
Buy more, you faggots better jump on this rocket while its still cheap.


Screen cap this


Going to be listed on that chinese exchange jan 1st, isnt it?

nice bags

>countless threads about the whale suppressing it
>downward trend chart
>TA points to a lost cause
Nah no thanks

That was DBC

stupid pajeet, fuck off

thanks got more BNTY for the cheap..ringing in the new year on the moon


im in this like 40% but I'm feeling really stinky linky like right now

no one wants your bags faggot. rot in hell. i cashed out at .28 stay poor

I thought about selling but at this point I'm fucked, can't get out at a good price so either sit and hope for the best or take out with like 4% fucking profit. I'm an adhd child-brained fag and should have never started trading. I feel mentally ill waiting on this shit, short or long term. Crypto is driving my little brain insane.

strong hands, mooning in 2018

Welcome user! Might wanna start ur wojack folder now if you havent already

Why would it moon? It's not even getting on any good exchanges. Seriously your shitcin is such junk that it can't even get enough volume to deal with one whale.

more exchanges soon, fucktard
Kucoin is a joke

fuck you pajeet
shoo shoo!

>more exchanges soon,
Like what? Cause last I saw people were wojacking over Binance rejecting their sorry ass.

I'm trying my best to NOT fall for the DBC and QLC shills, but I feel like I missed out on increasing my portfolio by a little today by listening to the FUD. I could actually have accumulated more BNTY through this

while i agree with the fact that op is a filthy streetshitter, i find it odd that the volume increased from 2.7mil to 3.5 mil while the price went down. but all in all, without new exchange or partnerships being announced its going nowhere

BNTY is literally the ONLY coin in my watchlist not up double digits can we kill this fucking whale please

This is getting seriously retarded.

Jesus dude, it's been 5 days since BNTY came out. If you can't stand to wait for at least a month for a coin you're invested in you need to get the hell out of crypto for your own mental wellness' sake.

DBC has potential. QLC is a complete shitcoin scam in my opinion. Read up on their goals and tell me when you'd ever need or use a coin with that kind of utility.

dont delude yourself. even if the whale would fuck off, it wont go anywhere without a decent volume

This is an unnecessary and doomed project

>rocket ride being held down by the fact some autistic fuck with more neetbuxx than he has any right to because we only launched on one shit chink exhange

I mean how would we not be annoyed.

Can you do me a new year favor and give me quick rundown on Qlink's purpose so I don't have to spend an hour reading the white paper?

hahaha I feel even more like a retarded simp because I've posted the same thing to others. I'm running on stress, coffee, and emotional hypocrisy. I never had steel hands, just fake bravado. I've been fomoing over other coins is what got to me. I'm fragile right now, hold me tight.

My worst crypto purchase. Why did I buy this again?

No coddling here. If let your iron hands rust I will personally sick the nigger-whipper 5000 on you.

Did you go all in? This is why you're supposed to have a diversified portfolio, so that you're not checking blockfolio every 10 minutes turning into some bipolar freak getting JUST'd or MOON'd.

Quality reply. Thank you, dad.

Yes but it's only 1k$. It's not money I can't spend either, I'm just a newfag with a lot to learn. I'd rather go all in than diversify with the amount money I've currently got to play with.

You don't even need to read their white paper. Their whole shtick is that you can sell your data by turning on hot-spot on your phone and selling a wi-fi signal to others around you for their shitcoin. How hilarious is that? Now consider the following problems:

1. Mobile data is cheap as fuck.
2. There is free wi-fi literally everywhere
3. Turning your hot-spot on will rape your phone battery
4. Mobile hotspot has shit tier range (you have to be pretty close to the person you're sharing your hotspot with)
4. You need to go out of your way to somewhere in a big city where there is a demand for wi-fi but no free wi-fi anywhere (AKA Literally nowhere). Let's pretend this demand exists: Then you sit there with your phone selling your data but wait - Mobile hotspot becomes slow as shit when you have more than 2 people on it. So you can't even sell it to more than 1 person at a time.

It's the ULTIMATE scam coin. People will fall for it because "oh durr dat sunds like futur technolgogic to me!!! I can SELLZ my mobul data?!" But be smarter and recognize just how many things are wrong with this dumbass coin.

