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Why did nobody make a thread?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Still looking for players for a /wodg/ WtF game, probably over discord with voice, post discord to be added
>Why did nobody make a thread?
because you let mages touch you at night
The Changeling Kickstarter is fully funded, including all Regalia in Kith and Kin and a Token section in the Companion.
Now, when is the Trinity Kickstarter and where the heck is Signs of Sorcery?
>where the heck is Signs of Sorcery?
Well DaveB got help on Deviant so "closer"
Token was funded!? Hell yes! I was worried for a moment it wouldn't make it in time.
>Why did nobody make a thread?
Generals shouldn't run 24/7, especially when we don't have enough varied discussion. Breaks are good.
Still reading all the splatbooks for CtL, but can someone sum up for me the ups and downs of becoming the Autumn King/Queen of their freehold?
>Signs of Sorcery?
>Well DaveB got help on Deviant so "closer"
Signs of Sorcery - GenCon 2032
Fan gameline question: Would Wonder that let you jack-into dreams be Epikatro or Skafoi or some other Axiom? Skafoi 5 would obviously work for physical travel, but what should Genius do to enter dreams in dream form?
2e or 1e?
How did the Inquisition managed to kill so many vampires in the Dark Ages?
I mean, how can a bunch of humans with stakes and axes kill undead beings that use dominate, potency, sorcery, etc?
I think in january, because no kickstarter in december
catch them when they sleep? Also dogpile
Werewolves too.
My guess is more people had True Faith back then.
With the Power of God -Machine !
How would I date the God-machine
Look you have to squint really hard. Mortals not decked out in technology do not make a lot of sense taking down woofs and vamps but this is what we've got
Learn quantum mechanics and start working on complex physical theory. It will booty call you if you are on right tracks. Also regular bi-monthly human sacrifice.
>Still reading all the splatbooks for CtL, but can someone sum up for me the ups and downs of becoming the Autumn King/Queen of their freehold?
Uh...all the usual problems that come with being the political and figurative head of a group.
Vampires are easier. A stake, fire, the sun, they have all sorts of special weakness's. That and presumably in numbers, and not like 'a cell of hunters' numbers, like a hundred or so on one numbers
Greater numbers, Daylight, Fire.
Mobs, group tactics, fire, and politics for Vampires. Replaces fire with silver for werewolves. And they likely only killed off small fry, neonates and such, while taking casualties.
Wasnt that the reason for the anarch revolt?
Neonates got fed up that the elders were sacrificing neonates to escape the inquisition.
>a cell of hunters
Ho boy I remember when my players killed their first neonate in HtV.
>He was a vampire baby? We sure can take his vampdaddy
Few sessions later.....
>We only regret getting torn apart limb from limb
In DA: Inquisition they actually had some neat powers to fight vamps with. Sort of split the difference between Reckoning hunters and the Inquisition we all know and love from Hunters Hunted.
There is no inherent penalties (beyond being political figure, whose rulership often rests on intimidation). The bonuses are: high mantle, with lots of good bonuses like literally getting a copy spell, Autumn Crown with it's cool abilities, loyalty of Autumn courtiers who generally are most occult centered of the Court.
Yeop, the exact subject of the board meeting that turned into the Camarilla and the decision that got Real Hardestadt ate.
In my setting its this, plus religious Awakened, like in the Dark Ages Mage book where a knight with a holy sword killed a vampire taking residence in a church.
How does one make an emotionally sensitive vampire cry?
Read him necrologue from the last year after he comes out of torpor
Provide an audience. They can't wait to show how sensitive they are.
In what book are Mage End Times scenarios described?
Thanks mate
How rare are archmages in ascension/awakening ?
In Awakening, under 100, likely a few dozen.
Arbitrarily rare suiting the needs of the story in question
Archmages are phenomenally rare in Ascension. It takes centuries to reach such heights.
Archmasters in Awakening number just under a hundred. Most get erased in the Threshold Seeking.
According to Imperial Mysteries anywhere from eighty-five to ninety-five. Slightly more than half are interested in interacting with one another.
>How did the Inquisition managed to kill so many vampires in the Dark Ages?
