What's your opinion on Lindybeige?
>Who dat?
What's your opinion on Lindybeige?
>Who dat?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sometimes right, often wrong. He's at least interesting to listen to.
he's pretty bad. His charisma is a really shit kind of charisma that relies on him sounding smart so he can never really present himself with the level of knowledge he actually has.
Kind of dumb and really autistic, but pretty likable somehow.
He's cool. Provides pretty neat insights, and is generally entertaining to listen to.
has way more opinions than facts
He does talk about history after all.
I'm with . "All hat, no cattle."
Also it's weird that we have this thread so much.
He may be wrong on some things, but at least he's the sincere kind of wrong where he's at least got a line of reasoning to it and you can see where he's coming from.
It's more or less impossible to be that kind of youtuber and get everything right while having regular episodes. It's pretty reasonable that he'd make a video on some sword type after reading a little bit and fucking around with a reproduction and get it a bit wrong than expecting him to go through the eight books and the proper courses and never getting a video at all. After all, even if you're ultimately wrong you can have some useful information.
thats why he needs more fact checking and less bullshit
he has a lot of fans so it's obvious that some of them will make threads about it. Some to appear smart, some to get some kinds of assurance that what they are watching isn't actually shit
Anyone else who talks about these kinds of things?
no one preson. If you want people who actually know their shit they stay in their respective fields
Typical armchair expert.
I'm feel like maybe Americans find him more cool or charming, because I think for English people he represents this specific overlap of blokey-ness and nerdiness that can be really obnoxious. Maybe it's just me.
I think you should be the one to learn more about humour, because that wasn't the least bit funny.
Somehow an literal neckbeard nerd like Metatron is better than him.
Utter retard who replaced research with "well this is what makes sense to me". The only video of his I watched from start to finish was the one about it not making sense to ride early horses into battle, and it contained a plethora of both historical and logical errors. Maybe his other videos are better, but I doubt it.
His breakdown of why D&D is awful just shows that he can't into abstraction. Which isn't entirely unreasonable; D&D's abstractions aren't exactly intuitive (there's a reason hitpoints have been discussed at length for as long as the game has been around), but it also doesn't make the game shit.
>Maybe his other videos are better
nope. he is a bag of opinions which are sometimes right the way a broken watch is right sometimes
>Muh "spandau" can't hit someone even if the muzzle was pressed right into him while the Bren could have headshotter Hitler all the way from England
As a /k/ommando the level of absolute retardation in that video was fucking hilarious
I like him because he got me into lindyhop
fuck off lindy
You mean the notorious Anglo supremacist?
Anyone got that VirginGladiatoria vs Lindychad?
"Operation Market Garden was a success" - Lindybeige
You're coming from the same place where Nuggets achieved a meme status and people legit think they were highly engineered works of art.
I mean gonna be honest here;
So? There are dozens of people like him form every single country ever.
I mean we have poles on /k/ who honestly think they're country isn't a huge historical laugh.
>not a historical laugh
They had some cool shit going on but there's a reason the term "polish parliament" is a thing in several european languages when refering to a complete breakdown of communication.
>Lindy "England won the Hundred Years War okay we got rid of the bad english that's a win" Beige
>Lindy "Napoleon is fucking hitler he should be gassed to death and his legacy tarnished" Beige
Poorfags gonna poorfag user, now that nuggets aren't like $20 a pop anymore they've become significantly less of a meme.
clueless attention whore
More wrong than right, unable to accept his own lack of knowledge.
interesting to listen on youtube, probably an annoying drama queen & attention whore IRL
Why are you faggots posting this guy everywhere? I seen him in Veeky Forums, /k/ and Veeky Forums.
>Lindey "The Boer War camps were refugee camps" Beige
i had a professor who was fond of going on about how aside from the lower oder poland has few geographical reasons to exist
I've never before seen a man who loves the smell of his own farts this much. I don't watch his videos because his attitude turns me right off. It doesn't matter whether or not he's right, I've known way too many of his "I'm right and you're stupid" argumentative opinionated types.
This. If I'm going to watch videos about history and HEMA and whatnot, then I'd prefer if it were someone educated and knowledgeable, rather than a guy with a big mouth and bigger opinions.
Easy (you)s, he's the history opinions equivalent to Dobson.
Tell me more about Dobson.
He's one of the "big" youtube historians next to people like Scholagladiatoria and Skallagrim, the problem being he's a complete fucking retarded who doesn't research jack shit and just assumes what he thinks is the logical answer is correct, and he has some weird fucking logic on top of that.
Andrew Dobson? AKA Tom Preston? CattyN?
Since you've miraculously avoided seeing anything about him at all these past ten years I won't spoil your innocence.
