Requesting plot hooks for starfighter OR fleetjunkie writefaggotry
nextgen/3 decades later setting
Levi Sanchez
Was there ever a greyed or blacked out Imperial version of the LAAT? Closest thing I could get to unmarked is this edit of a TFU Concept Art, but it looks more like a mercenary variant.
Angel Price
As part of an air (space?) show, a pilot in a Reb ship begins a mock dogfight against a pilot in an Imp ship. Cocky and expecting the Imp pilot to just roll over, the Reb begins making a big show of it. However, the tables turn once the Imp maneuvers behind the Reb, and begins opening fire. What follows is a tense. drawn-out dogfight, as both skilled pilots are familiar with their own and their enemy's ships, and attempt to use every slight advantage and every ounce of creativity they have to win the engagement. Both pilots emerge with a great amount of respect, and a bit of rivalry, towards the other, despite never having met or even heard of the other before.
After the air show, both pilots meet within a bar, and through events learn the other's identity. Suddenly, news is brought in that the planet/sector/whatever has been attacked by X Faction, and soon the two pilots find themselves within the same squad fighting against a mutual enemy.
Matthew Bell
Obligatory Armada shill here, reminding you about Armada.
With a Rebels/Rogue themed wave coming up, now's as great a time as any to jump into the game! A tournament viable fleet will run you about $200, or $300 if you want one for both factions. That's MSRP - subtract FLGS discount if appropriate.
I'll be checking in periodically if you have any questions about the game. It's a lot of fun, by far my favorite miniature wargame I've ever played.
Lucas Bell
Whoever makes the trailers for EAfront 2 should just make the Star Wars movies themselves desu
Leo Butler
armada is different that X wing correct? so no scum faction?
Nathaniel Torres
Chase Cruz
The more I think about it, the more agitated I get.
Last night, I debated with an user who said TLJ was worse that AotC. Now, I am not a huge fan of the PT. Many arent. But it does have its strengths. For what it's worth, George Lucas has a great grasp at making a galaxy feel large and alive. This isnt accomplished just by diverse clothes and cultures or shots of another planet, but also by the universe feeling like the events at point A link to point B, despite distance. He world builds in an above average fashion at least, im sure we can agree
But more important, his world building is MOSTLY consistent, with a few extreme outliers (ie., midichlorians, PT jedi power scaling). Episode 1 neatly flows to 2, then 3, and then 4, and rules of 1 movie applies to the next. Anakin abhors sand, flying in an asteroid field is dangerous as hell, etc. But the ST has a massive continuity problem. It doesnt really seem to understand how massive a galaxy is. Deus Ex machinas are applied in a way that undermine past events why didnt the CIS or Rebels use Hyperspace rams to BTFO star destroyers or the Death Star?
Hunter Carter
This is, I think, the crux of whats wrong with the ST. The lack of continuity. Nothing seems to flow, and the universe seems to be actively REGRESSING due to how disjointed it feels. The First Order feels like its made up of a dozen ships, yet overtakes the Galaxy. The New Republic is super popular supposedly, yet folds like a paper towel and has only a few ships left and 0 reinforcements. Even the big bad is left underutilized.
I get it if Disney wants to focus on the young face of our new heroes. Frankly, I liked Rose. I think Daisey plays Rey as competently as she could given the circumstance. Kylo is a horribly underrated villain who is deliberately a wannabe who never could (so long as he wears the masque). But there are ways to do it without bringing down the old. Why not have the heroes do their own thing, 100% originally? Why not have them FAIL, which is explicitly said to be the greatest teacher in this film?
There's a lot to dislike about this film the more I think about how out-of-place, bizarre, and out-of-touch it seems with the last Star Wars movies.
I am angry. Angry about Mice.
Jackson Wright
>PT jedi power scaling Actually, this was mostly in line with the OT. The only difference of any real significance was lightsaber fighting, but then again in the OT we have >Obi v Vader, a foregone conclusion and you can tell they're not going all out on each other >Luke v Vader Cloud City, Vader is explicitly just trying to convert Luke, not kill him, and Luke is half-trained at best >Luke v Vader Throne Room, Vader is conflicted in his loyalty to the Emperor and the love his son is showing, Luke has wizened (supposedly) and isn't trying to kill Vader.
