Hello anons, I need some help from your amazing depths of experience. I've been bingeing alot of world of tanks and ww2 documentaries, and I've decided to make the jump into Guard. Specifically, I want to do Krieg, but theme it on WW2 Blitzkrieg/Erwin Rommel Tank tactics.I need a scale size of Tank kits that I can imperialize, rather than buying 9 leman russes and ww2ing them. Panzer 4 shirts and skirts look would be amazing! Thanks in advance!
Alternative 40k scale models thread
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First, let me say that playing WWII panzer germans IN SPACE is pretty entry level wehraboo tier, and rather unorginal.
Both murrikans and russkies are funnier for tankery, and if you want to be orginal, go French, Jap or Italian,
Now, having said that, if you want to go for proper models, go with 1/48 scale. Unfortunately the choice is more limited than in 1/35, but everyonedoes kraut tanks, so they arent all that thard to find.
Alterntaively, go for WWII 28mm plastics. Two main sources are Warlord and Rubicon:
With bolt action, check their konflikt 47 for additional scifi stuff.
Play 40k with 6mm models. One, they are way cheaper, 2, the scale is far superior for apocalypse games.
don't be a bitch, model them youself with plasticard.
What kind of a faggot picks being original over what they like?
>Erwin Rommel
I don't think 40k models outrunning your supply lines.
What kind of faggot likes German tanks?
>YET ANOTHER German tanks kitbash
Probably some kind of soyboy snowflake.
no op, but what about ww1 tank models, to more accurately fit the krieg theme
Warlord Games has many true scale 28mm WWII tanks (1/56 scale) for its Bolt Action game. However they might be touch too small for 40k 32mm heroic scale. Something to keep in mind.
>tfw nowhere makes nice Crusader tanks in 40k scale
I've actually found a nice Renault ft-17 kit I've been wanting to turn into a hellhound. The tanks 1/35 scale. My other conversion was of a stug III that I turned into a destroyer tank hunter. It was also 1/35.
Fucking shocking that I want to base a ww2 army off the best tanks of the era. Can't help that you automatically assume Wehraboo (thanks for that btw, never heard if before), but thanks for the advice.
epic hipster GTFO
Best tanks of the Era. By a screaming landslide.
Well excuse the hell out of me for trying something other than having a powergamer gray tide. It's what I enjoy, so fuck yourself.
Look ma, I can repeat edgy Veeky Forums lingo. Go fap to traps you closet case.
The only ww1 tank I like is the Mk4, and that's already pretty much a Land Raider.
I'll look into it!
>Fucking shocking that I want to base a ww2 army off the best tanks of the era.
Aesthetically, yes.
Mechanically, no. Soviets, Americans, and incredibly even the Brits had the Germans dead to rights by the end of the war. If the Germans had had to fight IS 3's for example they would have been so hilariously fucked it wouldn't have even been a fight. Most of Germany's later designs were so prone to manufacturing defects, breakdowns, and poor quality steel that it was honestly kind of embarassing. And I say this as a guy who builds a WWII German army before anything else everytime I get into a new scale. I am almost certainly a wehraboo. Germany is hardly the end all be all of tank design.
Even their most famous designs, the Tiger and Panther, had glaring flaws and frankly bizarre design choices. The Tiger using slab sides for example is inexcusable. The Panther and Tiger both had seriously overworked transmissions. Both tanks insisted on gas fuel instead of diesel, meaning poor reliability in the ostfront as well as higher tendency to burn down. Panther's side armor was so weak it could actually be defeated by anti tank rifles at the start. I can go on and on.
Granted "best" is tough to ascribe to any one tank because obviously you need to ask what this tank is "best" at. A heavy tank is obviously superior to a medium tank for protection and firepower, but inferior for speed/cost/operational range, etc. If you were to pick a true "best" tank of WWII, the more logical choices would probably be between a late model T34/85 or a Sherman Easy 8. Both hit the sweet spot in cost, manufacture time, reliability, protection, firepower, and almost every other factor that decides who wins a war. The Panther is probably the best all around tank the Germans made, but it had many flaws that really challenge whether it was truly a superior design to something like it's allied opponents mentioned above.
Also to contribute to the actual thread, look into Warlord's historical models, they'll be a good source for infantry. On the other hand you could look into companies like Victoria Lamb and Mad Robot, both make great customizable squads that would cover your needs.
