Old EU becomes distributivist muslim New Roman Empire like it does that Houellebecq’s novel.
Russia invades Baltic, Belarus and Ukraine states, the succeeds, but the massive costs of occupation lead to internal strife and revolution. In the end, muslims stand victorious led by charismatic Chechen warlord turn Russia into fanatical islamic theocracy.
Both countries hate one another on ideological grounds.
Of the other superpowers, USA has turned into Switzerland the size of a continent and is irrelevent on the globas stage, China deals with internal strife and barely can hold itself together and India has enough problems with the middle east.
What happens in the buffer zone?
William Stewart
>What happens with the States that used to be sources of white slaves and colonies for their neighbouring Empires
I wonder.
Jayden Smith
Same shit as always, they got invade again and end up divised betwen east and west.
Justin Torres
Poles are busy wth killing each other and blaming everyone else
Daniel Watson
>one invades the buffer zone >the other one has to go for a landgrab too to avoid looking weak to the public and to prevent the other one to gain strategic advantage >cold war quickly escalates into hot war
Logan Mitchell
Red Alert 1.
I know this is a /pol/ bait, but if you take out the /pol/ it's Red Alert 1. Sovie..EHR Russians gets supertanks with Teslas and Euros get Chronospheres.
Ahh, yes, what happens to the minors, well , machinegun targets mostly. Maybe some Pole gets employed by his betters, they do alright as auxiliary troops.
Was I the only one that found Houellebecq’s novel kinda unreadable? The magical rise of the muslims is magical and most of the book is the meaningless mental masturbation of a loser.
Ryder Watson
This seems more like Veeky Forums's cup of tea. They're honestly more knowledgeable than Veeky Forums on history, even if the discourse is more venomous and unpleasant.
Lucas Morris
>Was I the only one that found Houellebecq’s novel kinda unreadable? The magical rise of the muslims is magical and most of the book is the meaningless mental masturbation of a loser.
Despite being a certified alt-righter who's very concerned about the rise of Islam in Europe, I have to agree. It was not a good novel. Implications implying everywhere but no explanations, no continuity, just a constant, meaningless malaise, poignant personal journeys and suddenly presto Islamic Republic (via voting fraud? Implied but who knows?). Maybe that was his intent, but if so it was poorly communicated. And the writing was nothing to write home about. I wish this novel had been better so that it would have had a stronger impact on the intellectual elite.
Liam Ross
Why are Veeky Forumslit/int/sci/ so shit.
Caleb Lee
>Was I the only one that found Houellebecq’s novel kinda unreadable?
I like it.
> The magical rise of the muslims is magical and most of the book is the meaningless mental masturbation of a loser.
The rise of islam was just a stage of antihero’s journey and did it’s job reasonably well.
Grayson Ross
Bunch of people talking about things they haven't actually read/studied/understood as if they actually had/did. I doubt a vast majority of Veeky Forums posters do more than regurgitate opinions they've seen other anons post in previous threads without having read the book they're discussing.
Kinda like when people start having opinions about RPG systems they've never read the rules for .
Brandon Thompson
Wouldn’t the area get loads of refugees both from West Europe and Russia?
Ryan Nelson
The rise of islamism on the novel is connected to the amount of muslims entering the country, not really magical, it's simple math
Asher Peterson
Which isn't talked about much at all, neither are the politics discussed much. They're background noise, which is a disappointment for people expecting trenchant political insights rather than the personal surrender of a sad old professor.
Brody Torres
Most boards are pretty shit at their topics, because they create shitty board culture opinions surrounding them and their discourse. Same reason General threads are the absolute worst threads to discuss their topic in.
Adam Cook
>personal surrender of a sad old professor >a sad old
Man, he is like 45.
I know a guy who around that age restarted his life after being homeless drunk for years and now has a wife and everything.
Lincoln Taylor
nedělej ostudu a mazej zpátky na
Isaiah Evans
>Veeky Forums They're not TOO bad but far too quick to resort to stock phrases and tired-out arguments, even by comparison with other boards. >Veeky Forums Because of the split (rather than voluntary segregation) into high and low culture that happened after WWII which has completely devastated both literature and its discussion. >/int/ No point in existing. Now that /bant/ exists there's even LESS of a reason. >Veeky Forums Because just like /g/ its subject is better served on StackExchange and traditional forums leaving only the absolute dregs to tell each other of their future prosperity or begging for assistance.