That is not a rabbit hole you want to go down user
I salute violent and random death?
I want to delve deeper into this rabbit hole.
The translations are a bit retarded but traditions die hard, a better grammatically correct prayer would be SALUTO CUBUM NECIS
Murder Cube.
alea sounds cooler than cubum
Matt easton
I'm not from the US, tell me more
Ah I see, thanks.
Of course I knew of the Murder Cube user.
>Your +9 mage attacks the hoard and fails!
>You lose!
Just go to /co/ for a little bit
The most basic rundown is Dobson is a webcomic artist and an absolutely fucking pathetic piece of shit. He's a hardcore SJW who constantly shits on men in an extremely transparent "I'm not like other men, gib pussy pls" attempt, shits all over people for "elitism" despite constant being an elitist and contrarian himself so much so that he made like 40 panels specifically about "stuff I like/dislike that other people dislike/like," and constantly cries about how hard his life is on social media so people give him money and attention.
Fun fact about pic related, when people called him out on it in regards to gaming he responded on twitter with "I play Skyrim at 10 fps, fuck your elitism," and if you check out his youtube channel he actually fucking does, on top of that he modded out combat but still used console commands to kill a courier for being a "sexist asshole"
That's 100% accurate though
Reminds me of when he came to Veeky Forums for help with his art, got lots of good feedback, but then a few people posted troll comments in the thread so he ignored the good advice and continued being an unfunny bad artist.
Also he used to draw inflation fetish stuff while posturing as a girl on the internet.
I don't see why people care so much about hil. He's just a pathetic asshole. If you want something both pathetic and... interesting, check out Chris-chan.
I don't like sports, never played Final Fantasy, hated the Twillight movies, grew out of Transformers and never watched Star Trek yet this offends me one very possible fucking level. I hate how "look at me, I'm so quirky xDDD" this shit is. Periodic table at a football game? What the fuck is even the joke here? That he's smart and football players are stupid? The FUCK does the periodic table even have to do with football? It can't even work as a pun because there are no fucking tables in football. It's just a "look at me, I know basic high school chemistry I'm so smart" bullshit I'M MAD.
I'm mad. What's his website? I want to get even more mad.
user, if your PC is a "+9 mage" and your GM roll the dice instead of you and then say "you lose" when the roll fail, you should try to read the rulebook he doesn't want you to touch.
But user, that's literally OSR D&D, it prefers for the GM to roll everything, and the players are encouraged to not have access to the books
Right or wrong, I actually really enjoy how much he unironically loves his nation. I'm not even British, but it's great to see such patriotism
Just google Andrew Dobson
Dobson wouldn't know anything about that, he's never actually played the game.
He hates D&D because the D&D nerds at his college told him to go away and he's still bitter about it decades later.
>comic about how stupid jocks don't know the periodic table
>other comic about how he doesn't understand fundamental algebra
Dobson is a special boy indeed
>Arent sexist pigs
>More mature
The irony is physically painful.
Oh, yeah, I know that. He just stumbled upon the truth
>More attractive than guys
Does he know how attraction works?
Does he know that there are people who like dudes too?
Has he gone outside within the last 10 years?
Is he still alive?
I think we need to send dobby help
Of course those dudes are pissed, they fucking barged into the back of the shop and assumed they would automatically speak to him. Those guys are clearly not employee's
Is Dobson still a virgin? Is it why he is so insecure and craving for female contact?
I don't think you need to be a virgin to be insecure, or that all virgins are insecure, but I'm honestly trying to find the reason why he is like that. It's kinda sad.
Andrew Dobson is a very pathetic individual.
Wouldn't surprise me. He's a short, bald guy who wears a fedora (yes, a fedora like Indiana Jones) and seems to have a pretty horrendous personality to really top it off. The first two aren't necessarily an issue, but combined with the latter and you get an individual no one wants to be around.
His ex-roommate went on to work for Disney and he's been extremely jealous ever since.
Not that it's driven him to self-reflect, improve or accept criticism of any sort, mind.
His refusal to accept criticism is what always gets me. He's like a beaten dog, assuming that every hand reaching toward him is going to hit him, and snapping at it before he even knows what it is.
>The first two aren't necessarily an issue
You underestimate how much height means to women. It means so much to them, I can't think of any equivalent for men. 20 cm is literally the difference between "handsome stud' and "might as well not exist". There's a reason why Veeky Forums loves picking on manlets: Veeky Forums is "lifting for girls, the board". Being a manlet is one of those things lifting can't make up for. And wanna know what makes this even better? Women will call men superficial for judging women on their looks. You know, like not liking fat chicks because they're lazy, self-control lacking gluttons who will probably die at age 40? That kind of superficial?
