Are banks (and bankers) True Neutral?
Textbook lawful evil
How so?
>We just want to make money, the rest is irrelevant
Seems pretty TN to me, NE at worst. Banks also don't care about laws if they can get away with breaking them.
>lawful is about obeying laws
Lawful is about following a code, and bankers don't have a code.
Usury is evil by definition. Banking is usury by definition. Doing it from time to time is no big deal, this is not murder or anything, but if your job is literally about usury you're evil.
>Usury is evil by definition
Where is this stated?
In my ass. Come near and read it.
They rely on rules and regulations to establish them and their methods of operation. Banks arenothing but Lawful. Only Lawyers are more Lawful than banks.
>They rely on rules and regulations
They work in spite of rules and regulations. History has made it pretty obvious that banks don't give a shit about rules and only work with them insofar as they can make a good enough profit.
Actually working at a bank I can attest that its not only evil, but it turns you into an cunt as well.
The people I met, to put it lightly, literally took smoke breaks to talk about how to scam and lure people better, its soul crushingly seething with evil.
Also its depressing because everyone just holds onto for dear life the belief that your monetary total is your sole value as a human being.
>usury [yoo-zhuh-ree]
>1. The lending or practice of lending money at an exorbitant interest.
>2. An exorbitant amount or rate of interest, especially in excess of the legal rate.
Sounds pretty evil, mate. Especially when you have people starving in the streets.
mods !
mods !
mods !
Not Veeky Forums related, take this to /b/
>alignments aren't Veeky Forums related
Banks will never, ever bend the rules in anyone's favor but themselves. For everyone they interact with, the rules are absolute, rigid, and often full of pitfalls that you won't catch without reading the fine print. They will always enforce the absolute letter of the rules (Laws, contracts, whatever) when it benefits them.
Worked at a bank too, can attest. One particular situation stayed with me.
>There was this client that had a turnover of over 20 million USD per year.
>A noname in Kazakhstan, shuffling stuff from China to Russia.
>Couldn't provide any supporting documents for the transactions, so he had to be shut down (it was pretty obvious he was doing no good), but the amount of money he generated for the bank was, as you can imagine, significant.
>So we went around trying to close him for a bit with compliance department breathing on our necks and then were approached by guys from the planning department and they've said "There's no reason to close a client like that, let's design a scheme of work that will be suitable for the bank".
>aswipes tried their best to legalize a drug trafficker or money laundering shceme.
I was pretty happy when US banks cut the flow and ties with this bank due to non-compliance on similar issues.
Also most people there are shits so full of themselves you can't even imagine.
Also, regarding lawfulness,
When Cyprus crashed a bunch of russian 'businessmen" went to open their accounts in our bank.
They've pulled people from all departments to help filling account opening documents.
Every possible regulation regarding the necessary documents (re beneficiary, powers of attorney, authenticity of data etc) was broken in order to open the accounts fast enough.
>Banks will never, ever bend the rules in anyone's favor but themselves
Well yeah, why would they?
They bend or break the rules when it fits them, and they enforce them when it fits them too. I don't get how this is lawful.
>I just want to enrich myself, regardless of how it affects others
>not Evil
Banks don't have alignments. Conscious have alignments.
The definition you posted yourself makes a difference between "interest" and "exorbitant interest". And "hurr people are starving" makes everyone and everything that doesn't do voluntary work to help the homeless into Evil.
t. Amerilard
Euro actually, nice argument retard.
Corporations are people bro.
And people are inherently good! Therefore, corporations are good, and we should not dehumanize them.
Anti-corporatism is luddite anti-transhumanism. Don't hate people because they're different or alien to us!
Oh my God so much sarcasm; if you were a qt girl (female) I'd be in love.
Question: is a character who does evil things only to evil people an evil person himself?
lawful evil
Are there examples of real life organizations that are legal yet not lawful?
no, i'd say lawful evil - lawful neutral, with a few lawful good sprinkled in
the police
lotta corporations pseudo break the law if they know how to get away with it (Let's say they know paying the Legal Fee is cheaper than doing it the right way).