All the actual techniques (minus what appeared to be legit telepathy from Palpatine in RotS, and the speed in TPM that was never used in the movies again) we saw in the prequels were otherwise in line with what we saw in the OT.
Angel Martin
True, maybe im being too harsh. A lot of people miss that key point. Pretty much no one in the OT WANTS TO KILL LUKE.
The only times Luke is 100% mortally attacked: >Tusken Raider (saved by Ben) >Death Star trench run (saved by Han) >Jabbas thugs (saved himself, with help from Artoo) >Emperor Watts (saved by Dad)
In most other cases, the bad guys are pulling punches, and Luke still gets BTFO. Rey doesnt have that problem, which makes her "perfect" out of the box, which means boring af.
Carter Taylor
Sebastian Nguyen
So the stormtroopers inside the DS who were attacking Luke and co before and during rescuing Leia, the Wampa, the AT-ATs on Hoth and the scout-troopers on Endor were all joshing about then?
Sebastian Young
>Fn-2199 gets a points hike in Destiny FUCK MY ASS THERE GOES MY DECK
Jason Howard
Alright, just got back from TLJ.
I thought TFA was mediocre and forgettable. I thought Rogue One was bad. TLJ is *great*. I definitely recommend it.
Don't have anything else unique to add; you've seen everybody else posting about it already. Just tossing on my perspective given the context of how I feel about the other Disney Wars movies.
The Leia scene you've heard about is every goddamn bit as stupid as people say, and it's wonderful.
Adam Price
TLJ was garbage and worse than R1. Are you telling me that the SUPREMACY and 5 other SDs couldn't send out enough fighters and bombers to BTFO of 3 small cruisers instead of that fucking retarded space chase scene. Or how come that retarded Tumblr admiral refused to tell Poe what the plan was indirectly leading to countless unnecessary deaths or how they completely butchered Luke's character. Fuck You
Jaxson Watson
New Legion preview! (yes I'm also part-timing as the legion shill)
The actual movement stuff is old-hat and the pictures are boring so I'll skip reposting it.
>As an action, you may direct your unit to take aim at their target, receiving an aim token. This token can be spent during an attack to let you reroll two attack dice! Conversely, you may devote one of your actions to hunkering down and avoiding enemy fire by taking a dodge token. Dodge tokens can be spent during combat to negate a single hit that would have targeted your unit!
>Your units may also choose to spend their actions rallying their spirits or preparing for enemy movement. The recover action allows you to remove all suppression tokens from your unit and ready all exhausted upgrade cards—we’ll take a much closer look at suppression tokens in our next preview when we examine combat. You may also hold your troopers in readiness, waiting to react to what your opponent does. By taking a standby action, your troopers gain the power to move or attack when it’s not their activation, reacting to any enemy unit within Range 1-2 taking an action!
Next preview is dedicated to combat.
Josiah Bennett
user, you're EU fanboying.
The only one of your complaints that actually is valid on the movie's own terms is Holdo not telling Poe her plan for no particular reason. That was dumb and to the movie's detriment, yeah.
Stuff like "they ruined Luke!" is just blind fanboy rage, which makes your Anakin picture pretty appropriate. Luke's character arc was interesting and Hamill's performance was great. Him not being EU-Luke is an irrelevant complaint.
Jack Brown
Even Hamil didn't like what they did to Luke: he played the part well but the part shat on him. It's not fanboying mouse shill.
Isaac Mitchell
Hamill also fanboying doesn't make it not fanboying.
Easton Carter
>none of the OT characters have learned shit >they exist only to fail and die so the fucking cardboard cutouts we have for protagonists in the nutrilogy look good >y-your complaints are blind fanboy rage user, stop your irrelevant complaining! Fuck you shill, go back to Kat Kennedy's dusty vagoo
Owen King
You're fanboying too. You're only thinking on your emotional investment in the franchise rather than approaching the movie on its own terms.
Also it's kind of interesting to see >mouse shill and >Fuck you shill, go back to Kat Kennedy's dusty vagoo
When the entire reason I posted my personal reaction was because I'm someone that didn't like the other two Disney Wars movies.
Isaiah Lewis
The mouse isn't looking to push movies that have been out for so long already, so they're fine with their shills dismissing their previous films to gain an appearance of legitimacy.
