How do you beat nurgle teams with pro elves? The moment they take the ball I can only screen and stall. Also they ruin my elf bullshit.
Kayden Gray
Nurgle are pretty much a hard counter against elves, better than dwarves once they get Tackle on their goats and warriors, so you might have to take the losses. Their Rotters are fairly vulnerable even for elves, invest in some bribes to foul them out. Their goats need to be overwhelmed and their Warriors can be caged and forced to make dodges quite effectively. Nothing more I can say, really.
Xavier Hughes
Why isn't big hand more common on mutation players, especially stunty mutation players?
>not having a gobbo who can dodge in and pick up in 5 tackle zones on a 2+ and dodge back out on a 2+
Blake Mitchell
why did you post this image you sick fuck
Jeremiah Price
Looks like a gobbo to me.
Justin Barnes
You try getting that goblin to level 3 first
Benjamin Turner
Because stunty low armor units typically get slaughtered long before then.
Ian Barnes
because two-heads is much better at level 1
Nolan Allen
I ended up talking to a few goblin coaches and they all seem to really eate Ripper hugely as a star for their team, even more than the star weapons.
Why is that?
William Rogers
>my warpstone troll's face when
Landon Diaz
Carson Long
>6 Str >no Really Stupid >no Always Hungry >can give Morg 'n Thorg a thrashing >doesn't rely on bribes >sufficient MA to blitz into left or right field to clear the way, or catch an enemy runner behind the lines without having to surround him with gobbos >can toss a goblin quite reliably >isn't a reroll hog
Asher Morgan
because in tournies you can just take ripper
Easton Cooper
Julian Gomez
ye boi
James Perry
Rolled 6 (1d6)
no you gotta GFI
Evan Morris
Daniel Reyes
So I main halflings, but have been stuck playing on the computer for too long. Any model recommendations for getting back into tabletop with them?
Christopher Bailey
old GW models although I am an IMPACT! fran myself my dude and they have a pretty ok gnome team
the halloween one is SICK too
Michael Long
If you had 18 players for a league, would you rather have a 18 player round robin with playoffs or 2, 9 player leagues then playoffs?
Isaac Price
What is the absolute best team, and why is it Skaven?
>want to load the 32bit OpenGL BloodBowl2 exe instead of the default one
Nathan Thompson
nvm. it's done by browsing local files.
>still crash at inducement screen, but can play anything that doesn't involve inducements What the fuck?
Dylan Scott
Goblins of course.
Isaiah Williams
All I know about this game is that trolls can throw goblins Is it possible to have a team centered around this?
Joshua Miller
Not exactly as you can only throw a team mate once per turn. That said it doesn't stop you throwing a player every turn. Ogres are probably the best for this but you're better off blocking with them.
Halflings too can also throw well.
Easton Sanders
Long term I think Vampires. Your best players got Ag4, St 4, Blodge, an apothecary and regeneration to make them last ages. Any ST or Ag stat boost turns them form Super Stars to Gods. You have the cheapest linemen among normal teams in the game tied with hobbos and Rotters.
You have the strength and blodge to make all but the strongest defenders be even capable of touching your ball carrier and that's assuming they're alone.
The challenge is of course getting the Vampires to that point.
>still crashing at inducement phase. It's a sad day.
Joseph Carter
Jaxon Campbell
me and my friends want to get into bloodbowl but there are literally no players around us so its hard to get good tips and info so i was wondering if you guys could help us
what all do we need to play? a pitch, the rules, and a team? lets say i want to play dwarfs, do i only need to buy one box of them? how do i make a team?
sorry for the questions, blood bowl seems super fun but its not popular around where i live
James Walker
dont have time for a long answer but i suggest you check out fumbbl before you spend money on bloodbowl, it's a very polarizing game and you either love it or can't stand it. entirely dice roll dependent
you and a friend can make a team in the league division and fuck around without you dumping cash into it first and not liking it
Daniel Morales
this seems like a great idea actually, thank you
ill have to look up how to make a team tho, this website is def for people really into blood bowl
Jaxon Ramirez
Sauce on pic?
