Did any of your family or friends ever confront you over D&D supposedly being evil?
Did any of your family or friends ever confront you over D&D supposedly being evil?
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I wasn't allowed to play it for the longest time because my parents bought into the Jack Chick "It's of the devil and will make your kids commit suicide!" bullshit.
No, but I was confronted by an aunt who thought Magic the Gathering was a satanic ritual.
my dad was 70 the first time i wanted to play it so i was really worried.
until he showed me his miniatures
Yeah, and they also burned all my Yu-Gi-Oh cards as satanic.
I missed out on AD&D as a kid because my grandma threw out the books my mother bought for me and my brother. We had no idea the books even existed. I didn't get the chance to play D&D until 3.0 came out and a friend of mine showed me how to play.
why would you burn something you thought was satanic? isn't that sort of inviting shit? why not just shred them up?
I was never allowed to play DnD as a kid-early teen because satanism, my dad wasn't in on it so he bought me magic cards without realizing the house rules.
Funny enough once the whole craze died down I got my first books as a christmas gift from my mom who initially was on the satan kick
Yeah, my father was also saying that it was satanic.
No, but for a long time my Mom mistook it for larping. She was very worried I was dressing up like a wizard in the woods and getting no pussy. When I was actually hanging out in a basement and getting no pussy.
This is a funny post
No but my sport Dad might of well as called it satanic. He wasn't so crazy to ban me from playing it or anything, but there were many arguements about how I could be doing something more productive or about how I was letting my "rugby physique" go to waste.
No, because I don't live in crazy burgerland. We don't need to deal with that shit in europe.
Since i live in a country that doesn't do the frothing-at-the-mouth- religious nutjob thing there wasn't any of that stuff. There was a bit of backlash against LARPs when a bunch of teenagers killed another teenager and blamed it on a Vampire LARP but that died away after a few months.
My father once told the that RPGs were satanic, not just D&D, like Final Fantasy and other PS1 games, too. So me and my brother broke like a dozen CDs of games that we really liked.
My aunt threw away my entire MtG deck that I had bought a day earlier, wasted my entire monthly allowance on it.
We even burned some Stephen King books.
A year later we stopped this church stuff and really regretted doing all that.
My friend's christian dad got me into DnD and I played a Cleric of light which was considered for the most part god.
Yes, all the time. I grew up in the 80s in Wyoming. The catholic school I went to didn't teach evolution, and fantasy books and board games were seen as "corruptive", bad influence. It was a pretty backward shit state, even rumours about active KKK members. Anyway we got our hands on DnD out of state and played in the attic, or sometimes outside after school. Best place was a cafe owned by this immigrant from Turkey, he let us sit in it after closing time (around 6pm) because his son was with our group. We just said we went to church or were hanging out playing ball. One time we got caught in the attic when Raymond was in the middle of casting a rather theatrical raise dead. We got in so much shit, and the DnD book my dad burned.
Only as an excuse. If I wanted an RPG book and they couldn't afford it, they'd say it was evil so they didn't have to admit they couldn't buy it for me. Later I began to catch on, and later even things began to look up and I eventually got into RPing.
Playing DnD was probably a step up from playing every possible chaos faction that GW had to offer.
My grandmother always made passive-aggressive remarks about me playing D&D because she thought it invited evil thoughts and a corruption of morals. I ended up getting a bible for Christmas that year.
I had a librarian in middle school who wouldn't let me bring my D&D books into the library because of it.
>getting no pussy
I dunno about 'murica, but here in urop (well atleast in the nordic larp scene back in the 90's when I was larping), "post-game orgy" was sometimes very fitting term.
My mother thought it was stupid and didn't like it because she thought it was distracting me from my studies. My dad thought it was cool though.
Nah. My dad was a fan of the Infinity Engine games and fantasy in general, so he didn't bat an eye when I started playing AD&D. My mom was a little more worried, but it didn't take much for her to realize the anti-D&D types didn't know what the Hell they were talking about.
No, because I wasn't raised by idiots.
There's usually that type of thing stateside depending on where you're at but the kind of people there are not the kind of people you want to touch with anything but a striking surface.
Fuck no.
I'm not living in the Vatican
Fire purify anything.
Yeah it was a big deal in my house, my parents told me that D&D was made by Satan. Though my parents also told me that sex and masturbating before marriage was evil and that I'd go to hell if I did it. I didn't masturbate 'till I was 18. I think my parents regret doing it now, I'm pretty sure that fucked me up.
My mom wouldn't let me play it because she thought it would turn me into an antisocial fuckup. Jokes on her because I didn't need D&D for that.
Your mother seen to be easily brainwashed
People online really overblow that whole thing. It's like the whole video game causes columbine thing: there was a lot of vultures on the news touting it, then it simmered for a few months, then it only affected you if your parents were crazy.
