What is Exalted? An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned them on. Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/
>That sounds cool, how can I get into it? Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html . It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.
>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group? Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.
The surrender oaths didn't change the nature of the Primordials in any way. Only Fetich death or actual death did. You could have him similar to GLaDOS by treating his component souls as "Personality cores" to get him to change his nature and personality.
Gavin Hall
Didn't he already fuck one of his souls in order to make something or the other?
Lincoln Rivera
A question regarding getting trapped in a loop in Exalted. Our game group is a little....strange. One is a legit murder-hobo, myself am trying to be the most lawful good paladin type I can be and our third is....dull. He contributes NOTHING to the group other than to be a brick wall to soak damage. He has no imagination, no drive, intimacies NOTHING!!! How do you create a work-around this because we simply can't just drop him because he's a very close friend to us. The loop, speaking of is related to this. Our crazy murder-hobo thinks that doing ANYTHING out of combat is a waste of time and proceeds to argue about it for 30 minutes so we always end up placating that by creating this weekly monster kill. What the FUCK do I do about this? Lose hope? Give up? Go with the flow? It's maddening to say the least but I still legitimately enjoy playing exalted. What do now?
Gif barely related
Xavier Wright
IIRC, he sort of merged with his Fetich Soul giving him a (very) limited understanding of things outside his portfolio, something no other Primordial can do.
Blake Allen
>He contributes NOTHING to the group other than to be a brick wall to soak damage. He has no imagination, no drive, intimacies NOTHING!!! There's literally a charm to deal with this in the corebook. Cup Boils Over, p. 327. Show it to him and point out that by not giving his character a personality, he's created a weakness that would let enemies one-hit-kill him without him being able to resist.
As for the murder-hobo, well, Exalted isn't DnD. If all he wants to do is fight monsters, that's what he should be playing instead. Tell him that next time he starts an argument.
Matthew Gutierrez
How did he lose the intimacies he started with at chargen, or did he not submit a finished character? If he doesn't do anything with his character, why does Exalted interest him?
The murderhobo seems bad as well. You need to tell him that Exalted is about a great deal more than combat and he needs to retool his character to fit in with the theme of the game you're running. Out of curiosity, how does combat go in your game? Are you fighting Solaroids, Behemoths, and other creatures of comparable power every sessions or is it just a bunch of bandits that he can get a flawless victory on? The former is supposed to be vanishingly rare; something that only pops up at the story climax or ending.
Liam Powell
Bug report about the character sheet: If you make a Dragonblood and take a charm such as Five Winds Edge as a Melee charm, your sheet refuses to acknowledge that you have the requisite skill. I'm 90% sure it's because when it checks, it sees that it's a Brawl charm, and fails to check further to see if it's also a Melee charm.
Also, how would one go about offering to help transcribe stuff? Like, the new evocations from Arms, or short charm descriptions for charms that don't have them?
Henry Lee
Ignore the bit about new evocations, they seem to have been added between last time I made a sheet and today. Much thanks!
Jaxon Thomas
to be fair, all three of them sound like somebody I'd murder as storyteller ;)
Austin Ward
Honestly, I'd recommend your group change to a more combat-centric game like DnD.
Mason Harris
this i don't think dragonbloods or sidereals do, no technically this does not fit the theme of how these breaks are supposed to work for lunars, but lunars as written are so increadably bland I'd allow it anyway. I think I've seen this cartoon, he gets proven right by the end as the storyteller also aquires that intimacy. how they SHOULD handle it is by still having some artifacts have been mass produced. how they're going to handle it is more likely by ruining the concept of gunzosha troops in general because I don't think the curent gen likes the 'exalted is swords and sandles because it is post apocolyptic' thing
Jayden Campbell
Does anyone have any good images of Warstriders that don't look like gundams or a space opera? One of my problems with them is that in the books they've always looked very sci-fi, which clashes with the sword and sandals theme of the setting.
Colton James
Well, there is that picture of a couple Warstriders in a Realm military parade in the corebook.
Nicholas Diaz
Yet I feel that they seem out of place, even when the focus is on them. I mean, if they looked like something like a scaled up soldier of the Realm, I'd be fine, but they look like they're from /m/.
Logan Miller
Is Lookshy as aggressive as the Realm? Right like I'm designing a character and I'm working on his backstory, and I'm wondering which would be more appropriate to be butting in on his homeland's issues.
I feel he is far enough East (part of the Hundred Kingdoms) that the Realm might not be that big of a threat????
Cameron Lewis
>I think I've seen this cartoon, he gets proven right by the end as the storyteller also aquires that intimacy. What?
Daniel Collins
>how they SHOULD handle it is by still having some artifacts have been mass produced. That's... That's actually the case. Read Arms of the Chosen.