>I mean, how can a bunch of humans with stakes and axes kill undead beings that use dominate, potency, sorcery, etc?
See "Dark Ages: Inquisitors".
TL;DR: supernaturl powas and shit.
I think it's 1e. Not sure how to tell
How does occultism really work in changeling? I never really got it, since their form of magic seems sort of rigid and set in what it does
>How does occultism really work in changeling?
It doesn't. Autumn never had any actual powers that were any different from the rest of the courts. Just a few powers with nods to other supernatural stuff in their contract lines. They actually don't do /anything/ mechanically speaking with occultism, despite being called sorcerers for some reason.
>How did the Inquisition managed to kill so many vampires in the Dark Ages?
>I mean, how can a bunch of humans with stakes and axes kill undead beings that use dominate, potency, sorcery, etc?
Well, for one, most of the vampires killed by the Inquisition were fledglings. Tthat was one of the reasons for the Anarch Revolt, because the Elders kept abusing their progeny and all but throwing them into the Inquisition's hands to avoid their own Final Deaths.
See, when you read about the various powers that vampires can get, they might seem very powerful when compared to a mortal, or even a dozen mortals, even if you take their weaknesses into account.
But, fledglings don't have all those powers.
The average fledgeling won't have even a singe discipline at level 5, much less Celerity, Fortitude, Potence at the same time. And even stuff like Dominate or Presence are underwhelming at the lower levels, especially when faced with large crowds of people.
Training disciplines is meant to take a lot of time and effort, and it's not something a Fledgeling learns in an afternoon.
And if that wasn't enough, there WERE the actual skilled hunters with supernatural powers like True Faith... or just enough braincells to figure out where the vampires lived so they could just unearth them during the day so they went "poof".
Autumn are most experienced in matters of Tokens, deals with the goblins, and other splats/horrors, etc. ST is encouraged to cooperate with players to introduce new cool stuff "discovered" by the Autumn players.
Would it be possible to form a relationship with a True Fae assuming you're powerful enough to withstand it?
Yes, if you enjoy being abused and used.
>if you enjoy being abused and used
What part of 'powerful enough to withstand it' didn't you get?
Nothing is powerful enough to stand against the Gentry in their home abodes.
Don't they turn into Charlatans when that happens? Or did 2e kill that too.
If it's an actual friendship. A relationship could be anything.
True. Just lock the fuckers in a dungeon made of iron. Then you can have whatever kind of relationship you want.
Is this what a high Wyrd Changeling sounds like?
Its what most of my high Wyrd changelings have sounded like.
Not exactly. True Fae will likely to literally die and contort into piece of Regalia from Glamour starvation. Like Kithain they find mundane human life impossible to survive.
That's new. How do they get back glamour in 2e? Do they still get it by destroying things?
Also is the merit that lets you give goblin fruit to other people still a thing? Because 'injections' of glamour to keep your prisoner alive seems viable if so.
They harvest or reap humans. Idk if breaking stuff for glamour still works.
But basically you will have a super rare awesome magical artifact that might one day spring back to life as True Fae.
What kinda timeframe?
except other gentry or Archmasters....
What's the best example of Fae you've come across in other fiction? I like using the the gentleman with thistle-down hair from Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell as inspiration. Blue and Orange Morality and a capricious nature.
Those are good choices and not gay.
Well done.
>Not gay
>Choose one
Bill Cipher, Killgrave, GLaDOS, the Narrator in Stanley's Parable, Queen of Hearts, and Blue Beard.
>The Changeling Kickstarter is fully funded,
That's great, but when will the damn book actually be released, no less the Companion and Kith and Kin?
Pan's Labyrinth, Labyrinth(David Bowie), Coraline and Spirited Away.
Pan's Labyrinth and Coraline are pretty good ones.
Seconding David Bowie
Thanks for the ideas. I haven't heard of most of these, so I have media to catch up on.
Out of all the lines Changeling really does have the most movie inspirations. It's actually kind of incredible.
Fairy tale-inspired stuff is pretty common.
