Why do you harass female nerds out of their hobby, user?
Are you too scared that girls might be better than you at the games you play?
Why do you harass female nerds out of their hobby, user?
Are you too scared that girls might be better than you at the games you play?
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Both female and male nerds should be harassed
You know what they say about threads you miss!
These threads are like taking heroin to show your family how addictive and life destroying it is
We get it, you hate Reddit. Why do you spend all your time browsing Reddit to find things you hate and then being them back here? You know we won't agree with it.
Why do you whine like a soyboy? Go onion up and stick to shitposting on /b/.
Always bully nerds.
I find the redpill faggots, MGTOW faggots and, worst of all, the 'involuntary celibate' are worse by a wide margin.
Closet gay detected.
>boohoo I just wanted to play the game
Then play the game and stop bitching. Listening to shit talk from a manchild isn't a problem unique to you. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "That guy got lucky, any other day of the week I'd wipe the floor with him."
Fuck MtG.
I'm not sexist and I bully everyone
Part of my plan to drive everyone from the hobby in an ever escalating quest for purity.
Bullying is everywhere, grow up or suffer.
We going to the gym tonight to get some pussy bro? Maybe get some nerds lunch money on the way?
Your plan is just part of my plan to create a new hobby using magnets and big metal globes instead of tables.
>harass female nerds
There would have to be some in order for some to be harassed
I didn't know beholders played MtG. I guess having an Antimagic cone would explain why all the games dry up when the fat blob at my FLGS rolls in.
Depends. I can't stand fake people regardless of gender. If you're just doing it for attention then you deserve to be harassed because you're becoming cancer. At the same time if you're just being a dick for no reason then that's not fucking cool either.
I'm in a DnD group right now with 3 female friends who are playing. I don't fucking harass them because they're not fake. Sure they may not be as invested but they're still good players
They're not just wasting our time or worse, fucking up the game.
Female 'nerds' aren't really into the game. They're there for male affirmation from the thirstiest motherfuckers out there.
It's always either "I've been going to LGSs for years and the only problem I've had is that one asshole who was a dick to everybody." or "That one asshole was a dick to me which is why the community around LGSs are so harmful to people like me."
The only question is if you want to be a victim or not.
Some, not all. I'd say in general girls just aren't as invested in "nerd" stuff but to paint everyone with a broad brush isn't right either. Most guys aren't into dancing or fashion either. But some legitimately are.
You should go back there and upboat more attention seeking stories.
>fedora tippers blindly believe a false story that fits their narrative
Because women belong to the kitchen, not a game store.
please, tell me more about my motivation
I'm sure you've got a wonderful insight into the female psyche.
>Someone paid real money to give her Reddit gold for this post.
Maybe you should stop doing your gaming in a gay bar.
Everyone should be harassed out of MTG
t. retard that will die a alone and unloved.
It that's the price of being correct, then so be it.
I agree, those guys were obviously doing her a favor.
Looks like the MTG Equivalent of DM's girlfriend.
The disinterested girlfriend coming along just to be with her boyfriend seems far more common than the girl that's genuinely into the game. Girls that actually want to play are welcome, anyone who is just there because someone else is is a waste of space and needs to get out.
Too bad you are wrong you stupid faggot
He just wants to protect them because the game store is such a toxic unsafe environment
What are you a fucking misogynist wanting to endanger women?
Or you could try to make the game stores not such a toxic environment. Derping around in your self hate is not healthy.
That's some good bait there, chum. Upboated, and have some gold!
>If you're just doing it for attention
Who plays MTG for attention? It's like negative attention.
Because the ones who are actually here to play rather than because they feel "quirky" and want to belong to our "subculture" and get patreon bux from beta soyboys with bad beards can handle the hazing and don't need a white knight.
Now watch the tantrums from the neogaf refugees.
Go get upbutted somewhere else stupid.
