Your party encounter a monster that you know metagame wise that it's going to TPK, because the DM is an idiot. What would your character do in this situation and if he choose to escape, how would he escape?
Your party encounter a monster that you know metagame wise that it's going to TPK, because the DM is an idiot...
Other urls found in this thread:
Consider my character has a blinding spell, use it and advise a retreat.
I would metagame and escape, because I'm not gonnaa lose my character just because the GM is a tard. But if it's pic related, then metagaming wouldn't be necessary, because beholders look even freakier than they are. Who the fuck would just stand there like a dumbass and think, "I don't know what this huge maw made out of teeth, eyeballs and lightning is but I bet I can take it."
Kind of the opposite perspective, but I have thrown enemies that have a very good chance of murdering my PC's at them on occasion. Before the campaign started, I told them that there would be situations where it would really be wise to run away or avoid combat and not to try to kick down every door.
My paladin would probably fight, unless it was really blatant TPK, like 8 beholders, a terrasque, and a few dragons.
Sorcerer would just teleport the fuck out of there, maybe grab a party member or two, depending on the situation.
Seduce, seduce, seduce
Death or Glory!
You are playing a role not unlike a wargamer assumes the role of a general in the particular millieu of the setting.
You are under no obligation to face a lopsided encounter because it might be "in character" just as a wargamer playing orcs is under no obligation to make tactically unsound decisions because that would be "in character" for a stupid orc.
I would just play along and subtly try to avoid conflict, maybe the DM has something in mind
>as a rogue
Sneak away like a bitch
>as a wizard
Teleport out of there
>as a cleric
Dimensional Door or Plane Shift
>as a fighter
I'm the party bruiser/tanker. I don't get to run away.
>Run, friends. I'll deal with these foul creatures!
My character has no fucking clue that it's a TPK, or even what a TPK is. I'm not a cheater, buddy.
>Expecting to only ever get situations you are capable of dealing with.
>Your character not using their common sense to realise that the ball of eyes and teeth is very dangerous.
>Not knowing that a dragon is an extremely powerful monster of legend.
>Never using your brain ever.
>Just easy combat encounters in flat empty battle grounds every session.
>Little to no roleplay.
Why do you even play the game user?
>roll appropriate knowledge check
>hopefully pass and get some hints/info that say nah run
>run away like a bitch
I'll trust the dice and the dice shall trust me, my dice never fails when it's about killing what I should'nt be able to kill, or doing the impossible. Fucking with the plot counts too.
Except that wargaming is competitive whereas RPGs are cooperative story telling. They're completely different.
Happened to me twice
First time around we were level 2, and the DM dropped a Night Hag on us
Our paladin, warlock, and bard used their high charisma to sweet-talk our way out of the encounter, in exchange of running some errands for her
The second time we were a level 4 party, and the DM unleashed a Yuan-Ti Abomination while we were exploring the sewers
We just ran
Orc don't make stupid strategy they make surprise strategy.
>>as a fighter
>anime special move montage
It's called RUN AWAY, idiot.
Fun fact, you can run at four times your base speed as a full round action. Even charging creatures can't keep up.
Run away after the first party member bites it
It's even better when:
>Playing a Race with a base movement speed increase
>Other people aren't playing a Race with a base movement speed increase
I cast fog cloud and kill it
This always catches the DM off guard.
Why would a TPK Monster just surrender right off the bat?
If it’s something as obviously horribly dangerous as a beholder combat will be an absolute last resort. Our Forever GM throws that shit at us sometimes, but he does give us chances to do our homework and figure out how to approach things.
Surely you mean that you stay behind as bait and allow the others to escape, since you with your superior speed can start running later and still get away?
Die with honor!
Yes, of course that’s what I mean.
And I can do it even better now that I’ve jacked up my movement speed.
Die with a magical eyeball on a tentacle in your ass.
I would show the monster a flower
Is that an euphemism?
this. get fucked OP. some challenges are insurmountable for reasons other than you being a massive faggot
Kek, literally my thread post the other day Follow my experience, flee
>wargaming is comparable to role playing
The American mindset, ladies and gentlemen.
These are different scenarios though. One of these DMs had a weird urge to push the party into something they can’t win and the other simply allows the party to go and do what they like such as fighting a very powerful monster and it isn’t their fault if they get there arse kicked.
>How to spot the dude who never played D&D
Fun fact:
You can't if you wear heavy armor, your run is x3
Double fun fact:
your speed is also reduced to 20ft if you wear medium or light
Triple fun fact:
any monster ever can move more than you and charge you, and some even have pounce (full attack on charges)
Being martial is suffering
>Be monk
>Move at 50ft
>Literally any monster at this level moves more either with land movement, fly movement or teleport movement
Speed will never give you the upper hand, never
I don't behave like a little bitch and metagame.
