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/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Tok is great.
zodiac war?
I need an adult
I want to marry Miya!
there are plenty of adults to choose from user...
>you will never have a comfy zone extra existence
Someone post the new Beri CYOA!
Which author is the biggest hack
Study - both for companions to do my shit for me (work is a cunt)
Bathhouse - designated LEWD area
Harem of 16 ultra smart qtpies to do shit for me cycling through lewd and
A book of goetia where the pages are the demons and they may teach me/do shit they are claimed to do for me
Grabbing some workout equipment
(by the way lad this is the zone one you posted cuddle)
Is Last Resort supposed to be a one-time one-up thing, or basically an immortality option?
This is honestly my favorite CYOA
it doesn't give a limit
Any way to remove the rewind aspect of it? Otherwise one sort of traps universe in eternal time loop.
I'd assume the Zone-granting entity probably isn't bound by the time revert, and would still likely fulfill its promise to "come back later" even if there's been time reversion shenanigans.
Repostin' because this one was top-tier
Uh... are you ok user?
awww, you don't get to post all of them, how sad for you. like i said, if you don't post all of them in one thread, you're a bitch
post the other 20, subhuma
I'm tired, depressed, and doing this in hopes of feeling better.
>Room Type: Other
Looks like the inside of a tower made entirely of grey-black stone - circular sections stacked on top of each other. Why tower? Because fuck you, towers are cool.
>Entrance Method: Other
Will it so as I open a door, and it will lead to a particular door at the base of my tower.
>Auto-Veeky Forums
Snacks, quality. A requirement for proper comfy.
>200% Comfy
Basically a bunch of overstuffed armchairs, beanbag chairs, and a load of blankets.
>NormieStation, Gaymen Piisii, The Rest
What do you expect.
>/diy/ Zone
I've talked about how overpowered this is before, but this is a comfy CYOA so I'll just be happy with it and go change the world from my happy place.
Again, what do you expect.
>Veeky Forums As Heck
I like reading.
The "theme" I want is basically Colorado. Mountains, scrubland, and forest. The ecosystem is exactly like reality, except that any predators will run away from people rather than engage with potential violence, and all insects will stay way the hell out of my space (because insectophobia). The sky is as it should be in the real world, bar a few things: the moon spends less time as anything other than crescent, new, and full, the Milky Way is always visible at night no matter the season, meteor showers are more common, and occasionally the aurora borealis can be seen in winter.
I may decide to make that imaginary friend I had for way too long real.
>Be The Girl (Free)
Just take off the fat I've let accumulate and build up some muscle, please.
>Inter-bot 9001
I need access to information, among other things.
>SOUL Power
>Lasting Effects
I want to keep my changes.
>Reality Convert
Hey, I won't be selling anything I take out using this power. Selling information taken out by other means...
Aaaand since I'm out of space I'm just throwing the rest of the points at basically whatever seems interesting.
given the entity also said 'immortality is surprisingly easy to do', might be a legit "immortality" option.
I mean this guy is clearly doesn't feel it's something to worry about, so neither should you perhaps?
I just wish stuff like /out/ and comfy town were more afforable. I'd love to live in and share my own private dimension populated with kemonomimi folk.
Don't worry about it. Going back in time just creates an alternate timeline. It doesn't affect anyone else from their point of view. Also remember alternate timeline versions of your friends and family are still YOUR friends and family, and there are infinite alternate timelines so there's no real sense in worrying about the ones you can't access.
All that stuff about timelines makes me wonder who takes care about the absolute mess of system
>Leyla's rump
I'm practically on the verge of depression now so this sounds great.
>Soffe's Breasts
I'll be the girl (tm) if it comes with being semi-invulnerable.
>Legs of Athle
infinite stamina is always nice.
>Fiere's Feet
I kind of don't want to buy shoes every other week.
>Teeth of Chome
I have an extra slot, and I like sharp teeth, what can I say?
Endra's Back
Hands of Darkna
feet of chomman
Beila's Belly
Teeth of Chome
Reluctantly accept the fat. Try to eat youth, and use the deaths as a sacrifice for Darkna. Animation is extremely broad, but I might start with a cape or broom or carpet that lets me fly, exposing my soles to everyone.
Needs more options
And clarification of options
Sex: Female
Skin tone: Sun-kissed
Height: Slightly taller
Body Parts:
Breasts of Bounli
Endra's Back
Fiere's Feet
Refli's Rump
Prenna's Hair
This is just too perfect.
