" t-shirt but plays is army unpainted and basecoated in black?
I have no idea.
>that guy who insists, that brown elfs should have penalty on all Intelligence/Wisdom rolls
well drow ARE underfed
>White Power
c'mon user
I wasn't looking at his shirt.
Brown elves are the pawns of the (((dwarves)))
H-He's fast..!
That's the best tl:dr on the Horus Heresy I've read so far.
What in the actual fuck.
Is this some sort of filter or was it done manually?
except he had 18 sons. Two are unknown.
>thinking anyone on Veeky Forums actually plays tabletop and will understand what's happening
I guess that's the joke
What's worse is that look at those points. They are dulled off. Meaning that is a dull d4 to the foot. How did the person even manage this? Stomp on it?
legendary. i was there
I think it's the Google Deep Dream filter.
filter that tries to see eyes into everything
>not realizing that OP's image has been posted and explained so many times that only the newest of newfriends would be unable to get the joke
We're all laughing, but not for the reason you might want...
It's dogs, nigga
who is this guy?
seen him in a bunch of places, but i don't know the context.
less disturbing than the actual video, desu
Some Balkan leader charged at UN court for doing his job. Found guilty and his appeal got turned down, so he ended himself right in the courtroom.
croatian war criminal that took poison during court
He committed suicide by poisoning after being convicted of war crimes.
he was a slav warcriminal and preffered suicide over facing it's responsabilities
A man who did nothing wrong except operate warfare on a level which 20 years previous would have been accepted by everyone.
Do like thicc paint jobs.
Geralt of Rivia, a /v/ character.
Fucking Ermor
i have that
its ok
it tries to be a lot more sandboxy than other FF books which kinda works and kinda doesn't
its honestly less goofy than a lot of the other stuff they were putting out
Fuck yeah, Tripod.