Broken World

Well, it's out. How is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wasn’t that blonde chick white? What tumblr filter did she get stuck in to turn into an American?

The pic is of Auntie Swordhobo Maya when she's younger. She used to have the key that Incubus now had.

And she is not Allison. Just to be clear.

Allison isn't a natural blonde, she's (disappointingly) actually a brunette.

Also, KSBD is based around Eastern Religion, with particular emphasis on Zen Buddhism and Vedic Hinduism. It'd be weird to base your mythos around Asian religion and not have people look at least vaguely Asian.

Better question: has anyone here played Powered by the Apocolypse games? Apparently Broken Worlds is based on that system, and I'd like to know how good it is.

PbtA is an okay system for what it does, which is simplify RPGs into the most basic and bland formulaic play possible while expecting players to help make the game good. In other words, just like FATE: if your players are engaged, interested, and creative, it's good. If they aren't, it will suck hot shit worse than FATE can.

What I'm wondering is if we're going to be seeing the other members of Maya's adventuring party in the comic. They're all members of races with natural immortality, so it seems possible that they'd still be alive if nothing killed them in the mean-time.

I cant believe they managed to make an RPG so bland and forgettable with that setting. All in all I am just disappointed. Not even mad just kinda meh.

Does anyone have a PDF? I'm a faggot who is too retarded to find it on my own.

You could always run your own homebrew with a generic ruleset like Savage Worlds

From the other thread: