Would AoS Witch Elves make good harlies? You get more per box £35 per 10 vs £24 per 5 (Both overpriced as fuck wew). Witch Elves alt. build Sisters of Slaughter even has masks that I'm not sure if you can mix with their awesome hair or not. (Maybe someone can enlighten me?) Could paint their skin as a bodysuit type thing might look good
Colton King
I love Nurglings. They are so cute. Who else loves those adorable mites?
Isn't he a little cutie? The other gods can't compare.
Leo Rivera
Nurgle and his children being such chill dudes is about the only reason I give a shit about chaos. Honestly with all their new stuff coming out in the past while I am actually tempted to put aside my imperials for the first time in 10 years and make an army of smelly smoosh dudes.
Angel Nelson
Some new Nurgle daemons coming up, so is the Daemon codex. That would be a great time to fall to Nurgle!
Dominic Green
The main good from this is that it's still pretty easy to get your hands on the AoBR Deffkopta.
Jayden Hernandez
I wonder how they do that though. The AoBR ones were scattered all over the starter kit weren't they? Are they cutting those sprues apart and packaging them with the rest or how do they do it?
Gabriel White
>Robbins >Robinson I'm sure there's a joke in here somewhere
Hudson Green
Rearranging the molds, more like.
Jackson Davis
How viable is an army mainly composed of Militarum Tempestus droptroops?
Josiah Sullivan
Christopher Cook
Rather good What you can’t kill with plasma and meltas, your taurox can kill by Dakka
Lincoln Rogers
They are pretty good.
Jack Morales
Being this gay
Thomas Bell
Yep. Reece decided that acting professionally was too hard. We now have armies that still can't be played competitively as a result of his bias.
So, now we have to wait for all of the Codex books to release before we have anything that resembles balance.
What a fuckwit.
Owen Martinez
making a steel tool for plastic injection molding is really expensive though, I don't think they'd invest in something like this when they are chucking these kits with 25 year old models that nobody would buy usually.
Liam Gonzalez
>So, now we have to wait for all of the Codex books to release before we have anything that resembles balance.
>implying 40k ever was or will be balanced
Jonathan Bennett
GW, they retardation know no limits
They would rather sell pewter models at a loss as scrap, than sell them at a cost to the Nottinghamfags.
Jaxon Allen
As in, nothing but Scions? Well, they're paper-thin, so what they can't kill they'll immediately get killed by, which sucks.
Pure Scions army? Works extremely well, with obscenely cheap Tauroxes giving fire support from your deployment zone while Scion kill squads drop down and shoot stuff.
Colton White
Reece is a walking meme
Asher Morgan
I think he means better than the shit show we have now.
Tyler Perry
>Reece is a walking meme
Nah. Just a faggot.
Hudson Bailey
Amazing Athiest looks like he's cleaned himself up a bit since I last saw him
Jack Jackson
For all the Knightniggas out there, do you run a canon Household, a Your Dudes Household, or a Freeblade Knight?
Asher Hall
Well, think who these sets are for. They're sold in the same stores as Revell kits and model trains, I assume to catch kiddies dragged in by their model-train fan dads. And if you use those shitty models to get people into the hobby, it might be a good investment. Not to mention the Ork players who want that AoBR stuff but ebay isn't helping.
Julian Clark
The Build + Paint kits were done in partnership with Revell. I imagine they defrayed some of the cost.
Alexander Torres
I have a Freeblade knight painted to match my space marine army.
Isaac Hernandez
As soon as they get their own codex I was planning on running house Terryn That colour scheme just speaks to me
Asher Baker
>Reminder that sisters are cute
Ryan Russell
I have a freeblade covered in Cusstoad iconography
Alexander Gonzalez
Since I found that there is a crazy bastards chants and screams litanies from his inbuilt speakers. I’m looking for a speaker that fits inside a knight so I can play annoying religious music
Side note: why is captcha so stupid lately? Need to run like 6 unskipabble images and then it fails to post because “typed the wrong thing” doing the entire process again for no reason
Luis Robinson
Bump. Please let me know if you would sperg out at this shit or disapprove
Xavier Ortiz
That ass is too saggy i am afraid.
