Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
unless you ironically like Hammers of Sigmar. Hallowed Knights or get out of my face.
Xavier Walker
Aaron Sullivan
Tzaangors are good, but not running them thirty man strong is a tragedy in itself. Having Six Flamers seems like a good idea, either in one squad or two. I personally find that six really does their Locus of Transmogrification justice, as more bodies improves the odds of rolling a six alongside being more rewarding if there has been sustained casualties. Pink/Blue/Brimstone Horrors are a pretty cool combo, run two ten man squads of pinks, two ten man squads of blues, and one twenty man brimstone blob. The Brimstones can act as an objective holder, the Blues misc. roadblocks, and the Pinks can be secondary casters. As for HQ I always Recommend the Gaunt Summoner for his consistent two casting and unbinding attempts alongside his sweet horde wipe, infernal flames. (Also a plus is he's considered a Daemon, Mortal, and Arcanite.)
I'd run something like this... Gaunt Summoner & Familiars, 120pts (General) Command Trait: Arcane Sacrifice Artefact of Power: Souldraught Daemonic Gifts: Wellspring of Arcane Might Lore of Fate: Treacherous Bond Lore of Change: Fold Reality Pink Horrors x10 120pts Pink Horrors x10 120pts Blue Horrors x10 50pts Blue Horrors x10 50pts Brimstone Horrors x20 80pts Flamers of Tzeentch x6 360pts Balewind Vortex 100pts
The cool thing about the Gaunt Summoner is that he's able to take a spell from both the Lore of Fate and the Lore of Change alongside being able to take both an Artefact of Power and Daemonic Gift. If you run him with the familiars Blot grants a +1 to all casting attempts, and if he's on a Balewind Vortex that's an additional +1 to casting, that being +2 to casting overall, making infernal flames cast on a 6 rather than 8. Arcane Sacrifice is nice for guaranteed cast, Treacherous Bond is nice for wound negation, and Fold Reality is nice for refilling the ranks.
Adam Moore
Battletome: Lion Rangers when?
Jose Thomas
I would be okay with this (even though theyre elves) because Hammerhal had a cool lion ranger character
Aiden Clark
>Implying that's the issue
Kayden Russell
Battletome: Dispossessed when?
Jack Baker
If there is Stormcast... Does it also mean there is Flameast, Icecast, Stonecast... Lightcast... Darkcast...?
Christian Carter
Hey there. user from the other thread with Dorf issues. I'm at a bit of a bind because I love all the Fyreslayer models. I just hate having to spam Berzerkers just to make up the list. Granted, that's if I want to run full Fyreslayers at 2000pts. I'd need several squads of them.
On the same hand, I love Dorfs. Their models are fantastic, I love the old lore with them, and there's a big variety in their units and looks.
Ultimately I don't know if I'll get up to 2000pts for either army, so this is what I came up with for 1000pts of both. How do they look?
Allegiance: Fyreslayers Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (260) - General - Trait: Fury of the Fyreslayers - Artefact: Obsidian Coronet Auric Runesmiter (80) - Forge Key 10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (200) - Poleaxes 20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (240) - War-Picks & Slingshields 10 x Auric Hearthguard (200)
Total: 980 / 1000 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 57
Allegiance: Dispossessed - Grudge: Cowardly Hordes Runelord (80) - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe Warden King (120) - General - Trait: Resolute 40 x Warriors (280) - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields 10 x Longbeards (120) - Great Axes & Shields 10 x Irondrakes (200) Cannon (180) - Allies
Total: 980 / 1000 Allies: 180 / 200 Wounds: 74
Blake Parker
If this turns out to be anything short of a real release (I.e. anything like shadespire, gorechosen, or warhammer quest), I think I’m just going to switch to 40k. I picked up AOS 2 years ago after being drawn in by a fantasy VG, and I started with fucking death. This’ll be the nail in the coffin (kek) if they just jerk SCE off with another board game.