For tanks, to get a tank that matches a Leman russ demensions, you'll need 1/48 or sometimes even 1/35. The leman Russ is a beautiful monument to everything you should never do for a tank, so it's no shocker that real tanks in it's scale look off. Most 1/48 or 1/56 tanks will be half a russ's height. M3 Lees and just about anything French will do great for 40k though, since they have lots of guns.
Best advice I can give, if you use historical parts, make sure you really future them up a bit. If you're lazy and just field basic ass tigers or something you look like a closet Nazi at best or a really lazy modeller at worst. Make sure to put all kinds of greebly 40k bits on them, skulls, lasers, stuff like that.
Good luck, I'm converting up Valhallans using WWII Soviet Winter infantry so I've been through this to a degree myself. It's fun, just takes some work.
if you want a good imperium look, do consider early war french as a choice. however german can work too
>Best tanks of the era
>*breaks during during battle*
>*is only efficient during defense when standing around*
>*gets outmaneuvered by tank destroyers*
>*gets wrecked by tiny tanks like the M36 Jackson*
okay, fucks sakes, Best as in looks coolest you pedantic fucks.
This, 1/56 is a bit smallish next to Bolt Action figures, they might look tiny beside GW-approved Yuge-Scale figures. 1/35 is probably too big, but a 1/35 tiger would make a pretty neat Baneblade, if those even still exist in Nü40k.
Alternatively just jump ship since GW is a sinking sewage-raft and play BA (Warhammer 1942)
so the scene in that shitty brad pitt movie where one sherman is able to close to 5 yards against a tiger and destroy it single handedly was 100% historically accurate after all, I had no idea...
You mean the scene where the tanks were so close an e8 would have been able to punch a hole through the front of the turret on a Tiger1?
Krieg are more numbers and slowy grinding the enemy than blitzkrieg, but its your hobby man have fun
>>well ayckshyually
>guys I'm making a nazis in space army!
wewlad, you and every other 16 year old pudgy kid in a black hoodie
Krief is WW1 germany, about attritional and trench warfare. Not WW2-era warfare
a lot of people miss this because wehrboos are the smartest of peoples. Nonetheless I still see endless wehrmacht-themed krieg armies
OP dont listen to this guy 1/56 is incredibly small comapred to 40k vehicles >pic related
Even 1/48 is too small for it.
Only thing that will cut is 1/35 ones. But be carefull they might be a bit big. Try to take small 1/35 tanks for your conversions ( for example renault ft) , and they will be just right.
For bigger proxies you can get bigger tanks. For example ragnarok tank is basicly kv-2 in space.
You can make malcador from Char b-1 for example.
If you paint them in german camos ( for exampel german three color pattern) they will look very blitzkrieg indeed. Also fun fact germans used lots of captured tanks (beutepanzer) so they wont look very far off.
Ofcourse you can use some german models.
I am planning to use a ferdinand and repalce its maing gun with a laser cannon to make a count-as destroyer tank hunter.
>forgot pic
Guten Tag Hans
King Tigers were pretty manueverable to be honest.
Suprisingly they were more mobile and more mechanically reliable than regular tigers.
I mean, if you’re not accounting for the shatter gap then yeah, that scene
There is a pretty nice count as erwin rommel model here. Kabuki models Rommel-X
Tank kits for 40K work best in 1/32 or 1/35 scale. I looted this M3 Lee a few years back and as you can see, the scale is pretty much right on. You'll have to replace every gun however; 40K guns are scaled more to 1/16 or even 1/8, so the guns that come with historical kits look hilariously undersized.
On the topic of what to loot, most stuff simply isn't going to look right. Consider the Leman Russ; it's profile is way too high, it uses sponsons and it thinks sloped armour is for pussies. Most WW2 designs aren't going to fit the aesthetic of 40K. There are exceptions; the Lee is such a clusterfuck design-wise that it works perfectly well as a 40K tank. The T-35 would need some work but would fit decently well too.
On the other hand, WW1 tanks will fit pretty much perfectly into 40K. If you want to stick with the German theme then shoving a big cannon onto the front of an A7V would fit nicely.
This, Steel Legion is a lot more WWII Germans
> wehrboos are the smartest of peoples
Damn right they are
This looks like a wonderful base for that extra big grot tank.
Onto the ideas pile it goes
>Fucking shocking that I want to base a ww2 army off the best tanks of the era.
That's not the Shermans.