Alexander Hall
Murderchaos iz da best. Goblinz iz da funniest
William Ward
Thoughts on weeping daggers?
Jonathan Nelson
Marty! Biff has the bloodbowl almanac and hes beardy as fuck Marty! Great Scott! we have to stop him! did i ever tell you i wanna be a cowboy Marty?
Chase Kelly
Bit of a gimmick as gutter runners will rarely hurt anyone.
Nathaniel Edwards
Completed my 3 teams, the Middenland Marauders, the Red Fang Ravagers and the Volkn Vultures
Michael Perry
Looking good.
Eli Wood
Looking nice!
Samuel Thomas
broke college user with a crazy idea here
I used to play 40k a lot, and for some reason I kept all the sprues I've ever been left over with. Now, I want to convert a collection of blood bowl models, but I'm also trying to be as cheap and lazy as possible, so I want to be able to use them for any team I feel like.
I think my plan is going to be a "Polygon Fighters" kinda them, like from smash bros., and use magnets to be able to switch out bodies and arms for any special features. Are there any bans on using the outer structure of the sprues for "conversion" pieces? It would kind of suck if I ended up making all these pieces by hand for it to not be NAF/GW legal.
Owen Moore
I am not 100% sure on Games Workshop store policy but in general outside of their store policy, so long as your players are distinct enough and follow the usual size format appropriate for the pitch, no one in BB is going to bat an eyelid who you use as your team.
Goddamn those are looking solid. I like how you kept the Human and Orcs Blue and Red as they are traditionally depicted.
Hunter Howard
are there skeleton only teams
Hudson Mitchell
Gavin Gomez
Cooper Cox
What is the view on regeneration only teams like Nurgle ir Khenri to normal teams with apothecary? Who is tougher?
Asher Cruz
Reinstall your game.
Jacob Wilson
Building a halfling team in BB2, need help
Never played this game before but I want to play them even though they're trash
Adrian Richardson
have a big bench, foul important pieces a lot, master chef and deeproot are your best inducements
Michael Baker
2 treemen 14 halfings 4 Rerolls
Bank 100k and induce the chef as much as possible. Do not throw halflings unless you have the ball and need to score. Good luck.
Jason Jackson
What team is the comfiest to play.
Cooper Fisher
All teams have the potential to be horrendously stress inducing.
Maybe Orcs (with no Troll)? All your players are durable, you have 4 blitzers so plenty of block and moderate speed, the black orcs keep you from being bullied by other high strength teams, and everyone except the black orcs can handle the ball reasonably well in an emergency.
The only similar team is Dwarfs but they're not as comfy to play because they're so slow, you're constantly worrying about your progress down the field against the clock.
Austin Moore
I guess then a better question is, who are the top 5 most stressful teams?
Sebastian Rivera
Trust me
Benjamin Powell
Trust me
Austin Williams
More than goblins and ogres?
Alexander Ross
For League Play in no particular order: Wood Elves Pro Elves (AV7, literally at any time your best player could die and you can't do shit, possible death spiral resulting in gimped seasons depending on your league rules)
Dwarves (slow fucks, have to worry about pacing always)
Whenever you're rolling bad (any team, sometimes you fail 5 pickup attempts and don't get to play the game)
Humans (every team does something better than you, you're constantly outclassed and can feel helpless because you have to play their game frequently)
Thomas Moore
Yeah ok, no.... The game is about positioning, and minimising the amount of risky die rolls you have to make. You obviously don't win many game if you think it's all luck. Now you can lose a game on the chance that you rolled like absolute shit all game and there was nothing you could do, but isn't that the same with pretty much every table top game?
