Anyone got it? How’s it different from the beta editions?
Anyone got it? How’s it different from the beta editions?
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Mite b cool. But it's PbtA so who knows.
Is it good? Is the comic good? I see it posted on /co/ but I just never found the time to start from the beginning
Anyone got the full pdf? I know the intro/WIP pdf was floating around here for years.
The comic is fun, the art is really cool, and I personally like the world. One criticism is that there are a couple of points that can be a bit of a text slog, but still worth it if you have a sick day to read through a fucking trip.
Any backers here who have the PDF of the new edition?
Here's the latest version I've seen floating around.
Nah, that’s not the full one. According to ab’s tumblr he just released it to patreon backers recently.
this is pretty complicated. having different rules for different races WITH different classes seems confusing.
That’s kinda just PBTA’s thing, each class gets a certain bonus when combined with a certain race, instead of each race having a defined list of bonuses/qualities.
as someone who knows nothing about this and needs to go see a movie, can i get a rundown of the races? not too much, just some light lore
Humans are Humans.
Devils are of the contract-making variety, they need to make contracts to gain power. They start out White/Pale in color and progress to black. Pale
I like many of the classes or concepts of this game and setting, but there is never any understanding of where this stuff is taking place or the specifics of anything.
Like is it all happening in throne? Is it in one of the different worlds? What exactly are the PCs working towards?
This is the biggest flaw, besides the mechanics
People complain about the glut of generic fantasy settings, but the reason they exist is that it's nigh impossible to take a creative and original setting and iterate on it without a lot of groundwork by the person who designed it. And in every version of this game I've seen, that groundwork didn't exist.
Here you go famalams.
Thanks nigger
Thanks mate.
Touch disappointed that most of the art in here is just black and white stuff from the webcomic, but I understand since Abby's workin' on it all the time.
It looks like it's worth a play!
Okay, it looks like the new stuff is all later in the book for the most part.
The pdf has a sample adventure set in Throne:
>The players are contacted by a noble lord or lady called Ras Supharna. They are are asked on their behalf to raid the Palace of Night, an establishment ruled by another noble lord or lady called Parkhassian, in order to retrieve something precious.
>The Palace of Night is situated in on the dark side of the Red City of Throne. It is reachable by many means. Outwardly, the Palace is a high class salon - a
restaurant, musical venue, and cultural parlor for the nobility. No-so-secretly, it is also an infamous meeting house for smugglers, information traders, and other underworld figures.
>The players will have to infiltrate or fight their way through the depths of the Palace in order to get Ras Supharna’s treasure - and then escape alive.
In typical PBtA fashion, it also includes a bunch of leading questions for the GM to ask the players, which helps flesh out the world and tie it into the characters' backstory.
Most PBtA games don't even come with a "stock" setting. Instead, they have a bunch of rules and guidelines for the GM to create a world and antagonists.
In typical PBtA fashion, Broken World has the GM create "Fronts" (renamed to "Breaks"). The main plot motivation is a countdown clock to a very bad thing (in Broken World, that bad thing is... something that will break the world).
Just like a PBtA Front, each Break is made-up of smaller "Threats" which are villains, groups, or some other antagonistic force that must be defeated in order to prevent the Break from happening. The PDF includes 5 example Threats: The Tyrant, The Broker, The Cult, The Wrecking Ball, The Monstrosity, and The Gang. Each type of threat includes one and a half pages of info about how to create one, what kind of goals and motivations it might have, what powers it could have, what kind of minions it might use. Without intervention, a Threat will take actions that progress the Break's countdown clock.
As a fan of PBtA games, it seems to do a pretty good job with the Threats. I don't think any GM should have much trouble setting up a campaign in Throne and throwing some villains at the PCs to spur them into action.
The mechanics seem a bit overwrought compared to most PBtA games. Most of the new mehanics are combat-focused. Will probably appeal to players and GMs coming from D&D, etc. The "push", "power dice" and "break dice" seem very similar to Savage Worlds' bennies. But overall, it seems to stay pretty close to Apocalypse World and Dungeon World.
Black and white is likely chosen to make it easier to print.
I ran a game (different system) in Throne using one of the prompts in the pdf. The Palace of Night one. Shit was cash as hell.
I take the idea that you can set games in any world connected to Throne or in Throne itself. I followed up the PoN game with a siege on a restaurant and was planning a heist/assault on a Not!Tibetan Temple on a frozen mountain world. God DAMN I want to run that game so bad, but my table pretty much disintegrates after a few weeks, like clockwork.
Sank yuu senpai
Could you please, please PLEASE stop shilling this talentless hack of a "game developer" here, for God's sake.
I am sick and tired of it. Lancer, The Pit, now this Broken World shit.
None of them are any good, or worth playing, not even the art is worthwhile, in this it's all rushed and poorly drawn and the others don't even have more than a few images total.
