Why aren't you playing Go user? it's fun
Why aren't you playing Go user? it's fun
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Why are you reposting entire threads user? it's shitty
i went and started online
kinda weird, but logical. Like chinese chess.
no one to play with
I get too frustrated when I hit the ceiling and start losing games.
I tried, but the whole strategy of the game is above my head. Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I really can't wrap my head around the game.
Because you either have to do autistic shit like studying older games by other players, or remain a complete scrub.
>no Veeky Forums game series
post your accounts you bunch of scrubs, let's make some memorable beautiful games
This isn't chess, that isn't necessary. You just surround areas on the board with your pieces. It's not a difficult concept.
Hard to find players and when you find one he is so much better that it's no fun playing against him...
what about handicap? I find handicap is a pretty good way to make even games
Because I'm not a slant-eyed weeb
Go is far more complicated and hard to get good at than chess is.
it takes a while to finish a game.
I like playing the beginning and mid game, but end game is meh, especially if I'm losing. I feel like once I make more than 2 mistakes, I am unable to ever regain that.
Hmm guess that could work, but how to figure out how much handicap is appropriate?
I am, I bought a go board in tokyo and play on an online server. I am a little under 18 kyu unfortunately. I love reading game logs and following along on my board, though.
Start from zero handicap and keep increasing it until the matches are even.
I'm a 3kyu player of Go and I find Chess more difficult to get into, something about the game just pushes me away, i can't get enough motivation on drilling all the basic motifs, pins, skewers, etc... Somehow I got hooked in Go really fast and I find go problems fun to do compared to Chess
I guess it's something personal, you need the visceral feeling for the game to actually put effort on it
Well... If you are the fighty type then you probably won't have endgame in about 95% of your games, you either will win or lose by resign
If both of you play on a stablished online server then you may know your rank easily, then you give two stones for 2 rank difference, three stones for 3 rank difference, etc
If both of you don't know your rank, then after two consecutive losses the loser takes a handicap, after three consecutive losses the loser takes two handicaps, etc
I want to seems really fun, non of my friends plays old board games. Live out side Stockholm that has a club but I have 2+ hours travel time. Would like to try it online but don't know of any good site like lichess or chesscom
I'm not very good. Sometimes I sit around and solve tsumego and the like but any time I try to play even against fairly new kyus I get stomped and that seeming lack of progress in terms of real game performance frustrates me out of getting more experience.
two active servers are gopanda and cgoban. Gopanda is more active I believe, and it is easier to find players within your skill range. Cgoban has only higher kyu and amateur dan players so it sucks, but it has some beginner level go AI that is useful to around 15 kyu.
I never tried gopanda because it had a subscription fee for the country I was in at the time, but I think it is free for most western countries and some professionals play there sometimes like Rui Naiwei
Western sites: KGS, Online-Go.com
Asian sites (have English clients): Fox Go Server, Tygem
Asian servers have more players and often relay professional games etc.
Here is my OGS account if someone wants a game or a teaching game, can give and take handicap, lets make some Veeky Forums-series games
I am, go wash your eyeballs
Posting REAL thinking man's game.
not really. Yes, mahjong requires skill but it requires just as much chance. Go is pure strategy.
>Riichi mahjong
>Thinking game
Your tiles literally tell you what to do and you only win by luck.
You win by luck, but you don't lose by being good.
I just have other things to do. I could go play a game of Go if I wanted, but I have game sessions that I DM or play in on the same days that the Go players meet.
It's way too time consuming. I love the game but I already have other hobbies to keep me occupied.
Go fuck yourself.
>I guess it's something personal, you need the visceral feeling for the game to actually put effort on it
Absolutely, but Go is also objectively more difficult than Chess, just as Shogi is also objectively more difficult than Chess. The Shogi vs. Chess comparison is easier to make, as Shogi is more similar to Chess, but has more pieces, more kinds of pieces, a larger board, more legal moves, and more complex rules, while Go has one kind of piece, one kind of move, but far far more options available at each turn due to the immensely higher piece count and board size.
Don't really like Richi.
It's insanely convoluted, and while vanilla Mahjong can be a bit simple, the other flavors of Chinese Mahjong make for better games.