What kind of happy ending is waiting for your PC once the quest is done and the world is saved?
What kind of happy ending is waiting for your PC once the quest is done and the world is saved?
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You will never marry your 2D anime girl.
She will never give you children.
Reunion with his family in Elysium
My Drow Rogue was implied to go into politics after the campaign ended
his charisma was pretty high
If I saved the world, then I want the entire world as my fiefdom.
An island, depression and green sloth milk.
I don't destroy the character sheet, so that character still keeps on existing.
In a sense, the unchanging and peaceful world that awaits him is the same thing as dying.
Once his oaths are repaid, he returns to the mountain steppes of his homeland, finds a fine dwarven wife, has twenty children and lives out his twilight years hunting game, teaching his children and his children's children, and castrating bandits and trespassers.
My character actually got their ending just awhile ago actually. Technically we didn't save the world though, we actually might have made it worse. He got to keep his sloppy ghost dog though, so that's something.
Settling down, starting that theater she always wanted to run, having kids. And then outliving those kids, their father, her theater, the city her theater was in, the country that city was in...
The entire party has partners, so their happy ending would probably be the inevitable marriages and children once things are calmed down. They've amassed enough political goodwill that their remaining enemies will probably become harmless. Beyond that, half the party aren't really adventurers by trade and will probably settle into a merchant life somewhere, with the help of all the people they met along the way as contacts and business associates. The other half would either shift into politics or set sail elsewhere for high level adventure. Could go either way right now.
That's if things go well, though. I don't think everyone will make it.
>In a sense, the unchanging and peaceful world that awaits him is the same thing as dying.
>happy ending
There is no quest which could save this doomed world. No good or wholesome end awaits the hireling killer. There can be no happiness at the end of this dark path; it leads only to fire, bloodshed, and the reaper's cold embrace.
My swashbuckler got his own ship and toured the world.
>Then the retarded cunt removes her tits and cuts her beautiful dark mane
Kill the hooker, she deserves death.
I only had one campaign where I was attached enough to imagine a continuation for my PC after the group didn't want to keep going any more, wherein my paranoid cynical mercenary type struck up the world's most awkward romance with a fellow PC (with the player's permission), because she'd used Charm Person on him early in the campaign and he gained a huge crush on her as a result.
Somehow the ensuing relationship, despite the tons of baggage both of these PCs carried, didn't end in abject failure.
On to the next adventure.
Adventuring is my profession. We don't quit work just because we made this project's deadline.
Silently slipping away from the world and into the realm of legends
my bard fled the country and opened up a tavern with his rescued demon waifu.
my pirate abandoned the sea and instead went on a quest to find his sister, on land.
my warlock ventured into "the dark lands" to find himself a batdragon mount.
my "slayer" got transformed into a werebear and got placed into a gladitorial arena.
my paladin died, thinking of maybe bringing her back as a revenant blackguard, if i would ever need such a character.
my warlock/fighter backstabbed his entire party, killed them and took the treasure from the deepest pits of the earth for himself.
my cleric created a theocratic citystate.
my wizard went on in a highly questionable manner and dressed himself in the skulls and hides of slain beasts, while amassing even more of his already considerable power, most likely that he would reach a point of substantial power and then abandon adventuring and instead provide powerful wizard services in exchange for gold. but i wouldn't be suprised if he ended up becoming the BBEG for the next party.
>What kind of happy ending is waiting for your PC once the quest is done and the world is saved?
>Once his oaths are repaid, he returns to the mountain steppes of his homeland,
>mountain steppes
It just means the locals horse herds are actually made of hyppogryphs. They wander on the steppes like usual. Except said steppes are at an 80 degree angle.
Disregarding geographical pedantry it seems like an apt description.
Those are hills, not mountains !
>call of Cthulhu
A comfy padded cell in the nearest mental ward
>Wanting the dumb bitch who's pining for the edgy cunt's dick
The next quest.
Nah, it's traditional fantasy. She's just really long-lived and hasn't quite thought about the implications of that yet.
Hinata is True Ending. Go home narusaku.
My last character of a finished campaign sacrificed himself to help power a spell to seal up a tear in the planes. So his body is entombed at his Gods shrine back at the guild he was a member of, and his soul is floating around unconsciously in the space between planes.
Not really a "happy" ending for him, but his friends are alive and each have one of his swords to remember him by, and his extended family is well off because of the gold he would send home. So its not all bad.
Well my PC just made it out of CoS alive, but is borderline insane from it all. She was a queen gone missing so she'll probably return back and ultimately destroy the kingdom she worked so hard to build due to her mental instability. But hey at least she'll get to see her son again.
Dude, that looks like it's literally Himalyas.
dident some faggot kill himself because of this?
People who give a fuck about Naruto should be fucking banned. Naruto shippershits should be permabanned.
>Not wanting the caring waifu with the biggest rack.
Fucking millennials.
Boooooo, boring and edgy
>this level of damage control
lmaoing @ ur life, narusakufags
>People aren't allowed to talk about things I don't like! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!1!!!11!!! ONE
There is no peace, only war.
I'm gonna need some details, bro.
>It’s a pinkshit episode
Only in the fanciful land of tumblr could an ideal housewife be seen as a silver medal
What were they fucking thinking?!
>cute girl with giant tits and the most attractive haircut in the most attractive color who's been there rooting for you since the very beginning, she's also kind of a princess sort of
>tumblr haired flat cunt with nothing going for her
absolutely amazing.
Deserves it after trying to kill young Kylo while sleeping.
Jesus wept. What the fuck is this?
A comfortable and unchallenged rule of his home city, with the odd the odd execution or some other show of strength. To keep up appearences.
>Shadowrun decker/rigger
He retires from running and becomes a fixer, buidling custom drones and show cars/bikes in his spare time.
So damaged that nothing makes them truly happy anymore and that restlessness, coupled with smarts and ambition will lead to a long and twisted future in politics.
He'll work for the state till it kills him. Far too much of an oddball to settle down or attract a partner. Has no interests outside work and patriotism. Married to the job.
Struggling with PTSD and the loss of her family. Trying to save her home but isn't sure when that will happen if ever, and if it is even worth it at this point. Mostly in it for revenge which will probably disappoint in the end. Might become a mercenary if she can't find a purpose after that.
Secretly a romantic with a fear of being tied down and hangups about his lineage. Will settle down if the right woman comes along.
Stop, It Hurts
Probably a official post in the police force.
And lots of apple pie.
He's fat
Dare I say... Kino?
I'm playing a Rogue Trader. The ride never ends. There's always another blank spot on the map, one more rumor to chas down. One day he will meet his end doing the Emperor's work and making fabulous amounts of coin in the process, but until that day comes he's living the dream and wouldn't stop even if he could.
Is this kino
Is this?
>Dorf BattleHost
He really cannot go back to his old life, even if his quest is done. After what he did, there is no forgiveness. Only redemption and hopefully being forgotten in Death. The peace of the Grave is his only solace at this point.
Settled down with his cute apprentice and set to work finding a cure for his vampirism so he could grow old and die with her
yet to find the cure and she's 100 years in her grave
Considering how most of my group wants to burn down the world or turn it into a fascist nightmare just for teh ebin lulz? Probably swift death.
>arcing shots in space
for fuck's sake
Pic related, they're getting married.
Just gotta find a way to get home and court the fuck out of their loved one. Gonna give them a garbage sash, bitches loooove garbage sashes.
Nani sore?!
For the current character? I'm not sure, honestly. He's cursed to become a Grendel but doesn't know it, he has a villain that is obsessed with his love, and he has no real concept of positive emotions.
I'm sure something will get figured out, though.
MILF-Hinata looks like she has some top-quality milkers tho.
Leading the pious through Armageddon as his god savages the world. If things go well.
A quiet life
She’s always been mommy tier
>Happy ending.
He's a hunter. He's never going to have a happy ending.The vampires will always win, or at least have their claws in all levels of life from the goverment to the police to the gangs.
His one out maybe is moving to Japan and working for some psychopathic mages.
Fuck off back to his forest and awaken trees or something I guess.
Maybe travel around to spread good will and try to broker peace between kingdoms.
>tfw no hyuuga milkers
There is none.
>happy endings
settle down and remain in the past to become his own great great great great great great grandfather.
Depends on whether the character ever gets that redemption arc. As is, he's not the happy ending type.
Wizard's going to make a home innawoods, find that orphan, set up a few teleportation circles for buddies, then get to the weird experimentation before disappearing mysteriously.
