How do I get my group to bring snacks to the table?
How do I get my group to bring snacks to the table?
Hey group, let's bring snacks to the table
>95% of all of Veeky Forums's inquiries can be answered with "Talk to your group/GM."
Bring snacks yourself the first time, after session ask aloud who will bring snacks the next time. Group pressure will keep them taking turns.
Start a potluck style thing, tell your group you are making a snack that will probably be nicer than whatever they bring and suggest that they each bring something as well.
If you put more effort forward they won't feel like you're just asking for free food.
Who the fuck are you playing with?
It's common courtesy to bring something when you are visiting.
Are they niggers or something?
>It's common courtesy
We're dealing with fa/tg/uys. It isn't so common.
I straight call it 'Tribute'. Every time I am a guest in someone's home for an event they're hosting I bring something. Booze, food, supplies - something to be shared with the participants. Didn't even push it on my group and it still caught on.
Bribe them with IP, XP, Bennies, Chips, etc
Those sluts will do anything for that shit
literally just take whatever the question is and change "my group/dm" to "you guys/you" and instead of asking Veeky Forums, ask your group/dm and you're golden
For example, go ask your group next session 'how do I get you guys to bring snacks to the table?' and you'll find out exactly how you can do it, not whatever the fuck some bitter neckbeard who hasn't played a game in six months thinks you should do.
Bring weed.
>how do I get my group to bring snacks...
Well you could always do what my group does and buy your own god damned food. Other people don't need to provide for you.
Everyone in my group gets stuff for themselves before the game starts. If they feel like sharing, that's their business, but it isn't expected.
Don't do this it it's a lot of fun but your rp will suffer
My group has the opposite problem. They bring messy food and spend half the time gorging away.
Yup, fpbp.
No, I don't want to and you can't make me.
OP has a snack problem, I'm only suggesting a solution.
Bring meth.
>ahem, groop pl0x bring sn0x
alternatively you are in the group so just you bringing snacks to table means you have gotten some of your group to bring snacks
I've got a related question.
How do I get my group to bring snacks to the table that aren't junky garbage? I joined a new group and these people are all a bunch of amateurs. My old group back home before I moved knew what the fuck was up. My old group brought various breads, crackers, cheeses, granola bars, nuts, water, juice, and we gamed over wine and spirits.
This new group is all chips and off-brand coke, greasy junk crap for teenagers. It's pathetic.
Bring the good shit yourself to help set a higher standard
Fucking ask them? Seriously, did you not read this post: . Just talk to them about bringing a higher class of snack. At best, they agree and you all benefit. At worst, it turns out they have terrible taste and you're screwed, but at least you know and can plan for it now.