Do I gotta make a new thread for this? Stellar already removed the dumb SJW community guidelines from their site...

Do I gotta make a new thread for this? Stellar already removed the dumb SJW community guidelines from their site. Stop acting out, /pol/tards

Other urls found in this thread:

That's not enough. Me and my friends are going to go on protest and march until the Stellar team makes a public statement on their website and github ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of white genocide. Until then, we're focusing all our meme magick on XLM and their shittty sjw soyboy team.

pic related, its me and my RWDS from the last march we went to

Oh please don't, and PLEASE don't sell!

This is also a scam man, sorry.
Was shilling this hard 2 days ago lol, world has moved on. Priced in.

I already sold everything after finding out they’re anti cis white male. There are a thousand other coins I can buy. Why would I buy a SJW coin?

white supremacy in one image

This is an american only problem. The US was always populated by christian trash that europe threw out to board for the us now your society needs to teach grown adults how to behave because disrespectful (((christian morals))) dominated for the last 300 years. Now eat your sharts amerimutts and enjoy your multiculturalism

This is white supremacy in one picture, faggot user.

If you aren't actively trying to better yourself, you have no right to call yourself a white supremacist.

>never play the cripple
But how else are we supposed to make people aware about WHITE GENOCIDE? Every second there's a white woman who dares to refuse to sleep with a white man and that's WHITE GENOCIDE

> he's not using crypto gains to fund white genocide

I think they're just shit posters trying to lower the price by tomorrow before the fairx announcement.

I refuse to believe people are that petty

this FUCK wh*Toids

Did they identify or fire the person who wrote it? No? Then they didn't do shit.

They still believe in what was written there, they just removed it like a kid removes his hand from the cookie jar when his mom catches him.

Fuck these people. Stellar Foundation = racist.

I'm cool with them taking it back and being one of the few that back down to sanity.

I was a little worried about that when I first saw it thou

yeah dude, keep telling yourself that most white supremacists aren't incels, and that most people who look like that sculpture are white supremacists

You do realize that you sound exactly like an SJW, right?

its okay though, he's a pro-white snowflake, not a pro-brown snowflake

Yeh they corrected it quickly but I'd expect nothing less than the trolling to continue for a while here.

> You do realize that you sound exactly like an SJW, right?

I don't care what you think I sound like, and I believe in social justice so I don't know what you're getting at. Either they fire the person who put that in their guidelines or they are endorsing his views. That person was directly representing their company when they put that there. The Stellar Foundation is racist and I don't support racism.

>Did they identify or fire the person who wrote it?

>get flak for making outright anti-white, anti-male statements on their official website
>g-guys, it's o-okay, they now removed it
Fuck them, they think I can be harassed because I'm white and/or male? There are enough other projects to invest in, this makes the choice much easier.
>inb4 but muh shekels
That's just very dumb business practice that alienates customers, thus hurts the company, thus hurts my investment. I rather invest in a more professional project that doesn't sperg out about their insane ideological views.

Do they read Veeky Forums?

I meant the person who published it into their guidelines. I'm aware it was copied and pasted originally. Doesn't make a difference. If I copy Mein Kampf into my community guidelines I'm still a racist, I don't get an out just because it was copied and pasted.

Yeah, this. It's a very easy test: replace white with black (or Jews) and male with female, and then think what you'd expect the company to do.

>investing with your emotions

everytime i see this picture all i see is the fat one fucking the one in the hoodie just look at them together you justknow

white supremacy is a manifestation of (((christian))) supremacy, its a middle eastern mindset to think yourself of a superior people (see:jews) Every race does something better than another race, this type of ideology is only followed by prideless idiots who can't amount to anything and quit the moment things get tough (see:hitler)

Why are IDIOTA shills so pathetic in nature?

I can literally feel the grease everytime they post.

>What is necklacing
Guess you want to be burned on a tire user

can't invest in this coin with blatant racism being practiced, good luck

I'm rich and I dumped my XLM today.

Whoah I guess I support HBD and killing anyone who doesnt look like me now

they aren't half as bad as the unabashedly racist Raiblock community

Nice strawman. I am a classic liberal and I believe in social justice. I still think Stellar Foundation is racist and I will not do anything to support a racist organization.

They just changed the guidelines right after the backlash was posted, and it they instantly removed the "reverse racism" and other SJW garbage. I wouldn't expect that it was from the current team since they could have hired some shitty intern to do their marketing years ago. That's why the policies haven't been updated because they have focused on the tech, rather than the marketing.

>I am a classic liberal and I believe in social justice.
So you support me being killed for being white/you support me not having children or a wife because im white

You sound like a fucking moron who is too stupid to troll properly.