Protip. Shermans had better exchange rates than Panthers in all scenarios, attacking or defending.
Interesting point. Steel Legion is also a giant raging boner of mine.
Muh dick
Thats fucking perfect, whats the model maker, do you know? Its a bit small, but a 1/48 of that would be about what Im looking for. I dont really care about the height, i just want the footprint to be about the right size.
kiss mein arse.
you talk some mad shit for being on Veeky Forums at midnight.
>The Tiger using slab sides for example is inexcusable.
Why? It increases the internal volume and potential turret ring size. Plus the vast majority of shots come from the frontal 60-degrees in WW2
Aren't their uniforms even closer to the French?
Will you shut the fuck up now? The guy wants ww2 germans in space , we are not here to discuss history.
Warlord games, they only make 1/56.
>Nazi tanks
They're made out of straight angles and blocks anyways. Plasticard them.
>Nazi helmets/camo
Real shit
He's likely the guy shrieking wehraboo, ignore his fat salty ass.
Dang. Could I possibly get a top down pic?
Im presently pretty deep into an eisenkern collection I picked up for cheap, splattering their bits around with cadians to make this up, and ill greenstuff greatcoats later. I can assembly line greenstuff surprisingly efficiently if its simple shit like that.
Sure but i iwll return in an hour or so. I will also psot some 3rd party stuff that you might find interesting.
>Boyz und panzer.jpg
>He's likely the guy shrieking wehraboo, ignore his fat salty ass.
It could be worse. You could be a Russiaboo and be fanboying for perhaps the statistically worst tank used in any great quantity of WW2. You're only 50% deluded about how good your favorite tank is rather than 100% deluded.
Pretty good for someone that lost the war.
>That's not the Shermans.
pro tip americans had the owrst tanks of the war, Shermans are ugly as fuck, uglier both then the late war tanks and the early war monstrosities, which at least look interesting.
>eisenkern with cadian
>a 32mm standard scale kit with a 28mm heroic scale kit
What could possibly go wrong?
Eh, I more view Rommel as one of the most unsung heroes of WW2.
>>Smashed Africa's ass open
>>Drove the Allies into screaming retreat
>>Made even the italians look useful
>>Didn't know about the holocaust
>>Worked with his men on the front lines and the trenches
>>When he was recalled to Germany and learned of the holocaust, first pleaded with Hitler to surrender, then planned his assassination.
>>Died fearlessly, staring down two other generals as they made him kill himself.
Dont give a shit what colors were on his flag, that's a stone cold badass.
d...did you just claim panthers were the best tank of the war?
wewlad, you must be under 20
Works pretty good so far.
>Shermans were the worst tanks of the war
t. Death Traps Memelord
God, what must it like to be such a meme snorting retard you can't even come up with your own insults?
aight, sweet. I'm crashing out and letting the WW2 autists have their screaming shitfit about my modeling and theme choices. Thanks much for the help!
>Went hyper-aggressive and outstretched his supply lines
>Got blown the fuck out by the worst allied commander of WW2
>Drew resources away from an actually important front in favour of a side-show
Rommel is the most over-rated commander of the entire war. I'll give fucking Macarthur more cred than that kraut failure.
you went on a wargaming forum and said that one nation's tanks were the best, while giving wehraboo trademark statements beforehand, it was inevitable. Historical wargamers have to hear "hurrrrrr das 1000 year reich was da best" every goddamn day wherever we go from blatant wehraboos with names like "Rommelsturm45", so it kind of just triggers instant flashbacks. Hope you learned your lesson. :^)
we forgive you
This reminds me OP, look up the Dreamforge Eisenkarn Stormtroopers. They'd be ideal stormtroopers for the army you're making. Basically this guy but with a variety of weapons and poses in plastic. Nice cheap way to get a bunch of stormtroopers for way cheaper than GW.
While Rommel is overrated, he wasn't incompetent, far from it. His reputation was well deserved, but his tenure as Field Marshall was admittedly not the high point of his career (that would be his command of the 7th Panzer Division in the Battle of France).
The Africa Campaign for Germany wasn't a problem that could be easily addressed. See, Rommel's idea of how to win that was to WIN it. Could you have put a defensive general like Model (who wasn't in a position to take that command but we're talking style not person) and delayed in Africa? Certainly, but fighting a war like that is basically putting off inevitable defeat.
