This is how I monk.
This is how I monk
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This is how I traditional games board.
Monk =/= a guy that punches things.
Kamen Rider isn't /a/, /co/, or /v/ though.
What do you want me to do, make an image for every board?
Kamen Rider isn't Veeky Forums related either, aside from possibly a Veeky Forums homebrew that nobody plays, or "you can potentially play it in GURPS if you try!"
This is how I high-elf thieves guild member and tavern owner.
Though in personality and speech he's more like Luis Sera from RE:4.
I am honestly surprised no studio's tried to get permission for a Kamen Rider anime.
>Kamen Rider
>flavour of the month
>RPG characters can only be inspired by other RPG characters and never from other media
>implying you play any TTRPG-related activities at all
Never go full retard.
It's a zero-effort copy thread.
This is pic I find kind of interesting and am going to match a class to based on vague association.
This is how I fighter.
This is how I monkey.
Well, no doubt about that, but it's still something that should fall within the necessary sphere of influence of traditional games. It's not necessarily shitposting just because it's a copypaste either. I mean, compare this to Elf Slave Wat Do or any bait topic.
This is how I druid
this is patrick
This is how I Guardsman
This is how I Paladin
this is how I White Scars
This is how I CN goblin. But without 4th wall breaking.
this is how I monk
This is how I White Scars
This is how I fighter
This is how I monk.
All my real African-Americans know why this is how I Barbarian.
This is how I Verizon Coverage Map.
>I am honestly surprised no studio's tried to get permission for a Kamen Rider anime.
Already exists. At least, the block that features Kamen Rider and Super Sentai also has an anime franchise by the same company, with much of the same themes, and fight scenes choreographed by guys from Dragonball Z. The main difference is that the characters are magical girls, but it's a running gag that none of them seem to realize this.
But that’s a swordsmen user
Motherfucking Thunderbolt Fantasy. Can't wait for season 2.
That scene where Enigmatic Gale chastises the BBEG for thinking hot blood and high emotion are any match for skill and understanding is so fun.
>not sword
DAMN you are wrong
So this is where the One Piece budget went.
I know it sounds stupid, but canonically he’s supposed to be a “swordsmen” without a sword
I kinda wanted to play a monk...
Should I go for friar Tuck or Pythagoras
Uh, you know Olympic level athlete and mathematician or Christan style with boxing and large bow staff.
This is how i map outdoor fights
That looks more like a wizard showing a fighter its place.
This is how I monk and multiclass warlock of eldritch blast kamehamehas
Go with the Olympic Mathematician, used way less and underappreciated. And I say this as a fucking hardcore weeb.
your white scarring is appreciated and complimented.
Also: this is how I Necron.
That's literally an Scourge Aasimar Sun Soul Monk
I only had vanilla PHB when we started. I am too emotionally attached to my Son Kogu to remake him at this point. Im level 7 and the strongest member of the party. And an idiot. Feels good
pfffhahahaha, thank you, nothing like a good laugh to start the day
Hey, you don't know how the rest are, maybe the rest of players are mentally handicapped and play stuff like archer barbarians with negative str
Casterfag pls go
Sun soul monk has an arguably better eldritch blast than warlock, you can't quicken it though but you aren't a sorcerer so you don't need it. It alsonhas genki dama, kame hame ha and SSJ. Scourge Aasimar has Kaioken.
No, I'm not joking.
Look at these fucking Cassern clashes. Those shot angles, that movement, that style, that voice. You can't fool me Madhouse.
That was worth the time I spent watching it. Now I just want to add magic girls to my campaign setting.