Brandon Cox
They seem to be the iconic Household, like the blue/gold regiment that's iconic for the Scions, or the Ultramarines.
Sebastian Sullivan
Fuck off you RWBY looking bitches
Julian Rogers
I don't know but I suggest you switch over to legacy capcha, two easily readable words and bam, you're through. Only issue is that legacy doesnt work for making a new thread or reporting.
Still golden for posting.
Levi Watson
I painted my single knight as a freeblade to fut next to my GKs (made hin black-red to differentiate him from my silver-red GKs)
Sadly, because of all the point increases in 8th to both him and my GKs, I cant feasibly play him in any games under 2500 points.
I hope and pray for an Imperial Knight Dex, then I'd play either a band of freeblade heroes, or make my own knight house with peasants and everything
Jose Reed
Cooper Peterson
But it does work for reporting.
Benjamin Brown
>Since I found that there is a crazy bastards chants and screams litanies from his inbuilt speakers.
Andrew Howard
Stick to Tau
Hudson Allen
That's the one he's talking about.
Hunter Perez
Weird, I keep getting the pic captchas for that.
Zachary Young
Yeah, he fell to Chaos. He has since stopped chanting.
Cameron Rivera
I'm considering doing a House Devine knight.
But I think it's gonna wait for now.
Alexander King
geoff needs to lose some weight if he wants to keep that hot wife of his
Liam Rogers
>tfw trying my best not to go with a black colorscheme
Why does it look so good?
Owen Ward
Can I do it while pleb posting? I’ve found lately that sitting down at a pc is something I only do on the weekends while I’m painting. The rest of the week I’m hardly near one
Charles King
I can't find anywhere that says he stopped broadcasting chants, and the name LITANY of Destruction implies he's still doing it. Even so, user could just do him like before the fell to Chaos. Or use the same idea for another Knights.
Parker Powell
>Broterhood of knight crazy fanatics that are looking for the fallen Litany of Destruction to redeem him while chanting themselves.
Matthew Ross
She's pretty.
Isaac Collins
>amazing shooting >very fast melee units which do tons of damage >lots of tough options >psychic potential and lots of deny potential >immune to morale
What exactly is the Tyranids weakness?
John Carter
should i make a full abhuman/mutant regiment?
Julian Wilson
It wont look good from a distance unless you are doing a blck and white scheme like black templars
Blake Phillips
ugly aesthetic, autistic playerbase
Liam Lewis
good snipers and massed fire I'd say ha ha look at me, an admech player who has both of these but smite spam exists
Jaxson Nelson
Black is overdone but it's fine.
... unless your secondary colour is fluo green or some shit like that.
I learned something new today, thanks user. Pic hunting was increidbly annoying.
Colton Sullivan
Phone posting is pleb posting
Hudson Robinson
Same as most xenos: completely lacking in personality, NPC race, nobody in the studio likes them, will have to wait a decade for new models which GW concentrates on bigger marines.
Nolan Stewart
Any one can help me here? I tried to charge the juggerlord through a door that didnt have enough space for my deff dread to pass through, my opponent said that only troops can do that, is it true? Orks won by points, but if i had that charge made i would have won by a lot more
Henry Peterson
Is any of the CSM heavy support any good?
Joshua Gutierrez
You got cheated.
Camden Perry
tau are ugly as hell eldar are the true cuties
Dominic Barnes
Remember Chaplains wear black
John Moore
Ah, ya you're good there. I'm currently posting from my mobile. Just go up to settings at the top of the screen, quotes and replying and tick legacy capcha.
That pic shit drove me bonkers.