Here's the Africa problem. Your enemy is getting larger by the day, your supply situation will only get worse and worse as time goes on, and you're at your strongest literally right that moment. Is it logical, if you want to achieve victory and not just delay, to sit on your hands? Of course not. You hit the enemy as hard as you can and keep going until they can stop you, or you'll lose the initiative and your chances are gone as your enemy gradually overwhelms you.
See with the power of hindsight it's easy for us to go "Hmm, yes, Africa was a mistake, defeat there was inevitable," but do you tell the Fuhrer that and let him find somebody who isn't you to tell him that it's possible, or do your damndest to really win it?
It's true that this decision would lead to him burning out his forces quickly and being forced to switch postures after El Alamein, but Africa wasn't a front where you could afford to just be passive if you wanted to do anything.
Aggression was Guderian's calling card too and you hardly ever see anybody calling him out for outrunning his supply lines in Russia because he was a glory hound.
All this is irrelevant though because the best general was Manstein, though he loses points for not realizing that Kursk would be a shitshow like Guderian did.
Best German general, I should say.
Best overall is whoever you want it to be :^)As long as it's not Zhukov because he's an overrated fuck too.
Thats why i recommended he get 1/48 in first post.
They are slightly flimisier and more complicated to build, but they are sufficently HUEGer.
Get out
Guderian-sama is the best
Here are the pics, as you can see 1/56 looks horribly underscale compared to the minis.
I implore you to re-consider my 1/35 small tanks suggestion.
I will also add some 3rd party 40kfied tanks that might be suitable.
>Protip. Shermans had better exchange rates than Panthers in all scenarios, attacking or defending.
And German soldiers had superior K:D on all fronts, against all enemies they faced. Does that mean they were the best soldiers of the war?
Some 3rd part stuff
I especially like the stormwalker turret
Do you have 1/48? Also, I think a 1/35 M3 Stuart might be a good size and fit the theme pretty well, but I don't know
No i dont have it but you can google 1:48 bolt action to see comparisons between scales.
Just a question - in few recent threads, we had mentions of GW staff (and even other players) being autistic about recasts to the point of actually breaking other guys models to see if they are orginal ( WTF ?)
So what is their stance about 3rd party manufacturers, like victoria or maxmini ?
Or what OP wants, that is total conversion of historical scale models?
Because going by this attitude, they might want to throw his army into woodchipper, and crucify him on top of it. .
WW1/WW2 Hungarian-themed Imperial Guard army. Is this a good idea?
Okay, tell 40K aesthetics can be slapped onto modern day main battle tanks like the M1 Abrams (pic related), T-72s to T-90s Russian MBTs, Leopard Tanks or even Israeli Merkavas?
Or what about in things like the HMMWV (Humvee)?
>Just a question - in few recent threads, we had mentions of GW staff (and even other players) being autistic about recasts to the point of actually breaking other guys models to see if they are orginal ( WTF ?)
I saw that thread, it was more that an obviously counterfeit miniature broke on the table, and a fellow customer ratted out the guy to staff, who are obviously going to ask you to stop enjoying their facilities. Most people would probably quietly tell you to put it away before anyone noticed. You won't get GW staff asking to snap your miniatures in half to prove authenticity.
>So what is their stance about 3rd party manufacturers, like victoria or maxmini ?
>Or what OP wants, that is total conversion of historical scale models?
No chance. A GW certainly wouldn't want you playing with 100% non-GW miniatures in your army, which is fair enough in their store really.
You might get away with a couple of Kromlech/Maxmini heads or whatever in an army, but not full resin female IG units from Victoria for example.
And I say this as something of a GW "hater".
I heard some GW stores even ban FW models because they dont get to sell them themselves.
GW stores are generally cancer, go to flgs or play at home.
Which is strange as Forge World is basically an extension of the main Design Studio now. They used to be some tank nerds in a portacabin at the back of the Lenton HQ, doing their own thing. Now they basically use it to sell miniatures that would have been cast in metal before, but aren't worth making in plastic clamshells. Stuff like Blood Bowl star players.
Yeah, FLGS are good, though I'd be wary of using counterfeit miniatures anywhere in public, GW or not. Wargaming clubs are the best as there's no "support your store" unwritten rule, but they seem more of a European thing
Would it be okay or aestheically acceptable for imperial guardsmen to be riding and driving around with humvees? I mean, humvees are pretty American where as the vast majority of 40k is British/European.
Pretty cool. I certainly like the aesthetics.
