Say a splinter consisting of ten average sized bioships arrives in our system. By luck humanity spots it coming two weeks out. Can we survive?
Could a Hive Fleet conquer modern Earth?
No... dude.
We literally have no chance. They probably wouldn't even need to land any ground forces. Just bombard major population centers until Earth collapses.
>Could a Hive Fleet conquer modern Earth?
Yes, easily. Next time keep it in the containment thread.
>Can we survive?
We will be fucked the moment they drop the spores that aggressively alters the fauna of earth.
And that's the first stage. Before the actual critters are dropped.
Society would collapse and our populations would be decimated
But I think we could endure
Some Cadians once BTFO Hive Fleet Scarabus without losing a single company and modern earth is way more advanced militarily than the Guard. We'd win.
The War against the Cthorr by David Gerrold.
Only good for daemons tho.
We're beyond fucked m8. For serious. No chance, we all choke to death on our own melting insides from the tyrannoforming spores in the air while the last of our armed forces get slaughtered by nids.
Tyranids get easily BTFO wherever they land by modern artillery with targeting systems leagues beyond those maintained by the retards of 40k. Only real challenge is their space assets, but even then they only have a few ships. Once they come close to deposit spores they can be nuked into oblivion.
40kids BTFO once again.
>Modern military is more advanced than the Guards
Lasguns are automatic directed energy weapons that each shot is equal to a 50cal and magazines can literally be charged with any heat source.
Plasma weapons that have enough energy in each shot to vaporize an entire human body.
Melts guns that can turn fortified structures into molten slag in minutes
Their aircraft are literally magical with inches of armor plating and a shit load of weapons but still somehow fly faster than our fastest fighter jets.
Even the fucking auspex is hundreds of years ahead of our current tech level
user, please tell me how we are superior to the Guards.
Good luck BTFO everything that's a few kilometers underground/underwater.
They never get there because they're detected as they fall and shot down. Real world information technology is miles ahead of 40k and it's must have los weapons. They still rely on goddamn flak batteries as anti air.
If they enter our atmosphere, we're fucked. You can't kill every single spore with artillery. You'll just scatter them.
This would be really interesting so we could finally see the full extent of humanity's destructive capability
All nations come together to fight as one with no mercy or idea of a warcrime.
Hell, we'd probably put up a good fight
Muh abram tonk veri stronk AMERIGA FUG YA.
Literally all those weapon require line of sight. Real warfare is about detecting the enemy with sigint from miles away and pounding them into oblivion with missiles before they can do anything. Tyranids rely primarily on fucking melee, they've never encountered anything like this and have no defense against it. Face it, real world tech blows idiotic shit like meltas out of the water.
We have literally zero ability to attack anything further from our planet than low earth orbit and our capability to do that consists entirely of extremely small kinetic-kill anti-satellite missiles which are too small in scale to even be of use against tyranid ships. Not to mention that tyranid ships are protected by ablative spore clouds equivalent in effectiveness to void shields and have dedicated point defense systems capable of protecting them from ultra-high speed, incredibly advanced, self guided, high yield anti-ship torpedoes used in the 40k universe. Planets in the 40k universe have dedicated planetary defenses for the specific purpose of fighting orbiting space craft and in the very first instance of imperial contact with a hive fleet these defenses fail to prevent a tyranid invasion of a planet.
The tyranids don't even have to actually invade the planet, the planet is just rendered uninhabitable by tyrannoforming while hive ships sit in high orbit in perfect safety shitting spores into the atmosphere.
Modern earth fails at the first hurdle of being able to prevent the planet being rendered uninhabitable before any combat even happens.
Are you intentionally forgetting the artillery capabilities of the Guard as well? I doubt our weapons, even without requiring line of site, could stop the planet itself from trying to kill you.
>Say a splinter consisting of ten average sized bioships arrives in our system. By luck humanity spots it coming two weeks out. Can we survive?
easily. what you have to realize is that the universe of 40k was written by nogunz britons from the 80s. the imperium of man's technology is shameful. the abrams tank is far superior to the leman russ. modern fighters are faster and more maneuvrable with better weapons than 40k fighters. modern weapons have amazing electronics and information systems that make them insanely deadly. IOM has mostly dumbfire weapons. most importantly, modern people have sane military doctrine. and believe in enlightenment epistemology.
what will happen is this. spores will drop out of the sky and get ROFLMAOFUCKED by anti aircraft missiles, some of which will be nuclear. the surviving nids will cluster up in the retarded rank and file that all 40k armies fight in. then they will be tac nuked, strafed, bombed, artyed, and mortared into alien soup. any survivors will be mopped up by tanks with 3 times the armor of land raiders.