Can someone summarize how pledges and oneiromancy works in CtL? 1e, and preferably from a fluff perspective
>I haven't heard of most of these
Please tell me you're messing with us
Wtf I love the Sabbat now
Spirited Away is a perfect take on Changeling set in Japan
Not really. Bill Cipher, Killgrave, and Blue Beard are unknown to me. Never played Stanley Parable nor watched Labyrinth or Coraline. Queen of Hearts I assume is the one from Alice in Wonderland.
Bill cipher is a triangle demon thing from a Disney animated show called gravity falls. Just like up clips of him on YouTube
Labyrinth in changeling term is basically David Bowie true fae kidnaps this girl's brother and she travels through the Hedge to Arcadia to save him
Coraline a girl gets slowly lured to Arcadia by a true fae posing as her "other mother"
>Bill Cipher
Gravity Falls, but he always struck me more as an Astral being. Then again I haven't seen most of Season 2. Or Season 3. Whatever the last season was. He was like a dream demon or something.
From Jessica Jones, most popularly. He gives commands through his voice, he can't help it. But he uses the power to enslave people (and they aren't themselves, they WANT to do the things he tells them) and treat them like plaything while leading a whimsical carefree life. Jessica would be the escaped Changeling, since she was under his control as a kind of playmate for a long time.
From Fables, I assume? The actual fable was a suave guy who married women and killed them.
>Stanley Parable
Fun thing where you're in a kind of surreal parody of a boring life where you're trapped in a set loop, being narrated by a big voice, and the object of the game is to find your way off the rails.
A movie about David Bowie's bulge that pretends to be about something else.
Good movie by Laika, it's on Netflix. Girl moves into a house connected to another dimension that's her life but better, with her "Other Mother" trying to get her to stay in the wonderland and gets salty when she doesn't.
Both Coraline and Spirited Away scared my niece when she watched them. She was nine.
Can anyone share "M20 The Art of Mage: 20 Years and More" ?
M20 and Brucato may such, but some of the art isn't bad.
Also, does anyone have the Changeling fiction anthology?
Killgrave strikes me as more of a very unstable Ventrue.
We're leaning towards between 10pm and 12am EST, haven't come up with a day yet
Is this the proper place to ask for character art or seperate thread? Character is a tunnel grub scarecrow magister, decently high wyrd rating
True Fae don't really have the capacity for a true relationship, they lack the basic ability you relate.
If you're powerful enough to withstand their attempts to treat you like a toy then they will either do a suitable rendition of playing house, or lose interest, depending.
Jeez, I mean that they lack the basic ability to relate.
True Fae can't form relations because they're pretty much forced not to. Otherwise they get booted.
What do you mean by relationship? I might be mixing things up but I think they don't feel actually human emotions
Do fictional universes exist within the Astral?
so what's hunter 2e looking like?
We don't really know. There have very few substantive spoilers.
Its looking /okay/ assuming those mechanics were just to stress test the system and not what they are running with. If the draft as written goes to print it seems like hunters now have an even dumber morality track than 2e changelings who cry and lose points when people don't believe in fairies.
have a thing from my friend who hates beast for being dumb bullshit with a tiny kernel of something interesting in there that is ruined by the shit.
Just stopping by, posting my story again.
When's enemy action
Jareth, the Goblin King from Labyrinth has some of my favorite quotes that can describe the mindset of certain Keepers in Changeling.
"I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."
Or this exchange:
Jareth: Sarah, beware. I have been generous up 'til now. I can be cruel.
Sarah: Generous? What have you done that's generous?
Jareth: Everything! Everything that you wanted I have done. You asked that the child be taken. I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?
>friend asks me if she can make a Fairest Manikin
>hmm? we'll see with 2e. but why tho?
>just felt like it user
>check internet history
>recent history: Battle Angel Alita trailer
>i fukken knew it
Being right is such a warm, comforting feeling.
>The Changeling Kickstarter is fully funded
I can only imagine what Mage 2e could have been if it too had a Kickstarter
>M20 and Brucato may such, but some of the art isn't bad.
Unfortunately, the artbook is with commentary from Brucatto so.....ruined.
>I can only imagine what Mage 2e could have been if it too had a Kickstarter
I know, we got lucky mage didn't had a kickstarter. No magefag can wither and die as their lord goes to his new pet project nobody cares about.