>"It's a Skyrim type game with lore like Darksouls"
What happened to the world teegee
>"It's a Skyrim type game with lore like Darksouls"
What happened to the world teegee
>What happened to the world teegee
People posted threads only about what they don't like instead of encouraging the things they do like. We look at the world through a negative lens now instead of a positive one.
Fuck me. I might actually shank a dude that tried that one.
[spoilers]It got older.[/spoilers]
People look for things others know as a point of reference in case they aren't into the hobby.
It's the equivalent of saying "This is going to be a story with epic elements, in a dark fantasy setting"
However, your anal agony over choice of words is delectable.
I once sat in on a 5e game where the game was literally Dark Souls 3 except it was starlight instead of fire, basically a mashup of Dark Souls 3 with Bloodborne aesthetics.
It was as terrible as you think.
Well said.
This. People whining about using references/comparisons as a generic descriptor is a good way to communicate ideas to a larger audience. For example, if I were to describe Kamen Rider as a character-driven, deconstructive tokusatsu, people might not get it. If I were to describe Kamen Rider as "Power Rangers, but darker, and with fewer 'rangers'", a lot more people would get the basic idea.
You decided to act exactly as all the unreasonable old dickheads you didn't like acted before you.
Hate everything new, even if it's good or decent. Be unreasonable in understanding that others do not have the same entry point in your hobby as they did, and act entitled that they didn't grow up with the same resources. Act nostalgic and defend your nostalgia to the death, without ever actually admitting it was nostalgia.
Nice bait OP
Things changed.
Tastes changed. The way people talk about the myriad hobbies on this fine image board change. The media people consume changes as new media is created and the old forgotten.
You are one user. You cannot fight it. The best you can do is continue on your way and introduce it to those younger than yourself.
>People posted threads only about what they don't like instead of encouraging the things they do like. We look at the world through a negative lens now instead of a positive one.
I was just thinking this very thought today while thinking about how much Veeky Forums has gone downhill in the last few years.
Like this very thread. OP could have posted about a cool thing that he made, but instead he decided to post a one-line greentext complaint about a thing that didn't even happen.
>Veeky Forums is the world
ITT: nu-Veeky Forums highschoolers defend absolute shit without having ever experienced a better age of tabletop gaming
The internet became efficient.
And you can blame it all on the faggots that used it before the 2000's
That just sounds an extreme case of newfaggotry.
Tell him to play 'em before running 'em.
It isn't, but that doesn't preclude what that user said from being true anyway. The world's grown more negative. If you don't believe me, check the news in any part of the world over a month-long period: it's all angry and depressing and about the bad things in life.
That's because companies have more sway over news content on the mainstream channels, and the alternative news channels are mostly clickbait now, so in both cases it's in the best interests of profit to pack your delivery with lots of things that make people angry, because angry people share social media content more readily and frequently than happy people.
This is on top of a whole lot of other things like some political persuasions being more ready to believe untrue claims about the opposition than others, which is why those kids in Macedonia had such an easy time getting rich off the 2016 election.
I literally made a thread with the buzziest words I could think of just to see how many reactions I would get. Turns out people love to criticize my motivations for making this thread even more than just posting about shit they like in other threads....
Really makes you wonder who are actually the negative ones. If you were really productive people, wouldn't you have ignored this thread and just continued supporting things you enjoy? Think about them beans for a bit.
Lurker here. You'z a roight cunt.
>69 69
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>I would rather post generic ripostes with no value than actually consider why I, one of the people saying that everyone else has turned so negative, have taken time out of my day to post in a thread that supposedly offers no value to the community.
>literally made a thread with the buzziest words I could think of
If that's true then you need to lurk moar. A paralyzed flea could out buzz that OP.
>If that's true then you need to lurk moar
A fair criticism, you're probably right user. I'm not afraid to admit my shortcomings. I honestly just said, "Hey, I'm going to bed soon, I wonder how I can quickly get a bunch of responses to a shitty meme thread" And here we are. Calling it a social experiment gives me too much credit, but I definitely wanted to see where it would go.
>I honestly just said, "Hey, I'm going to bed soon, I wonder how I can quickly get a bunch of responses to a shitty meme thread"
>Really makes you wonder who are actually the negative ones.
>people should talk positively about good things more than they talk negatively about bad things
>btw the world is a lot more negative now, let me go into detail on this
this kind of shit is why I'm starting to not give a shit about politics
I mean holy shit, remember when mudslinging was frowned upon? remember when mudslinging was even talked about? let's all focus on the issues
not in this thread though, somewhere politics-friendly
or not, we could just not argue about shit that we have little to no influence over
>"It's a Skyrim type game with lore like Darksouls"
Once again user, I'm not claiming to be free of fault, I'm caked in sin. I ADMITTED that I made this memethread to get shit on, so you're not really helping yourself by painting me poorly.
You are however dirtying yourself by doing so.
this is the gayest fucking damage control I've seen in a while
Hi :) please keep bumping my thread. I honestly don't care if you think it was purposeful or not. Would you like me to make posts to the opposite?
Ok you're right user, I totally hate those sperglords at my local gamestore who love Dark Souls and Skyrim. God damn Dark Souls and Skyrim, they're ruining everything!!! I hate it so much its all I can think about.
Does this please you? Does this give you your past 10 minutes back?
Since you're being a rather forthright troll, can you explain something I've never understood about dedicated trolls? What do you get out of (you)s? What's the attraction for you?
>Like this very thread. OP could have posted about a cool thing that he made,
People already do that, they get 0 replies and become archived.
Try typing out a worldbuilding premise or homebrew ruleset and, if you don't phrase it in the form of a question, you won't get any response at all.
Not everything is bait.
well this certainly is
Well, once again, I don't expect anyone to believe me, but since I have nothing to lose:
I don't normally "troll" or bait at all, so I can't say what the dedicated people do it for. Probably some sort of futile sense of purpose? I did it to prove to myself that Veeky Forums is more likely to degenerate into 400 pages of bullshit about something they hate, than to actually dedicate themselves to discussing something they love. I guess I'm trying to justify taking a break from Veeky Forums altogether for a few months. I saw that thread about "The Pit" a few days ago and how fucking atrocious the whole thing was, and it really got my mind moving about how perhaps spending so much time on Veeky Forums is making me more of a negative person IRL. I guess I just wanted confirmation. I've never played Dark Souls, and I am fairly ambivalent about Skyrim. I've most certainly never met anyone IRL that described anything as my OP did. I definitely could find better buzzwords, but as some user pointed out, I'm just not connected enough with whats in the spotlight right now because I have genuine and fairly unique interests of my own.
Does this help at all?
>my name jefff xPPP i'm gayyyy
Fucking ebin dude going to put the screenshots on 9gag right away!
Popularity happened
Kamen Rider is Robocop with a transformation sequence.
>What happened to the world
Well I imagine it's a world where Skyrim was just allowed to continue past its logical endgame. The dead clearly are no longer at all contained within their burial mounds, and dragonfire is slowly consuming the entire world.
Also the lore is probably not only poorly told, but it's also PURPOSELY inconsistent.
Everyone got AIDS and died.
But the game does not take place inside your ass.
Picked the fuck up.
>old Veeky Forums
>embittered victim complex grognards unable to see or quell their autism and railing against a world that has left them behind
>it's a Dying Earth type game with lore like Lord of the Rings
The world is the same as it has always been.
This post had me hopeful that the thread would be more like it. Interpreting the OP as a genuine worldbuilding question would seem to lead to a better thread.
>"It's a Daggerfall type game with lore like King's Field"