Guard artillery is literally just worthless WWII shit with no upgrades and a poorly trained conscript crew. It's nothing compared to what we have now.
Earth Humans can't even take care of Terrosti Bandit Armies.....think they can defeat Tyranids...
Tyranids will just deploy into the oceans and underground to avoid all your tech. Those niggas took an Iron Warriors fortress world as defended as Medrengard in a week, nothing the earth has packs as much punch or is half as ruthless in it use.
>Tyranids will just deploy into the oceans
and get raped by nuclear torpedos. it will be like fishing with nuclear dynamite.
There literally aren't enough nuclear torpedoes in the world, even assuming you could somehow differentiate them from ordinary sea life. Plus the Tyranids would just start chucking asteroids loaded with burrowing bioforms if they were actually having any serious problems landing.
But how they would defeat american marine alpha warrior war hero warrior poet?
There are no nuclear torpedoes in service in any navy in the world. The only torpedo in service that is even capable of carrying a nuclear warhead at all is the Russian Shkval. The current US heavyweight torpedo wasn't even designed with the capability to carry a nuclear warhead as that capability was rendered obsolete in the 1970s by torpedoes becoming extremely fast and deep diving, negating the need for a powerful warhead.
Also nuclear torpedoes, being tactical weapons had very low yields and didn't actually effect a very large volume.
Could you please stow your nonsense.
So much soy. Ewww...
Nope. But we have two weeks to kill ourselves to avoid being eaten alive. That's something at least.
You realize they can and will make planet fall everywhere a once? And only a miniscule part of the human forces has those weapons you mention?
After turning our biosphere against us and infiltrating with forward organisms. By the time the first real wave is coming it'll be over in hours.
It's like pissing in against a tornado at our tech level.
That's a terribly convincing argument, you're sure to have won people over with that one.
depends on where the nids land, like africa couldn't do shit to them and with the amount of boimass there they'd have too much matter to throw at us
>You realize they can and will make planet fall everywhere a once?
Only ten ships, they don't have "muh endless swarms" here.
>And only a miniscule part of the human forces has those weapons you mention?
Doesn't matter, all superpowers have them and any trash tier country that tries to stop them shooting down the alien invaders would get stomped. Not to mention the empire of bases America has.
40kids wrekt again by logic and reason.
>Only ten ships, they don't have "muh endless swarms" here.
A typical hive ship is 5 kilometers long, contains literally millions of organisms and its sole function is invading planets. Tens ships would constitute a normal invasion fleet.
>Literally millions
>Against billions with vastly superior technology and doctrine
Lmao get rekt
Trygons burrows beneath the earth and your tech is utterly useless. GG no ree.
get a life, nerd
If anything, all of humanity uniting to fuck shit up would be a hell of a show.
And all the weapons we'd need.
Btw. is there any mention in Fluff on how Tyranid react to radioactive contamination?
Modern Earth has no way of effectively combatting a space-based enemy that can change course. Those hive ships will just be able to dump spores into the upper atmosphere and alter the environment until it can no longer support human life. All the people jerking off about how great modern artillery is are ignoring that it simply wouldn't be a factor, because even the best howitzer in the world isn't going to help you against a cloud of dust-sized particles distributed at high altitude.
Mayby... if we fling every possible nuke at them before reaching us... but i dont think it would be enough/work well enough.
Lmao the fucking Imperium can endure the shit they spew while praying to their gas masks. We'll be fine.
Also they won't even get anywhere because they literally use flappy wings for flight, our jets will run circles around them.
The Imperium has space forces that are critical to actually defending against a Tyranid attack. Those guardsmen on the ground are eventually boned if they can't do something about the hive ships, gas masks or no.
And jets aren't very effective against a cloud of dust-sized particles either.
Humanity relies on a ton of other organisms on earth to survive. To eat, to produce our oxygen, etc. The tyranids can just twist all of that until it no longer helps support humanity, at which point the modern society that those advanced weapons you're shilling rely on will crumble. Modern jets are nothing without a huge logistical support structure, and that requires an organized society that will break down in the face of tyranoforming.