Hudson Campbell
Dude shut the hell up. Luke went from trying to help and redeem Vader despite him being complacent to the destruction of a planet and killing countless innocents to a man willing to murder his own nephew for dreaming bad thoughts.
Leo Harris
Go suck a dinosaurs tit and shank your nephew in his sleep, you retard.
Isaiah Torres
Kill yourself and stream it, shill.
Ayden Sanchez
First of all, you're judging the movie for things outside the movie again.
Secondly... did we watch the same scene? Luke describes it as "a single moment of weakness" or whatever, that came immediately as he looked inside Kylo's mind. And then spends the entire movie, plus however much time offscreen before the movie's timeline, blaming himself and regretting it.
Christian Peterson
So, what new space ships/fighters we have? Any non variation of OT desings?
Joshua Hill
A big version of a MonCal cruiser. A big version of a Nebulon-B. And a big version of a CR-90.
Levi Barnes
Blaming himself, regretting it, and not doing jack shit to fix it until Ma-Rey Sue came along.
Fuck JJ and Rian
Jeremiah Campbell
You are shitting me right. That's way worse than any EU book, game or fanfic. They have to at least put some original star fighter, I seen it in the trailers.
Brayden White
>Blaming himself, regretting it, and not doing jack shit to fix it until Ma-Rey Sue came along.
His entire character arc was based on the fact that he saw himself as overconfident. That's why he didn't do anything.
Again, just because it's not what you think would've happened in the old EU doesn't have impact on the quality of TLJ as a movie.
Jackson Hernandez
Bombers yeah
Kevin Edwards
>Overconfidence leads to pulling a weapon on your nephew
Liam Taylor
Overconfidence was him thinking he could make everything right and fix everything himself.
His own fear pushing Kylo over the edge is what made him see that as overconfidence and decide pull out of the happenings of the entire galaxy.
Then Yoda yells at him for running away from his failures instead of embracing them.
Cameron Martin
The Death Star thing is explicitly called out as the Empire letting them go. I forgot about the Wampa. But the point remains, its hit and miss as to being truly in danger, and the point is he is compelling compared to Rey BECAUSE he is challenged.
How often are captains made aware of existential leadership strategies?
Luke didnt kill kylo. He stopped himself. Anakin wouldnt have stopped himself, so that arc remains intact.
Connor Scott
>When the OT is part of the "Old EU" now God damn it, the problem is that it's character assassination by comparison to the character we knew. You never liked the OT in the first place though so his whole arc there probably didn't leave any impression on you. It's why you taking opinions on Characters as if we didn't know them in three other movies is so laughable.
Blake Miller
If he was that overconfident, he would have just retired to slurp down lizard cum on a shitty island in the middle of nowhere. That's actually the opposite of being overconfident.
Kevin Nelson
Maybe he was overconfident in his capability to enjoy sucking lizard dicks for the rest of his life
Joshua Nelson
I feel just about the same way. The movie itself wasn't bad, but it doesn't fit in with the established politics, astrography, the way the Force works, the characters from the OT etc. AT ALL.
Adam Hall
There's one in theTarkin novel. An illustration of it appeared in Insider.
Hunter Johnson
What about the FO fleet not being able to destroy 3 cruisers with fighters?
Noah Thomas
I don't recall if it was Hux or the other guy that delivered the line, but he said "we can't support you at that range" or something. And I don't remember ever seeing that they had bombers in the fleet.
But there also wasn't really any indication what that line was meant to mean. And it came right after Kylo's escorts blew up the bridge of the Raddus, which was also a dumb moment that took me out of the film (apparently there's no setting between "some shields rear" and "all shields rear"?).
So that was one moment that was dumb, yeah. But the rest of that protracted battle (the opening sequence and ongoing chase throughout the film made sense, although it dragged on somewhat.
Ayden Evans
>ongoing chase throughout the film made sense Fuck you.
Wyatt Cook
If you disagree, explain why.
Jayden Parker
Why would they not have bombers? Is the FO retarded? And even without bombers the supremacy should have enough fighters to completely overwhelm 3 small cruisers.
Carson Miller
>And I don't remember ever seeing that they had bombers in the fleet. What sort of mouth-breathing retard doesn't pack bombers or torpedo craft in his space carriers?
