What franchise do you wish had a roleplaying game adaption?
What franchise do you wish had a roleplaying game adaption?
Monkey Island. Also Loom.
Fucking hell, I'm still mad we didn't get the sequels to Loom - the worldbuilding there was top-notch.
Secret World.
Yes, yes, it's an MMO. Fuck off.
Worms. I haven't looked it up, I just assume there isn't a Worms RPG.
Top Gear.
Plenty of games let you punch people in the face.
Sea Dogs
For Spell Jammer like - Might and Magics old setting
For 'fun' one shots or short games - Mortal Kombat
For serious cyberpunk - Ghot in the Shell
For Asian fantasy - Jade Empire
For Western fantasy - Divine Divinity
For Super Heroes - A system that does not suck. *looking at you M&M and Wild Talents*
Chronicles of Darkness with a good GM?
Not everything needs to, or indeed CAN, be a fucking roleplaying game you fucktards. Why the hell can you only consume content through one of several funnels? How the fuck would Death Note ve an RPG? Why the hell are Cthulhu Mythos an RPG? Just fuck off with that shit.
Could probably just use Traveler though
Would play the dog shit outta some NARUTO RPG
>Would have humans, animals, but also all types of other fantasy creatures.
>Would also have continents.
>Low levels would be very slice of life like starting off as kids.
>high level is really espionage/combat based.
>tons of jutsu and no rarity in kekkei genkai
>Point buy for most stats except bloodline potency. Keeps an element of fairness if everyone tries to choose people with kekkei genkai.
>Different specialties and resources
>asian-punk setting
The X-Files
Urban Fantasy generally comes in two flavors: bargain X-Men use their superpowers to fight the usual suspects like Draculas and warwilfs, or Sooper Secret Spec Ops guys use their operational operations to operate against the usual suspects like Draculas and warwilfs. Maybe through in some random Diet Lovecraft elements or mix up the two so that the Spec Ops team has a superpowered teenaged girl guiding them around.
X-Files I enjoy for two reasons. The first is it's just a couple of normies working some crank files no one else cares about or so it seems The second is there's actually some creativity in the monsters they encounter. Yeah you get the usual stuff like vampires, grey aliens, and ghosts but you also get insane shit like the Flukeman, those creepy inbred hillbillies, or that doomsday cult where the members were experiencing past lives.
An offiicial X-Files game where you play agents investigating that shit, with special rules for generating creative monster of the week sessions and working in the alien invasion conspiracy which never fucking goes anywhere would be top notch for me.
There's like two. The other is d20 though.
I'd be surprised if anyone knew what this was bar myself, but regardless, the authors got a good grip on direction and whatnot, hell earth and heaven.
would really love the chance for my players to all pick some sharingan Sasuke copies(i actually think one of them would make hitachi, so there's some variety at least)
Holy shit there's a lot.
Needless and Negima are probably top two, Negima in particular thanks to the worldbuilding that's already been done
>Stop wanting things I don't want
>Stop having bad wrong fun
my man, Endless Legend would be fuckin sick
i though that's what i'd get from numenera, but that just turned out to be "hey everything's literally just magic because the tech is so advanced"
OT: hunter x hunter, because nen is cool
then again that'd be hell to balance unless you go with a super light system
The Stormlight Archive.
It's such an imaginative setting it's almost tailor made for RPG. Hell, give me a living card game based on Sanderson's books, and I'll play nothing else.
Oh hell yeah! Loved that book. I figure it's probably something you could run in WoD, but a dedicated system to it could work wonders on getting the more noir-pulp tone right.
Hollow Knight, no contest. Especially adding in the halloween DLC for some extra classes and origins involving the Troupe. Plus maybe some kind of map-generator, like random dungeon tables in 5e. Probably would work great for filling in the tunnels in between major areas.
This sounds more like a board/cards game
I kind of use WoD for this. I always get to have fun before the players realise we're 2 sessions in and they're still not vampires.
That could be pretty fun actually. Some kind of Werewolf or Secret Hitler style game, where one player is the killer and it's a giant mess of double blinds and bluffs to try and throw off everyone else or fulfill their particular agendas.
Best thing for this is to grab your favorite supers rpg and go to town. Just set some hard limits on power levels because the original got fucking stupid real damned quick. High level Narutard ninjas could go toe to toe with fucking Superman and win.
The Labyrinth. It would be pretty cheesy constantly saving the younger sibling. But what a setting.
Stand still stay silent. Anons were doing some work on a home brew but it disappeared.
I've considered something like Fate? Focus on the mediating between factions & crap.
Davai davai.
Legends or the Original?
The world of of the Jack Chick comics
The One Shot podcast has you covered. Satanic Panic from Jim Mcclure and Third Act publishing. I'd link it but the site seems to be down at the moment.
Ha! Will check it out, thanks!
They've got a campaign going that's fun, too
What's the difference?
No really I just started playing, what did I miss out on?