My teacher at my boarding school confiscated some of our D&D books on the grounds that they were 'Satanic'
I was religious at the time (Religious boarding school, complete with what I would now call 'indoctrination', regular ritual and physical punishment for transgression),
and the revelation that he believed something fun and imaginative like D&D was somehow associated with devil worship was so insane that in depth pondering his motivations led me to the conclusion that religion was a wash, and that I was actually a non-believer.
Having taken courses in religious studies since then, I now agree that it WAS satanic, but only in the broadest of senses;
Corinthians demands thought-slavery to god, and that to not be thinking of god constantly is sinful, and therefore satanic.
RPG's encourage you to consider and explore possible and impossible words, and the ramifications of magic/ supernatural being real.
This, to me, is clearly 'satanic' if you start putting the claims of religion under the same microscope and exploring the validity of their claims.
(I'm not saying D&D is satan worship, I'm saying that an open, questioning mind is un-christian)
Nah, mom and dad just make lighthearted fun about my nerdy hobbies, secretly i think they liked that i started playing rpgs, considering i was a bit of a shut-in when i was a teenager.
Surprisingly no; my family doesn't mind it since it gets me out of the house. If anything, I'm a problem since I'm kind of a prude and my DM is a PF nut with an Asmodeus fixation. Most of the time a play as a either a cleric of some "sufficiently" Christian god or a relatively neutral martial. My DM has tried to run evil campaigns several times, and I can't bring myself to play anything worse than a mildly selfish jerk. I think pic related is the core of my issues.
Never had a problem other than an overbearing mother who wanted me to be popular. One of my players is uber religious and plays Call of Cthulhu with us, which is way worse than D&D. The whole satanism scare came from people not really understanding what it was, most of the time the ridicule is much worse than that ever was. Also, it wasn't just the religious, it was a genuine national scare because no one wants their kids to be columbine tier satanist lunatics. It was the same reason that a lot of horror freaks are usually given a wide berth.
Fucking Raymond can't keep quiet for shit
I come from an American Christian family and I've played d&d with my parents since I was five.
And we played AD&D back then too, none of this babby stuff.
Good parenting. I'd beat my kids if I caught them playing D&D now. How the mighty have fallen.
I'm in a somewhat similar boat.
Although I like playing really pagan-y nature clerics and druids, in addition to playing lawful evil characters like fascist "preserve order and let everyone suffer equally" types
Luckily, my father, a devout Christian, grew up playing D&D. He let babby me play everything from Diablo to Doom, read The Hobbit as a bedtime story, and encouraged 40k, all under the caveat of, "as long as you're fighting evil, there's nothing wrong in my book."
I expected a bit more fedora tipping in this thread but its actually a pleasantly little amount.
Hey I also grew up playing Diablo as a kid. My mom and dad would play Wizardry on an Apple IIe that my dad had,and my dad had played tons of D&D as a teenager so he was completely cool with it. My mom only had a problem when I was a kid playing Black&White, and I would set my villagers on fire. Other than that it was all cool
Nope, I didn't life in a part of the country filled with crazy retards.
Nope, grew up in a christian household too, my parents didn't see it any more different than let's say, chess. Tho I didn't really have much people to play with other than my brother, my mom and a cousin
Britain never got on that train, and my parents never really paid much attention to what I was doing with my mates anyway. There was an American teacher at my sister's school (which was right next to mine, and part of the same 6th form program) that thought mtg and anime were satanic.
Pretty hilarious shit.
No. My mother is fairly aggressively faithless and while my father says he isn't he's agnostic at most. They both grew up in fairly restrictive environments that they thought were bullshit as kids, so they didn't have any problem buying magic the gathering cards or D&D books.
On the other hand I never got to skip class and get high with friends like they did growing up and I didn't even drink until I was into my twenties
people like her make americans look bad. or at least, worse than they are.
No and I'm pretty sure outside of certain burger proddies no one thinks that way. I went to a catholic school that was half monastery with the monks being our teachers and they never even brought something like that up, despite there being unusually many metalheads.
Man, I'm actually surprised there are so many people here that have ever encountered this stuff. I always assumed most of Veeky Forums was born a little after the 80's.
Close my (roman catholic) maw thought that the mage the accession had actual demonic spells in it, told her it's just a game, still aren't sure if she believed me.
Counterargument: Narnia, Middle Earth and Grayhawk are Christian stories written by Christians for Christians based on Christian symbolism.
Slaying dragons (as in Dungeons and Dragons) directly relates to a whole history of Christian allegory about fighting against the dragon of Satan and triumphing over sin.
Besides, telling and retelling religious stories of the past to fit them to the issues of the modern day is exactly what three of the gospels are: Mark cribs from Isaiah, Matthew compares Jesus to Moses and Luke is written in the style of a Homeric Greek epic.
Forgotten Realms is pretty nonChristian and satanic though.
I also got this speech on account of MtG, not D&D.
My family got me into gaming. I started in kindergarten.
No but some of my friends did confront me about D&D not being actually evil.