Chase Diaz
Relax, i'm pretty sure a death release will accompany this. And I don't mean just the one teasted death hero we know about so far. I am willing to bet at least a battletome for one of the death factions.
Nathaniel Reyes
It's clearly a follow up campaign to the seeds of hope campaign.
Hence the shit about hope and death and all that.
Hunter Phillips
How do I sylvaneth? Do I do loads of big tree dudes or do I swarm dryads or what?
Tyler Bell
they cant see where they are shooting
Mason Wright
Yes. There are also Kikecast, Snorecast, Borecast, Heebcast, Samecast (because they all look the same) and Cuckcast
Carter Perry
How could I go about adding to this for a 2000 point army? Should I just add some Bloodthirsters? Would Mortal Khorne be a decent addition or should I go even further into Bloodletter type creatures?
Jaxon Robinson
What are you working on /aosg/?
I am still trying to rebase my Dorfs.
Colton Long
unironically just discovered this stuff at a games shop about a week ago. why is a box of branded plastic figures so expensive?
Nathan Ortiz
Alexander Evans
Luckily, there are a lot of em, and they all play AoS.
Grayson Taylor
Because they are "High Quality", "Premium", "Amazingly Sculpted", "Collectible" Figures for "Adults"
Eli Gutierrez
You gonna make your own? That's why.
Asher Myers
>why is a box of branded plastic figures so expensive?
>why is a box of branded plastic figures so expensive?
Why is a nintendo swich $500
Justin Torres
Because the customer must pay for all the R&D that when into the development of the hot new (((Stormcast Eternal))) properties, including original, unique and inspired character design, miniatures, battletomes, artwork, all the novels, and any other Stormcast Eternal related products
Sebastian Wright
They were the most iconic visually back in the day, until Warcraft ripped them off wholesale and then everyone else ripped off Warcraft.
David Davis
You guys should really work on your memes. They're fucking horrible.
Nicholas Hughes
I find it funny how people scoff at the prices of our miniatures, yet they happily pay $600 for an iphone
Julian Perry
I genuinely don't know. They both look goofy and impractical.
Evan Gutierrez
Jaxson Ross
Adrian Reed
So Hammerhall is just "Build your own army" yes?
I can have sky pirates and fire lizards?
Jason Thompson
Hey man, that iphone does all the stuff my other iphone does though.
Andrew Fisher
Aside from plain greed, I'd imagine a lot of the cost for GW minis comes from Expensive tooling (Injection molds with fiddly bits) and the fact they don't use chinese slave labor, so they have to pay their workers at least the minimum wage of the country they manufacture in (Which is the UK). A good bit of it is just greed though
Luis Sullivan
Well yeah, they're about AoS.
Andrew Carter
Yup, you just forgo the allegiances for the city rules instead.
Jordan Sanchez
Can't decide between Mors or Ferrik for my Rats. Someone decide for me.
Joseph Ward
AH so if I take Fyreslayers and Overlords I dont do sky ports or whatever just the City rule?
Jeremiah Perez
Go Mors user. Queek Headtaker was from Mors and he was the OG. Plus red armor is easy to paint.
RIP sweet prince
Gabriel Thompson
I just have finished this dude, currently painting the bases of my previous minis in Steel Legion Drab
Jaxson Brooks
What is malign portents? Do we have any fluff/model info? I don't keep up with AoS
Have you considered the stormcast is readying his bow, while the peasent bowman is shooting a volley?
Hunter Baker
Whatever their allegiance rules are, you can't use them. So you can't use the fancy rune abilities from Fyreslayers and whatever the KO have either.
Elijah Howard
Newer scenery is made in china though.
Cooper Brooks
New EPIC campaign that also push the story forward and maybe introducing new army, nothing is certain atm.
Levi Perry
>They were the most iconic visually back in the day, until Warcraft ripped them off wholesale and then everyone else ripped off Warcraft.
newfags will un-ironically declare that warcraft came first and GW stole everything from blizzard.