> not Space Rangers
nWoD 1e or gtfo scrub
I know there actually is one, but i wish it was better/had a bigger following
A Naruto RPG would go as follows:
>>Three players make a gennin team, presumably before/after the main series during the 3rd war or after the 4th
>>One player makes a Sasuke knockoff because they believe the muh sharingan beats everything circlejerk from the beginning of the series
>>one player makes a nobody from some random clan trying to be a Naruto ripoff without understanding why Naruto had the deck massively stacked in his favor (probably because they never watched the show/read the manga, just listened to people shitposting about it) and ultimately making them NPC level in terms of power
>>The last player makes their special snowflake OC character from a different village who just so happens to join the Leaf, has a kekkei genkai (and knows what that means) that was probably only ever relevant for like 1 movie or 1 story arc in the manga. They probably know exactly what the different things mentioned in that Madara shitpost mean, and aim to outdo Kishi at his own game in terms of sheer bullshit.
Im the only one in my group who knows anything about the series, so id probably be the 3rd person if I wasnt relegated to GM
I'm not sure what that means. But I mean the Team17 Worms, if that's what you're asking. I want to be a heavily armed worm.
There was some stuff lost in the transition from TSW to SWL.
>Good shit
Nice number of skills and a good Resource build-up/consume mechanic that uses said resources.
Legends cut down the number of skills and basically moved the rest to augments i.e. Passives.
>Bad Shit
The fucking AEGIS motherfucking POS. Be glad that you missed that part out.
That's pretty much how my game went.
Also this so fucking much
Shingeki no Kyojin, I've even made a homebrew in 1 hour for shits and giggles but had to hold myself back and mask my intentions with a meme smokescreen because my group only watches the anime.
I want a setting in wich all players have some kind of power and they had to manipulate npcs, groups of people or even other players pretty like death note if all players would had a shinigami
Kamen Rider
You are aware weaverdice exists, right? There's a whole RPG based on the Worm setting, that gets games played almost daily on an IRC channel linked from it's reddit. Pact also has a game, Pact Dice.
This system is really good.
Redwall. Mouse Guard/Burning Wheel don't really fit the tone.
That's pretty nice. I used the Song of Swords system to make mine, turned out to be a mighty fine one-off
Ironclaw. Ignoring the furry community surrounding it it's actually a really good (and deadly) system.
Preferably one that isn't shit.
Not gonna lie, I'd play the shit out of this.
Also, Wakfu.
>Also, Wakfu.
So, basically, a bunch of female GMs catfighting and badmouthing each other?
Wakfu more like WANKfu.
The fuck is that?
Without love, it cannot be seen. :^)
Needless was too damn good and Adam is a patrician to end all patricians
Assassin's Creed.
Fire Emblem.
Oh and I forgot the obvious Divinity setting, just like .
To this day, nobody knows what happened to mommy.
Dishonored, HZD, Mad Max, The Witcher, Wolfenstein, Infamous, Evolve.
Hate me.
>tfw no AC game where someone chucks Liquid or Solidus' corpse into an Animus & play MGS3 with parkour
>VR training
>Clarkson is the Chaotic Neutral
>Hammond is Neutral Good
>May is the Lawful Good
you know Im right.
god, yes. a system for quick form changing and stat boosts/debuffs with different weapons would be incredible, especially with a series like Ex-Aid.
Can I pick the SCP foundation?
Delta Green?
Blades in the Dark is basically THE dishonored game.
Witcher you could run in any fantasy system with just a bit of tweaking.
Mad Max could be done in any number of post-apocalyptic RPGs.
someone who can make waterworld work
Underrated post
10/10 Would agree with this post again.
Look up Changeling: The Lost.
fuck me i want rwby rpg, so i could make better adventure than tetards writting this shit
Requiem Vampire Knight
Alternatively, Dorohedoro
But there is one
trigun RPG would be a thing
1 combat ready is not rpg, it's shitty board game
2. rwby rpg by Veeky Forums was never finished
Mobile Suit Gundam, specifically tailored to side stories from the One Year War. Aside from the desire to run a game as North American, I want a meaty lore book brimming with details about the time period and the different fronts of the war. Hell, maybe even a timeline about the OYW to use a guideline to make your own adventures and change it.
Seconding this. Would love the play in the RWBY setting. Also, barely (il)legal waifus.
Thirding Kamen Rider.
>Non combat sections include secret identity (or lack thereof)
> occassional PVP is not only possible, but recommended (for some reason)
>Small party size focused, 2-5 players, with 2-3 being highly recommended
I need it.
Or Megaman, please.
mah nigga
I feel like this is way too obscure for nu/tg/.
Soul Calibur.
The setting is dope.
My nigga. Soul Calibur 6 soon.
>Shin Megami Tensei
I would really love to have a proper adaption, mostly because who have to clobber so many things together, and have so many options to choose from, and having something official would be a great starting point.
>Phantasy Star (any iteration)
Could probably be done without official support, but I just love the settings and it's versatility.
d&d4e desu
Waterworld is basically Apocalypse World set on an endless ocean. Wouldn't be a lot of work.
Darkest Dungeon. A mix of DND with Call of C'thulu I'd imagine. Lots of classes, many horrible ways to die.
> Something official
Actually there is, but it never got translated and is, supposedly, shit.
>make better adventure than tetards writting this shit
If you think rwby has anything of value to add, I don't think there's much hope of that. Literally everything that rwby does, there are a dozen animes that do it better. Monty fucked his project by forcing his shitty writers to watch anime. Literally no hope.
Also mutants and masterminds, its not too hard to modify it to fit with any remotely anime-esque setting