>involuntarily celibate
I remember this from the Elliot Rodgers thing, who's pushing this meme on Veeky Forums now after all this time, and wasn't that some kind of sad reddit/r9k/pickup artist thing?
man, any community that thinks I need to be hazed before I'll join to make sure I'm serious enough can fuck right off. This is a fun hobby for after work, not a fucking cult of the great old ones.
It's more like the MTG fanbase is cancer to the point where they as misogynistic asshats. The guys I play board games and miniatures games with generally don't have problems with girls, as they have the mental maturity of adults.
Wait, wait, hold on. Does this mean we're NOT supposed to LARP the orc rape? Damn, I knew something was wrong.
>reddit thread about a girl crying she's being bullied by mean muhsoggyknee nerds in local MTG store is being upvoted to hell and back, 800 comments
>another thread about deployed soldier thanking WOTC for supporting the troops by providing booster boxes as entertainment gets largely ignored, 16 comments with 1/3 the upvotes, despite being posted at around the same time
Really gets your noggin joggin'
If you want to pretend to be a girl, go to reddit. Here, we have traditions. Show us your tits or leave, nobody cares about what you claim to be.
Hmmm...someone posting calling people who won't white knight closeted gay and/or retards. Is that you, lesboposter? How was your dayban?
>bux from beta soyboys with bad beards can handle the hazing and don't need a white knight
What the fuck is wrong with your vocabulary? You're like a walking MRA dictionary. Jesus Christ, read a book.
Count the number of "I"s and "me"s in there and how the problem was how she "felt", and you'll realize why women need to be harassed out of the hobby. It's like bringing a toddler to the gun range, we appreciate you spreading the hobby but it creates an annoying distraction that could potentially ruin the experience.
That's what we're doing. Unfortunately sexism will never truly be defeated until we remove capitalism as it props-up patriarchy and, therefore, rape culture.
So really the solution in the mean time should be to create new separate game stores for each other gender and ethnicity. That way no one will be in danger and we can cultivate a safe space free of oppression for all.
>If you want to pretend to be a girl, go to reddit. Here, we have traditions. Show us your tits or leave, nobody cares about what you claim to be.
SFW board dumbfuck. Guess the 9 days you've been here didn't cover that.
>swallowing such low tier bait
I hope you're a lot less retarded in person than you are online.
Nah I was just saying in general.
>This is a fun hobby for after work, not a fucking cult of the great old ones.
Maybe your group just isn't playing properly.
>Nah I was just saying in general.
Get specific then. You mentioned D&D. That's the same thing, it's negative attention.
Or maybe it's you that is retarded for thinking that was bait.
And that's why we haven't initiated you yet, I bet you haven't learned how to cast a single spell for real yet, you dumb faggot.
You're assuming I do in the first place. I've had decent to above average experiences with getting girls into board games, but on the other hand they're definitely far more social than competitive creatures and as a rule of thumb go into the game primarily for the community interaction rather than the challenge of competition or overcoming difficulties. Both are valid parts of gaming as a whole, though.
Hi lesboposter.
Hi, dumb shitposter.
I harass attention seekers, assholes, and the entitled out of the hobby. This is a problem with the individual, not any demographic.
He's got trips of truth though. Women do not belong in Tabletop, we'll drive them away one by one.
Tell Terry he still owes me 10 fucking bucks for Fridays lunch, the faggot
Given the stuff I've seen in /k/, this does not surprise me in the slightest. /k/'s way cooler, though.
And the ones that are can take it. Even the whiny cunt in OP's image said that after a brief period the Magic grognards, who are scum incarnate, accepted her.
>I harass attention seekers
What is with this phrase? What attention is there to be gained from playing Magic or any table top game? Most people's eyes glaze over if you tell them you play, why would anyone play these games if attention was their goal?
If you upload it somewhere you don't get banned. Post tits and I'll post dick.
No, he got the trips of wearing underwear full of poo on his head and you do not belong in Tabletop
Terry says to try and take it from him.
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen.
People only upvote things on Reddit if it has a catchy headline, every subreddit main page (aka hot section) is just the same as the recommended section on YouTube.