Julian Williams
Lookshy is pretty aggressive, sure. It subscribes to the Immaculate Faith and is more militaristic as a nation than the Realm.
James Martin
On the other hand, Lookshy has allies rather than tributaries, and helps defend most of the River Province.
Ian Jenkins
But is it oppressive? Taking precious metals and jade from kingdoms and junk outside of it's border?
Jack Lee
Not as oppressive as the Realm. Imperialistic ambitions are supported by a political bloc within the government but not as official policy. Broadly speaking, Lookshy maintains relationships of patronage with its neighbors and tries to maintain the appearance of fairness while pursuing its national security as the first agenda item at all times.
Dylan Moore
Sure, but most of its allies are definitely lesser partners in that alliance, and going against Lookshy's wishes could see allies turned into enemies pretty fast. Lookshy isn't necessarily oppressive in the sense means, but it's a major regional power that's first and foremost interested in protecting and advancing its own interests. Like any other nation, of course, but Lookshy is larger and more powerful than most nations, and can plausibly be a threat to several of the lesser kingdoms of the area.
Dylan Parker
If Lookshy turned on its allies the Realm would come knocking. Not to mention that there are other big cities in the province, all promised to defend each other.
It's not impossible, I mean the Spartan Hegemony happened after all. It's just that they'd be at their most vulnerable when they attempted it.
Juan Parker
What are some of the best 2e exalted books to look into? Purely for backstory and lore, not mechanics. I've got nothing but time on my hands to read up on Exalted lore and such before the game starts in like mid-January.
I know that the game will take place in the East/Scavenger Lands and I want to make a Samurai. And that the Night Caste position has been taken already.
Sebastian Richardson
Lookshy is first, and foremost, in a precarious position. It is a city state at war with an entire empire the size of Russia. They are only keeping the cold war from going hot and ending with their destruction because of an absurdly militarized culture, strong DBs, caches of dwindling first age artifacts, and the half-assed baking of the big economical powerhouses of the Scavenger Lands.
As a rule, Lookshy will not send an army against an hostile empire, unless it directly threatens them. They will seek allies, though, and actively so, but they know they can't push too far because of their precarious position.
It depends on what you call 'butting' on a homeland. Unless the homeland is an active force of destruction that directly threaten Lookshy or Lookshy interests, they won't butt in without a good reason. They will react positively to any attempt to ally, and actively support a court faction that would try exactly that, but they won't go to war or even active politics without a good incentive.
A vizier who uses the promise of an alliance with Lookshy as a political tool to get their help to overthrow the king is a good plot.
Xavier Nguyen
Turning on Three Forks or Nexus is one thing, but bullying the minor countries of the Hundred Kingdoms is unlikely to bother anyone except said minor kingdoms.
Robert Allen
On one hand they're *supposed to* clash, precious few salvaged relics of a bygone age only a few top savants even understand well enough to jurryrig into running for just a little longer but certainly can't comprehend how they were built. This is like complaining the robobrains clash with Fallout NewVegas's cowboy themes.
Landon Harris
The Night caste was made so quickly as this person has played before, and apparently has 'favorite' character they re-use every other game or so.
This character is essentially a Mongolian Warlord/Wild-West Lawman fusion which just sounds confusing but fun. They love their god-horse, whistle intimidatingly, and usually have more animal familiars than a Disney Princess.
Jaxon Cox
Sounds interesting, but wouldn't a Warlord be more in line with a Dawn? Can you tell us about the character?
Try reading up on the Compass books, and maybe Masters of Jade.
William Jenkins
Perhaps warlord wasn't the best word there. warrior probably would have been better. But that is all I know about this character, just vague stories and themes from the previous time they've used this character.
It does sound fun but also kind of wild. Are all characters like that?
Carter Lewis
that doesn't sound like it *needs* to be a night. could you get him to shuffle around some favored and caste abilities and recreate it as a dawn or eclipse?
I'd expect his supernatural to be ride based on the description, which isn't unique to nights
Nathan Morgan
Archery : Dawn Brawl : Dawn Melee : Dawn Thrown : Dawn Performance : Zenith Survival : Zenith Stealth : Night Craft : Twilight Medicine : Twilight Sail : Eclipse War : Dawn, Zenith Resistance : Dawn, Zenith Awareness : Dawn, Night Dodge : Dawn, Night Athletics : Zenith, Night Integrity : Zenith, Twilight Lore : Zenith, Twilight Presence : Zenith, Eclipse Larceny : Night, Eclipse Ride : Night, Eclipse Socialize : Night, Eclipse Investigation : Twilight, Night Bureaucracy : Twilight, Eclipse Linguistics : Twilight, Eclipse Occult : Twilight, Eclipse
Blake Powell
>Are all characters like that? Exalted is a game where you play as mythological heroes like Hercules, Gilgamesh or Cú Chulainn. You are mortal beings granted divine powers that allow you to shake up nations single-handedly fresh out of chargen. Running across anything that can go toe to toe with you is a big "holy shit" moment that happens once every handful of sessions instead of happening all the time as in D&D.
