>Hate elves, dwarves and orcs
>Create races which are slightly changed elves, dwarves and orcs with other names.
>They like it.
Help me understand people like that.
>Hate elves, dwarves and orcs
>Create races which are slightly changed elves, dwarves and orcs with other names.
>They like it.
Help me understand people like that.
Wannabe Hipsters
Surface level dislike for no reason other than to be contrarian. They're the type of people who argue that Dunmer and Drow aren't Elves because Elves are faggots but Dunmer are cool. Other instances include;
>Wow they worship their ancestors and are skilled with metal and obsessed with honour and pride? These Orcs are so cool!
>Clerics suck because they get all their power from begging their god for it. Now my Warlock on the other hand is hot shit.
There's not much to understand. Just be sure to bring some dry grass for them to graze on during sessions.
I don't hate elves, but dunmer are fundamentally different in culture. Much more Chinese inspired systems of government and the same goes for their design motifs.
I like their theme.
>They're the type of people who argue that Dunmer and Drow aren't Elves
They have "elves" in the fucking names, what's there to argue?
Consider one or all of those:
>they learned the hate from others and become free to like the thing once the hated label is shed
>they are not very imaginative people with a narrow interpretation of fantasy, what is a minor change to you is a huge innovation that they would have never thought of to them.
>you are yourself missing or dismissing a number of changes that make the concept different in sum.
>the categories of elf, dwarf and orc have become overly broad over time so they cover a vast area collectively. What is very different from one common elf interpretation can be very similar to another.
>they dislike a singular or very few traits disproportionally. Is this trait removed the concept becomes redeemed. Possibly something subjective like an air of superiority on elves.
>they are overexposed to a singular interpretation and the respite of a few changes is enough to break the extreme monotony.
>they didn't really mean the hate in the first place.
A simple exercise in empathy.
I think people hate the "standard" races because of lack of originality.
>Take bland thing
>Add flavor
>They like it
It's not that hard a concept to grasp.
Well, as you can see here faggots gonna fag.
Am I wrong?
Not that I disagree with you, but using the name as reference isn't really a good idea, considering the huge amount of things that exist and are named after other things, yet don't belong to the same group, nor are they similar.
You are. Dunmer can't be "fundamentally different in culture" from elves" since they're elves themselves.
Dunmer are explicitly related to the rest of elves in the setting, though. Which also go by the X elf slur, so it's not like dark elves are less elf than high or wood elves or like there's a mainstream pure elf.
> so it's not like dark elves are less elf than high or wood elves or like there's a mainstream pure elf.
There is a mainstream pure elf, though. They're the Altmer. The other elves are demonstrably less elf than the Altmer, since the other elves are all ancient race-traitors.
>Fucking weebs they like monstergirls, they're disgusting. I'm going to fap to my antropomorphic wolf pics
>Fucking furfags they like fursonas, they're disgusting. I'm going to fap to my monstergirl pics
Why? they're literally the same shit
So you are the exact person the OP is talking about; if dunmer were called something else, you wouldn't care, but because they are called "elves," they are immediately the exact same thing as what mythology and popular works would have most people believe.
What. They're quite easy to spot as elves. And I have no trouble with it since I'm not a contrarian who hates popular shit or thinks they can't be original. You're the one who thought that some elves having distinct culture and lore was such an unthinkable shit that you needed to mention it.
Thalmor please go
Yes, they're elves, long lived pointy eared humanoids with high magical potential; they may ride giant fleas and have heavy hindu inspired lore but an elf is an elf.
Dunmer are literally the most culturally like Aldmer, you idiot. Veloth made the exodus to maintain the traditions of the Aldmer which the now Altmer were eroding.
How about you create something actually original, instead of adding a gimmick to the cliche.
"standard" races are such a fucking specific concept, why are they a trope? why isn't it considered plagiarism to use them? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
>elves, long lived pointy eared humanoids with high magical potential
only if you consider D&D alone to define 'elf'
Coming up with original shit just to be original is fucking stupid. If you like something, doesn't matter if it's original or not.