Yes, humanity easily survives, as all of 40k is so badly written and inconsistent that the measurements of the bio-ships fail to match themselves, and they all simultaneously explode.
They double explode because psionics do not exist in this universe.
They triply explode because all 40k weapon measurements are extremely weak and short ranged.
They quadruply explode because nothing can beat the russian fun gun.
user, the russian fun gun can take out targets in space.
How exactly do the tyranids even get close to earth, anyway?
They'd be blown out of the sky half a solar system out.
Again, some Cadians defeated a Hive Fleet with the Imperium's primitive tech and retarded doctrine without losing a single company. Tyrannoforming is obviously a minimal threat if it even is one at all.
We don't have much in the way of delivery vehicles for actually hitting stuff in orbit. ICBMs aren't designed to intercept a target in space, they're designed to fly up and then simply fall on their target in a ballistic arc. They're for hitting things on the ground and not much else. Even our best anti-satellite weapons aren't useful against a target that can actually change course significantly, they're for use against satellites moving in a nice, predictable orbit with very little ability to evade.
They wouldn't even get a chance to tyrannoform.
I mean, we're in the real world. Where we can shoot things from a greater distance than point blank.
Don't worry, as psionics don't exist in the real world and the speed of light does, a russian fun gun shot will hit them before they ever even have the chance to consider changing course.
40k aint got shit on realistic space mechanics, and if you put anything from 40k into realistic space, it falls apart immediately under the weight of its own bad writing.
A casaba howitzer can't be aimed, it is built with a fixed firing arc that can't be turned because it's dug into the ground. It's not effective against a ship, only planet-sized targets that don't change course. If you wanted to fuck over someone on Mars, it's a good tool for that, but it's not something that can shoot down a ship. A ship can just not fly in the path of the gun, which is easily visible from space because it's this giant thing carved into the ground.
>notices your tarpit from kilometers away
wats this?
It's pretty effective on a ship that relies on psionics (which don't exist) for early warning and is going in a direct course towards earth because all of their technology only works at point blank range.
And, couple that with the fact that tyranids canonically travel in hybernation, doing no actual evasive maneuvers (even if ships dock with them), and there really is nothing preventing the nids from being exploded before they get past mars.
Psyonics obviously exist in this scenario because Tyranids literally exist because of them.
I don't think you realize how big space is. If you can't aim something, it won't hit. The odds of you building something that just so happens to line up perfectly with an incoming ship are so insanely small that you're better off just hoping for a random asteroid to kill the target.
I don't see the earth being dropped in 40k user, I see the nids being dropped in the real world. Which means they're going to have to deal with things like physics.
user, space travel relies around specifically plotting courses of objects months and years ahead of time if need be.
Once spotted, you would have ample time to dig a gun that is going to shoot their flight path, AND fire it at the right time. Because nids do not do evasive maneuvers even when docked with, even WITH psionics on, until after they wake up.
Tyranids have FTL, so humanity won't see them coming because we are reliant on speed of light to detect things.
Isn't that entirely reliant on psionics, and also slower than light canonically since they are moving via gravity pull and not any kind of warp?
Tyranids inside the ship hibernate. The ships are alive themselves and respond. Shield of Baal has a whole fleet evolving a protective coat in between coming out of FTL and hitting the system halo.
Yeah, sure they do.
Which explains how space marines are able to dock with them because they are asleep.
Reminder that the efficiency of modern day cluster munitions and the tyranid's preference for horde attacks makes them a non threat, when we can kill them by the boatload for a small cost
>The ships are alive themselves and respond.
Only because of stuff like psionics that doesn't exist in the real world. They wouldn't respond if dropped into the real world, which means you could easily shoot them down on approach.
Like, the literal only threat the tyranids provide in a modern day is their viruses, which are debatable at best as to whether they'll even GET to earth.
How do you know psionics don't exist?
Basically, the entirety of the tyranid threat falls apart 100% if you remove "space magic" from the scenario.
patched that out years ago
Modern day cluster munitions, like pretty much every other aspect of industrial warfare, rely on a functioning industrial society to keep up production. If that collapses, modern militaries become non-functional. These weapons don't exist in a vacuum, they require a logistical support structure.
hence why the only threat the tyranids -actually- present is a viral one. Any other part of their deal can be ignored, as it is negligible.
>tyranids can safely lob spores at us from space
>spores cannot be realistically intercepted
>once nids make landfall, they turn the oceans into fuckhueg monsters factories
I really can't see modern earth standing a chance.