Deal with it like any monster:
Try to determine the pros and cons of fighting it
Fight it if necessary/winnable without casualty
Avoid otherwise
Run if teammates start dying or make a heroic last stand
It's a learning experience any which way and can be roleplayed for fun if you aren't a piece of shit.
Now, if the DM keeps doing this then you take them aside and have a talk about how they're choosing these enemies. For further advice on this route look to
>that DM
threads for answers.
>It's a learning experience
What? so if you char dies you "learn" that you don't have to fight that kind of monster yet, well, guess what? he doesn't need to learn that, he already knows, if you're going to metagame anyway with your "learning", metagame now and avoid tpk
Who said anything about the player learning about whatnot to fight?
My players get annoyed by that.
>Age of Rebellion campaign
>attempting to steal a TIE Phantom from the Executor, aka Vaders ship
>a party member decides to try to sabotage Vaders TIE
>Vader has a small personal collection of ships in a private hangar bay, ranging from Clone Wars relics to TIEs
>triggers an alarm
>Vader shows up, personally
>GM you cant throw an encounter at us we cant possibly win
Or another one:
>campaign where the Tarrasque has awakened and is doing a Kaiju thing through an entire kingdom
>party trying to get musical pipes that will put it to sleep
>Party runs into Tarrasque, which corners them into a swamp
>they try to confront the Tarrasque at level 11
>laughing spell resistance intensifies
>knock them out instead of eat them
>waah you cant make us fight things
Like you fuckers have seen a movie before, sometimes the hero has to run.
Here's my main grips with D&D and derivatives
>9ft tall full muscled monster that uses a damn tree as a weapon is actually pretty easy to beat
>3ft tiny blue fagget fae is actually a fucking beast in combat
That shit happens a lot of times in this game, half the time we died the first campaigns was because the not dangerous looking creatures were actually waaaaaay dangerous than the scary big monsters
Sure, a Dragon is big and scary which makes it easy for the mind to accept it's dangerous, but a basketball with eyes? it looks silly, it causes no fear
>Once you enter in combat you're fucked and can't pretty much get away if you're a martial
Withdrawing and fleeing as casters is piss easy, as martials? not so much, I got grappled/trip locked the other day. Srly, even if what it matters that you realize to late the monster is beyond your capabilities if you can't even survive to learn from your experience?
This is exactly what I’m talking about. 9/10 players just want an excuse to be retarded.
You have knowledge rolls...
>See beholder
>wizard or whoever rolls arcana
>passes to even the minimum level
>at this point the DM can say ‘THIS THING WILL KILL YOU ALL.’
This is not taking into account that multiple characters can probably roll it with decent bonuses.
Also if you’ve gotten into combat with the beholder then you’ve probably screwed up somehow unless the DM is forcing you into this situation.
Also also that incident just sounds like you got unlucky.
Also also also Beholders might seem silly to you but your character will probably be somewhat disturbed by it’s appearance because they haven’t seen all the shit we’ve seen user. It’s not like PCs have browsed Veeky Forums.
That's not how knowledge rolls work actually. GM gives you a little bit of information (most GMs I found give you description, creature type), and for every 5 extra above the DC you get a a little bit more (most GMs gave you either stuff like like weaknesses, defenses or attacks, but never the HDs or if they're "hard" which is relative)
Also the DC is 15+CR, so something like 28 for the beholder.
A wizard maxing Arcana is going to have 13 ranks and lets say 20 Int, for a total of 28, you will fuck up half the time.
And this assuming the wizard has maxed Arcana, or that you have an arcane caster with enough skill ranks and/or Int to have 18 Arcana at 10th level.
Not saying isn't a good approach (is probably the best), but you never are going to have Knowledge maxed in everything.
>that incident just sounds like you got unlucky.
Try incidents, plural. Having CMD 31 means nothing, everything seems to be able to grapple/trip me always. Same with AC, srly, the only time I can survive shit as a "martial" is with half casters with access to immediate teleports and freedom of movement.
>they haven’t seen all the shit we’ve seen user
Roper is scarier, is of a similar HD and is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to kill.
Also ettercaps, that shit is disturbing and scary, but are piss easy.
Or maybe is just my GMs.
In the last moment of consciousness i clench my anus like never before so valkiries can bring me to heaven with sounds of foul beast sreaming in pain.
See this? CR 5, and I find it more scary than the beholder.
If we lose because of the power level of said monster, my character is usually smart enough to realize they're fucked and run.
Assuming you can run, or it doesn't OHK in the first turn. Been there, done that.