Aren't Kreigers based on WW1 Germans?
Try to use space Turan tanks
>Turans in space
Holy fuck. My imagination is in overdrive, it hurts and it is a good pain, I'm getting visions.
Fun fact, Turan in this context means the idea to unite all Turkic societies under the same banner. From Hungarians to Turkey turks to Mongols and so on.
It could be that Space Magyars are related to the Attilans...
The Russians have a lot of 40k looking tanks
Those are Hussars from Mutant Chronicles Warzone from Heartbreak Games.
Actually they're Ducal Militia from the original Target Games edition. The Bauhaus grunts were based on Great War Germans, as the Imperial infantry were based on the Brits.
1/35 scale m113's fit, instead of using chimeras
also, make your own, man. Konverting ain't hard.
not really.
Loads of IRL amerifags and ISIS dopes died in those vehicles because of how awful they are as combat vehicles.
Basically any weapon in the 40k universe will wreck a humvee.
That said it would look better than the godawful taurox.
>literally half the height of the model it's proxying for
I'm sorry I can't. You can make it a spiked dildo for all I care but making it smaller than the model it's supposed to be is an absolute deal breaker. The game is built around line of sight, having tiny models is going to have a really detrimental effect on gameplay.
Maybe if you houserule that proxy models like that can never receive cover EVER and except in extreme cases are always visible. Otherwise I'm going to have a peoblem.
>the best tanks of the era
Those all have a 4 in the name, user, and the PzIV is definitely pushing it as "best" unless you're only considering German hardware.
M4 & T-34 are the best tanks of the era. Better-looking than the METAL BOXES, and hell, you want a METAL BOX, use one of the Russian tanks that had a literal METAL BOX for a turret and was still a much better tank than the big cats.
Perfectly honest if I wad going to run a conversion army I'd use valhallans and properly scaled t-34s.
Or pic related. It's more tiger-esque but that full suspension tho.
>And German soldiers had superior K:D on all fronts, against all enemies they faced.
IIRC it's like 1:1.2 tops on the Eastern Front, once you factor in all the other soldiers fighting on the German side and don't do the Wittman trick of assigning everyone's kills to the guy or nationality you want to be an ace. Which you kind of have to, unless you're deliberately lying.
And, well, considering the Nazis were fighting defensively for a hell of a lot of that time, that's a damn good ratio for the Allies. Maybe the Nazis should have built something useful instead of spending the equivalent of the Manhattan Project on a weapon system that killed more slaves and Nazis than its actual targets?
man i hate when people base tanks
I think it is acceptable at 1/72 and a must for smaller scales.
Keep /pol/ in /pol/
>best tanks of era
On paper possibly, but it was repeatedly outperformed by panzer 4s, and suffered a negative K/D ratio against it. It's main strength was the way the Russians had set about building it, cutting corners at every chance to the point where they managed to cut production cost and time in half, since they estimated that their tanks wouldn't last longer than 6 months on average, so there was no point in putting anything in the tank designed to last longer than that. The big gaping holes and incomplete weld jobs were actually a deliberate strategic decision. The main drawback for T-34s, at least early on was scarce radios and shitty sights.
Krauts on the other hand kept autistically creating the best they could, it was so bad that every 6th tiger tank on average was a new model. Made their production catastrophically ineffective and was probably a large contributor to losing the war.
Sherman was basically the T-34 without the T-34 problems, both tanks also came later than the panzer 4 and had important lessons incorporated in their designs.
>Krauts on the other hand kept autistically creating the best they could,
Yeah, but they built things other than stugs too.
I remember a guy asking about this a while ago, but he got no reply.
Any chance someone makes formal wear in warhammer 40k scale?
I the idea of a genestealer cult modeled after EXALT from X-COM [pic related] seems really cool to me.
I was unable to find anything that would look like shirts with ties, vest, let alone vest worn over shirts.
Not the OP, but late war krauts with stugs, hetzers, gray fatigues uniforms mixed with camo, panzerfausts, and conscripts wearing whatever was something I thought about once for IG.
Alternately, doing something similar with orks, but going more pulpy and throw in a warboss in mega armour and call him Gitler. Halftracks for the trukks and loads of tank bustas with panzerfausts. Just go all out on making goofy nazi orks.
Not quite the same, of course, but there are a couple of 28mm gangster ranges out there, and you could look into VBCW stuff. Then there are things like pic related from Copplestone's Future Wars range.