Okay, so the tyranids aren't a threat if they're not the the tyranids?
Basically, here's the most likely scenario I am seeing.
1. tyranids move toward earth
2. tyranids explode because they are not actually ready for real life combat
3. cloud of viruses heads towards earth
4. if they can survive re-entry and shit, they hit earth
5. viral scenario, maybe
Seems like it could make a cool setting.
Tyranids can't lob spores because the ships can't think or communicate without psionics or the warp, which don't exist in real life. They're nothing but dumb asteroids that we can shoot out of the sky at our leisure.
Hey, we're just removing the plot armor space magic bullshit the writers put in due to lack of understanding of hard science fiction.
No, it isn't reliant on psionics at all. Tryranid FTL distorts spacetime, rather than the psyker dependent warp travel used by most 40k factions.
> due to lack of understanding of hard science fiction
> thinks he can easily hit tiny targets with a casaba howitzer
Yeah, sort of a bad tactic for them to put all their eggs in the "psionic" basket.
And to do that hybernation shit so space marines can board them.
A better designed space menace should probably use hard light, pherimones, radar, messenger pods, and others in addition to psionics, to ensure that you would need catastrophic multiple system failure to prevent operation.
Instead of, you know, a single system failing and then whup it don' work no more.
user are you okay?
tyranids wiping a city out of it's inhabitants is probably the worse thing they can do. that just gives the governments of the world to pull out the stops and play their full hands without any political ramifications
doesn't help when those monsters are gutted from hundreds of kilos away by cruise missiles or smart artillery rounds
user, they do this with psionics, and it's still not FTL I think.
FTL isn't a thing in real life, so it's a irrelevant anyway.
>Tyranids wouldn't be a threat if they didn't have the Warp which I have no evidence doesn't exist
It obviously exists because they do.
>soft scifi exists because writers can't into hard scifi
nah, if the warp exists, my dick would have horns. Which, sadly, it doesn't.
Case closed.
No it doesn't. It's a part of the 40k setting. If you take the tyranids out of 40k and drop them into the real world they fall apart immediately under the weight of garbage writing and an idiotic, unrealistic concept.
not all soft scifi, but warhammer's modern state can certainly 100% be attributed to "being shit writers".
Which is why so many things in 40k they say are great repeatedly, but actually compare rather poorly to even archaic equipment.
>we've had fire and forget missiles since the fucking 80s
>the IG don't, for some retarded reason
this is why we don't trust britbongers to write military sci-fi
> burgers think that they're invincible, even against sci-fi aliens
In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
If they exist then you're in the 40k universe you absolute retard.
Right, but the OP was talking about Tyranids.
Tell me, how do you plan on fighting the Tyranids with modern tactics and firepower?
See, if they were a proper sci-fi alien, they'd actually be a threat.
i don't have to be a burger to realize that britbongers are complete garbage when it comes to military sci-fi. i just read more about modern weapons in five minutes than the average 40k writer in their careers
oh, blow them out of the sky.
Canonically they don't really have any response to long range space fire. That's not a thing in 40k. Nobody plans for or cares about it.
Help, this retard's logic is actually worse than "40k vs x" premise
This shouldn't be possible
But we aren't, and the premise is clearly that the tyranids are dropped into our world, which means they're not a threat because nogunz britbongs cannot into hard sci-fi.
You realize 40k ships duel at hundreds of thousands of miles right? Including Nids?
That's not a likely sencario at all. What would actually happen is:
1. Tyranids move towards Earth
2. They face no resistance whatsoever until invasion organisms start landing because there are 3 countries with any ability to even attack objects in orbit and that ability consists of tiny kinetic energy weapons intended to take out unprotected satellites and attacking alien spacecraft before they actually display obvious hostile intent is dumb anyway.
3. Massive quantities of tyranid terraforming organisms are dropped into the atmosphere
4. They obviously survive re-entry because that is what they are designed to do
5. The entire planetary biosphere is destroyed
Your entire post is retarded. It is essentially assuming that a thing whose entire existence is predicated on invading Earth-like planets defended by technologically advanced civilizations is somehow not capable of doing that. That doesn't even make sense.
Real world humanity doesn't have long range space fire either.
A whale is still a whale even if you take it out of the ocean. It just dies, because it cannot support its own weight.
The same applies to tyranids when you take them out of a warpy universe.