>that moron who hates rolling stats because he can't fucking stand not having a perfect character
>that piece of shit who refuses to pick an alignment because it might prevent them from doing something that will benefit their character
>that loser who refuses to play anything but some mary sure bullshit race
>that useless trash who follows her boyfriend to the game and insists on "playing" by which she means sitting there ignoring the game until someone tells her it's her turn, at which point she asks for the entire scene to be redescribed again while she looks at her character sheet for ideas on what to do
The worst types of players
Players who try to fill every role at once. I'm not talking about "having a little of everything", i mean like, actually trying to be the main decker, street sam, AND face at the same time in Shadowrun
>>that piece of shit who refuses to pick an alignment because it might prevent them from doing something that will benefit their character
What? How the fuck would your alignment prevent you from anything? Do you even know how alignments work? Don't tell me this is some shitty bait just to push
>>that useless trash who follows her boyfriend to the game and insists on "playing" by which she means sitting there ignoring the game until someone tells her it's her turn, at which point she asks for the entire scene to be redescribed again while she looks at her character sheet for ideas on what to do
for (you)s. That's exactly what it is, isn't you, you fake fa/tg/uy fucknut.
>The angry guy who hates every other player and needs to take a chill pill
Heh, I didn't even notice the image when I posted I guess that sort of made my question kind of pointless.
That girl thread? That girl thread.
>playing magic with my brother's friend
>We were both rocking pretty powerful edh decks, generally having a good time
>My brother's roommate's friend comes over
>Heavy set lady, purple bangs, bra straps falling off beneath her tank top
>all conversation immediately revolves around how her magic deck is so shit and none of her cards are worth money
>We continue polite conversation, asking her what cards she has and what colours she plays
>No knowledge whatsoever
>"Do you guys play dnd?"
>tell her I dm'd a call of Cthulhu game, she has no idea what I'm talking about
>describes some elaborate nonsense that never happened involving her special snowflake race
>she then invited us to a drag show because she has so many cross dressing friends and we should totally go
>starts loudly talking over us as we're playing about how she's probably slept with more woman than everyone else in the room
>literally yelling over our game of magic about inane bullshit
>We're getting uncomfortable telling her to be quiet over and over
>still doesn't get it
>she's taking about her open relationship and heavily implying she wants to fuck me
>thank God my brother kicked her out and we could quietly play magic
>that /pol/tard that plays a Veeky Forums character on Veeky Forums just to try to stir shit up.
Those hysterical women, right?
should have asked the local airfield to borrow their helicopter
>she's taking about her open relationship and heavily implying she wants to fuck me
I’m dying, you retards are spectacular in how awful you are.
>white knight sprints in to decry the most common complaint about hanger-on players as bait because it's about A POOR WOMAN
You're a loser, son!
Are you sure that was a girl and not your mom?
Tell me, oh assblasted cafe communist retard, what precisely about the OP is in any way political? After you fail go back to r*ddit where you belong you piece of shit
t. loser
Goddamn it dad you've ruined my life, I hate you so much!
>Makes up fake people to prove a point
>Cites made up statistic to prove made up people are the real problem
t. Doesn’t understand Nazis are political
No you.
>mfw this was an honest attempt to bait
I literally, honestly, non-figuratively burst out laughing, it was so bad.
kek you are so butthurt
The coagulated blob of sentient gravy and poor life choices could barely be called a human, let alone a woman. I would have been real ashamed if I wound up in bed with that chittering horror.
I wish I was lying. I'm not fantastic looking, but I'm a tall clean cut guy; my Fleshlight was a definite step up.
I should have "accidentally" spilled some butter in another room. She left a glass of water and we we're horried when my magic partner tried to drink out of it.
Please stop lowering Veeky Forums's quality with these low-quality bait threads.
nice digits, stop spamming threads you don't like
Quads don't lie.
I've got that player right now in my Shadowrun game. With the group already having a face, they've spread themselves thin trying to deck, face, and gun. Ultimately, they'll get their butthole ripped apart when they actually get into combat.
So it was your mom, ok then
>that irredeemable louse who smokes pot during games and then can't fucking concentrate on what is going on
I fucking hate drug addicts so fucking much
See if you can take them out with a mugging, three orcs with pipes and chains will put the hurt on any wannabe soycaf boy
>that "woman" who doesn't even try to pass and honestly looks repulsive and makes everyone uncomfortable any time they go anywhere but it's okay because it's their right to larp as whatever type of character they want and if you say anything about it you are evil
jesus christ how horrifying