>plays fantasy game
>makes a human
Plays fantasy game
But user I'm playing a human skeleton
Implying Id want to be another degenerate race. Humans are best.
it’s because they’re the best race
Last I checked, Humans can’t be Paladins.
>makes a thread
>it's shit
It's because I don't feel like a human in real life!
Why would you not want to play the objectively best race?
See any elves get to the moon? Get the land speed record? Invent Cars? DIDNT THINK SO FAGGOT
Objectively best party setup:
Exotic or another Elf or Dwarf
In most games Humans are considered a "jack-of-all-trades" type; they're not particularly specialized in any one area but they can do a little of everything. It's a safe choice, so to speak, for someone who isn't familiar with whatever specializations there might be. Definitely for someone who can't into min/max.
But on the other hand there's something heroic about being a regular old human in a world full of epic monsters and shit and just surviving and being awesome.
>plays fantasy game
>makes a cool character first, race second
>humans are the underdogs
>agree to play all-human party
>THAT GUY makes a slav
We're playing 5e and using an Awakened Undead homebrew we stole online.
Ill look for my sheet if you want specifics
Oh, I know the one, good to see it's being used!
>lives in current year
>isn't an otherkin genderfluid
I'd say if your 'cool character' doesn't require race to work, you should play human in order to not cheapen fantastic elements of the setting, because if you choose elf just for the +2 in dex, i doubt you will RP it well enough.
Fantasy humans are not real world humans.
>Renaissance men
Now look at yourself. Nothing in common.
did i incidentally memed?
Might as well. All the races are humanoid. Humans with pointy ears or midgets. Even Star Trek's forehead aliens are more different.
Oh boy I can't wait to play any of these;
>human with knife ears
>green brute big human
>small human with beard
>some super speshull unique edition human
>human with horns
>human with fur
s-so many choices!
Fantasy lacks punch without the contrast of the familiar.
You are a project of a man.
I'm an accident ;_;
Objectively best party setup:
Whatever player is most comfortable with roleplaying
Whatever player is most comfortable with roleplaying
Whatever player is most comfortable with roleplaying
Whatever player is most comfortable with roleplaying
Whatever player is most comfortable with roleplaying
>Posts eye-roll image
>No actual eye-roll present
Gee, it really makes a difference if I pick "just" human or a human with a tertiary appearance characteristics like pointy ears or short height!
This bait is so fucking stale I bet you are younger than the "issue" you want to bait with.
It's funny how the retards that always make this argument somehow think their opinions are any better than the one held by the OP.
>Plays a fantasy game
>Makes what is basically a human with a different race name stamped on it
If everybody is a multigendered magma being, then that just makes the said magma beings a place holder for humans.
>he doesn't want to push human supremacy in his fantasy
you leave Boris alone.
That's bit of a dick move. Everybody should limit their power levels to being in line with the rest of the group.
I like playing humans as the objective correlative, playing a traditional, relatable character that allows the others to seem more interesting and valuable rather than having a party so full of snowflakes that nobody gets to feel special
>be one of those faggots that think humans are boring race in fantasy
>disregard the fact that 99+ % of fiction ever written, including timeless classics, have humans as sole protagonist species
>disregard the fact that even in most classics of fantasy as literary genre concept of "races" as in tolkien or d&d is relatively rare
>disregard that most of those examples that have races are actually cheesy, silly and either derivative or contrarian "forced originality" shit and not quality literature
>probably cant come up and rp interesting character because only distonguishing characteristics he can think of are racial stereotypes
>that or is pathetic borderline otherkin with unquenched need to be speshool. Most likely both
Faggots like you always make me laugh. Except when i have to play with them, thn they make me cry
Elves are just humans with pointy ears
Dwarves are short humans with beards
Orcs are green skinned barbaric humans
And all of those are “human + something extra.” Why would you ever JUST be a human? It’s like if your choices were “human” and “human + feat,” why the fuck would you ever choose the former?
>disregard that-
Thanks, I will. Your post is hilariously salty.
It's funny how some people jump to retarded conclusions for no reason whatsoever.
... and why would you pretend that your character is anything else, but human with some bullshit, meaningless aesthetics difference?
Seriously, the whole "muh speshal nonhuman" bullshit reached the point where playing as human midget is more interesting than picking dwarf.
>That Other Guy makes an Irish
>All human party
>But worse, a G*rm
>He doesn't run a character that has an entirely different, almost alien mentality and value system
>there are people who don't play as a flumph
>play fantasy game
>make a human with pointy ears and long lifespan
>make a short dextrous human
>make a short burly human
>make a muscular dumb human
>make a human with animal ears/tail
No, fuck off. If your race doesn't provide meaningful differences - cultural, physical, intellectual, supernatural or otherwise - that distinguish your race from humans sufficiently, then why the fuck not play a human with those insufficiently distinguishable traits instead?
-10 HP
Humans are the counterculture.
>ITT: OPs easy bait lets other anons explain how unimaginative they are.
I mean if you cant do something interesting rp wise playing as a fucking lizard I dunno what to tell ya.
>agree to play all-human party
>THAT GUY makes a nigger.
Urgh. We said an all-human party sicko.
The Sons of horus are experts in all forms of heresy.
Dwarves and other traditional fantasy races can do nothing that humans can not.
All they bring are bs stereotypes.
user, even with the most mundane of fantasy races, you have high variances in levels of toxin consumption ability and lifespan.
Nope, there is definitely a point where a creature is no longer human. If you saw a walking, talking bird creature, applying your simple ideas, you would say “that’s just a human with feathers”. However if that creature existed, we would be fascinated by it. There would be sociologists wanting to learn about the creature’s culture. Scientists would want to examine its physical structure. The intelligence of the creature. Being a completely different creature, it may never be able to fit into our society. The reason would be, it’s not “just a human with feathers”. Just because a being is bipedal, and intelligent, doesn’t mean it is human. Would you say the t-1000 is just a liquid metal human? Can’t you see how much of an over simplification that is? Is a gorilla just a really really dumb, hairy human?
>no shortstack
Dwarves don't count cause the females have beards
Except the races in DnD aren't culturally and mentally distinct enough to be the bird in your example, they're humans with some minor traits thrown on.
They aren't allowed to be anything else because people are meant to play them.
>But worse, a G*rm
What's his tax policy like?
Obviously I agree with you that they're total idiots.
Which was more fun to play in AVP? A terran Marine? A predator with those crazy vision modes? OR A FUCKING ZERG ALIEN BIOMONSTER WITH BLINDVISION?
I always played a marine.
Harsh, his tax policy is harsh, to put it nicely.