>Oil exists as an an all-consuming force of Evil
and Decay, and almost all malignant forces are descended of It in some manner.
Veeky Forums Makes A Setting
Light is Hot, Fiery, and Hungry. It is a terrible god who demands purification via burning flesh of screaming sacrifices of people and feasts upon the mana of their souls. It must be tempered by Darkness, who is cold, liquid, shielding those the Light may burn. It too is a hungry god, who asks for the blood of sacrifices to slake its thirst in its eternal battle against its more violent brother.
Their Mother is most Terrible of All.
Since Oil is an evil force, Oil wells are either locations for evil forces to build fortresses/strongholds, or sacred ground where holy orders try to contain the oil/stopping it falling into the wrong hands.
Oil elementals are all voiced by Tim Curry.
>There are other forces besides Light and Dark, and their Mother. Some infinitely benevolent in their power and grace, whilst others are more vast and vile than the darkest abyss. Most of said Powers are either deep in slumber, under the terrible swath of Oil, or are otherwise bound in combat with the Tellurian Other.
Almost all humans belong to a religion following the light or the darkness, any who have the protection of neither are swiftly consumed by the oil.
what kind of oil? olive oil? palm oil?
ITT: Veeky Forums circa 2004
If hexus had a waifu, that's how she'd look
The Sisters of the Cracked Chalice hail from the continent of Amarath, with one of their largest shrines being in the Republic of Visgi, known as legendary shipbuilders and sailors who stand firm against Oil, despite in their ancient past being one of its most ardent worshipers.
The Sisters of the Cracked Chalice are heralds of Darkness, and protect the weak from predations of Oil-borne and Light-sworn alike. They've established smaller covenants across the twelve oceans.
Some of the High Mothers believe that their war will be lost, but the battles must be fought. The innocent shall be protected from the Hunger of Light.
Sounds familiar.
More like tree hugging green party voters make a setting
Well then lets go full retarded with it.
Almost all plant life has been consumed by the oil, some humans attempt to grow crops but it is an uphill struggle, as such almost all animals in this setting have adapted to be pure carnivores, and humans have taken to using bones and stone as a replacement for wood, with fat becoming the primary means of making fires.
Bleak is the path of those who take up the battle against Oil, yet in the many countries and kingdoms that have drowned beneath it are still glittering trinkets, piles of gold, and guarded artifacts of great power that lure the righteous, the greedy, and the foolhardy alike.
Thousands of years ago, a great calamity brought the Sludge to the world. A gigantic meteor crashed onto the old continent and turned it into an inland sea surrounded by a thin circular continent. Many people migrated away from the ruins and onto another continent.
There exists a gigantic petroleum whirlpool in the middle of a that inland sea. It is mysterious and inaccessible, and corrupted creations seem to flow into it, rather than out.
The meteor was sent by divine beings to destroy a mortal who was using magic to attain divine power. It gathered most of the world's magic, killed the mortal and crashed into the world.
In truth, the meteor made a hole in reality and created a tunnel into another world. To reach that world, one must go through the primordial plane where the bodies of ages past were discarded after their soul passed on. This is where the evil oil comes from. Now in contact with the living world, it senses living and craves to reunite with a soul.
The alternate world is an inside out world, with the rock-encrusted meteor serving as a sun and moon in the center of the spherical world. A giant volcano-shaped mountain from which the meteor emerged is ever visible and a dangerous source of sludge.
The mortal that the divine sought to kill used the last of his power to seed life into this "Inside World", so that he can one day be worshiped and revived. Time passes differently on the inside and the outside.
Digging far into the ground is akin to Space Travel and leads to parallel worlds that are either earlier or further in the timeline, or in a timeline that diverged sometime after the meteor crash.
So what you're saying is that in death, everything eventually becomes evil? Or is the flesh evil, and after a long enough time under great pressure it turns into conscious evil again? Maybe evil spirits of some kind possesses the former flesh once it's become malleable enough under the earth after millions of years?
By the way, how can it be all-consuming? Oil is a result of organic matter being under immense pressure for millions of years. It's a slow process, and relies entirely on there being enough organic materials. It can hardly consume that much.
