Hi Veeky Forums! I wanna start a small IG army, 750 points to be precisse, so here are my questions:
- Is the Start Collecting!: Militarum Tempestus good to start the army? - What should it be compossed mainly? I mean, what is the main compossition it can go with?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
How much terrain is too much?
Jack Collins
Reposting since the previous thread just went under. What do you guys think of this list? I've already logged one "unfun for everyone".
Cameron Allen
Can't have too much terrain. The more the better. That is nowhere near enough.
Ian Russell
5th for sisters mod for x-com when?
Ryder Cooper
To find the perfect amount of terrain for a table, try and completely cover one quarter of it with all the stuff bunched together. If you can't, that's not enough. If there's spill over, you have too much.
Aaron Peterson
height and LoS blocking is more important than flat coverage.
Grayson Clark
Decent but you'll need more troops.
Hunter Wilson
At LEAST a quarter of the table's space should be occupied by terrain that'd block LOS for an average infantry model
Jack Turner
what is with this boards obsession with ig, most boring faction imo.
Jayden Wright
>tfw a Vulture + Punisher Cannons /w shipping is the same price as a Knight
Samuel Rodriguez
kys taufag
Benjamin Collins
it's better value than a knight in points and dollars.
Alexander Butler
>Not owning multiple armies
How's welfare treating you?
Daniel Ramirez
I could also get two Valkyries for the same price.
There's a lot of neat vehicles and troops for various purposes, plus you can make your own regiment which is far less cheesy than making your own Chapter.
Also xenos are yucky and chaos is for edgy autists. I'd run some Craftworld Eldar with Rangers if my brother wasn't playing Eldar
Charles Adams
What if all of my infantry models are above average? I play Krieg.
Carter Parker
Did chapter approved change the points cost of the Arvus Lighter?
Jonathan Anderson
Nope, only the Avenger.
Aiden Mitchell
>TFW you play at a GW and they don't even have enough terrain for ONE table.
Nicholas Myers
use the filters on the left to disable all the extra crap
Jordan Green
Format it properly and we’ll tell you
Anthony Baker
I don't encourage nor reward autistic tendencies, sorry.
Jaxson Jones
Even Wraith guard should be blocked by it
Adam Barnes
Not everyone shares the same opinions as you. Shocking I know, but there it is.
Jaxson Foster
Nathan Gonzalez
What does the "A" stat do? Is it how many times a model can melee attack?
Jaxson Price
If I had any knowledgeable or enough time to learn I’ll do it my self.
Josiah Ross
Luis Murphy
>Shoot two plasmas at a warlord neurothrope. >Overcharge to get that sweet 2+ to wound >roll4 6s >roll 4 2s for wound >Dice gods blessed me! >He saves 3 on 3+ invulnerable and 1d on Hive Fleet's FNP. fuck's sake
Jack Martinez
There aren't a lot of neat vehicles, the opposite in fact. They're all boring analogues of run of the mill current military shit. The only interesting unit in the whole faction are Ogryn.
Brody Hill
Logan James
If a strong invuln makes AP worthless, best to shoot it with massed-fire to force fails with weight and use that plasma on things that are more likely to feel it
Nathan Smith
should have brought mortal wounds instead :^)
Dominic Martin
Two plasma-gunners were the only thing on that half of the table.
William Price
>chaos is for edgy autists.
What about Renegades?
Joseph Morgan
Would Ultramarines be less insufferable if they went all out with the Roman aesthetic for them?
Jackson Mitchell
>Also xenos are yucky and chaos is for edgy autists. >better stick to muh 20 flavors of space marine you are wrong
Aiden Davis
That's because you're not interested in "run of the mill current military shit".
Like always, irrelevant.
I don't play space marines, and I'm largely in agreement with you.
Robert Harris
Nah, it clashes with the gothic aesthetic of the imperium and would make them look very out of place. Plus too much other shit needs models before new marine snowflakes.
Juan Edwards
I've put four 3d wounds on a lord of contagion and had every one of them saved by disgustingly resilient. That's 12 5+
Tauroxes aren't so bad any more. They're cheap tansports that are only frailer than chimeras by a point of toughness.
Matthew Turner
What's the difference in the two?
Michael Clark
There is something very weird going on with the ork on the left
Tyler Morales
Cooper Sanders
And I’m not wasting my time scrolling through your effortless copy/paste filth.
If you won’t put any effort into organizing your list, why would you expect anyone to put in the effort to give you an analysis?
Justin Brown
This is the type of people that shares the hobby with you.
Lucas Bailey
and for paints: abaddon black spray & base zandri dust castelen green bugman glow agrax earthshade leadbelcher celstra grey nuln oil cadian fleshtone
John Clark
I don't think people feel Ultramarines are insufferable because of their roman aesthetic. Some people might not like the blue, or might have learned not to like the blue because Ultramarines, but I see very few people bitching about the helmet crest-plumes and leaf-shaped swords.
You might occasionally find someone who laments the choice of a Roman aesthetic over a Greek one, but very few people simply dislike the Roman look on its own merit.
Ultramarines are instead considered insufferable for their fluff caveats and their suffocating presence in events that eclipses all other Codex chapters. In other words, people dislike the Mary-Sue/Poster Boy aspect of the Ultramarines, particularly in this current climate of Tell-Don't-Show writing.
Kayden Evans
Liam Taylor
That's like asking "do you prefer Khorne or Skarbrand?"
Alexander Gomez
I presume you're gonna use the tauroxes to transport the infantry squads? They only have 10 capacity so you can't take their officers with them. I also see that the infantry squads have grenade launchers, I'd advice you to use anything else
Ryder Bell
Well I mean I just dislike them for how generic they are. Amping up anything that differentiates them can only make them better in my eyes.
Parker Hernandez
Basically undivided can't exist for anyone else (Lorgar, Perturabo) if you take Bella's dumb lore at face value.
It seems like there's a lot of neat ideas here marred by some poor execution. And although I am just a burger, 110 euros sounds like a lot.
Isaiah Martin
And people wonder why even the most basic, obvious stuff needs an FAQ ...
Andrew Hernandez
>poor execution ork vehicles are supposed to look like a hunk of tied together garbage, whats the problem.
Connor Hall
So... You think Ultramarines are generic, and removing the aesthetic stand-outs would make them look less generic? Or are you saying the Roman aesthetic is generic?
Jeremiah Rivera
110 euros is about 130 burgerdollars
Justin Hughes
Chaos undivided used to be the fact that demon princes / legions could decide to align themselves with all 4 chaos gods at the same time. While this wouldn't give them the blessing and favor of any specific god it would give them the ability to call upon any god that would most helpful at the time as well as giving an undivided bonus. This also meant that all traitor legions / primarchs minus the 4 aligned with a specific god could fall under this undivided category.
Belakor retconed all this saying he was the first undivided demon prince that all 4 gods gave their blessing to, and that belakor would play the gods against each other leading them on that if they just gave him a little more power he would join a specific gods faction. Then the gods caught onto what he was doing and removed 90% of their power from him and said they would never allow an undivided follower again (despite the fact horus and abbadon are exactly that). This also means that all legions and primarchs that were undivided now have to be devoted to a specific god, but for the most part they never bothered to actually say who these undivided factions suddenly joined. This means for example Perturabo now has to either be a khornate retard, a slaaneshi degenerate, a disease infested nurglite, or a bird person. None of those options fit in with (what little) demon Perturabo there exists.
John Scott
The MT taurox prime is actually really good as mobile dakka
Cameron Campbell
Totally agree. I honestly think it starts from LE STEEL BAWLZ XD and how manly are they supposed to be, something which the average guard player isn't at all. Let them be though.
Adrian Sanchez
>going all out with could you people stop being retarded? You are giving me a headache.
Jacob Gonzalez
The fact this this looks like hunks of real-world 1:1 scale garbage glued to a baneblade model. Not hunks of 41st millenium 28mm scale garbage welded or riveted onto a captured imperial tank wreck. You fucking stupid cunt.
Brayden Morgan
They're going to be always generic because they follow the codex astartes
John Jackson
fits their playbase lad.
Colton Miller
where did you get that from?
I'm saying they are generic now. Make them more roman looking to make them less generic. Is english not your first language or something?
Aaron Howard
My bad. I read "Without" instead of "went all out." I apologize. I'm just still traumatized by the old people/dark eldar story from yesterday.
Jason Kelly
>an undivided follower again (despite the fact horus and abbadon are exactly that).
They said they would never create an Undivided Daemon Prince again due to the fact that the Chaos Gods cannot control such a thing. Undivided followers are still kosher but they don't get any marks.
Abaddon is the only exception to the rule. The Chaos Gods have so much faith in Abaddon that they bestowed upon him the Mark of the Chaos Ascendant. A mark that not even Horus got because he was a tool in a both figurative and literal sense.
Ryan Garcia
Brayden Evans
which one?
Samuel Long
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Nolan Davis
You are being rude, while i agree that orkblade looks like shit there is no need to be an asshole while wording it.
Xavier Jenkins
Even still user, even still...
Eli James
William Howard
>Aw, it's got a little plane and launch ramp.
That's a grot bomb.
Gavin Perez
Ryan Hall
Just drop it, ok?
Wyatt Brooks
I believe it, check the STD rate for the elderly it's ridiculously high because those degenerate bastards cant get enough
Ian James
Joshua Parker
oh fuck, i think I now which story you mean
Jordan Rogers
Do they even exist in 8th? And if they do are they at least mediocre?
Isaiah Cox
Joshua White
Brody Allen
Your picture is missing an e
Thomas Wright
>my picture
Angel Ortiz
>i'll just mention this two unrelated things to sound intelligent >Fans are autistic idiots, I get to say what is canon >GW told me I can't do this but i'll sperg like a little kid and tell them everyone thinks like I do so they must let me do it Wew lad that was embarassing. No one called him out?
William Gonzalez
>ask a simple question of "if Undivided princes don't exist, how are daemon primarchs handled" >receive several paragraphs of "you're all retards" with a nice "lol I dunno" at the end
And people will defend this.
Landon Long
What's the best way to combine Space marines and Tempestus Scion (Or/and?) Sisters of battle as a fighting force?
Ryan Lee
Quickly, change the subject.
Daniel Turner
For those who want this dark knowledge, here you go. You don't want to know, though. You don't want this burden. You read it, didn't you?
Jace Wood
Marines as objective takers/holders and Scions as suicidal strike teams to remove armored threats
Luis Williams
Make SM into Red Hunters, Scions into Inquisitorial stormtroopers and make a Witch Hunter army.