This is your GM for tonight.
This is your GM for tonight
An actor?
No, the supergenius mastermind with complete knowledge of all sci-fi and fantasy works, as well as a mechanical understanding of every rule in the majority of games you guys could ever play (Tonight you are playing Pathfinder.)
sorry I must go... diarrhea.
Even I know enough about the show to know that is a player-only douche.
In the show he only likes being a player.
He gets emotionally invested in the story when NPCs talk entirely in impressions.
Hence, comedy.
Sheldon that kinda nigga who put his mage waifu inna werewolf the apocalypse game baka
No, my group's running a GURPS multiverse campaign where we take turns GMing, and tonight's my turn. I put a lot of work into these next few sessions so he can sod off.
Off-topic, that sounds monumentally fun and I wish you guys all the best.
If you ever wacthed big bang theroy. They know the rules of dnd for jack shit. Playing his game might as well be free form with dice. ugh.
>No, the supergenius mastermind with complete knowledge of all sci-fi and fantasy works, as well as a mechanical understanding of every rule in the majority of games you guys could ever play
Sweet, sounds like it will be a blast!
>(Tonight you are playing Pathfinder.)
I just remembered I have to drive to Australia today.
God, I hate railroading GMs.
Wrong. He actually GM'ed Dungeons and Dragons on the show. The premise of the dungeon was awful, but it still happened.
How bad a GM was he, then?
To paraphrase :"You're in a dungeon, (laugh track) fighting a dragon (laugh track)"
And then there was a time where he ran a solo campaign for Bernadette when she was pregnant. It was like a mary sue choose-your-own-adventure where only the best choices existed and he rolled everything.
>No, the supergenius mastermind with complete knowledge of all sci-fi and fantasy works, as well as a mechanical understanding of every rule in the majority of games you guys could ever play
Well, I guess I could tolerate this guy's asshole attitude for-
>(Tonight you are playing Pathfinder.)
Classic Shellie!
What would the Commander banlist look like if this were the Sheldon making arbitrary decisions to restrict the cardpool? Would we get Library of Alexandria? Mana Crypt? LoMoxen?
>And then there was a time where he ran a solo campaign for Bernadette when she was pregnant. It was like a mary sue choose-your-own-adventure where only the best choices existed and he rolled everything.
This was precisely what I was referring to in .
What's wrong with Pathfinders?
What would be silliest.
I will use my diagnosed autism and my power of australian shitposting to fuck this over, even if I'm not australian
Now that FCC killed Net Neutrality, how are you guys going to kill yourselves? :)
Aaaaaaand I'm glad I have to study for my exam tmo morning. Nothing against pathfinder, it's mainly what I play anyways.
Everything against a GM who is going to rigidly follow the rules to the letter.
I Zimbabwe the hell out of there.
By staying up here in my igloo and laughing at you guys for fucking yourselves over while pretending not to cry on the inside as we slowly transform into the newest socialist nordic shithole
>Supergenius mastermind
>Complete knowledge of all sci-fi and fantasy works
>Knows every rule
Yeah, no. I am not playing with autismo the character in any way shape or form.
I could tolerate it, but then again its
>References worse than those terrible Monty Python jokes
>Laugh Track
Zimbabwe XD
Bosnia-Herzegovina :-DDDDxd
It doesn't matter if he knows all the rules, he's still a fucking moron and about as creative as a rock.
On the other hand it gives me a chance to poison him and kill him.
I'm coming to your house to strangle you as you read this op.
>He gets emotionally invested in the story when NPCs talk entirely in impressions.
Sheldon is a complete piece of shit that should've had a dedicated wrangler emotionally strong enough to endure his barrage of insane demands and abusive behavior, what else is new.
I still can't get over how they put just enough effort into the DnD episodes to make it seem like they're playing DnD, but forget the little things that prove nobody knows how to actually play like, "why isn't anyone rolling for damage?"
I also can't get over how Sheldon and Amy literally ERP in his bedroom for like two minutes of screentime.
I don't know who I would want to strangle more, Sheldon or the shallow bitches in that show who laugh at the guys because 'teehee nerdy shit xDDDD'.
I dropped the Big Bazinga five episodes in.
>What I expected
A comedy about nerds
>What I got
They're nerds. That's the joke.
It's a vaudeville act with nerds as the negroes.