In fact, 3 games agon our 8th level Barbarian with 120 HPs got OHK by a 31 HPs human in a horse. Yep, he got charged for 140+ damage, and the GM stated he didn't even crit.
I'd rather go to hell than to Valhalla and be known as "the shit guy."
Everybody can chop down tentacle. Even some wizard. Only true warrior can rip it away with his ass only.
sacrifice myself to hold it off while the party escapes.
if it's in character for my build to do, it's just a naturally heroic action. if it's not, then it's a great trope of an unheroic character rising to altruism. either way I get out of a shit game with a shit gm.
sessions ago*
You have a warrior of great honor.
I don't know how the fuck that happened.
You ever heard of a thing called horses? Martials used to use them so they could wear heavy armour AND move fast.
>Move at enemy to attack it
>Realize is too strong
>Ask kindly enemy to not BTF you O with AoO while you move towards your horse outside the dungeon and ride away
Yeah, you can find many beholders in the plains of faerum, is where the wildly beholder grazes in
Not him, but if the area you're in can accomodate a beholder, then you can summon and make good use of a horse there. A blind, braindead and deaf horse, which explains why it won't flee the instant it catches a glimpse or whiff of a fuckhuge beholder.
>Excuse me, Beholder, sir, I just noticed my mistake, so, please, allow me to summon this horse for one turn, all I ask is one turn. Thanks.
Pretty sure the only martials who can summon a horse are Paladins and Rangers, and it takes a full round action (meaning AoO and a turn lost in where the monster can hit you and fuck your summon), not very wise to do in the proximities of the creatures you just realized is way above your pay grade.
You sure he's not European?
Or maybe African?
What if he's from Indo China?
Fuck you you beat me to it you cunt
Ah you’re not playing 5th edition. There’s your problem.
Okay. That doesn’t mean that Beholders aren’t scary user.
>failed my knowledge check
>DM: This monster look like some kind of meatball
>Fuck you you beat me to it you cunt
Your next words will
"go back to redit"
Fuck that he's probably MADE OF loot and exp. So we lose a few guys in the fight, that just means more loot and exp fer me. And if I get killed I'm sure my next character will get some of that sweet loot because what party doesn't share anyway?
In 5e you could face CR 5 above your level and easily survive or face CR 5 below your level and end in a TPK, is very swingy because rolls dictate everything due bounded accuracy.
I read pay grade as gay pride and gotta say it made your post a lot better
OTKs are bullshit period. Having the party come across powerful monsters isn’t so long as the DM has plenty of ways they can avoid combat in mind.
For instance when you meet a beholder there’s a good chance it’s asleep. Classic sleeping monster, same for a dragon and many others.
Also a beholder shouldn’t be immediately hostile to any creature it sees for a number of reasons
1. Perhaps its the type that likes to run evil organisations and hence interacts with humanoids often.
2. It’s extremely arrogant and might not really care about the party’s presence.
3. Maybe it sees the party as an opportunity to get rid of a rival beholder who lives nearby.
Or a load of other reasons. If the party plays their cards right then this beholder might be a good temporary ally.
P.s. I bet most of you players are the type to just run in and try to kill it without thinking aren’t you?
The CR system of 5e is useless but that’s irrelevant to what I was talking about.
>Creatures shouldn't be hostile since second 1
>Creatures shouldn't always have a surprise round because ambush mofo
>Creatures shouldn't fight to the bitter end
>Creatures shouldn't use their most broken features right of the bat
>Creatures shouldn't treat the encounter as if it was their last day alive so just lets use all our high level spells and shit
>Creatures shouldn't be pre encounter buffed
>Creatures shouldn't be hyper tactical and treat players as the biggest menace
>Creatures shouldn't already know the PC's weaknesses and target each with what hurts them the most even if it's the first time they meet
>Creatures shouldn't target the casters first, specially the arcane ones with SoD prepared
You clearly don't know how to GM this game
So you agree with me then? I assume so since I your post is obviously sarcastic. Right?
go back to redi-NANI?!
Funny enough, 80% of the GMs I found don't think it's sarcasting at all but the way it should be played. The same happens for every person I know. Good GMs are scarce as fuck, the average GM is a fucking dick who is in a powertrip and only thinks on me vs Players.
I found more That GMs in my life than That players, by a large margin. I hope you people have better luck than me, I only come here to complay and be bitter, it's been 1 years since I stopped playing because I was fed up with the hobby and the bullshit drama.
Blog out, I just wanted to vent a little.
Wow man. 80%?
That’s just a sickening thought in my mind. It’s never been that way for me.
I'm glad somebody got that JoJo reference
>blow the fuck you out