>As a woman, I was SHOCKED! to see how the MTG community treated me.
>See what Wizards sent me while I was DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN!
We've been here longer than you and will be when you leave. The cosplayer slut was just the first step and we can just drive more and more useless people away
Or maybe you should stop eating so beans.
And all we have to do is let socially awkward people make largely inoffensive quips once or twice.
The mad genius of it all.
Trips of the void are inalienable truth.
It's attention seeking when you sit down at a table and start going on about your boyfriend, your sex, your race, your military status, or absolutely anything else I didn't ask about. If you want to talk, talk, but steering the subject to shit like what I mentioned means you aren't starting a discussion, you're trying to start a fight.
>Post tits and I'll post dick.
Not even the person you're replying to, but that's pathetic user.
>steering the subject to shit like what I mentioned means you aren't starting a discussion, you're trying to start a fight.
>or absolutely anything else I didn't ask about
So no one at the table should talk unless you ask a question. Wow, you must be a joy to play with.
Here's a you for willful misinterpretation. Did this thread get linked on reddit because you talk like one.
>Why do you harass female nerds out of their hobby, user?
I harass them out of my hobby, OP.
Yes yes, we know you are only 12 years old any just getting into Veeky Forums stuff. Also you faggots failed to drive the cosplayer away. Really the only useless people here are fags like you
>able to read and write
>must be from reddit
I had a girl once pull the game to a screeching halt when she described a "badass" attack and then rolled a 1, then wanted me to let her hit with it because "you're being mean, user". Naturally, I refused, because that's ridiculous, but she refused to let the game keep going, and kept talking about it and badgering, at first in kind of a sweet and joking way, then more and more angrily when she realized she really had fumbled. Enemy turn rolls around, she takes damage, she claps her hands around her mini and just says "No. You said that guy was almost dead, so my attack would have killed him." I told her she missed, he was still alive, and had attacked her, and she just looked at me like I was crazy "He should attack someone else, my Rogue is at low HP, do you want me to die?" When I tried to explain to her, she just...didn't get it, and kept saying "That's mean! What have I ever done to you!?" Like she believed it was a personal insult. This went on for almost an hour, with her interrupting other people's turns to tell me "I'm still at X HP, he shouldn't have attacked me". Finally I laid down the law, told her she'd missed, gotten hit, taken damage, and that was that, so she called me an asshole and stormed out before bombarding my phone with tearful angry texts about how she didn't know why I was being this way and how she thought we were friends. I'm far from the only guy to have this experience, and frankly, I'm not surprised. Men and women's brains work differently. There are girls who are GREAT in this hobby, but they are objectively a much smaller percentage of the female population than great male players are of the male population, and all of the wishful thinking in the world won't change that. If you're a good player, shittalk back and deal, those neckbeards deserve it too.
That you ate that guy's poo hat.
>you faggots failed to drive the cosplayer away
Not that I care if she stays or goes but doesn't that prove it was a publicity stunt? I haven't been following very closely.
You harass everyone out of the hobby with your smell.
How about if you want to change the hobby so much you GO START YOUR OWN YOU STUPID FUCKING ROASTIE.
Lesboposter please put on a trip.
Shit I just realised I replied to myself because I disabled (you)s
How about you grow a brain you underage retard.
>being a mature adult
>not being a misogynist
wew lol
Aw shit, it really is him! Hey little guy!
Gross. What is it with your people and fecal fetishism?
And that post was a 77 dub and the 77th post in this thread. You're losing the dubs argument pretty hard here.
Girls are cutest when they're bullied!
Regularly play Resistance with females, they get mad and quit playing every single time. Once you accuse one of being a spy, even randomly, if they are one, they just give up and bitch the rest of the time.
Yeah, its not surprising you have no idea what it is like to be a mature adult seeing you are clearly 12 years old
>not knowing you're supposed to upload them to imgur or something and post a link, or cover the nips with a timestamped card or something
Newfag spotted. Back to the kitch-oh wait, you're really a dude. Nevermind then.