Is Paladin the most chad class there is?
Is Paladin the most chad class there is?
True, but a paladin would be the special kind of Chad. He wouldn't be the stereotypical bully jock that you see in a lot of American high school movies, he'd be more or less the same except nobody would have a reason to dislike him and he wouldn't put hands on anyone who deserves it. I could totally imagine a high school paladin being misunderstood. He'd probably walk up to the geeks and say something like "Hey nerds, what're you gonna do after school? Play Dungeons and Dragons or some shit?" and they speedwalk out of there out of fear but in reality he just wanted to join them and only called them nerds because he saw an episode of Big Bang Theory once and bought into the whole 'geek chic' thing. Or he points out that they have scrawny little legs, but he only does it because he wants to remind them to never skip leg day. He'd probably also have loads of cheerleaders trying to suck his dick all the time, and every time his reaction would be "Eww, gross! We're not even married!".
The true Chad class is barbarian.
If I remember my /r9k/fluff correctly this is exactly what Chad is, Brad is the asshole version of Chad.
Much like Chad vs Virgin, the lore has been forgotten. True chads want to help their nerdy compatriots while the nerds react like angry cats out of insecurity.
>Chad vs Virgin
>Chad x Virgin
Paladins are either bros, fedoratier or whiteknights
chaddom is achieved by warriors and barbarians because chaddom is the imposition of the self, not the sacrifice of the self to an ideal
>Literal white knight class
This is correct. Robots don't hate Chad because he's an asshole, they hate him because he's handsome/successful/etc AND genuinely a nicer person than them.
They think the Chad is an asshole because nerds don't know how to handle the banter.
Yeah, but in a special way of chad.
Cleric is more Chad than paladin desu. Paladins are way more restricted.
No, that would be the barbarian.
Only cowards and weaklings use armour, real men wear loincloths.
You ever seen that meme for the Virgin chad, where it'was about a Chad who's a virgin out of choice and acts nice to everyone? That'd be the Chad paladin.
I think you're misunderstanding who Chad is. It's not about unbridled autistic masculinity with no consideration for safety. Not wearing armour isn't manly, it's stupid. The line between being masculine and a fucking retard is a slight one, but it's there.
>Ability requirements:
>Strength 12+
>Intelligence 9+
>Wisdom 13+
>Constitution 9+
>Charisma 17+
Hell yes
Oh my virgin friend, someone needs to grow a thicker skin.
>Complain about armor
>Use Conan as picture
>Carrying a bible
>not carrying religious books
virgin spotted
This is extremely good.
Why the fuck is Riverwood and the first 2-4 hours so comfy bros?
Only in 5e: the Virgin oathbreaker warlock (of course hexblade) vs the Chad paladin oath.
What's the best system for running a scenario like this?
Nice try, Brads.
>Can't buff/heal as well as clerics
>Can't do damage/tank as well as barbarians
>Can't swoon maidens as well as bards
Nope, Paladin isn't chad
>definition of chad explained in thread
>still act like a mongoloid
The only chad/virgin picture I actually like.
>It's not about unbridled autistic masculinity with no consideration for safety
Yes. Yes it is. That's the point of the meme picture you retard. Both sides of the Chad/Virgin picture are stereotypes taken to a stupid extreme for the sake of comedy. Don't tell me you're taking this seriously you autist.
>>Can't do damage/tank as well as barbarians
Smites blow shit up like no tomorrow, and Ancients oath paladin... well... yeah, barbarian still outtanks.
The original question was about Chad as a social archetype, not a specific meme's intentionally absurd caricature. It's basically an updated version of the "jock".
>Fag A kisses Fag B
>Fag B finishes his smoke and throws it on the ground
>Fag C picks it up from the ground and smokes it
>Fag A hits Fag B with a chair
>Fag A hits Fag C with a chair
>Fag A tenderly picks Fag B up
What the FUCK did I just watch?
Idk but that's the reason I ended up making so many new characters.
From which mod is that armor?
First hours are comfy in many games, and in all TES games in particular.
It's a test of the alpha version of Google's secret AI that's supposed to generate videos for webm threads.
>reset Deb/Jon relationship just so they can repeat the "cuck Steve" plot from season 1
Season 2 sucked.
>Implying that anyone is being seriously here
The Chad archetype is a meme
Brought a tear to my eye
The chad is supposed to be the stupid and hilarious choice.
The Barbarian is the Chad Martial.
Lurk 700 years
This. The true Chad doesn't even need high Charisma, he doesn't bother persuading people, they just like him regardless. Think Caramon or however it's spelled from Dragonlance, Raistlin's uberchad brother.
Polearm or Shield Master Eldritch Knight m'dude.
Isn't there some r34 of this pairing but it still has the meme comparisons?
>implying chad wears earth tones
>he doesn't bother persuading people, they just like him regardless
Yes, that's how Charisma also works. It's force of personality, not just how silvered your tongue is