Asher Gonzalez
>What sort of mouth-breathing retard doesn't pack bombers or torpedo craft in his space carriers?
Christopher Morris
Also did the Dreadnought not have shields or something? And was that the entire FO fleet? Why didn't they have some SDs or cruisers warp in and cut the resistance off. They had 16 fucking hours to get there.
Blake Fisher
>What sort of mouth-breathing retard doesn't pack bombers or torpedo craft in his space carriers? >Why would they not have bombers? Is the FO retarded?
It would appear they prefer to use big guns on ships instead.
Also, the First Order being retarded is not an impossibility. Overconfidence is a pretty traditional character flaw for villains, Snoke and company included.
>And even without bombers the supremacy should have enough fighters to completely overwhelm 3 small cruisers.
That's the point I addressed. They *were* overwhelming them, however they pulled them back due to range. But the movie didn't really explain why that was necessary, and it was a moment that took me out of the film.
Ryder Cox
All excellent points that you guys raised there. If that is the case I'm looking forward to D*sney making new special editions with the main characters all being the massive pricks and useless baggage that they are in the new movies Also, a beefed up B-Wing/B-17 bomber that is slow as fuck, a blue A-Wing but looong, and Kylo Ren's edgy TIE-Avenger. Highlights are the FO's Mandator IV Battleship and Supremacy Mega Star Destroyer.
Hunter Clark
What would they need goddamn bombers for if their basic fighters can blow out the fucking bridge from a Mon Cal battlecruiser? Asking the right questions, my man
Jayden Kelly
>Also did the Dreadnought not have shields or something? And was that the entire FO fleet? Why didn't they have some SDs or cruisers warp in and cut the resistance off. They had 16 fucking hours to get there.
The Resistance fleet could have jumped to hyperspace at any time. The FO could track them, not predict where they were going. They didn't know the fleet's destination was that salt planet until whatshisface betrayed the Resistance as it was happening.
That seemed straightforward to me, no?
Zachary Adams
Is no one creaming their pants that a single cruiser jumping into hyperspace can one shot a massive warship? And any debris that come out are also in hyperspeed velocity, thus cutting everything else in its path like lighting?
Lincoln Cruz
>Mandator IV Daily reminder
Adam Lewis
One does not simply add Relativistic Kill Vehicles to a setting without upsetting everything about that setting.
Jack Fisher
The Pizza Slice and Space Calzone haven't been ridiculed enough.
Liam Gonzalez
>The Resistance fleet could have jumped to hyperspace at any time. The FO could track them, not predict where they were going. So what the heck does that change? They KNOW the Resistance have almost no fuel left, so they bring in the flanking fleet, Resistance jumps, first order jumps after them, and they're done. Or you know what? What about just microjumping at the fleet if its too fucking fast in realspace? Ergh Just fuck me in the back of my knee right now
Angel Stewart
Josiah Barnes
Daily reminder that the true villains on the casino planet purposely designed and sold shitty designs to the FO so that they don't BTFO the Republic so they can still sell to both
Blake Roberts
>The movies are now about a bunch of jackasses with Khyber Pass guns taking shots at each other
Christopher Robinson
>the true big bad is the military-industrial complex I'd honestly like to see the ham-handed way Disneywars would try to write that, if it somehow happened.
Jack Gonzalez
Hunter Flores
I swear, the fucking Destiny Deckbuilder hates me. I got a pretty fun Rey/Finn build Im working on and the damn site keeps crashing on me and wont let me save it. In related news, gimme some feedback on this Kylo deck
Best i can assume is that Snoke likes to play with his food and gets off at suffering in a way that even Palps would feel as drawn out. The Emperor would kick his ass at every concievable level, from planning to tactics to RAAW power
Mason Morales
It pisses me off and they better find a patchwork excuse NOW to explain why they havent done this for years
Nolan Morris
That was another dumb moment.
Looked cool, though. It was a neat visual.
Ryan Clark
>Highlights are the FO's Mandator IV Battleship and Supremacy Mega Star Destroyer. Would've said 'stopped reading there' but you ended your post on there.
Andrew Cooper
7 fucking KM for a few small guns? What the fuck?
Lucas Kelly
Maybe most of it is a troop carrier and powering the big fucking gun?