Jaxon Hernandez
yeah bro theres never any situations where a bad dice roll will lose you the game haha XD this game is all skill based
Jayden Allen
Parker Powell
What is a goodTV to play exhibition matches?
Luke Phillips
1300-1400tv for most teams would allow you to build for a few specialized players.
John Nguyen
In my experience, it's Regen for sure, but it moreso depends on average armor value. Khemri still get their shit pushed in from time to time.
Josiah Thomas
If you lost the game because of a single dice roll then it was either incredibly close or you fucked up.
BB is first and foremost a game of risk management.
Ryder Bailey
use tournament rules, literally search like "world cup tournament pack" and those are good for exhibition matches
assuming you want it to be fair
if you want silly games then pick whatever skills and shit you want and agree to 1200k up to 1600k --- at 1800 a lot of teams get silly, at 1400 dwarves are still ridiculously strong, at 1600 a lot of teams are good/ok but not broken
Isaac Martinez
Just got the gobbo team from my brother, its the base set, what am I in for?
Leo Gonzalez
Cooper Flores
I actually won a game with halflings against norse
Jonathan Bennett
how bad was the norse player?
Logan Rodriguez
He kept dropping the ball and I managed to score a touchdown with a halfling After that it was just up to the trees to keep smacking things One of my halflings even killed someone
Josiah Peterson
About how much citadel paint to buy for painting the human/orc starters from the box set? Or on average how much per team? Trying to figure out how much paint to buy. I'm going to get the starter box set and then get an elf team.
Samuel Taylor
>starter pack and elf team You'll have three sub par teams.
Buy one of the box games that have your desired team, then buy an additional box for that team.
After that.
>primer >skin tone >metal color >cloth color >metal accent >wash >clearcoat
Should be sufficient for a better than average model.
Doesn't need to be citadel, of course.
Charles Robinson
the elf box is basically perfect though
Alexander Sullivan
A wild ride. Id suggest adding two more trolls at the very least to add much needed muscle and toughness to your team. After that, a weapon or two. Id go chainsaw but others like the fanatic.
Grayson Campbell
plastic halflings and treemen when
Asher Parker
Hopefully next year.
Jaxson Reed
LGS is getting started with Blood Bowl How much of a faggot would I be if I made an Ogre team called the Smashmouth All Stars?
Aaron Perry
Unoriginal, no really, it's been done to death with Ogres. Just pack those re-rolls before more ogres.
Ryder Morales
Looking for a coach to fill in for a couple of games in the Rookies league on FUMBBL.
No experience necessary, play whatever you want since it's only a couple of games.
Jacob Phillips
Sounds like a good team name to me. Let us know how your ogres did. My gobbos made it to play offs in our league but lost to Dorfs. Still happy to have made it as far as I did.
Wyatt Lee
Newb Nurgle coach here, need some advice. One of my Bloaters rolled a double on a level up, so far he's got block and guard. I've been thinking about getting him Dodge, making him almost unkillable, but Leader seems sexy aswell. Also would it be worth just picking Tackle, ignoring the double?
Noah Moore
Are you fighting against predominantly agility teams? Tackle could be useful but Blodge long term will help him take a proper amount of damage.
For general use, dodge, if you badly need a killer of elves, tackle. Leader is a bit of a waste, you'll rarely need use of that.
Ian Hall
i was thinking of starting to play blood bowl.
what do i need to start playing? im thinking orcs since i like orcs.
Anthony Gomez
The starting Box set from GW should be enough. Even comes with Orcs who just so happen to be a great beginner team.
Hudson Bennett
Boxed game will give you an orc team, the humans and everything needed to play one-off games with those two teams.
Almanac will give you the full compiled rules so far, including league rules.
If you want to optimise the orc roster you'll need two more black orcs and blitzers.
James Gray
>lose one of my four Ag5 Blodge Vamps >to a linerat of all things
Is this what pain feels like?
Elijah Anderson
He could have snaked a dodge and died. That be true suffering.