It's an evil sentient magic oil
Does this mean that whales are the harbingers of evil?
The Order of the Purifying Flame, when not burning Sisters of the Cracked Chalice for their heretical beliefs, purge the Oil in great displays of fire. They see Oil, Sin, and Darkness in everything besides themselves.
They are based in Skalderen, a sprawling dying empire on the continent of Guruln. Despite being a far cry of their prior power, Skalderen still shines as a beacon of hope and culture to those tired souls eking out an existence in the fallow fields of Guruln. They praise the Light and its Oil-Cleansing ways endlessly, and hold great celebratory bonfires to chase away Darkness.
They intend to reduce all except a chosen few to Ash, and start the world anew in Glorious Light.
The Council of The White Flame is the governing body of the order, and believe with enough Light they may save the world from both Oil and Sin to prepare it for its rebirth as a place for the pure.
Only 2 FernGully references? For shamed, Veeky Forums.
>Along with Oil, came Dust and Plague, sibling forces of Evil accompanying Oil in Its dissolution of all things. Providing their aid by breaking down and annihilating the things that Oil itself cannot corrode or assimilate
The Scholars of the Black are a small clandestine organization that studies the Oil, seeking to both use and contain it. Most just see them as heretics, leaving the Scholars to hole up in covens. Their magics are powerful, but many have trouble controlling them and risk becoming consumed by it.
The first rule all Scholars learn from childhood is 'Fear the Black'.
There's few places to commune with The Mother, all come with a terrible price whether in actual 'cost' or the attempts to find them.
The least journeyed is the Saints Field.
Saints Field sits in the old city of Kethgureth, or that's what people believe the name may have been. The city had long been abandoned even before Oil burst out near it and consumed it. Half of the city was immediately leveled, which is where the eponymous Saints are.
The saints are Ammaura, Battle-Mother of the Sisters of the Cracked Chalice, and Sir Erlender the Red Hearted of the Order of the Purifying Flame.
According to most legends, the two saints were locked in deadly battle before felling one another at the same time, collapsing in such a way that their shoulders met and kept them both on their knees, so neither had really fallen in defeat.
According to the Scholars and other heretical sects, the two had indeed been locked in a deadly duel, but a Surge of Oil happened, turning them into temporary allies who fought against the monsters with such fury they died twenty times each but got up again and again. Once all monsters had been slain, they collapsed together and died.
What is known is that the area around them is clear of Oil, and grass and even trees are found. At the same time, just outside this circle are many horrible monstrosities.
The rare pilgrim makes their journey to the two bodies, now merely skeletons in divinely untarnished armor, where they shall sit and offer a token (legends and rumors vary, for the Mother asks for different things from each person), and is granted an audience with the Mother.
The knowledge given is always great, but the costs may be too horrible for some to consider.
The Mother does not tolerate the power hungry lightly.
When momentous events happen a music that reflects the mood is heard playing. It's caused by the vibration of the ground itself and the air, which are in a way alive, much like light and oil, and are...
Classes maybe?
(Male Only) Torchsword: Medium to heavy armor specialists, can use various swords, Light based Miracles. Stereotypically young valiant men of nobility, they're both the face of the Order of Purifying Flame and the ones sent to die on the battlefield. They can inspire even the most tired of conscripts into a final charge.
(Female only) Battle-Mother: Heavy armor specialists, use dark based Miracles. The experience of a hundred campaigns have turned the former battle-sister into a matriarch of mayhem and carnage, as well as a bulwark of faith for others.
Wellmancer: Use oil based magic and daggers, rely on unarmored skills.
Wraithkin: Basically barbarians but with some bonus spoopy ghost abilities such as temporarily allowing them partial intangibility to physical weapons for a short duration.
I think we need to establish the primary purposes of fire, shadow, and oil magics.
Something like fire = damage/party buffs, darkness = self buff/healing, oil = debuffs and DoT (just as an example)
And Mother aligned magics are in their own sphere of 'what the fuckery' probably, maybe pure divine/eldritch? I dunno. Maybe top level spells/miracles involve invoking her domain.
This sounds like a Phyrexian plane.