Brayden Murphy
I used to play slaanesh when I was still deep in the hobby. During the 6 year break from the hobby I decided to fix my life. Hit the gym, got into school and found the love of my life. Now that I'm happy with everything I came back to this hobby. Firstly I sold my Juan Diaz sexnette army for a copy of my older self. I must say that I was about revolted by him. So no, Normal people don't play slaanesh.
Asher Cruz
Its the follow up campaign to the season of war: seeds of hope one.
Parker Wilson
All the new artfags seem to know is vidya games and stylised bullshit, which being vidya games rarely have regard for practicality or realism.
Shit is so much more immersive when inspiration is taken from history.
Nicholas Smith
So are you making two seperate armies that you're going to bash together for a 2k list, or are you hoping to turn one of those lists into a 2k list?
Because if you're doing the first then you're missing a battleline for 2k. Some of those units are only battleline if you're FS or Dispo allegiance. Other than that, you're missing out on a lot by only having general Order for your allegiance, rather than FS or dispossesed.
I'm going to assume that you're looking for a full 2k Fyreslayer list that doesent run a lot of Vulkite Berzerkers. Honestly, Vulkites are good for a reason but lets ignore that as were making a low Vulkite list. In that case, you're going to have to spam the fuck out of Magmadroths and Hearthguards. Essentially, you're going for a line of Magmadroths that shit out mortal wounds on the opponent and can move up the board quick. To support this you're going to need some Runesmiters on foot to deepstrike some of your stuff into the enemy as it's pretty slow to slog it. Now, I'm still going to include a unit of Vulkites since you've got a few already done (or atleast you're going to have them with the magmadroths in the SC).
Allegiance: Order Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (260) Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (240) - Ancestral War-axe Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth (200) - Runic Iron Auric Runesmiter (80) - Runic Iron Auric Runesmiter (80) - Runic Iron 30 x Vulkite Berzerkers (330) - Handaxes & Slingshields 10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (200) - Broadaxes 10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (200) - Broadaxes 20 x Auric Hearthguard (400) Total: 1990 / 2000
Keep in mind, this is a pure hypothetical list that I've had no real experience running. You're going to be deep striking the vulkites and the Auric while running up the board with three magmadroths and 20 Hearthguard Berzerkers to contest objectives. Keep in mind, you need to do significant damage with your initial strike so make sure you make your first charges count.
Thomas Walker
I see. Did that involve my main squeeze, Arkhan the Black at all?
Owen Clark
Thats actually really close to my 2k theory list for Fyreslayers, so hold on lemme back you up.
Basically I'm considering running Dispossessed or Fyreslayers, as I like them both. I posted two 1000pt lists because I'm just getting started and I want to run 1000pts for awhile to get the game going in my head. Then I can choose if I wanna ally in or swap armies or whatever.
Back to the gritty, I'm fully aware Vulkites are good. A lot of my nitpicking was with how they all sorta look the same, what with having only three units at all to pick from, and two are from the same kit. I'm not sure why this bothers me so much honestly, but that was the sole reason of the 'don't spam vulkites'.
At the moment I'm not married to starting up Fyreslayers OR Dispossessed. I just like them both just about equally.
Logan Walker
'twas not in Shysh so no
Levi Carter
They did kinda copy them right back. A lot of fantasy stuff looks similar right now. GW is reasserting themselves though. I wanna be proud of them. Soon maybe.
Josiah Flores
Played a game tonight, I can't wait to round out this army.
Wyatt Lee
In that case I would honestly play dispossessed. You seem to be more into having multiple flavours and options for your armies and dispossessed are much better than FS at that.
FS have the more varied hero list for sure, with just about every fucking hero you could possibly want being there, but you will quickly figure out why this is a problem. Firstly, Doomseeker and Runemaster are trash tier and should never realistically be taken. Second, they're all either 80 points or 240/260 so it's hard as fuck to round out an army with them. Lastly, with all the hero variety in the world you still need troop options to use them to their fullest.
