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>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces (No new UA this month)

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Previous Thread; How flashy is your most recent character's armor? Oversized pauldrons and gilded greaves, or just whatever will stop a blade from ending your life?

>How flashy is your most recent character's armor?

my most recent character wears nothing but a white apron that says "Kiss Yon Chef"

I just bought a fresh plate mail for my paladin after running around in half-smoldered splint for 4 in-game months I filched off an early boss.

22 AC with 24 against arrows and bolts is nice.

help me figure out this character /5eg/, I saw this art and was inspired

the core of the character is a guy (probably older) who doesn't put his trust in relying on a single weapon. He goes around with weapons strapped all over him, switching between them as needed or just on a whim, even going so far as to straight up fling them at enemies as improvised weapons sometimes.

My first thought for this character is a cleric of the forge, probably human variant for the tavern brawler feat for improvised weapon proficiency and straight up punching power if it comes to it. A dwarf would be flavorful as well and just take the feat at the first ASI. Forge clerics can enchant their own weapons on a long rest, deal extra fire damage on hit even with a thrown weapon, even magically forge their own weapons. That all sounds great, but with cleric not getting extra attack and being more of a support class it makes me think maybe it's not the right fit after all.

Other than that I guess maybe a barbarian could fit the bill, possibly a zealot. I tried coming up with a barb/cleric multiclass but it's a really awkward combination that I don't really know enough about (never played a cleric before)

what would /5eg/ do?

Not very, the front of his armor is only adorned with his family crest and very few embellishments. Although everything is finely made

My latest character is a not!Aztec warrior.
He wears the bones of his ancestors, feathers of birds the size of horses, the skins of jaguars while also showing off his abs.

Now we talk about milticlassing as cheese a lot, but what were some neat times you, your party members, or players multiclassed for story or character reasons?

Make either a grizzled fighter who knows that sometimes shit happens and you need another weapon so he has a back up and knows that certain attacks are more useful or a monster Hunter type that has a weapon geared towards fighting different monsters.

A fighter wanted a cleric dip for holy reasons and stuff.
Later they wanted to revert and be full fighter with magic initiate.
Then midway into adjustment they dropped magic initiate, too.
There was one sorlock mixmaxer.
None of my other players have ever multiclassed.

that pic makes me think of "Battle Master" or "champion", pure offensive melee badass.

how would I go about making a hijabi character?

OoA paladin I had realized the joy song and stories brought after adventuring with our parties bard. So he studied, gained proficiency in an instrument then I took like three or four levels of lore, forget which.

my kid wears chainmail he crafted himself. A bit loose, as if it'd been made for someone with more muscles than he has, with some heironeus bolt decals. Perhaps he's too optimistic.

Make a character, then have them wear a hijab, done.

>Make a character
>add Hijabi

quality advice thanks Veeky Forumsros

The hijab is a Rug of Smothering familiar that they whip out to surprise would-be murderers.

Can I get some help narrowing down my spell list on a warlock? It would be able to cast spells with only VS components as if they only had V and any spells with just V give me temp HP equal to my CHA mod and can ignore silence spells. So far I'm thinking hex, dissonant whispers, thunderwave, silence, hold person, mirror image, shatter, resonance (action, 60', V, con 1 min, each round choose a 10' square to make dex save or held in ground and str save to end), dispel, thunderstep, tongues, counterspell, sickening radiance, banishment, animate object, danse macabre, enervation, synaptic static, and negative energy flood.

>how would I go about making a hijabi character?

1. play sentient hijab with Raise Dead

2. wrap yourself around the head of your skeleton, give them sunglasses, and use them to pretend to be human


Anytime m8


Enlighten me!
18 Plate, +2 Shield, where you getting the rest of these sweet bonuses? I want to play a tank.