I havnt read the page so I dont know if it actually holds troops
Benjamin Campbell
Lad an Acclamator is 800m and holds thousands of troops while still having bigger weapons than that thing.
Chase Lopez
This so much this. Tumblr admirals maneuver was even worse than Hans trick in TFA. If you can just send a droid to kamikaze a ship to destroy a fleet the FO should have been destroyed.
Nicholas Moore
Hamill is an insane has-been. Who cares what he thinks. Punished Luke was the only realistic way to portray him.
Daniel Wood
>Snoke offers 50% discount >50%= Half off It's like poetry
Camden Turner
So just as "destroyer" means battleship in Star Wars, "dreadnought" apparently means monitor.
Jacob Evans
I meant that one really big gun they have. Acclamtors dont have a gun like that. Even the Executor had nothing like that gun. Maybe it just needed an irrationally big power supply. Im just making stuff up, i have no idea.
Nicholas Lopez
Trade Federation Lucrehulks worked on the same principle. Heavy guns on a transport, although minor sources list different variants for the ship. Hell, in a fight between the Mandator IV and a Lucrehulk battleship I think the latter would come out on top.
James Cruz
I was only speaking in terms of size Nice A fucking Nebbie could take on the Mandator IV with the current armament, provided they stay out of reach from the two big guns, and that is a piece of cake
Cameron Scott
War... has changed. It's no longer about republic, empire, or rebels. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War — and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. purposely badly trained soldiers carry purposely badly designed weapons, use purposely badly designed gear. Nano-machines inside their bodies diminish and limit their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War - has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of selling Weapons of Mass Destruction and he who controls the battlefield, controls the galaxy. War, has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes shitty.
Joshua Ross
Not even kidding, Hux would be a hilarious filler villain for a campaign set in post-Endor EU. Just imagine this smug ginger dumbass and his little band of LARPers bragging about how their the true successors to the Empire, only to promptly get their asses kicked because they were too busy building giant space compensaters to remember that point defenses were a thing.
Nathan Jones
Elijah Gray
Holy shit, Disney really dropped the ball if audiences are already panning it that hard.
Gabriel James
I fucking love it. It's the only good thing to come from this useless piece of shit combined with the Battlefront 2 lootbox fiasco has done an amazing job at smearing shit on Disney's face when its comes to their Star Wars license. It won't stop anything and the gears of corporate entertainment will continue to turn, but 2017 will be remembered as the year that Star Wars died, even for normies.
Brayden Green
I'm honestly amazed they managed to fuck up so badly in such a short period of time. I wonder if the execs will reconsider greenlightling eps 10-12 if merch sales start dropping after this.
Chase Fisher
We can only hope. My hope is they'll probably just continue on with the films that we already know we're getting. So just Ep 9 and the Han Solo movie. And then Disney will put Star Wars dormant and make it seem like that was their intention and talk about a "new Star Wars for new fans" coming out further down the line, spaced about like these are from the Prequels. And meanwhile, they'll desperately try to figure out what the fuck went wrong, fail to realize what they did wrong, and shit out some more trash in a decade.
Ethan Brown
Not for the faint of heart.
Noah Roberts
Recover and Standby both sound incredibly strong if played right. Just need a decent upgrade card to exhaust and you could have a powerful little build going.
Austin Cox
Cross sections preview
Caleb Barnes
Liam Hughes
Ethan Wright
I just came out of the cinema and not a single person cheered or clapped at the end. It was just a ambience of sullen silence and betrayal.
Brody Fisher
Christian Wood
This realm is getting too magical for me.
Jacob Bennett
First impression review of TLJ, even though no one cares what user thinks:
Well, John Williams' score is on-point as usual. Shame i can't say the same for the rest of the movie. Despite Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher doing their best, TLJ was two, maybe three good scenes thrown into what was essentially a snoozefest that utterly failed to capture the essence, or even nostalgia feel, of Star Wars.
Jason Stewart
As much as I love SW, it's getting really stale.
Jaxon Rivera
Who would have ever thought that turning a series of films that were released over the course of six years in two batches into a yearly-release to plug toys and marketing materials would get old?
Jacob Stewart
When you put it like that, it makes sense.
Jack Martin
How the fuck was the new republic destroyed by a loss of a single system