Honestly, I love FS so much that I have nearly 2.5k points of straight FS painted up, but they're in desperate need of something new. Like, just giving them a cavalry or artillery piece would really help with their first couple turns with running up the board. Like, sure you can ally stuff in but I want to play naked midget dwarves, not stormcast. With Dispossessed you have the option of going with a more varied army.
Essentially, the two are pretty opposed to each other in terms of what the armies want to do, FS want to run up the board and fight while dispossessed are much better sitting back and shooting.
Dylan Williams
Thats kind of my dilemma. I really like the 'run up the board screaming' mentality. Played Orkz in 40k. That's basically the same thing. But yeah, lack of unit choice is my biggest gripe. The heroes are all pretty great and the models are fantastic for all of them.
Maybe its my desperate autism, but if I have a lot of the same-looking models I'm gonna get discouraged quickly. It's why I initially looked at a 1k list and I was 'hey this looks alright, I'm only taking a squad of 30 vulkite, everything else is a dragon or a Hearthguard' but then I realized at 2k, that would mean I have to spam.
I like Dispossessed models a lot too, because, hell, they're dorfs. There's nothing wrong with that. Plus, there's actual unit variety. It's definitely not the tactics of an army I'm used it, with being super defensive and shooty, but maybe I need that.
I think at the end of the day, doing FS as allies for Dispossessed is about *my* only choice if I wanna use those models too. So like, a MagmaSmiter and some Hearthguard or a tunneling group of Aurics alongside my Hammerers and junk.
Thanks for the assist though.
Caleb Nelson
Those treeple look cold
Jaxson Gomez
If you like "Run up the board screaming" it's hard to go wrong with ironjawz
Evan Bell
She's doing a frost theme
Landon Wilson
Hah, thought about that, but I don't wanna do Orks all over again. Though, that being said, I did attempt an all-Meganob army a while back that I loved.
If its a super low model count giant Orc army I might kinda be interested.
Cameron Edwards
460 of your points is eaten up by a fuckoff big orc on a fuckoff big dragon Your cheapest unit is the warchanter at 80 points (And he's worth every one) A trio of gore gruntas come in next at 140 Then brutes and ardboyz are next at 180 for 5/10 respectively The other units points values don't really matter since you probably wont use 'em, and your battalions range betweeen 140 and 220, with the two you're taking being 160 and 220. So basically, yeah, it's a lower model count orc army. You're still gonna have a good number at 2 and 2.5k games, but your best shit is in units of 3 and 5. You will wanna ally in at least one blob of something since you got no ranged game and shit magic. Allies are Giants, bonesplittaz, Gitmob, Greenskinz, moonclan, and Trolls
Bentley Rivera
What's the point of the extra range on freeguild spearmen?
Cooper Hughes
Extra range on weaponry makes them better for blobbing up on someone. IE: A weapon with a 2 in range lets two ranks of dudes attack as opposed to just one
Ian Parker
I relatively new and already own 1500 points Stormcast. Yeah I know Stormcast. I was thinking about getting one of those Battleforce boxes to start a second army. Are they worth it. Im looking to get the Death or KO box. what do you think?
Christian Howard
If you get KO you can ally them with your stormcast
Asher Rogers
I have only 1 friend who plays AOS. He has Stormcast, Khorne and Fyreslayers all at 2000 points. I wanted to pick up an army to play against him
Christopher Martin
That sounds neat as hell. I kinda wanna stick with Dawi for now though and get my 1000pts built up. Probably stick with Dispossessed, with the list I have up there. I can swap the Cannon for a Runesmiter and 5 Aurics, too, if I want. Shame they got rid of Engineers re-rolling when near a war machine.
Landon Sanders
Why does Stormcast get a lot of hate? Are they overpowered or is it just because they look like Space Marines? Or is it just a dank meme?