Spiritual weapon

Hey guys I'm rerolling a character at level 4 since my last one died, I'm thinking of doing a hill dwarf tempest cleric, what spells and cantrips should I grab of I want to be able to hold my own but also support the group? The rest of the group is a forge cleric who took no healing spells, a shadow sorcerer and a thief rogue

Wanted to play a jedi subclass for monk but dm wont let me. Other than eldritch knighf and bladelock, is there a mind wizard with a sword i can play?

College of swords bard.


He probably has Arrow-Catching Shield for that extra AC against ranged attacks, the defense Fighting Style and maybe a Ring or Cloak of Protection

Reposting from a few threads back.

So I made some adjustments to these Monster Hunter items do they look any better for their rarity values? (Rare-Very Rare) I have been thinking the second tier items might be rare instead of very rare but I'm not quite sure.

Bladesinger, Mystic, and Swords Bard. Fight for a Sun Blade type weapon. Your DM does have a point though Hexblade Bladelocks (Fluff your Eldritch Blast as Force pushes and Pulls, get Otherworldly leap, improved pact weapon, etc.) are the closest to Jedi's that are officially in the game, again fight for a Sun Blade type weapon.

Thanks m8, should I take Resilient Con as well?

Jesus christ stop posting this shitty homebrew in every thread. No one cares.

>monk/warlock multiclass
>half-elf 8 16 10 8 16 16

you'll need to be kensei if you want to use a longsword and maybe go hexblade

the split is up to you but basically you're taking monk for the movement and martial arts shit plus warlock for the eldritch blast force push invocation and any other magic-y things you want, plus maybe some spells for jumping and charming people (jedi mind trick)

going straight hexblade is stronger but the multiclass with monk gives you the flavor you might want. its doable, if you can roll some above average stats its a lot better

Hey, user from the last-last thread! How are you doing today? Have you had your game this week? If so how did it go?

Neat, sounds like they’re real bros

Got the ring when searching a spider den, the shield from a villain's hoard, and yep, took the Defense fighting style (which kind of sucks on its own, but hey).

Hey guys I want to make a melee battle bard type character, should I go valor or swords?

I've seen that video and the mothers tits are magnificent.

so you're just going to leave us out here in the cold, huh?

One of the players in our group asked if the capstone of Oath of Conquest Paladin attack buff meant that he can smite on all four attacks. We weren't sure and neither was the gm. Any help would be great.

Depends are you looking more for a Skald type bard who sings inspirational songs and can fight + weave in magic or a fancy duelist with more martial focus + spell casting?

Honestly, both can pull off what you are looking for it's up to you.

Apparently you do enough to bitch about it everytime he posts.

Is Kobold Press stuff usually of good quality?

Me and the bard are actual brothers and we try to be. It's an interesting line to skirt trying to not just be a more heavily armored bard especially with the way the oath is worded.

you can smite on ANY melee attack, it doesn't matter where they come from. Shit, you can smite on opportunity attacks.

Look through the archives, this is asked once every other thread or so

Go on.......

Quick question: if I have an enemy grappled, but have at least one hand free, can I make a attack against another enemy in a space within range while mainting my grapple on the first enemy?

I'm importing some of my favorite spells from 3.5 to 5e. Obviously they are going to be a lot different (like how magic missile is different in 5e from 3.5). I am only taking the spells that I thought had uniquely interesting effects or cool names. My question: should I aim to keep the spells near the same level? Like avasculate is a 6th level spell in 3.5 but mine ended up at 3rd level. Should I beef it up to make it 6th level? It will mean my players will take longer to learn but it will also make the spell "cooler" in that it will be more powerful. But of course the higher the level the less likely most campaigns will be able to use it.

>attack buff meant that he can smite on all four attacks
What do you mean? From level 5 onward, paladins make two attacks as part of the Attack action. While Invincible Conqueror is active, the paladin can make three attacks as part of the Attack action, and as always, he can smite in all attacks, as long as he has spell slots to do so.

I have a fun idea for a character and I'd like some class suggestions. He's basically a con artist and scammer who got saved from a mob and picked off the street by a wandering knight errant, and decided to follow around this schmuck until he could make a big score. Low and behold, as time passed, he grew to genuinely like the knight, and sort of became his squire. Still an opportunistic git, but one that only stole from those that could afford it (and sometimes ended up giving it away to those who needed it).