>brainlet simpleton spotted
A twi'lek waifu and half human child.
After finding a way to become immortal without the aid of that Orcus fuckboy, this wizard will build a mage tower and try to link it to other wizard towers from the past and the future to reunite with his ancestors and descendants and finally formulate a plan to seal the worlds away from the influence of the Gods because he and his family are a bunch of fedoras.
And also will make his lamia waifu immortal too.
The consequences of his actions.
Mickey Mouse
After a ton of fighting and traveling, an eternal happy ending with her lovecraftian cosmic horror waifu.
Think Saya no Uta, but it looks like a girl to everyone.
He's seen what is there for him, he knows the warlock brought him back, he knows the voidlord's contract ends when the world is saved, and he will return to death, he does not want to go back.
My character stole the identity of a dying knight he respected. I'm trying to fulfill Veeky Forums happy ending: Get rich, become a lord, marry the (knight's) childhood sweetheart.
Don't know how I'm gonna sell it to her outside of "Your true love is dead, but as a consolation prize here's a palace and endless money!"
I have no illusions about her probable reaction.
Eternal nothing and/or eternal torment.
Trying to make a housewife out of a whore, huh?
Well the most recent was put down by the Elite Guard + Mage guild
>And so I notice you have not asked for or sought your reward as yet
I feel your Grace knows why
>Of course., yes, yes... for you knew it was never possible for you to leave these lands with the knowledge you now hold. A sickness will build within in you, talk hold and spread once again.
We had... suspected as much, your Grace
>Then know I am truly sorry for what is about to transpire
If you too will forgive our unwillingness to submit?
>I would expect nothing less
Staring into the stone floor and resting his weight against his gnarled old weapon the Dwarf sighed as he stroked his beard with his free and bandaged hand. "Not quite the ending I'd hoped for, Lads." before exhaling slowly and hefting the weapon up, gripping the worn leather tight
>I suppose not, Stunty. But even good tales can have sour endings, and still be a good tale mind you.
Aye, I could drink to that
>Scorpion Courtier (L5R)
He retires from adventuring and goes into politics in the Imperial Court. He also finds his rival's daughter (A Crane Shugenja) and marries her (she accepts out of spite of her father and romantic feelings to the courtier). He also takes steps into reviving the House of Shosuro after it being stricken from Imperial records.
>Human Fighter (D&D)
Goes back to his city to guard it from bandits once more. Probably find a wife or something, it's not exactly the biggest thing on his mind. He doesn't care if he's remembered down in history or not, he just enjoys his job. The most positively self-apathetic man there was.
>Local Guardsman of the 2nd Augustan Mechanised Infantry Regiment (Only War)
Sigh and keep on truckin'. "I will only rest and return once we achieve Pax Imperia. But in this grim, dark future of the 41st Millenium, there is always another place that requires our attention."
>Human Smuggler (Shadowrun 5E)
Pic Related
Become an earth elemental, break his family into the joys of inter-planar trade while trying to remain ethical about it. (Try to avoid trading souls around, unless there's a way to trade them to Pharasma.)
A happy motherhood married to an upstanding knight who she aided in her journeys. Likely 7+ children. Such is service to the god of new life.
>that pic
The only real way old Shadowrunners ever truly retire.
Return to the elven courts to watch over his sister while she rules. Maybe have a couple kids with one of the Queen's Guard who he pulled out of a life of thievery. As time passes though he'd watch them grow old, then pass along with their children and so on. His oaths to the ancients of the forest have given him strength but now he is bound and must live with what that means.
A mansion, several mistresses, a creation forge and an auction house for magical items, weapons and armor. And maybe one or two stupid apprentices now and them.
>Edge of the Empire
Either rotting in an Imperial prison somewhere or the power behind the throne of a galaxy spanning criminal information broker network. It depends on how the next couple of sessions go.
>Delta Green
The .45 ACP retirement plan
Goes back to LA and restarts his music career. Who knew 'a quick trip to Seattle for some quick cash' would end up consuming his life for two years?
Perfected the ultimate non-magic explosive and supposedly disappeared testing it on a mountaintop. There is an unstable portal to an unknown location now where there was once nothing.
He later made a cameo in another campaign we had in Sigil, where an explosion erupted in mid-air creating a portal that threw a gnome into another portal.