Let me put it like this: "Sheldon" isn't real and the guy who plays him does it because he gets paid a lot of money for it. The shallow bitches are real and do it for free. This should make it pretty clear who deserves to be choked.
>They're nerds. That's the joke.
Fucking this.
>"Hey, I love linux."
>*cue laugh track*
>The shallow bitches are real and do it for free.
What are you talking about? They're actresses getting paid to react to the funny and act aroused and interested in their dorky partners.
Jim Parsons? Fuck yeah, He can GM for me. Met him at a cafe during Comic con and chatted with him for half an hour. Pretty cool guy IRL.
I was expecting Sheldon to say something about how they're fucking in his spot.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the tumblrinas that like this show.
3e was not a great game by any means but it can be forgiven for its sins because of its time period. Pathfinder is a poorly made homebrew fanfiction of 3e by AND for the brain damaged faggots who collectively decided to double down on 3e's flaws as features rather than try anything new and different. Its creators are brainwashed SJWs, its players are otaku incels, and the game itself is a bloated, decrepit, and unplayable monster as old and awful as the dumpster fire of a game it was copied from was when Pathfinder was born.
I've never seen anyone on tumblr like this show, they have about the same opinion. its not a show for nerds its a show for people who think nerdy stuff is inherently funny.
>Its creators are brainwashed SJWs
>its players are otaku incels
>and the game itself is a bloated, decrepit, and unplayable monster as old and awful as the dumpster fire of a game it was copied from was when Pathfinder was born.
Eh, some validity to the last bit
>knock him out
>stuff him in a big box
>mail it one-way to zimbabwe
>have ironic lulz
>go about day
>opens string theory portal and sends y
>nothing against pathfinder
>Everything against a GM who is going to rigidly follow the rules
So Pathfinder is only tolerable if you don't actually use it?
I had a feeling i was gonna kill myself tonight.
He could run a great game of Traveler or Twilight2000 because those are both entirely autistic games with no need for player input.
>Sheldon has memorized every single rule and chart in F.A.T.A.L
Emperor protect us
I won't because i'm not an americuck
I don't play with disabled people
Why does nobody remember that autism is a serious condition and asperger is neither funny nor endearing?
T. I have an autist relative and everytime i meet him i can't help but wonder why he wasn't aborted
Pathfinder is a terribly broken and bloated system and the more shit they pump out the less capability it has to fix itself.
But honestly, anyone just jumping the gun just because its Pathfinder and not because the GM is shit is a cuck all in all.
as in Jim Parsons?
Im fine with that, he seems pretty chill.
Are we talking the actor or the character? The actor seems charming and amusing, the character needs to be punched in the breadbasket until he stops being am autistic faggot, and the other characters need to be punched in the breadbasket for allowing his presence. Serious, there is nothing positive about Sheldon cooper.
I develop a sudden thirst.
>> Gun to head
Rolled 4 (1d20)
Is he really a normal guy isn't he?
I don't want to play it.
Is that even physically possible? At some point the human mind has to give out. Right?
Because not every autismo or sperg is as bad as your drooling uncle.
Sheldon doesn't have 'tism or sperg, he is just a huge fucking massive hypochondriac asswipe.
I use my own autism to counter his, and explain to him in EXCRUTIATING detail the specifics of why he keeps not understanding social cues and other such stuff.
Then, as he drives back to his mom in Texas (which is somehow 1 day drive from San Francisco??) I'll just go back home and find a game on roll20
He ignores speed laws because he's texan and he don't trust no nigger commie state.
Just moving across the state can take anywhere from 7-16 hours.
And Sheldon is the least Texan Texan ever. Heck, Bernadette could probably qualify as more Texan than him
They roll to stroke body parts more often than they roll against their enemies in that episode, right?
I'm an autist and I've had to give more than one person an ear-twisting for comparing me to him. He's the autistic version of blackface as far as I'm concerned.
You say that about any texan, until you don't move from his spot and the next you hear is his autistic screeching about how it "Get outta mah spot" and attempt to shoot at you with a double barrel shotgun.
He is canonically not an autist or sperg, he is just a massive fucking immature asshole. That is the joke.
They only say that because of backlash against him.
>implying Sheldon could even hold a gun in his twiggy arms and could even aim properly and fire it without cracking all his ribs
As a Texan with literal aspergers, I refuse to accept that this autistic faggot is one of my kind
well i mean you could always start another group.