Anyway, knight eventually goes down to a poison arrow meant for my character or something suitably self-sacrificing, and the charlatan decided to take up the knight's cause: accumulate enough wealth and title to win the hand of his childhood sweetheart. Since the knight himself is kill, and the charlatan can reasonably pass for him (at least in broad dimensions), the charlatan has taken up the knight's weapons (had the longsword lightened to count as a rapier), armor, and even his name in an attempt to finish the quest, by any means necessary.

I'm torn between two options, though I'll take any suggestions. Swashbuckler with a level or two dip in Fighter for armor (gotta get that chainmail knight look), or a War Bard, which gets me armor, but also spellcasting. Spellcasting's nice, but it doesn't 100% mesh with the character concept. I'll take it, of course, but it's not a huge priority because my DM doesn't force us to optimize or anything. I just want to get the most fun build out of this concept.

tl;dr I'm a charlatan thief pretending to be a knight. What is a fun build to simulate that?


dumbshit probably thinks they get an extra attack action, instead of just an additional attack

Eyyyyy fools I'm thinking about trying to run a Planeshift Campaign, but I have a couple things to worry about.

A) Is the PS:Ixalan one even out yet? I only found the "X Marks The Spot" pdf and would like to know if there's morecoming, like merfolk and vampire stats

B) Which sounds like it'd be the most fun (Or should I have them be literal planeswalkers and have them jump from multiple different settings)?

C) What kind of game should I even consider running? Political Intrigue, "WASTE THOSE FUCKERS", etc?

D) How does one even into GMing because I am the new and therefore suck

you can't wear chainmail if you're not proficient in heavy armor. the only way to get that would be with a feat

Chain shirt. Sorry.

The first one sounds more my speed honestly

Yuan-to pureblood who is undercover. One of my players was an Algerian girl and this was her character.

One of the bullet points of the Capstone is: • When you take the Attack action on your turn,
you can make one additional attack as part of
that action.

Valor Bard, it is then don't forget to pick up Dissonant Whispers. If you desire more martial prowess I would recommend 2-3 levels into fighter if you take 3 Battle Master will give you some extra touches.

Right, so you have Extra Attack

>Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

And you have the capstone. So that's two additional attacks? 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, right?

yes, 2+1=3


what do you do or let your players do with the hermit feature? it's very vague

That just means I was reading it wrong when typing it up, sorry. No excuse on my part. I guess the question stands, can they smite one each of those attacks?

How do I figure the CR for a party member?

Like 3 bugbears plus level 4 revised ranger is what CR

>as always, he can smite in all attacks, as long as he has spell slots to do so.
We've already answered that.

>I guess the question stands, can they smite one each of those attacks?
We already fucking answered that question, use your fucking eyes

In all melee weapons attacks, I should say.

Sorry, I'm slow. Thanks for the help.

You can try. I'd give advantage to the grapple escape, make escaping an opportunity action and you'd have disadvantage on the attack if the grapple held, become grappled yourself if it broke. Something, depends on exact scenario.

I'd show her a hermit feature, if you know what I'm saying

any tips on rping a high elf other than "human but a little fancier"

my ideas
>speaks softly because elf hearing, thinks other races just shout all the time
>rarely speaks common (if ever)
>"who's the king again?"
>"what century is it?"
>"you have possessions that aren't named?"
>"of course i brought an exfoliant/pumice stone/enchanted moisturizer. what's a mess kit?"

why would you do this

>you can't wear chainmail

I don't think there are any official rules for this, but i think CR of PC is ROUGHLY 2/3 of the PCs level.

I think se because spellcaster NPCs seems to have their CR calculated that way.

What do you want to do? Because I don't sit around and make up things my players might do, they tell me and I explain what happens.

Snobby when seeing something another race considers impressive.