Abbadon needs to stick to webcomics and stay far, far away from my tabletop games for the rest of time.
Lmao are you serious
I agree with this user. Just read through bits of the book, it looks like an overcomplicated mess that's trying to be tactical and granular in a narrativist fucking system. It'd be like adding in combat facing to Fate. It's just missing the point.
Holy fuck this is hot garbage.
kek what a fucking piece of shit
thanks mr mouse
Comic is breddy gud, guy can't rpgs for shit tho.
Pretty much.
Personally I think the vitriol the film's getting is a little harsh. It was exceptionally well shot, the space scenes were pretty great and Rey was far less sue-ish this time.
I also personally liked the second spoiler, he was a bit of a weak character IMO and his replacement is far more interesting.
Overall there were a few dumb scenes/decisions that weigh it down, but I liked it far more than Force Awakens. It might have faltered in places, but it took risks and tried to do it's own thing instead of aping the original trilogy.
The #1 criticism I saw was how they handled Luke's character, as he's now pretty much the polar opposite of how he was as of RotJ. Do you feel like this seriously hinders the film?
With Disney Buying fox I feel even less inclined to watch anything that Megacorp makes.
I'm really undecided. It's been a long time since we last saw him and I don't think they bridged the gap well enough with what little flashbacks they gave us. He's definitely very different from how he was in ROTJ, and while they hinted at reasons for it, they were danced around and not properly explained. I think another installment prior/leading up to Kylo going rouge would have smoothed this over a lot. Hell, even a novel being released before the film would have worked.
All that said, one of the things I liked most about the film was the treatment of the Jedi - and by that I don't mean the order, I mean how they fight and operate. The prequels' biggest disappointment for me was, to use a DND analogy, essentially making the the jedi space monks instead of the space wizards they were in the OT. Lightsabers took precedence over the force, which was used to do superhero jumps and pull lightsabers. In Empire, Yoda was this big hyped up master jedi, but when we saw him he turns out to be a little green alien. He's powerful and respected because of his strength with the force, not because he's good with a glowing stick.
...And they bought this back in spades in Last Jedi with Luke and Yoda, hilariously enough. Everything he did, he did ancient master-style with the force, not his lightsaber. And I really liked that.
When are they going to acknowledge that the 4th (?) prince (Jagganoth?), being the only one not to implement a technological development embargo,probably has weaponry capable of flattening large parts of Throne without really trying?
How is a table that gives you an idea of what the damage system represents "hot garbage"?
I guess it's because it wastes space on explaining an abstraction badly, instead of actually having a realistic or dynamic damage system.
>I guess it's because it wastes space on explaining an abstraction badly, instead of actually having a realistic or dynamic damage system.
LOLwut. That's retarded, user. If you have an abstracted damage system, having a table explaining how it works is basically required so that your players are able to understand what it means.
Really Veeky Forums? Star Wars spoilers? I thought you guys were better than this.
Look, I'm not the user who said it was hot garbage, I'm just playing devil's advocate here. It does just seem very "baby's first RPG", explaining to you that if you take 1 hp of damage you're probably fine, and if you take 100 you've been reduced to the consistency of chunky salsa. We've been used to HP being a weird abstract system since the 80s, and having a table like this only sets up confusion, when a well-specced punch apparently deals equivalent damage to a grenade going off in close proximity.
Or who knows, maybe the word wolf triggered that user or something.
Everything about it is great... except the characters.
The whiny, one dimensional basic bitch protagonist worst of all
then to him I say all rule books need to explicitly label and define these things for people who are new to ttrpgs
I mean, considering the tone of the source material, getting punched by a master martial artist probably should have about the effect of a grenade. Over the top mythic wuxia shit and all that.
Can I play a wheel?
>Badmouthing the characters
>Implying Ciocie isn’t Best Girl of anything ever
>user probably jerks off to moeshit and can’t appreciate loud bug-faced lesbian demon gangster waifu
>>Implying Ciocie isn’t Best Girl of anything ever
you mean Yabalchoath?
How do you pronounce that, by the wat
Cio is written inconsistently as shit.
>Abbadon needs to stick to webcomics
He isn’t even very good at that. Generic hero’s journey without any spicing to make it tasty to my jaded pallete? Patchwork setting build from tried and true bullcrap such as kabbalah, gnosticism and indian myth? It’s almost 2018, steal your ideas somewhere else for once!
And worst, I hate the protagonist. She’s a dumb boring cunt with memes for personality.
Her name is apparently pronounced See-oh-see-ey, See-oh-el-ey. Or, phonetically, the spelling for Coca-Cola.
What the fuck how often do you see gnosticism and Indian myth in western comics
Oh, I meant Yabalcoath.
are lancer and the pit also based on K6BD?
No Lancer is a mecha thing, he doesn't even write the lore for that one it's some other guy. The Pit is a dungeon crawler thing that's really obviously inspired by Darkest Dungeon and stuff like that.