That describes just about every elf in every fantasy setting ever user, maybe you could find one or two examples where it doesn't but that's always been the baseline for what an elf is since Tolkien. Hell, if we even go back further into folklore elves are basically just magical and beautiful humanoids without the pointy ears.
But anime cant be furry right guys? Monster girls aren't furry. I mean look at pathfinder general, are they all furries? No, you're wrong user.
>I mean look at pathfinder general, are they all furries? No, you're wrong user.
Shame people will ignore this.
Okay, hear me.
If we remove negative connotations from the word "furry", will you monstergirlfags admit they're furry?
Nightmare overload dante must die mode: will koboldfags admit scaly isn't fundamentally different from furry?
>If we remove negative connotations from the word "furry"
And how exactly do you intend to do that when furfags are a permanent black spot on the internet?
>If we remove negative connotations from the word "furry"
Can't be done.
>will you monstergirlfags admit they're furry?
Monstergirls aren't furry in the least, and I say that as someone who hates everything Kenkou Cross, MGQ and similar cosplay-level waifushit.
It woudl require THOUSANDS, maybe even SEVERAL years of social engineering!
user, furry is, to begin with, visually distinct in that the head, legs, often hands etc. are always almost entirely non-humanoid in furries, along with the obvious fur. Monstergirls are usually just hot human girls with a pair of horns and weird feet or something weaksauce like that. But beyond that, there's a huge difference in mindset: the monstergirlfag fantasizes about fucking cospl, I mean, monstergirls, but the furry identifies as an anthropomorphic animal, it's not about wanting to fuck a furry. They have fursonas and shit like that, to represent who they are on the inside, something monstergirlfags don't do. Beyond that there's another stage of people who genuinely think they have animal spirits in human bodies, but those people are fucking bonkers as hell and not even furries want to associate with them.
>and I say that as someone who hates everything Kenkou Cross, MGQ and similar cosplay-level waifushit.
Monstergirlfag here and i hate it too. Visually it's fine, but the whole lore needs gentle caress of a flamethrower.
That said, i can accept monstergirls as at least partially furry. It's not a black-and-white distinction, and some of them are definitely furrier than the others, but the main distinction is a snout. If it got human or human-ish face, it's a monstergirl. Animal head, furry.
Yes, this means kobolds are furry.
Nah, furry is human and animal blended together, monstergirl is human and animal taped together. There's some weird grey areas of course, but I tend to go with the good ol' snout=out rule.
Scalies aren't necessarily furries too I know this for a fact, but on a fundamental level it's the same shit.
And here you'd find that the interesting defining traits from a race comes from culture not the physiology. Though you can build their culture based on their form.
You're the one that argued for the opposite, don't weasel out of it. You're contrarian for contrarians sake.
>If we remove negative connotations from the word "furry"
That would require the deaths of countless furfags IRL or travelling back in time and smothering them in their cribs.
Because it works.
This is an underrated post.
You smart human
Empathy is for calm people explaining their gripes, not raving autist.
what if I want to fuck the furry but don't want to be the furry?
Then you're a xenophile.
Look at all you faggots desperately trying to convince everyone that you're not a furfag. Monster girls are furries. Deal with it.
>Help me understand people like that.
All fantasy races ever are just slightly changed humans. We simply cannot comprehend otherwise.
Only a faggot deals in absolutes.
No, they aren't.
A furry is someone who thinks they are and wants to fuck animals and animal people. monstergirls are something we know aren't real, and wanting to fuck them just makes the people who want to fuck them xenophiles.
If you weren't a newbie to this board, you'd know that.
>A furry wants to fuck animal people
>Monster girls are animal people
>We're not furry, I totally swear guys!
I bet you think trannies are real people too
I have met a few. They're weird, but they're definitely better than the furries I've met.
Technically humans are animal people too.
Does that make everyone furry?
Otherkin and Bestialiacs are the minority of furries. Of course they appeal to the human desire for sensationalism.
Isn't that in and of itself an absolute though?
welp, it's settled then. We're all degenerates, so we're free to like whatever we want.
Thanks, anons.
My favorite post on Veeky Forums in very long time. I hope you will have nice day and roll a lot of 20s.