WIP - Work in Progress

Ho ho ho edition

Secret Santa unboxings at imgur.com/a/qS7PH

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Previous Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Bolt Action

Lil more done on my DC marine. Turns out Death Company with Bolters is better than bolt pistols in 8th.

OK I'm gettin real antsy about my SS gift now
Who got T.J. from Ohio? Where is it coming from?

I feel you, for real, but you need to chill. Just email SS user after xmas if you don't get anything.

Might aswell repost this here.

>you need to chill
>literally waited until after everyone else already got theirs before even mentioning it
>need to chill

Or be ... patient, because not everyone has their wave 1 stuff yet? Me for one... just calm yo fucking tits and contact SSanon

Well the thing is that I'll be in a situation soon that will render me unable to check the mail during the week of christmas

>everybody else got theirs
I didn't get mine either, mate; it's not Christmas yet - it's Secret Santa, not Secret Decemberween

Why not mention this to Secret Santa user when you signed up?
If you guys are working on a specific time table, make sure Santa user knows so he can communicate with your user.

I didn't want to impose any specifics

Missed SS 2nd year in a row.
Next year is so far away.

>tell user you've sent the package
>dress up like Santa
>turn up to their house on Christmas eve with the package
>hope they don't own a gun

SC user thank you so much for the gifts. How did you know I was running out of nulin oil, that termis are my favorite models, and that I've been thinking about starting a DG army? Truly, I love what you've sent me and can't wait to get to work on them once I get back from my parents. Thank you.

>How to get raped
>"Im going to put a nice fine tip into your paint pot"

Working up some Craftworlders, CC appreciated

>Show up in costume, demand to be given "Two Thin Coats"

Shit man, I was wave one, just got my stuff today and I'll be lucky if my guy gets his stuff before Christmas because of how much international shipping can vary for delivery time. Just take a break and calm down man.

I don't know where the implication that I can't wait is coming from, I just wanted to know where it's coming from so I can form an estimation on when it might arrive

>make them drink up all the paint water

Saarbrücken user... one of your neighbours has the package... go fucking get it!

Reposting from last thread. Loved the gift user

well aside from the fact they're stuck to the wall they look like they're coming along nicely, only thing that really jumps out at me is how the farseers helm blends in with the robes

Calm the fuck down. I posted my stuff on the fourth and it got there two days later. Haven't seen the return yet, but waiting for the surprise is fun in itself. It's not about getting shit anyways, it's about making someone happy and the surprise. So calm your fucking tits, don't get on based santa anons case and don't worry about it. Nearly two hundred people got in on wave one and knowing people, half of them probably haven't sent there shit yet.


That's the thing, most of us have no idea when their SS gifts will arrive, some people have posted in /wip/, but there is no guarantee that the intended people will see what's posted. Last year, I think the last couple of gifts showed up in early January. There's nearly 200 people in SS this year and we've had like 20 people post stuff to /wip/. If you are going out of town and are unsure about being there when your stuff arrives, try emailing SS user to see if he can get you the tracking number for your package if there is one. Worrying about when it will show up is just going to stress you out needlessly, let the surprise happen

For those who have these models, can the 30 marines fit on 25mm bases? Are their stances too wide? I know the terminators and the other stuff wont. I fucking hate 32mm bases so much you have no idea.

Who dis?


Wow, thank you so much user!
I actually needed a chariot for my warshrine conversion, anyways!
And also skulls are always appreciated, as I mostly play Khorne and you can never have enough of them. Never used Tufts so far, I'ma see what they can! Also pigments, will be a cool project!
Thank you for the shitloads of British candy, really looking forward to tasting them all. The water pot is always useful!
And to top it all, that kitschy Christmas tree, I LOVE IT!

Terry's chocolate orange fucking represent

Close-up of card

Ohh that's nice, whats on the small spru?

Hahaha what the fuck you put an LED candle in the waterpot?!?

Space marines used to go on 25mm bases, their feet stick out a bit. But that's all


It's a Khorne slaughterpriest

The number of people who have said some variation of this shit makes me suspicious. Like, do you live in a RV? if you are going on a trip, just check your mail when you get back, you panicky fuck

if you check wip every other week you dont deserve to participate anyways

>i hate 32mm bases

This has been advertised since like 1st November...

So yeah if you check WIP ... what? 9 times a year you'll probably miss Secret Santa

>I fucking hate 32mm bases so much you have no idea.

That's class. Gotta admit my first thought when I saw it was that it looked like a tacticool candle pot

Seasonal worker. Gotta make $.
Merry Christmas to you too, asshole.

So next season what would be different?

Yo do you really eat that mint chocolate over there? Tastes like toothpaste I fucking love it

fucking gigantic ugly abominations, look awkward and dont fit properly in my foam tray.

The point being, if you are busy every holiday season, why SHOULD you participate?

I don't understand even remotely what's transpired here, but my pink fuzzy spider sense is jumping off the wall. Did something really special just happen?

>Did something really special just happen?

Some lucky German-user got a Secret Santa package from our lad in Beckenham, who is one of the coolest ladz around.

it looks sick as fuck
good job user
what are these supposed to be ?
I agree with , the helmet needs some contrast

Just started up on an assault sergeant, first time I manage to do yellow armor properly
I'm aware there is still some touching up to do, weapons aren't done, not sure what color I should do for the casings
Do you think the impacts look good ? Any other advice ?

straight up user, no namefaggery? That's great! So cool. There actually have been several things transpiring of late contributing to the restoration of human decency within my general outlook. People need to treat each other better.

I dont know yet. I got box of stealth suits I ordered and Im just trying oyt stuff with them.

Yes, our secret santa this (and the last years) have been awesome. Random people, who don't even know each other and who probably will never meet, exchanging gifts and being generally amazing. I love it.

Is it just me, or is the secret santa gifts well in excess of $15

Awww yisss, glad you're liking it mate!

It's an acquired taste, those typically show up around Christmas but I love them!

I think it is a combination of the people into the
hobby aging (and thus skewing towards people with actual income) and people in the hobby having massive backlogs (which are easy to send to another hobbyist)

Yes they are sometimes (often). But that is totally up to each Santa, on what he can (or want) to afford. Some have more disposable income, others don't. We just Imlosed a rough outline of 10-15$, so all the hassle is worth it and postage is not more expensive that the gift itself.
I, for one, had a little more money set aside this year and I'm gladly spending that on some secret Santa gifts to make a random user happy.

Like it? I fucking love it, mate! Do you have any charities you support? I'd love to give em a little something in your name.

The one just posted is more like... >$100

this. expensive hobby makes $15 tough. SS is lots of fun, so easy to go overboard. also, easy to clean closet.

i used SS to clear out paints and models i just didn't want or need anymore. i'd rather someone else will use them then they continue to languish.

Not all of them, I'd say 95% of the gifts are within the US$10-15 plus some extras made with love and or sugar, such as chocolates and sweets.
Who am I even trying to fool? God help me if my user posts the stuff I sent him, I am not good enough! I am sorry everyone, I must end it all now!

looks like citadel skulls were a big hit this year

Clean those mold lines on his weapons.
Try to make the exposed metal scratches smaller/thinner, add more smaller paint chips to the edges of the armor, like around the knees and foot, and edges of the jetpack.
Could also add some dust/mud effects to the boots for more weathering

That and the Citadel buttplug. They're both extremely versatile gifts

Why? Is it because pistols never get used?

yeah, skulls are pretty universal, everyone can find some use for a box of random ass skulls not just edgy khornelords.

Ok /wip/,

Its been a while since I last painted some models, but a few months ago did a first batch of guard from Victoria Miniatures. For a first try after such a long time (I was never any good anyway) it wasn't a disaster, but I made some rookie mistakes like not thin enough paint and some kind of subtle grimy texture.

I don't want to just throw em out and try again - shipping from AUS is expensive - but I don't think repainting over the top will help these issues.

Is stripping a good idea? Is it worth it? What do you use for resin stripping in the UK?

I'm afraid I don't have any pictures on me right now, so heres a sentinel I was working on. If it helps.

>Why? Is it because pistols never get used?

If I had to guess, it would be the preponderance of shots you get with bolt guns at close range plus the utility of getting any shots at all outside of 12 inches vs. the alternative: you only get +1 chainsword attack *if* your Death Company model makes it into the assault. You or your target could already be dead by then!

For fucks sake the last thread is like 3 days old. Please update the previous thread when making a new post.


you are a mong

There is no need just have a good Christmas, buy a nice beer or two and enjoy while hobbying

Working on an Apothecary for my Deathwatch, and considering an alternate pose. Right arm and hand would be cut from a normal DW marine, head would be rotated so he won't be staring at the the gun, might try to find a chainsword instead of the power sword.
Thoughts? Or should I just go stock pose?

Gonna repost my response here:
You're so welcome user! Warmahordes is deader than dead at my store, so hopefully you get a chance to play! Blame my mom for the shitty packing, it's hard to send out secret santa stuff when I'm at college.

Found these at a local Comic Book Store on the way home from School.

No worries man. I was actually fine with the packing. There's a group at my LGS that plays warmahordes regularly that I'll have to check out now

Doesn't his right arm have a left hand?

10 Death Company marines with Bolt Pistols an Chainswords deepstriking will net you 50 attacks after shooting and charging.

10 Death Company marines with Bolters and Chainswords will net you 60 with shooting and charging.

You are always gonna get 4 attacks per marine (if equipped with a chainsword). So to equip them boltets for extra dakka is will worth it rather than getting one shot in shooting phase when in combat. This is Dearh Company, if the thing they charged at isn't dead after you either charged it at the wrong thing or the Dice Gods have pissed on you.

Yeah, and half of his forearm is poster putty. I haven't committed to cutting anything lol. It's not like I'm the mong who did this.

tfw that's not even the worst model out of that group


pls stahp

Good find.

I love that Master of the Relics model! I was planning to use that to replace an old veteran sergeant model I painted years ago.

>Doesn't his right arm have a left hand?


user you dont know how many times ive picked this up and had an internal debate about waiting or tearing it open


4 times?


Solid card choice from your /ss/.
Love a good shit joke card.

>Cadbury's advent calendar.
The cheek of sending English chocolate to a continental.
Top lad, Beckenhamanon.

>Terry's chocolate orange fucking represent
Awwwwww yis, Bonganons.
Received my first one of the season from my manager Monday.
It's officially Christmas now.

Thanks Danish user

I can't promise they'll be great but I'll sure try my best

I'm debating on if I should do them in field-grey or camo.

J from wales, I've not forgotten about you, present is being dispatched soon

Is that kromlech ww2 orks? They be expensive.

Post initials usually helps

Do you have to strip them?
Do you have so few you can't hide them in the back rank?
Are they so poor you can't stand to see them in your peripheral vision hidden behind your next, stellarly-painted, rank of infantry?
Do the next ten or twenty, then look into scrubbing them clean with a soft toothbrush and some isopropanol.

Greatest author of all time.
Not even kidding, the Deathworld trilogy is my shit all day long and all night too.
I'm going to start reading it again tonight.
TFW Catachan

Do it


yes I belive they are, a lot of them too

I wanna painted all my Imperial assault stuff, heres the emperor I just finished