>This is a banner that appeared on the Warhammer Community site
What did Games Workshop mean by recreating the Last Supper of Christ, but with Warhammer players instead of disciples?
>This is a banner that appeared on the Warhammer Community site
What did Games Workshop mean by recreating the Last Supper of Christ, but with Warhammer players instead of disciples?
It's a joke. Everyone likes jokes about the dead kike on a stick
I don't get the joke though.
What's the funny bit?
Dang, that guy on the left is such a CHAD he is between TWO BITCHES while he makes the beta asian and incels build and paint his models for him
> inb4 "replying to bait"
Not every picture of people lined up on one edge of a table is a reference to the Last Supper you faggots.
Someone needs to make a "IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE!?" for this shit.
This is one of the cringiest images I have ever seen on tg.
One of them is fat.
He looks like Keanu Reeves anyway
One of them will betray me.
>What did Games Workshop mean by recreating the Last Supper of Christ, but with Warhammer players instead of disciples?
Well basically regular humans ("normies", as you call them) enjoy referential humor; however, this image is obviously not a depiction of that famous painting, but rather simply an image of seven humans sitting on the same side of the table, which was done for ease of photographing.
Furthermore, for-profit companies ("jew companies", as you call them) are primarily concerned with increasing the wealth of their stockholders through a variety of means, such as expanding into other demographic markets that haven't been as receptive to their sales tactics. This is why several females appear in the image you've posted.
I hope that now you understand a little more about the world you're inhabiting.
whats the problem
they all look like people you might meet when playing warhammer.
they are all white for example
They are in pairs, not sets of three. Why do you think this is a reference?
>All sitting on the same side of the table
Fucking normies don't even know how to sit
Wait, are you mad OP because that is an infinitely overall better looking WH group then the basement dwellers you play with?
I'm mad because the theological point they're trying to make is unclear.
>Don't worry they said
>Mtg sold out but 40K is full of grognards
>SJW stuff would never infect GW
>Welcome women
>Double profits
>Double prices
Classic GW
There are only 7 people in the photo, not 13, so learn some actual Theology, or get the fuck out.
Oh shit a photo of some women and a chinese guy on the warhammer community site
Any day now and we'll have gender neutral space marines and white skinned miniatures will be banned from stores
>One of the women is fat.
>Another is obese.
>All the men have an average-ish build.
Do they not want fat nerds' money anymore?
>and white skinned players will be banned from stores
There are about as many women miniature wargame players as Jesus had lady disciples.
Is that Amos Yee in the middle?
So... 1? Depending on who we're asking?
Most women don't like nerd shit and only do it for attention, if there are almost half women it means trouble.
He said disciples, so I'm guessing high dozens to low thousands.
Just think how much fun you could have with your life if you didn't get so wrapped up in shrill histrionics.
You'll probably reply but I'll have left the thread already.
>while he makes the beta asian and incels build and paint his models for him
That's no incel - that's a space station!
Lets be honest, everyone does that.
Michaels dead so he doesnt mind
Jesus might not be a huge fan of the original.
they put 3 females in the middle and the man on the sides? way to threat your core buyers GW. I wonder if females are going to be interested in buying those 800-900$ armies every 4-5 months nerf.
This is true, but I'm pretty sure only the Twelve Apostles got invited to the last supper. Otherwise they would have gone way overbudget, or Jesus would have had to do the bread trick yet again and everytime he did that everyone went nuts and passover should be a time of friends and family remembering liberation from Egypt (and now prepping for the last sacrifice) rather than everyone going crazy about bread.
The first communion would have also taken ages that way.
I feel bad for you, our group of 20 is split about 60/40 in gender. And most are pretty hot/funny as well.