All the fucking time when they want to go for something less trite than Norse, Celtic or Cthulhu.
There is no reason to care about the characters aside from waifufagging.
What he seems to have missed is that 'damsel in distress' isnt a shit motivation because its 'sexist' or whatever, its shit because the hero has no motivation in most situations they encounter.
All the fucking time, as in never?
You don’t read much comic, don’t you.
>>loud bug-faced lesbian demon gangster waifu
Why anyone should is a mystery.
As long as it is somewhat feminine it will be somebody’s waifu.
naming ten should be easy for you then
and depending on how obscure they are (if you can list that many) will determine if you're just being a whiny shithead
Not that user but to be fair, Abba is ripping off TES lore rather than Indian myths specifically.
He probably wanted to get the biggest possible cut of the Prequel / MSPA audience.
>Implying Ciocie isn’t Best Girl of anything ever
She isn't. She really, really isn't. She's shallow as fuck and was flanderized into further shallowness once Hackbaddon realized he could use her to pander to waifufags and yuricucks at the same time.
>user probably jerks off to moeshit
Oh, the ironing.
You do realize one of the defining traits of moeshit is the creepy ginormous bug eyes, right? Your lack of self-awarenessis as astounding as it is expected
>"baby's first RPG"
Maybe if you're looking to run people out of the hobby. If this was my first RPG I'd just go back to vidya.
What's wrong with this desu? Not all fights need to be positioning simulator and that's how most tables I've played at have done things in practice.
Let's be real here, the actual best girl stopped being best girl once it actually assumed a gender and became an actual girl. Just like in Knights of Sidonia
>What's wrong with this desu?
>Turns happen when they happen
>Turn order doesn't matter, decide it, like, whenever u want, bby
>Actions happen when they happen
>No action takes priority over another except when it does. When does it? Lol idunno
>A bulletproof vest protects you from a light stumble and then disintegrates until you take a nap
You tell me senpai
Still not seeing anything wrong. Rules should be a backdrop to let a GM run a good game, not restrictions to try to prevent a GM from being shitty.
No matter how tightly designed a system is a shit GM is a shit GM. Tight rules just enable faggy WAAC RAW players
>TES lore
That garbage is overflowing with gnostic bullshit.
>A bulletproof vest protects you from a light stumble and then disintegrates until you take a nap
>implying that's not how they actually work
Bulletproof vests are only rated to be able to stop *one* bullet, bro.
No, they can stop three damage, but only one damage at a time before they irreparably break and you need to take a nap to fix them.
Yeah my point was that he didn't rip off gnosticism, he ripped off TES which contains gnosticism
Hot damn, look at that tumblr style art.
I liked the TES vibes from K6BD, I'll check that out.
Reminder that Abbadon literally shills here and wishes he could shitpost Veeky Forums to death.
That's fucked up that this guy made a joke post. Literally Pol Pot-tier behavior.
At least Pol Pot's mountain of skulls was aesthetically pleasing and intelligently designed with a solid foundation. The same can't be said for anything Abbadon has made.
>mountain of skulls was aesthetically pleasing and intelligently designed with a solid foundation
Turn down the 40k, user.
What? It was. Thoughtful effort, thorough planning, and diligent work went into his skull collection. Definitely more than Abbyboi ever gave his comic or games.
Aaaand forgot my pic
ok, this is just dumb
it was fine up until the last sentence. should have said "make sure it's okay with the gm" again
Comic is cool. I like it. It also updates frequently.
Thank you
ITT: People who have never seen a PBtA system complaining about standard PBtA mechanics.
We all wish you did.
Does anybody here like the sort of high fantasy action/kung-fu or wuxia stuff of this setting? Seems like most of Veeky Forums likes more down to earth or realistic settings.
>phonetically, the spelling for Coca-Cola
Yes? Why does it matter what the rest of Veeky Forums likes?
Which is a fucking wonder for most webcomics.
So i just finished reading the entirity of the friggin PDF (thanks user for posting it here) and it looks fine. Most of the characters look pretty different and each one having a different character sheet is pretty cool i must say. I do feel like maybe there should be more options for character creation though since it looks like each class can only really be played one way for the most part though the martial arts optional rule kind of helps and i assume a big part of this kind of game is talking to the DM about ideas that arent in the book considering it dosent really stat a lot of events instead deciding to give descriptions and letting the dm decide how it works. It looks pretty open though i must say im really not certain how the combat looks like in action but yea this game looks like it will be heavily dependant on who you play with and who DMs. Also im not sure how I feel about giving break dice to the DM but maybe it works to balance the power dice well enough.
>ITT: people who have never had cancer complaining about standard cancer mechanics
Why? The GM takes a backseat in *world games.
One of the core values of -World games is that players can sometimes (or even a lot of the time depending on the title) just state facts about the world and the game.
but that doesnt make sense, the world of K6BD is very much established