>As your character
>As you the player
In What Game Does Being a Conspiracy Theorist Help You The Most?
Real life
Delta Green
Call of Cthullu
Delta Green
3+ player MtG
Delta Green
>As your character
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
>As you the player
Dark Souls desu
Oh shit I thought this was /v/
>As your character
Shadowrun or Song of Swords
>As you the player
Real life
>Oh shit I thought this was /v/
....I hate nu/tg/pol/ so much.
In a thread like this, the second post should have been UNKNOWN ARMIES.
I was going to say Unknown Armirs but got distracted by a shaggai infest shit cut that out guys!
Delta Green
GURPS Illuminati/Wierd War 2/SuperSpies
fKJGDSKOGfdi9gvy nerfhSD(*T &^3
This, its a disgrace that unknown armies wasn't the first post.
>RL(obvious joke answer)
>Delta Green
>Any of these being /pol/ answers
You're a cunt.
Call of Cathullu. It's the only way you can make a character that won't completely suck cock when it comes to magic of any kind. Mind he will probably still sick complete cock and still die.
It also enables your character to be more excited about the insane shit happening.