The default assumption is not only you will overcome any challenge, but do so handily, so games tend to focus on the consequences of your successes instead.
Mason Morris
You have to remember though, I'm just getting all this information second hand from others who have played with this person before. They could be more Night-y then I've described here.
Leo Adams
My players wanted a storage space to store items. Since one of them was a pirate we originally came up with the idea of a shovel that lets you bury items and send them into Elsewhere. Then it became a map. I found it funny so I'd figure I would post it here. I have not balanced it really yet but just jotted down the rough idea.
[Artifact map idea] >This appears as a blank moonsilver cloth approximately two by four feet in size. When unfolded and the user spends 5 motes they may roll Perception+Survival difficulty 5. Upon success the map displays an area equal to threshold successes range bands centered from the holder's current location. On a failure it displays a random location in Creation. On a botch it displays incorrect information that will actively mislead the holder. The map will then remain as written until exposed to the moonlight in which it turns blank.
>This however is not the main purpose of the map. When spending 10 motes and marking your location on a rendered map after burying an object the objects buried are sent to elsewhere. When using a rendered map objects buried will be drawn on the margins and in empty spaces. By spending another 10 motes and touching the drawing of the object an X will appear where the objects may be dug up and recovered.
I am thinking this is about a Artifact 4 for its utility. And I might want a way to limit the amount you can bury but I may just leave it up how much could be drawn on the map or something.
Eli Torres
This actually brings up a good question; what makes a Exalt/Caste? I described them as a Mongolian Warrior & Wild West Lawman fusion. In creation as I understand it anyone can be a warrior and a cop.
I mean four of the five E3 circle look like warriors... Maybe three and a half, I don't think anyone would be able to tell that Perfect Soul is a martial artist, she's just sensibly armored. So how would I describe this character in a more Night-y way?
Gabriel Garcia
Whoever is compiling the dev errata, thank you. You're doing God's work. Before this my ST and I had been relying on our mate who posts on the official forum to mentat for us.
Of course, I use to know how Faster Than Self works. And now I have no fucking clue.
Jordan Walker
Is it possible to Clash an attack that is unblockable, undodgeable, or otherwise perfect? Provided that you're in range in order to Clash, of course.
Liam Campbell
Does any attack actually use the phrase 'other-wise perfect'?
Thunderclap rush attack says 'may not use a clash to defend against a solar's attack unless...', so I'd say you can use a Clash on an Undodgeable, Unbloackable attack, but not an Undefendable attack (if there are any).
William Lee
"Otherwise perfect" never pops up, but some attacks are both unbloackable and undodgeable, which 2e defined as a perfect attack.
>Thunderclap rush attack says 'may not use a clash to defend against a solar's attack unless...', so I'd say you can use a Clash on an Undodgeable, Unbloackable attack, but not an Undefendable attack (if there are any).
Full text is "The target of Thunderclap Rush Attack may not use a Clash (p. 202) to defend against the Solar’s attack unless he’s using a Charm with the Clash keyword." Fervent Blow can clash that, but regular attacks can't. Cool.
Doesn't seem to come up anywhere, and a Clash is technically an attack, not a defence.
Noah Anderson
I am right that you no longer need a suprise negator to use perfect defenses vs unexpected attacks (and that Reflex Sidestep Technique is worse the better your evasion is).
Jason Gonzalez
Yeah, I know you can defend against TRA with a clash (that's why I left the 'unless'), I was just trying to illustrate that they refer to a clash as something you 'defend' with, and they have the language to say "may not clash" (which supports that you can clash undodgeable unblockable).
Liam Kelly
Which book contains the information on Adamant as a magical material?
Lincoln Powell
This is a known issue regarding Branching Charms from ACoD, you have the gist of it, whichever Ability it sees first it will latch onto as the prerequisite. I've known about it for a bit but haven't been working on the sheet very much so I haven't figured out a way to solve it.
Just added them recently, had a friend transcribe them for me. There's some typos scattered throughout the Charm names I'm pretty sure but I haven't had the time to go through them all. Now that I'm on winter break I should be able to put some time into that, among other things.
Jeremiah Bell
Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals page 204.
Austin Hernandez
Looks solid. I like it.
Hunter Flores
Nothing makes an Exalt / Caste. Every Exalt is a unique individual hero. You're not shoehorned into that specific role.