Luke Cooper
Stormcast in a vacuum, are a decent idea, with a decent design and some decent lore. The problem is that they were so obviously made to be the space marines for AoS, that they are the only faction that is consistantly getting new releases and most of the stories are based around them.
Anthony Foster
Michael Stewart
So it's true what they say about this thread then, you really are all retarded.
Isaiah Johnson
>I don't have an argument so I'll call them retarded
Jonathan Wright
Can any skydorf bros help me out? I'm trying to paint Barak Urbaz colors, and I feel a bit stuck as to how the Frigates and Ironclads are supposed to be painted. Any help would be appreciated, photos in particular
Isaiah Richardson
Have you looked on the warhammertv yt channel?
Luis Green
Because GW spent (and continues to spend) so much time wanking over them that they didn't (and still haven't) properly defined the actual setting and its inhabitants.
Robert Allen
There's a tutorial for the Gunhauler, but its Barak Nar colors and it seems that it doesn't really translate well given the Barak Urbaz example of a Gunhauler in the book.
Cameron Clark
Here's a link to the Gunhauler tutorial, seems to be quite a few differences and not quite sure how it translates to the other ships, and GW in all their fucking wisdom decided to not include a single fucking photo of a Urbaz ship
Xavier Ross
Go Brayherds!
Gavin Phillips
Christopher Moore
Does anyone look at some of age of sigmar's ridiculous maps and lore and hope GW just retcons a bunch of the bullshit down the line? I mean it's a pretty new game but as it ages its sure to get some retcons.
Jason Nguyen
I welcome the ridiculously complex and weird. GW ought to relish in it.
Mason Martin
I like complex and weird. Most of the AoS maps look like something a teenager did in Paint.
Landon Bennett
They've started going back to actual maps with the newer battletomes instead of the fucking mess they did before.
Ethan Morgan
"And on the right we can see the low pools of the jew elves.
Josiah Martinez
It's not complex. It's haphazard and thoughtless. The designers have just said "and this exists and this exists and this exists" with no regard for how each puzzle piece fits together in the greater picture of the universe. A watchmaker can make a complex watch with a functioning mechanism if he knows how its parts interact. You cannot make a watch at all if you don't understand how the parts interact.
How the hell does cosmology work in the realms? What is the scale of the realms? Is each realm a planet or a dimension or a flat chunk of land floating in space? Sigmar knows . . .
Elijah Turner
I was so glad to see realistic maps in the kharadron book. 3D floating skull island no#247 is tiring.
John Wilson
>Pools of Tranquility >Boiling Blood Pools of Suffering
Julian Martinez
>Most of the AoS maps look like something a teenager did in paint. >Only touts around the worst 2-3 of the lot.
Yeah anons, we get it.
Mason Hill
All maps up until the kharadron book are like this.
Jeremiah Lee
because they are designed to be the guys that everyone is -supposed- to like
William Stewart
Every model in the box is posed that way Also they still cant see in any position where they turn their head to the side.
Ayden Robinson
>Dat picture Fucking neat mini!
Aiden Peterson
What if stormcast could see through their armour, seeing each other as friends clad in clothes? It would allow individual fighters to actually recognize each other while in armor, and gets around pauldron syndrome
Robert Collins
the whole age of reconquest/order is on the attack thing is going to end presumably the resurgence in players since the first generals handbook has died out now that people realize it's a horribly vacant setting which boils down to "sigmar and archaon exists everything else you guys can think of yourself, the worlds are infinitely large wheeeeee! " added together with the fact that with 8th edition being released 40k no longer requires you to know a butload of rules by heart, making it just as easy to get into as age of sigmar
so in a desperate bid to make the setting even more like 40 k they are going to make it even more grimdark
Ryder Williams
8th ed also has more rules in it, enough to not drive away casuals, but enough to give just that much more depth than Age of Sigmar.
Christopher Martin
Did that user ever post the new Hammerhal book, or did he flake out?