Think of it like this, just a week or two ago you could buy REQ at $.19, look where it is now. BNTY has a smaller market cap and has been out for less than a week.

We already know it's being put on other exchanges which hopefully will make it harder for that fucking whale to manipulate the price.

This coin is better than a lot of the other shitcoins that have taken off, we'll have our time to shine too

Fucking hell, you should've made a thread asking. I'm invested in BNTY but even I wouldn't have went all in on it so soon. It has solid 10 - 20x potential but it won't see that potential until mid 2018 IMO. They do have some partnerships coming up and they're quick with development so who knows, though.

Just leave it alone for a while. It's undervalued and will have its time. Bounties are an integral part of this ecosystem. You'll be fine.

lmao this sounds like something Rajeesh would buy. Now, do you thin. It's at an ATH now without having any significant correction but as it's on KuCoin, there aren't that many traders to dump their bags at once so what do you think. Go for it to accumulate more BNTY or stay out as you think it might dip very soon?

I think the lowest I've seen BNTY in the last 3 days was $0.15 - $0.16. So that'd be a good price to pick it up. Right now people are FOMO'ing hard with DBC so they're selling their BNTY, take advantage of it.

Also, never go all in unless you only have like $200 to spend on crypto. Keep your shit diversified and enjoy the gains user.

Thanks broski, I know I'm being immature as shit but wojack gotta wojack. What you said is exactly the criticism and direction I needed to hear.

Fomo feels like a hardcore drug withdrawal. That's all that's fucked me up, last few days I was in the zone until I started checking other coins out. Holding tight.

All in on one coin is how you make great gains, but also how you can lose it all. Don't bet more than you can lose and keep investing $200 each month into ICO. Once you hit at jackpot you're set. Like ripple ($0,00022) a 100 bucks would make you a millionaire

Binance is a chinese scam exchange,fucker everyone knows that

Fuck you stupid Pajeet, jelly you didnt buy in at ICO?? im still holding 100K fucker

Fuck you and the whale

Pajeet, shoot! shoo!

sold 1/3 of my BNTY to buy some DBC just to try and accumulate more. I do of course not go all in. I made alot of gains on RaiBlocks and REQ and POE today, so I want to get some more in BNTY so I have the chance to reach $10k Q1

Sure but there is another side to this equation. When you go all in on one coin, you pretty much HAVE to cash out after one or two significant moons (aka 5x - 10x) because you'll want to reinvest your gains in other coins.

If you have a diversified portfolio, you can literally sit on a coin and not care how many moon missions its reached - as long as you believe it can go further.

At least that's how I see it.

Dude, ripple was $0,04 per coin in October. $100 would give you 25000 coins, today worth $50k.

Sure, but that's with your present knowledge that it went to $4. If you didn't know shit about its future you would want to play it as safe as possible.

Oops meant to reply to you

Forget you own this coin for a month
It'll save you the stress

thank just bought more cheap BNTY

its stable at .15-.17

>mfw your assessment makes perfect sense but it's 30% up

how do I get out? Should I get out?

Yep stability is good at least. Means we have a floor to bounce off of

It's been 5 days

HODL till 2018

I'm at a crossroads anons. I turned 300 bucks into about 2K over the past few weeks hopping from moon mission to moon mission. I typically always dip out in time to keep steady gains but I got into BNTY so early and there was so much reasonable hype that I went against my instincts and held thinking it was gonna shoot up to 50 cents.

I'm still at roughly a 60% profit. if i hold i have a gut feeling this thing will stay exactly where it's at for months and i'll miss out on dozens of other moon missions. thinking i should wait a week or two then cash out my initial investment and just let the rest ride. thoughts?

It's been five days.

I suggest you actually read their medium posts and join their discord. The answer will be pretty obvious.

wait till mid Jan 2018 when news comes out, ill off loading all my BNTY then

I cashed out my initial investment, Just holding the profit but I cashed out that initial investment at 0.25 cents. I wouldn't sell in the market now how it is just hold

thanks anons, i'll hodl til mid-january