Is cloning an OP power?
Is cloning an OP power?
It's science, not a super power.
Those aren't clones.
Only if you have Simo DNA at hand.
Not if there's an equally OP way out there that can counter it: mass producing automatas/robots/magical constructs, zerg rush spamming, overpowered weapondds and/or individuals... Plus, cloning is very limited by the tech and resources avalible.
Apparently not, since the Empire decided that their money was better spent on two of these.
Depends on how it works. Are we talking real cloning? Not really, as you still need to raise the clones and train them. Are we talking SW/sci-fi cloning? Not really, you'd be better off making droids. Are we talking super hero cloning? Generally not, as it usually comes with drawbacks like the guy in Worm that can make a ton of clones but they're all retarded.
Mage: the Awakening can get pretty silly once Space 5 lets you make duplicates of yourself, but five in any arcana lets you break shit.
Something something clone degradation, answer is no
There are 2 of those, Kudzu and Spree.
By itself, no. It only becomes OP if you can clone people with inherent OP powers
No, the ability to rapidly age and teach clones is. If they took a normal amount of time to grow and educate, it would be completely useless.
Sure, I mean you don't even have to be good at it.
Simo was nothing but Finnish wartime propaganda. Nothing about the story holds up. For example, who the fuck confirmed his kills? The official story is that he always worked alone, and this is in a time when they didn't have spotters. "The government confirmed it" is also the official answer, but how the fuck would "the government" do that? A bunch of guys who skied out behind enemy lines in the middle of awar just to confirm this lone guy's kill count? They sure as hell didn't receive any corroborating reports from the Soviets, because Russia's offical stance on Simo is to this day that he never existed in the first place. Convinent, as well, that the supposed human murder machine never speaks about his 800+ kills, because he's too humble or some other bullshit excuse.
Depends on what it can clone and what other people have.
Tl;Dr: depends on the setting
>Is cloning an OP power?
Yes, but it's often a criminally underutilized and unappreciated power; very few people see it's 'true' potential and when most people use it their creativity basically begins and ends with, "I'm gonna... make more of myself!".
Cloning is an extremely STRONG power, but it's utility and strength is heavily dependent on how well the person with the power 'really' understands how it functions and how it can be possibly extended or advanced. You'd be right in saying, "well that's the same for all powers, isn't it?" but I'm just reiterating it on the basis of just how STRONG cloning is and how often it's users are UNINSPIRED and suffer because of it.
Always loved the Grineer. They have this aesthetic to them that really brings me back to the founder days of Warframe. Stopped playing for a while (log in sometimes when I'm not busy to get login rewards, just got primed fury), but with Tyler Regors tubemen event I really thought the Grineers clone degeneration would somewhat be fixed and they would start looking proportionate. Whatever, in the end the Grineer are what they are because of how they look.
As long you have infinite copies, you can drown every enemy in your blood.
No, but the rapid maturation and education that often accompany it in fiction are.
It's an UNLIMITED power.
For those of us UNINSPIRED, can you describe some ways in which cloning is extremely STRONG, and how it might be extended or advanced?
>you'd be better off making Droids
How can you be so WRONG!!!
Does Multiple Man get another set of clothes when he clones himself, or does he come out naked?
Ive mitigated the benefits of cloning as a power by halving stats for every division, or bybdividing the player's hit die by how many clones and equally so with stat benefits
The second was a clone of the first. The process was just real slow
t.butthurt commie
>Is cloning an OP power?
If you're Star Trek-tier tech then yes. At that level, you can basically build instant army bombs that deploy cloned and fully kitted out infantry anywhere they hit.
>Not really, you'd be better off making droids
>not realizing that having more children in the sweatshops can help you make more drone parts
>not realizing that bipedal mechanical drones are far more expensive resource-wise and manhour-wise to maintain than people
>not realizing that guerillas can rip useful resources like computers, guns, radios, and batteries right the fuck out of your drones
>not realizing that any bumfuck with an antenna, computer, and a battery can stop EM transmissions into or out of your drones and steal them
>not realizing that civilians could "kill" the drones without much reprecussion and directly/indirectly help the war effort of the opposing force by getting all that tech within the drones
Now, static defenses might be better off controlled by machines, but humans will always be the best at killing, looting, converting, raping, subduing, and any other verb that ends in -ing other humans. Machines don't have a creative spark.
>Machines don't have a creative spark.
>while mentioning droids from star wars
>where all but the absolute lowest of droids are basically sapient beings
robots maybe dont have the creative spark, but droids seem to e capable of it
C-3PO was a great storyteller after all
The soviets bombed themselves to have an excuse to attack Finland. They lie about everything, how is this new to you?
depends on what powers everybody else has
>Soviets not corroborating the report of single man massacring their troops
>H-he didn't exist. The might of the red soldier could never be defeated.
>They sure as hell didn't receive any corroborating reports from the Soviets, because Russia's offical stance on Simo is to this day that he never existed in the first place.
The fuck you on about? He died in a nursing home in 2002.
Obviously the Soviets would have had motivation to lie but so did the Finns. You’re ignoring the second half of the post where there’s literally zero proof beyond Simo pinky swearing it’s true.
Obviously the Soviets mean that The White Death never existed. The Finns could have accredited the story to anyone.
Who is that hydra loli.
Fuck that weak ass shit.
Stat her, Veeky Forums!
Cha 7
Luk 20
Str 20
Con 20
Dex 20
Int 20
Wis 20
Wil 20
Advanced weapon proficiency, advanced piloting ability, advanced force powers
First of all, it was ~500, with his companies official record at 259, and second, it is entirely possible due to where he was at the time. He was shooting new recuits who did not have camo in really shitty winter conditions.
There's only a handful of differences between the the TFA novel and the movie, and one them is where she fails to properly use a blaster (after announcing that she could handle herself), and needs to rely on her allies. Why did they remove this from the final cut?
>implying you dont know why
Clones would be a way to smooth over the individual variation between soldiers if that's what you want. This may be more useful if you have a genetically enhanced template. However, realistically you still need to actually grow them, and making more humans the conventional way is generally pretty easy, so it's not an automatic numbers advantage.
He's a walking transporter malfunction, Jesus.
Purely genetic cloning? No. Now, if you can turn people into perfect copies of yourself, on the other hand, to the point where half the characters in the setting are actually you, well.
Allies is the best superpower.
Summoners ftw
Madrox power is crazy.
People mistake cloning with artificial womb for some reason.
Cloning is a method of conception where instead of fertilizing egg with a sperm (Or somesuch, depending on the species) you take a sample from existent organism and make a copy.
The vats that are often employed in fiction are artificial wombs. There's no reason why can't you put regular zygote into one or why can't you implant cloned embryo into a regular womb.
For the most situations, it's probably easier to just impregnant some women anyway.
I’d argue that normal pregnancy is nicer until you get some high-tech level stuff like time wombs or accelerated birth tubes.
Man, biotech is fun to play around with.
They get less retarded the more of em you kill though.
Spree’s true power is the inverse ninja law.