Uh, okay? I mean Elvish Mystic, Counterspell and Lightning Bolt are considered "too powerful" for Standard. So of course Rampant Growth would be in that category as well. Why are you surprised?
I'm not surprised, I'm just shocked they still let that gnome fuck up their product so badly and lose them money when they could fire him every single set.
Oh, so you're just another bored faggot who thinks "grognard social engineering" is going to work. Gotcha.
The degree with which this board's users are just copy-pasting posts straight off of Reddit is disappointing. Everything controversial comes straight off Reddit and pretty much no other site.
Every time I go there to check event schedules the same shit on their Magic front page is on ours.
I have no idea why they keep whimping regular cards in the set while printing things like Glorybringer and Chandra.
Actually, this makes perfect sense. If you up the power level of creatures in order to push the game towards more combat-oriented, mid-range strategies, ramp needs to be dialed down a bit.
Rampant growth IS over powered, for standard.
If you're going to print game ending bombs at 6-8cmc, going into t4 with 6+ lands is a recipe for disaster. Explosive vegetation is fine because you aren't really using it until t5, the accepted cut off for a reasonable standard game.
>t. Ramp enthusiast
Because the game is desperately pandering to the lowest common denominator in order to boost sales.
New players like having big, flashy cards, and don't like losing them. So the game is now being tuned to focus on making that shit unequivocally good, and the easiest way to do that is to make everything else worse. That made things unbalanced, so instead of toning down midrange, they've instead decided to nuke ramp.
At this rate I really wouldn't be surprised if evasion starts getting axed too.
>admitting to using reddit.
Holy shit I didn't know someone could be such a faggot.
I mean, makes sense. Mana ramp has been pretty crazy. Not sure what's funny about him disliking it.
I've no idea what dimension you're living in, but that gnome you think is fucking shit up actually just helped set the first set, a parody set no less, be one of the first to sell so over-the-top well in about a decade. Unstable has literally been a boon to Wizards.
I'm starting to notice how much the quality of Veeky Forums had started to decay over the years and it really does make me feel bad. So much blatant trolling, shitposting cranked to 11 and even spamming threads over and over while trying to somehow bring /pol/ into everything.
I'm just crazy, right guys? This board is doing just fine, right? Please?
>I'm just crazy, right guys? This board is doing just fine, right? Please?
You're not crazy; this place is a shithole now and the population has been declining for years. The fastest generals go through a mere few threads a day where they would have fired off a dozen or more a few years ago. OC is at an all-time low, and people claiming everything is fine are at an all-time high. It's sort of like the US Government at the moment, really. Which is ironic in a not-very-subtle way.
>It's sort of like the US Government at the moment, really.
Are we on the Gold Age of America?
To you, we probably are. But that says a lot about you as a person.
Also now that you're here, there goes this thread. Was inevitable, I suppose.
>At this rate I really wouldn't be surprised if evasion starts getting axed too.
Not axed but made more interactive. At the moment things like Flying and Menace are safe, because they have work-arounds. "Can't be blocked" will be gone soon. Trample too is on the block, so to speak. Reach is probably also going to get a replacement, because all it does is shoehorn itself into an existing keyword's mechanics and has no other play value. They'll probably come up with something else called Adaptive or somesuch that lets a creature block Fliers, Menace, etc so it isn't such a lame duck. The whole revamp of the game is all about interactivity. Hexproof is probably also due to be replaced eventually. Probably with some kind of spell tax or "can't be the target of spells or abilities as long as it's untapped" kind of thing.
"God, why did pol have to derail this thread?" Asked the man who chose to bring pol into the discussion to start with.
This one is a build around upside though unless you wanna search wastes.
With ruin in their wake there were times when I wanted the land in my hand even when it did not need to be.
Because the existence of Rampant Growth (and Elvish Mystic, for that matter) makes these cards more problematic than they are currently.
Not that now I don't know more of you that I ever wanted, fuckboi.
Now git gud instead of whining.
see ; /pol/ was already here hoss
Calling manlet a gnome= /pol/?
Not liking nwo= /pol/?
Also congrats on derailing the thread, even muh /pol/ boogeyman failed
I guess you win for making me feel angry and replying, but fuck that just makes me even more disgusted and disappointed with the current state of Magic. A pie to the face spell can't even go to the face, this spell representing Wizards' attitude toward an honest to goodness pillar of our meta. I love Unstable but Augment-Host and Contraptions are definitely it's saving grace. I think we have to wait at least... two years before taking a look at Standard again to see if it's moved past this joyless Midrange hellhole?
Nothing new, the mouth-breathing retards here love to eat shit so long as they can pretend it isn't shit. Veeky Forums is dead.
goodbye soyboy, won't be missed.