Is there a rules medium/light game for running cyberpunk or something like shadow run?
i want to see some street samurais doing awesome shit
Is there a rules medium/light game for running cyberpunk or something like shadow run?
i want to see some street samurais doing awesome shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not Shadowrun?
Interface Zero
The Sprawl
Because it's rules-heavy and user asked for rules-medium/light.
>rules medium/light
The Sprawl is the rules lightest cyberpunk game I can think of
>rules medium
>fucking Shadowrun
If you're ok with the Apocalypse World engine there's The Sprawk. There's also a hack of Blades in the Dark called Karma in the Dark. Shadowrun also released a rules-light game that may not be shit.
>Medium or light
While we're on the subject, is SR: Anarchy really that bad, or is it just grogs whining about how different things are bad because they're different? What specifically is wrong with it?
Blades in the Dark. As said, there's even a few hacks out there that try emulate Shadowrun explicitly. Pretty sure just typing, "blades in the dark, shadowrun" into Google will get you more than a few results, but Karma's a good place to start.
We were promised a rules-light Shadowrun and SR:A is neither.
How exactly is it "not Shadowrun?"
There's an user here working on a Shadowrun conversion for Genesys if you don't mind the memedice and waiting for him to get it done.
There's 's list too but Interface Zero is Savage Worlds which some people can't stand, and the Sprawl / Karma in the Dark are PbTA which have the same issue.
Savage world's discount shadowrun companion interface 0.
Don't support the product though. They treat their freelancers like shit.
Wasn't that the Hotline Miami inspired one that someone was doing in the gamemaker threads months ago? I thought it had died
>Savage Worlds which some people can't stand
You mean that one shitposter who throws a temper tantrum whenever someone mentions it? In my experience most people are pretty meh on it.
>The Sprawl is the rules lightest cyberpunk game I can think of
I can think of one even lighter.
Yeah, as a system it has 0 controversy so there really isn't anything to talk about with it. It does what it says on the tin.
Also interface zero has the newer shotgun rules. He's literally never responded to anyone who has told him this. Same with the etu book.
but is it "fun?"
Sprawl is at least narrative.
Eh, it's a World of Dungeons clone, which is basically Dungeon World with most everything stripped out and replaced with the DM just handwaving it. If that's your kind of thing, I suppose it's fine.
>run Shadowrun
Shadowrun is a bad game that should be played by no one, and the license should be revoked from CGL.
Interface Zero.
Pick from the following flavors:
>Savage Worlds
NYART, but it looks like an OK extra-light game. Enough keywords to help the DM keep their rulings coherent. I could see it work for a short campaign. I'll probably give it a shot in the next few days/weeks.
>Shadowrun is a bad game that should be played by no one, and the license should be revoked from CGL.
I disagree with the first, but agree on the second one
What you can thell me about hunter-seeker and interface zero?
I like Interface Zero under the Savage World ruleset if the game is supposed to have a lot of combat.
Though, Technoir is a great narrative / rules light system that can emulate things like th Sprawl books by Gibson, rather than "gun-toting edgerunners working freelance for corps."
I've played 5e for a year and a half now, and it's just bad. There's so much bad. You have to do so much houseruling in order to get the game to be anywhere near playable.
The shame is that the universe they have created hits some interesting beats, but in general it seems to fall short (mostly because CGL won't stop focusing in MAGICRUN)
Interface Zero is a modern-day cyberpunk RPG with Savage Worlds rules, some good worldbuilding and medium crunch.
Hunter-Seeker is a homebrew version of CP2020 that's been modernized, streamlined and isn't quite finished yet. More Ghost in the Shell than classic street punks.
>Interface Zero
>The Sprawl
didn't know these existed