Luis Collins
Shut up, nids got lots fo cool models , not even counting GSC. No one has the right to cry about old models when sisters are first at line.
Oliver Sanders
I think the imperium requires human officers and I'm not sure if abhumans auxiliaries are strictly speaking organised into 'regiments', but a bunch of ogryns, ratlings and mutants sounds like a pretty cool theme.
Nathaniel Ramirez
>want to play a psyker-heavy regiment >all of the AM psykers have metal models
Daniel Price
"Wouldn't it be easier to find the traitor if we turned off our broadcasts and listened instead?
Memes aside, that would be a cool idea. Do it, user. Maybe you can make the reactor cap on the rear of the Knights into a volume dial.
Lucas Gonzalez
Just need to find a speaker small enough to fit inside the knight.
Benjamin Richardson
Do you think? My dread would have fucked that dudesm, but i dont know man
Kayden Rogers
Mostly I just want like 12 units of beastmen conscripts with a lot of bullgryns to back then up
Aiden Sanchez
Deldar codex when?
Nathaniel Miller
>painted to match
Disgusting, do a pauldron with ultrahomo or whatever marine heraldry you use to emphasize he has been delegated for a campaign to that force and paint it on a different style
John Reyes
was the da epub dropped?
Robert Rivera
>in the grim darkness of the far future >there is only soy
Grayson Long
>onscripts with a lot of bullgryns to back then up >>> > Anonymous 12/14/17(Thu)13:28:57 No.56928891▶ Daemons, Tau and Necrons first
Owen Ramirez
People who make Space Marine Knights and Titans are indeed the worst kind of people.
Alexander Taylor
It's not out yet, it comes out on the 16th
Christopher Bailey
How difficult is it to read these simplified as fuck rules?
Page 177 says you can't move through terrain features 'such as walls'.
Page 248 says INFANTRY can move through the walls of ruins.
Your battlefield role has no effect on your ability to move through terrain.
Christopher Diaz
>From the ruins section of the BRB: INFANTRY are assumed to be able to scale walls and traverse through windows, doors and portals readily. Thesemodels can therefore move through the floors and walls of a ruin without further impediment.
So, unless your Dread (vehicle) is Infantry now, he is right, if you don't fit you can't pass
William Miller
I'm not using him, but I'm probably going to fight him soon. Just wanted to know for mathhammer purposes, because if he gets 1A then my Electrobomb can pay 5CP to alpha strike him off the board and if he gets 3 then he'll do too much damage before they get their second combat round.
I've had a half-painted House Malinax knight sitting on my desk for a while, need to buy the £20 FW transfers for him eventually. Eventually planning on having four Knights total, three Cerastus variants, but I got distracted from hobby by life for the last few months.
Joshua Bailey
Damn, phoneposting is bad for my greentext. Well, you have the rules for ruins here
Dominic Brooks
Sebastian Evans
My first Knights is House Vyronii, my second Knight will be House Lakar whenever I get around to painting it.
If I ever get a third Knight I'm not sure what I'll do with it. Probably another canon household, but I'm not sure which.
Grayson Bennett
Talking about knights. Any suggestion for colour scheme? My Witch Hunter army is mostly Red armour, white/cream clothing with black casing for guns, and some gold for rims and emblems.
Part of me wants to make the knight Red too, but sooo much Red will get boring fast
Picture unrelated
Matthew Flores
Try inverting the scheme, or maybe go for a different scheme entirely, with contrasting or complimentary colours
Isaac Jones
You mean like this?
Wyatt Adams
T'au Anime-Mech >piloted by a blue manlet, none knows his name >jumps around like a spastic, afraid of bullets >latest cutting-edge sensors and weaponry, needs every advantage he can get >wears only the mark of his communist sept
Imperial Knight >piloted by a chad noble, everyone loves him >walks slowly through gunfire, doesn't afraid of anything >archaic technology none understands, operates it innately >wears his heraldry of his family proudly