>You sound like a fucking moron who is too stupid to troll properly.
Sorry but im not trolling. You said you're a liberal and you support "social justice"...that means you literally want to see white people necklaced and killed for being white, and you want to see less white babies

I will never invite these faggots into my home. I will, however, take their money and use it for everything they hate.

Retarded goon.

If you're going to troll in this way, you need two IP addresses and two IDs.

You don't "support" HBD you fag, it just exists. It's SCIENCE.

Not an argument, shitskin.

Also not an argument. If you're a "liberal who supports social justice", then you're anti-white. So why'd you back out on this coin then, you bugman? "Social justice" is all about killing whites like me and making sure we never breed again.

Not the same kind of Bill-Nye-Tier "i FuCkInG lOvE sCiEnCe" science you're thinking of, you shitskinned 56%er.

If you disagree with me, you're anti-white and you support white genocide.

All races obviously have value to humanity as a whole. However, it's foolish to think that the race which created nearly everything of value in our world isn't superior.

Blacks may be better at sports and Asians may be better at math, but as a whole whites are responsible for advancing humanity more than those two groups combined.

You're the shitskin here.

I don't understand why you think you're being clever here. You're simultaneously supporting two opposite viewpoints, and I guess you probably think the "right wing" schtick you're doing is some sort of clever satire, but you're just coming across like a cringy idiot. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment just reading it. Spend less time on somethingawful.

>Not an argument
Go home steven molymeme nobody wants you here

Ok 56%mongrel, keep projecting.

I'm not the one who said I support "social justice"'re the one who said that

Look retards. If you think that the main players in the stellar team had anything to do with writing this trash you're a retard. These things get pushed to the fucking community relations interns, who is probably still in college and is a feminist cuck. If it was a feminist company and they didn't even see there coin price tanking they just would have kept it up. The fact they took it down so fast when the backlash was >1000 people shows that whoever saw that realized the intern was a fucking sjw retard and they needed to remove that shit right away.

>being so autistic that you let something like this get under your skin to the point that you're giving up free money for the right to say that you didn't support "reverse racism"
the absolute state of biz's pol invasion
you all came here to make money and you're literally bitching about "social justice," shut the fuck up and stay poor incel faggots

Sorry but either way I dont support a company that's so irresponsible that they'd let white genocide/social justice cuckery get even a foot in the door

stellar is complicit in white genocide by allowing this to go unnoticed until today

Everyone sees what you're doing here and they think it's sad and they want you to stop.

This is a major red flag. Companies that let the social justice plague fester often do stupid things.

I don't know if you've ever had a job in your life. But for those of us that have, I don't read my companies website, I don't know anyone who does on a daily basis, someone posts something I don't even know, when someone brings up something retarded, we realize it's retarded and take it down. And just so you know there is no way to remove sjw sucks from application process so some of them get in, it's just the way it is.

This random FUD campaign today is a major green flag. Keep it coming shitwads, there's like 5 threads going full of this pointless diatribe. Buying more XLM you tards, thank you.

Sorry but I dont fall for your alinskyite "appeal to popularity" shilling. You already said, in no uncertain terms,
>I believe in social justice.

That says all I need to know about whose side you're on.

Only bugmen work for Fortune 500 companies that support "social justice" cuckoldry

>a Europoor
>disdain for America
>while his women become blacked before his very eyes
You deserve neither the help nor respect of the white man

XLM is my moon mission. trying to accumulate 100k

don't be a nigger that thinks everything is some injustice against you

How are these people saying that its OK for the devs to not know whats on their own website?

>having principles is bad

Eat shit user. I'm a /pol nigger, and i'm still holding xlm. If somebody wants to drop it because their team are communists, who cares?

This is literally the fucking lengths XLM FUDders have to go to right now folks. Think about that. The product and their next year is looking so good that they are beating this retarded SJW horse in multiple threads today.

Fucking GREEN LIGHT boys, buy now and hold through jan. This is the absolute shittiest FUD campaign i have ever seen LOL


Look, I hate SJW shit too, but don't let that throw you away. I followed Stellar way back in 2014. As you might know, the marketing is piss poor, and no one has clear acknowledgment of Stellar up until recently when they announced that IBM will come in to support their token. As a result, the Stellar Foundation has worked hard on the tech instead as they drifted away from hiring good PR guys.

And it's a good thing that the team had corrected it right away.

Yes, I believe in social justice. I am a classical liberal. That is why I cannot support the Stellar Foundation - they are racist.