I'm just going to assume Inna doesn't grant immortality, otherwise I have to pick that and I really don't want to be "innocent"
Prenna's Hair
Lewine's Privates
Soffe's Breasts
Endra's Back
Hands of darkna
Tempted to go with Harlip's Wings. With Prenna's Hair I wouldn't lose any dexterity (I'd just make hair-hands), and with Lewine's Privates people would generally be too distracted to care about the weirdness. I also like stacking lightness.. Still, I don't feel like the benefit is enough to justify the cost even if I do have ways of dealing with it.
Hard choice between Darkna and Kurlise. Kurlise can free up the slot taken by Endra's Back due to the extra protection it grants, but the usefulness is rather limited outside of that and it can activate when I don't want it.
Prenna's Hair also works for self defense. Where I would normally be to "soft" to hurt anyone, I can still lift them with my hair and slam them into things (or vice versa).
I mentioned this last thread in my Inna build but I wonder if I can pull a Bayonetta and use my hair as clothing. With enough control I should be able to use just a few strands of incredible length to create clothes that are almost indistinguishable from normal.
>Not wanting to be innocent
What a fucking faggot.
He is not the slowposter
I am
Let’s get this party started
>Corruptor (6/14)
The world is Mine. Handfuls of the vermin still skitter about the edges of my domains, but I am Supreme and Unchallenged. My Conquest was complete centuries ago and none have risen to challenge Me.
>After the End
I was the End.
>Form: Corpsepile, Lord of Hosts (4/14)
>God Powers: Mass Reanimate, Plague, Living Fog (0/14)
>Empowerment: Monument (0/12)
>Dominion: Terrain Warp, Summoning Sites, Whispers, Free Avatar (0/7)
>Minions: Lesser x1, Greater x1 (0/3)
>Lesser: Form - Undead, Affinity - Death, Affinity - Decay, Skill - Spawner, Skill - Get Back Up
>Greater: Form - Great Size, Skill - Composite Body, Power - Divine Focus, Skill - Toughness, Form - Undead, Affinity - Death, Affinity - Decay, Skill - Spawner, Skill - Get Back Up
I began as a plague. Their dead rose again to tear at the vermin, wielding My touch. Their presence spread Me to the fallen and I swelled. These small parts of Me joined together, creating larger forms and allowing clearer thought. As they joined together I grew more Solid, my thoughts more Tangible, more Organised. They formed themselves into vast monuments, and I was made so real I was able to exert My Will on the lands around Me. I twisted them to My Purposes, turning those lands grey and dead, robbing the vermin of sustenance. They became parts of Me and I used them to spread further. Now the whole world is My Dominion. A mass grave of vermin, their corpses serving Me. Some tried to fight but My Will was unstoppable. I rest, for now, My Conquest complete. Soon I will consume the rest, a minor piece of book-keeping, then I will look to the stars.
Going into the slightly lewd territory for this one
-haha I have no idea
-added page breaks
-added stock show details to stock section
-added endings
-I need feedback on stockpoints and ending requirements
-I never thought I could get tired of livestock
-Not quite there yet, but I'm getting close.
It's coming, but I don't think you'll like it.
Update is nearing completion. I'm going to make my Solstice deadline, for sure.
When the fuck did this come out?
Last thread.
Wow. Wasn't expecting fresh OC. Good stuff.
Nice. Too bad it got posted at dead hours and I'm going to sleep.
I'll repost it the next two or three threads.
anyone save that yandere one from last thread? Forgot to save
If you live a life of virtue then some day a being of phenomenal cosmic power will let you exist in a comfy zone.
Please don't reproduce
I just liked it is all
I don't like your new implication in Foundational Reset that I could automatically get turned into a hermaphrodite. I'd probably commit suicide at that point. Why can't hermaphroditism be a separate option? It honestly feels more like an extreme modification.
I think Ares gets the least amount of bonuses? I noticed it in the body section, where most have a couple body parts that can give them extra points and Ares just have one at +1.
Best girl.
It's optional. I literally, literally I say, can't stress enough that these people are doing their damndest to make you like being turned into human livestock. You'd only get turned into a hermaphrodite if that would improve your opinion on the matter. Still, I'll look into spinning it off into it's own suboption.
Yeah, I think that's how it turned out. The ribbons are calibrated with the differeing bonus totals in mind. Any suggestions for more Ares enhancements are welcome, however.
Team ???? (Pyrrha, Penny, May)
A perfect balance between adventure, and conquering pussy.
Aiuexol'ithusz, or Relban for you mortals (It means He Who Lurks In Desires)
Year 2000X
Unearthly Charm (Free)
>God Powers
Day or Night
Aether Passage
Leader (Young C.E.O. Hein Deva of the media megacorp call Hermis Broadcast.)