>D&D got her a priesthood and a job
>it only affected you if your parents were crazy
Everybody's parents are crazy, user. If you don't think yours are, you just haven't noticed yet.
Side note: If your kids don't think YOU are crazy, it's a sign that you did something very, very wrong.
>"Come on user, what is this crap!? We thought you were COOL."
>Britain never got on that train
Sure, but I don't think britain really has an equivalent of the "bible belt". I think maybe it did once, but IIRC that fat fuck Henry chopped it up and sold it to buy more wives.
There is a girl who recently joined my friend group in university who upon learning that we all play MTG boldly stated that it was "the devils game".
I lost my shit laughing in her face, I didn't think people like that were still around.
The crazy thing is that she still hangs out with out group but won't play MTG and she refuses to be in the room while we play D&D.
I just don't understand why she keeps hanging out with us if she is religiously opposed to everything we do for fun. Maybe no one else will take her in?
My dad still plays d&d with his high school buddies and my mom used to do VtM LARP. If anyone in my family is convinced it was satanic, as when I was young I managed to be religious DESPITE my parents
>i live in a country that doesn't do the frothing-at-the-mouth- religious nutjob thing
One Islam takes over (and it will) you will have it was well
prepare to get stoned
Maybe she has sour grapes.
>Baka! It's not like I would want play D&D with you user if it weren't the the devil's game.
Nerd groups are often bastions for outsiders and the maladjusted.
She wants the d user
Yes. That's why Shadowrun 3E was the first RPG book I personally owned.
I think that's more of a Wyoming thing than a Catholic thing. My first D&D group was set up and run in one of the out buildings of the local church.
I get stoned plenty sans Islam, thanks.
Long ago I got lectured by my Mom's friend about how MTG satanic. Then he proceeded to read a bunch of scripture to me.
I grew up in a pagen house hold and they had dnd books all over the place.
My older sister kicked off at a friend of hers after the girl called me weird for playing D&D/wargaming, saying they were Satanic and shit. She is the best.
>This thread
America just sounds like a different planet to me sometimes.
You shouldn't take whatever the source is that inspired you to think this seriously user. Most of the mudslimes I have known growing up sort of grew out of it by hanging with the regular kids. I do live in scandinavia though, so it's more normal to not give a fuck about religion here.
The secluded kids seem to go crazy though. Especially in sweeden for some reason.
Tell her that MtG is not satanism, it's judaism. Very similar, but one has a longer nose.
Either way, I've always been attracted by religious nutjobs. Keep her at your side
that guy's just falseflagging. no one who goes on Veeky Forums genuinely thinks europe is going to cuck itself into some Islamist dictatorship.
>as long as you're fighting evil, there's nothing wrong in my book
Your dad was a true paladin
I was afraid of telling my parents I wanted to play D & D for the longest time. My dad is a classic-car-fixin' manly-man Chad and my mom was a classic example of popular girl in high school. I thought they'd see me as more of a nerd-outcast than I already was.
When I finally confessed my desire to get 3.5 books, both excitedly regaled their times playing D&D as kids. They dig it and they encourage my little bro to play it too.
No, it's just that people downplay how many people still buy into this bullshit.
My best friend wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter because his parents were ultra conservative mormans. We just kept his character sheet and dice hidden at the DM's house.
I didn't but some of my friends hid it from their parents because they were afraid it would make them satanic.
This is growing up in the early 2000's in Rural Texas.
I'm not a burger, normies here have no idea what D&D is.
How did you and you friends find out about it?
I was born in 1982. I suppose that counts as a little after the 80's.
You ever wondered if "muslims taking over europe" is the same kind of crazytalk as "DnD is satanist"?
We summoned Satan and he told us about the game
well, unlike the later, it is actually happening
Oh ye of little faith.
If you want to see genuine retards pretend to know a lot about countries they've never been to, got to /pol/ and see for yourself.
It's not. What's happening right now is more a invitation than a invasion
My very Catholic grandmother saw me reading the Drizzt books when I was twelve, years before I started playing D&D.
It didn't go well.
American stupidity is not limited to one time period user.
How is he doing these days? I keep sending him emails but he never sends any back.
Forgot to mention, born in 1997. Most of my friends were at most 3 years older.
they thought satanism was responsible for all this too.
Let me guess, you believe Birmingham has no-go zones for infidels because the American media told you.
I remember my mom telling me not to talk about D&D in front of the grand parents.
No I don't live in the USA or Afghanistan
My parents are rather conservative Catholics, but when they found out I played DnD it ranged from apathy (mom) to a relief that I was going out and doing something social for once (dad).
I come from an immigrant family so they hardly understood what it was. I used to just tell them I was going to meet up with friends to play video games because it was easier than explaining the concept of tabletop RPGs to my parents every Friday night.
I was born in '93, and that shit was still around into at least the early 2000's.
Of course not! Both my parents welome the evils of D&D with open arms!
On that note, should my dice be from a virgin's femur or a goat's horn? Baal wont answer me anymore.