Why are you still pretending to be a right winger, btw? Your posts make it extremely obvious to anyone above a double digit IQ that you're a looney anti-liberal leftist cultmarx guy. I don't get the point of this. Do you honestly believe you're being clever by roleplaying?

Anyway, I'm done responding to you. Let me know if you'd like to have an actual discussion. There's nothing more tiring or sad than someone who hides behind layers of irony and refuses to engage. I wonder if you even have a personality underneath all that bullshit.

Hello I am the CEO of Stellar, Jeb McCabe. I am sorry about that post it is really offensice to whites and men. I have removed it and w are looking at the girl to see if she is fired thank you have a good day and enjoy the moon missions

>Eat shit user. I'm a /pol nigger, and i'm still holding xlm.
>being this fucking dumb
I'm not talking about you then, you mongoloid. Now you've gone and made yourself look equally as retarded as everyone else who migrated from pol. Having principles isn't bad, sure, but spreading FUD and coming off as a complete butthurt autist cry baby over something that is so miniscule and insurmountable is

These are the same faggots FUDding about muh banks in Ripple threads even though they most likely ACH/wired out of their own bank accounts, and to which they will cash out back into. you guys just sound like fucking morons and it's laughable

these little bitch fudders are fucking hilarious. they can't talk shit about what an incredible product stellar is and how it's gonna make all of us hodlers a ton of loot so they found some fucking gay shit in the guidelines whcih was already removed that no1 gives a fuck about to try to derail the rocket.





THERE IS no debate to be had. This is a fucking garbage, transparent, targeted FUD campaign that is clinging at the most pathetic non-issue. You are not even fucking denting the price at all fuckwits and you've been at this for hours today, give up.

You people are fucking laughable and nobody is going to fucking fall for this REEEEEEEEEE

are you literally sargon of akkad? lmao

I don't care what happens to the price. I just know I personally will not support this company. It goes against my morals.

No, he's obnoxious.


>company doesn't want their image associated with negativity
>waaaaaah they hate freeze peach im pulling out!!!!

ill take your bags

>he thinks a coin with a rocket ship for its icon isn't going to be a massive pump and dump
>"look our symbol is a rocket, which psychologically makes you think its value will rocket!"

Literal brainlets HODL this. Sell it when you make 2x or 3X profits and get out. If you HODL during a huge crash, its not going to recover

Your morals are actually objectively shit.

If the only place you can air your morals is Veeky Forums and twitter congrats you are a shit eater.

lol you actually think people in public and facebook aren't 99% trash idiots

we should actively purge anyone who believes there is any sort of white genocide or discrimination.

You can actually start crying about genocide when you get genocided you sensitive baby

>It goes against my morals.
Then leave and stop shitting up the board. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion just as much as they don't give a shit about mine. This board is for fucking business and finance, not politics, so I keep my political opinion to myself.

Please take your edgy teen pol opinions into the real world so you can get literally run out of the public like all the other alt right kids did this year

>What is necklacing
there has literally been a final solution in africa against white boers for the past 20 years you mongoloid


Every XLM you buy contributes one (1) tire and one (1) litre of petrol to a radical BLM anti-white antifa marxist nigger family, with a message handwritten by Jed McCaleb that literally says "NECKLACE ALL WHITE PEOPLE, WHITE GENOCIDE NOW"

fuck white "people"

so fucking fragile lmao
>Unacceptable Behavior:
>Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent and/or after a request to stop

This is literally white genocide. How can I get an aryan blonde-haired blue-eyed tradcon wife to have 8 white babies with if I can't even hug a white woman?


wait are you being ironic or what


there are legitimately people who think this

Lmao I'm white and I'm fucking embarrassed to see whiny fragile babies like you crying all the time.
> muh white genocide WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Seriously do us proud and kys, retard

screencapped for 20 years from now

>implying whites arent in danger of going extinct by Q3 2018
You anti-white cuckold shill, im not letting my guard down because of your propaganda

how are there so many commies on this board? kys

Genocides don't exist. There are only wars. Holocaust? WWII. Bosnia? Ex-Yugo. Irish? Treaty. Japan? Migration.

>freeze peach

This is how I know you have the mental acuity of a twelve year old. If you have to make DRUMPF GLORMF FREEZE PEACH baby talk to get your point across, you are a fucking moron and no one should ever take you seriously.

Enjoy my bags, I'm moving into a coin not run by lunatics.

I am against racism. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but I don't think that's really a "Veeky Forums" thing.

Nah. I'll say what I want. I am talking about a business here - a business that's doing evil things and will eventually lose a lot of people a lot of money on account of it.