For instance, in 2E, a badass Conan the Barbarian-esque warrior is a Night Caste. He has some stealth, but he's focused on being a straightforward warrior instead - he's part of a long and elaborate plan to bring the barbarian tribes under the rule of the Bull of the North.
Easton White
That sounds like a pretty cool idea for an artifact.
Samuel Perez
How to you guys come up with Anima Banners, an what are some memorable ones that you've seen?
I try to take a characters backstory and Supernal ability into account, such as broken manacles and chains for a former slave or an array of magic Orichalcum mirrors (a key component in distilling Orichalcum to gold) for a Crafter. Other abilities are more difficult to come up with Anima Banners for, such as most of the Dawn abilities.
What do you guys try to tie a Banner to a character concept?
Alexander Williams
El Camino
Jaxon Cox
Caleb Sanders
Since it's been like two weeks since the latest bestiary entry went up, I decided to go and spend the two dollars on it to do it myself.
They seem pretty interesting, personally. A social-oriented Familiar that's popular among Dynasts, and a monster that feasts on blood and spontaneously arises following large battles or sites of slaughter where the blood of the slain mixes into the ground. I could definitely see them in a lot of Shadowlands, or in places like Rathess where blood sacrifice is common.
Jacob Cruz
>2e >Lore & backstory Pick one.
Ryder Richardson
Masters of Jade. And in 1e: Manacle and Coin, Savage Seas, Scavenger Sons, Blood and Salt, Games of Divinity.
Samuel Smith
The autochthonian compass books were regarded as great
Carter Morgan
>Gods made by IET are proper gods >This includes their ability to create Exigents Next level of Lunar rape camps?
Alexander Bailey
Yes, they're true gods who could use an exigence if granted one by the UCS, but you'd still have to get one from him or the black market.
Wyatt Ortiz
That's what Night are for.
Isaac Bailey
>Lunar rape camps Explain. Now. Before I start making assumptions.
Robert King
Camps where Lunars rape.
Colton Flores
How hard is it, in 3e's social system, to wear down or build up a Defining Intimacy to/from nothing? In return for answers, variably slutty MArtists.
Gavin Allen
Bah, not even worth of discussing after all this taste. Not even rating pretty high in the Exalted depravity rating.
Beastmen reproduce with humans to make more beastmen. Beastmen make natural armies for Lunars. The best way of having a huge beastmen army is to institute rape camp, which by the way is exactly what Ma-Ha-Suchi did. Though he refuses to taint his rape camp with DB's breed, which is inefficient, and inefficiency is the root of all evil, thus Ma-Ha-Suchi rape camps are evil.
Jace Morales
Pretty hard, since that requires boht a supporting Intimacy and supporting evidence.
Oliver Martin
Ah, now I see it. Does that mean that Solar Mind Rape is a thing of the past?
Jordan Clark
Depends on the Intimacy. An Intimacy of Love is pretty easy, for instance, at least for Solars and social-oriented Raksha.
First, you use an Instill action to create the Minor Intimacy. Then you use an Inspire action to inspire an emotion of Lust, then use that to strengthen the Intimacy to Major, since the emotion itself counts an a Major Intimacy. Then, when you sleep with them, you use Celestial Bliss Trick to give them a temporary Defining Intimacy of Lust that you use to support increasing the Intimacy of Love to Defining (or, for the Raksha, you give them a Defining Derangement that you use to increase the Love to Defining instead).
Lincoln Harris
Hudson Phillips
Not necessarily, but it means that Solar Mind Rape takes more time and effort than it used to.
Blake Thomas
Remember the need for supporting evidence, though.
Christian Sanchez
Grayson Bailey
Owen Barnes
Nicholas Carter
Christian Clark
Brandon Long
Pretty much, unless you consider persuading someone slowly with supporting evidence mind rape. Seduction is kind of an exception, Solars can seduce anything that can't Red Rule.
Luis Rogers
Hunter Perez
Can't you ping pong to defining by instilling two intimacies?
Brody Gray
Dominic Ramirez
Someday I think I'll do an exclusively male character art dump. Seems harder to find.
Ian Powell
Eli Hernandez
Isaac Adams
Leo Brooks
Again, supporting evidence is needed.
Jacob Campbell
Angel Turner
Charles Reyes
Gavin Allen
Dylan Murphy
Carter Adams
Charles Hill
Liam Phillips
Anthony Collins
Chase Martinez
Benjamin Perez
Brayden Anderson
Grayson Richardson
Oliver Bailey
Samuel Reyes
Ian Nguyen
Got any more with visible caste marks?
Austin Hernandez
I think a lot of art with caste marks, the marks are just shooped onto an older picture