History has always been more about opinion than facts
Go to bed /r9k/ no one cares.
You overestimate how much height means to woman. By a fucking wide margin.
t. virgin
Try going outside and talking to a woman
Yeah sure it can be a big issue but it's not necessarily stopping you. Being both unattractive, short, and a massive shitheel of a person is just way worse.
Women care, otherwise there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.
Short men care, because factors beyond their control made them as worthless as a dead insect to women.
Tall men should care, because it exposes women for the superficial whores they are.
Many people care, and the ones that don't are in blissful ignorance. I'm gonna turn the tables on you here: go outside and actually observe women. Women don't have a lot of hard dealbreakers, but height is one of them.
>I'm gonna turn the tables on you
Oh look, as I wrote that this happened Fuckin' called it.
>Observe women
How about fucking interacting with them.
Yes, height is a part of attractiveness with males, for both women and homosexual men, it's the same with being fit or having a nice voice, but it's not literally everything. You could be a squat fat fuck, but if you have the confidence and charisma, you can for sure get a attractive woman (At least what ever is attractive in your eyes)
Short men care because shithead like you come to them and tell them they are worthless, shatter their self esteem, and then they wonder why they stutter when they talk to a women.
It's not difficult at all to date when you're short, it's difficult to date when you're a sperg or you lack self esteem.
>for both women and homosexual men
I like my boys shorter than me for sure. Could always turn gay if its issue
>How about fucking interacting with them.
...you think that's not part of the observation process, motherfucker? Actually ask what women think is attractive, and I can guaran-fuckin-tee you that most of the time height will be one of the first three things they mention. Your "just keep talking to women until you find an opinion that doesn't line up with your views and assume that is representative fact" approach doesn't work.
How about we stop accusing eachother of never going outside and actually try to get some semblance of facts here?
I can also cite the overwhelming prominence of women on dating sites with height requirements. Now that I think about it, you've actually inspired me a bit. I'm gonna make a fake account using some generic pretty Instagram fuckboi and when women ask me about my height I'll tell them I'm 1.65m. See how long I last before everyone blocks me.
>because shithead like you come to them and tell them they are worthless
Fucking cite me. when did I EVEN ONCE call short men worthless? I never said they're worthless to me, I said they're worthless TO WOMEN. Are you going to blame me for how women behave? This is some next level white knight shit.
Fat fucks only manage to fuck girls if they have money.
I mean, do you truly think any women would want to be fucked by a smelly fat manlet?
Fat is less of an issue than height unless your morbidly obese (and even then I can't say for certain which women would prefer). Just look at the whole "dad body" trend. It's basically the male equivalent of T H I C C.
>autism overwhelming
I ain't clicking any of that shit you sad little sperg.
Go cry about roasties on wizardchan or whatever hole you crawled out of.
>You're wrong because feelings
Not even mad.
>or whatever hole you crawled out of.
Veeky Forums actually. You know, the board that relentlessly shits on manlets precisely because pussy is put on a pedestal?
Can we go back to hating on Dobson? It was funnier.
Why did he chose that pseudonym anyway?
Let's look at your sources
As for psychology today:
>they point out that height preferences are not universal throughout the world, as has been shown in studies of non-Western sample. The authors also point out that, on the basis of their data, the idea that parents would want to control the height of their children isn’t justified. Finally, given the biases that people in Western societies have toward height, they recognize that their participants may not always be completely truthful
Not to mention a survey size of 650 is pathetic when it comes to a broad sweeping statement such as "All women prefer tall men"
For your first article, look at the explination above, as well as the pathetic survey size taken from a dating site, which is inherently biased (Looking for mate vs. Person with mate)
Your metro article is A. a opinion piece and B: has this line
"Confidence is the sexiest thing in the world, and lying about your height puts doubt in my mind over how much of it you have."
Also >Using smug anime girls reaction pics
Jesus christ I'm autistic for doing this
No, that's his name.
Tom Preston is the pseudonym.
Presumably he used a fake name to try and distance himself from his inflation porn.
Dob rhymes with knob
>his inflation porn.
Oh no
Oh. I can't read. I've thought Dobson was his pseudonym since the first time I heard about him a couple years ago.
>Constructive criticism that actually has a point and explains the problem beyond "u suck xD"?
It's like he's actively making himself the asshole in this one.
How has this thread turned from a Lindy thread to a Dobby thread
We have Lindy threads every fucking day and it needs to stop.
A shitty meme version of Easton senpai.
Lindy talks out of his ass too much and makes too many mistakes to be palatable for me.
Dobson is easier to hate.
Lindy is... meh.