>Divine Gifts
>Minion Choices
-Form: Reptilian
-Affinities: Lightning and Cyber
-Skills: Healer, Attraction, Genius, Get Back Up, Divine Focus
Test of Worthiness (I have to separate the somebodies from the nobodies.)
>Underworld Choices
-Terrain: Wetland, Ocean, Forest
-Misc.: Manifest Deity, Weather Mastery, Realm Guardians, Restoration Cycle, Steward, Legendary Beasts
It has been millennia since the last mass chaos and this world is disgusting sterile and dull. There's no passion, no desire to live life to the fullest;just stagnant "contentment" and apathy towards reality. Pathetic! A revolution and orgies will fix this.
Did you ever decide what would happen if you get knocked up or if you even could get knocked up? I didn't see any text about it.
I can't say I've given much/any thought to the matter. I probably should mention something about that. I don't think they want you getting pregnant until the change is complete.
Trying to work out the extent of Exotic Traits. Could one spin a doggirl as being a labor animal (caballus)?
I'm too tired to read through the update rn, but know that I love it and you
I'm still trying to come up with a way to make lizard viable lmao
Gallus and either scrofa or caballus if you're going for a hybrid.
Maybe even ares if you wanna go for scales or something.
Yeah I could see Gallus + Lizard being a good combo with an egg harvest. Ares horns + lizard scales would be like a rad draconic style build tho.
I wonder if you could do a build with a shedable dick that regrows they could sell as dragon dildos.
Not canon, invented by a guy to shit on Beri and rape Miya.
hope you feel better, dude. Have another.
anyone got Road Trip CYOA?
for lack of imagination, going with my normal build:
>Fireplace, Couch, Other (nice, large table)
>no companions (yet perhaps, feel kind of wrong about bringing something to life to cuddle. or assist GMing)
>Hot Drinks, Baked Goods, pillows and blankets, Board Games
And with this I create the ultimate Tabletop RP room, I'll summon my friends once a week and we'll enjoy a rainy night with a warm, cozy fire place, soft furniture and blankets, a kickass table and roll with hot drinks and artisan breads in one hand, dice in the other.
would you like to join my game,
meanwhile, I'll try something a little different here:
>Log Cabin
>Epic Pose (I'll just share with friends)
>Auto Veeky Forums, 200% comfy, Normie Station (catch up on shows and cartoons), Gaymen Piisii (catch up on more games), Veeky Forums as Heck, Veeky Forums hell yeah (this is kind of necessary), /out/ x4 (for 40k sq km of Pacific Northwest coasts, mountains, forests, and ruined/abandoned castles/villages/mines), /friends/, /comfytown/ (Populated by a kemonomimi folk)
>Interbot, all along, last resort, HQ HQ, Charm cognition, Machine learning, Charm Cognition, Mix-Max x3
Usually I try to build a place I'd just hole up in to get productive things done. And well, that's nor very chill, is it? So instead, this time I'll use the zone to genuinely chill out with friends and folks.
Kind of wish I could give the townsfolk all souls and let'em enjoy life in the zone.
Yup yup
I don't think shedding entire body parts really makes sense, but I see where you're going
I refuse to comment on this idea. A recent harrowing experience has showed me that my tastes fall far short of the limits of human sexuality.
I'm still in a fragile state, and I must protect what remains of my sanity.
>I don't think shedding entire body parts really makes sense
Tell that to deer. Hell, ducks, some of them actually lose and regrow their penis at the end of mating season.
Not even my thing, I just have a penchant for coming up with weird, horrifying things.
>harrowing experience
I'm super curious
I made the mistake of going to the CYOA discord and following a link I was given.
I will say no more on the matter.
Actually beri didn't have problem with it.
Beri did understand the reason why everyone hated that shit about mind controlling Miya and cucking the player. He's just too nice to get pissed himself.
What should the "big, underground city that you can travel to for supplies or just a fun time if you really need one from your home village in maybe a day's time tops" be like?
what should an answer to this question be like?
What setting? This is important.
I still don't get this. She knocks her out. There's not even a option to do anything to her.
You're looking at the revised version that was changed after people tried to lynch the maker for a few threads.
Fried potatoes.
Probably just cool ideas about unique underground cities and stuff. Like, for example, one of the things I have about the city already is that to create their own "daylight," they fire crystals out of cannons around the city that explode in the air and get eaten/processed by a cosmic fungus in the ceiling into an extraordinary amount of light.
Already gotchu covered my man.
My Underground Society Builder CYOA. Can't reveal too much.
Will include.
>No Teutonic knights