>"An Elf would have thought of something better"

thanks for the smug greentext correction without citation

>If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast spells.

I thought it was reasonably clear, the player gets a voucher entitling them to one free plot hook.

Also, i hope you are not building enemies using rules for PCs, there is reason they use different rules.

You're disgusting, man.

>Also, i hope you are not building enemies using rules for PCs, there is reason they use different rules.

but it would so awesome to have a gloom stalker ranger sneak up on your elf/dwarf party in the dark

>ok everybody roll initiative
>aaaaaaaand... you get stabbed in the back

Thanks, just don't want to accidentally tpk when I pull this shit.

My ranger got charmed and never did anything about it, when it comes back to bite the party in the ass I'm going to let him roll attack (ranged) but it will be against a party member. Just need to figure out how to sell the arrow up the monks ass after he hits. Maybe give it another initiative order, hmmm.

The worst part is I have to wait a long as possible to do this since they need to have clearly broken the little deal they made but I want to be ready.

With the swashbuckler you can take your level of fighter at 2nd, or even first level and get your armour on earlier. guy sounds more like a rogue anyway. You could start fighter and just have charlatan be your background - it would give you more appropriate kit at least.

you can use a few class features if you want, I have been using way of the shadow monks in my campaign and having them teleport all over the place, but they aren't spamming stunning strike on the PCs or anything

imagine a room full of enemy fighters who just immediately action surge on their first turn every time because they don't need to conserve their resources like players do

So you can totally wear it.

Also I'm going to make a caster trap that basically drops armor onto them.

I was originally leaning Swashbuckler since I was already going for a Charisma character, and any Rogue mechanics I could get always make me feel like a scoundrel. You think a straight Fighter would be better?

Sounds like a plan, is medium armor worth it or should I just decide between light and heavy?

>Bandits are now all nothing personal xge rangers

Like I said the plan is to trick him into actually playing the combat out, and not have it be immediately obvious.

>be DM because no one else will
>don't really have time or interest for proper DM prep other than story and world shit
>completely fudge 90% of rolls, damage , and HP in encounters because I barely know what I'm doing
>no one can ever know

What might a lesser version of an oath of look like? something more appropriate to a level six ranger.

Is the Oath of Treachery overpowered?

That or Warcaster if you are going to be frontline, if you can sit in the back pumping Wis is better to make your debuffs harder to avoid.

Just use a fucking published adventure. You can even buy a whole module in roll20 with all the prep work done for you.


What can I say, I don't mind them a little wild and pretty sure it's a Goliath which is just a bonus.


Maybe a swashbuckler rogue multiclassed into paladin, holy quest and what not, wear half plate or something or drop a feat for heavy armor
The easiest way would be just a fighte or paladin with the charlatan background

Depends on where you wanna go with this, if you want to do the, pretended to be a knight so hard he ended up becoming one then fighter might be the way to go. If you want him to keep to his essential deceptive nature, then rogue it up. I'm given to understand Swashbuckler is pretty strong with it's initiative bonus and the one on one sneak attack (make sure to challenge everyone you can to duels, then sneak attacks for all) so either way you won't lose out. Fighter dip would allow you to take dueling fighting style as well, and if you take more fighter levels at five you get a second attack. Personally at that point I'd want to take fighter to six for the extra ability. SO I'd start fighter at first level, then to rogue for four levels for archetype and ASI. from their either carry on rogue to the end or swap back to fighter till 8th level to get ASI and archetype bonus. After that, either two more levels of fighter before back to rogue or just straight rogue to the end.

Well, considering there's no base exhaustion rule in the first place, there'd have to be a good reason for it. Not 'Oh, you spend 3 7 hour periods every day resting and 3 one hour periods every day doing things to not long rest, but even though you don't need to sleep if you don't spend 8 hours instead of 7 hours resting then you get exhausted'
It has both no logical grounding and no rules grounding other than 'it's an odd additional variant rule that hasn't existed until recently' and so if you go PHB-only it would be fine assuming you find a normal way to avoid sleep.