I'm gonna go and say yes OP. Corporations and Banks only interest is profit.
Banker is a profession, not a personality or moral philosophy. Banks are likely predisposed towards Lawful just because they operate on strict rules, though of course there are counter-examples.
The stereotypical banker is Neutral Evil. He will exploit the laws that benefit him and ignore the laws that don't whenever he can get away with it.
He does this soley for personal gain and in full knowledge of the adverse effects he is having on society as a whole.
Lawful Evil is embodied by Lobyists which are the only people who are worse than bankers.
Chaotic Evil are terrorists, but they are too retarded to be held acountable for their actions, just mercy kill them whenever you get the chance.
True neutral are newborn babies and retarded people.
And we know that we can blame it all on anglo culture and the way they treat buisness because all over the world, before american cancer culture got there ethics was considered a thing in business.
>CE has to be stupid
>TN is just babies and retards
Stop projecting, that's bullshit.
The bible, it's an old Christan teaching.
>true neutral
hahaha no
>everyone and everything that doesn't do voluntary work to help the homeless into Evil.
Yes and...
>Only Lawyers are more Lawful than banks
Do you know how easy it is to make a law, change a law, or make a new "legal definition" for a word? And yes, many words have a different meaning when used in a court of law than when used in an english dictionary. It's as easy as getting a couple thousand dollars together(less than ten grand), paying some lobbyists for a local county province to have it changed within that country, and boom, you have legal precedent to use that word or do what that word is supposed to mean, except now the crime that you might have been implicit in you are no longer because that word no longer relates to the crime you committed. Of course, a judge who gives a shit could potentially call you out on that bullshit, but good luck finding a judge who cares or enough judges to actually do the right and lawful thing and review your case the way it was meant to be reviewed. There will never be enough judges, enough lawyers, or enough attorneys to prosecute, resolve, or fairly judge every crime, and the "justice system" has been built that way. Frontier justice is the only justice system that works.
A bank is an amoral, not an immoral, entity. It exists to maximize profits for its investors and nothing else. It has the same alignment as a rock or your toenail clippings. The way a banker runs his bank can vary, because bankers aren't machines nor outsiders with a certain specified alignment. They're humans. A multibillion dollar bank can be run by the most kind and virtuous person around, theoretically. The problem is that power has a tendency to corrupt.
Any different answer is deserving of a free helicopter ride.
Literally every faith for the most part. Hell, the whole 'greedy jew' stereotype comes from medieval Europe when people took the usury stuff much more seriously; Jews were allowed to perform usury as long as it wasn't with another Jew. It was fine to do it to other people. So you had a bunch of people borrowing money and then getting salty because of everything else.
Having also worked in a bank, I know just how much compliance loves it when other departments try to get around them, so I'm sure this ended well
Based on the court filings that are already in the works, they might be the opposite: lawful but currently not legal
>Fcc won't let me be
How much coke was there going around?
Warren buffet is, by most accounts, a good person. The banks and businesses he oversees, are not
>Every possible regulation regarding the necessary documents (re beneficiary, powers of attorney, authenticity of data etc) was broken in order to open the accounts fast enough.
As a corporate lawyer trainee, this makes me sad. My job is said to be destroyed by machine soon and now bankers don't even want to give us work anymore. ;_;
Reminds me of thay time where I was dealing with a Indonesian company, I noticed an irregularity in their contract, we call them, the guy says they'll just bribe a judge if it gets noticed.
Oh user.
Are his banks "bad" because of his own fault or due to internal corruption? If it's the latter, there's still a human element in play and Buffet just employs overwhelmingly bad people. If he's himself involved, then either he's not as good a person as he wants others to believe or he's just incompetent.
I mean. Just like so much stuff in law, it depends. Kinda like banks on that point. Will enforce laws to the extreme when it suits them but bend them/ignore them when they can/when it's suitable.
Thank you for the idea for my next campaign, namely: the PCs are the compliance dept. of a multiplanar bank.
Lawyers are lawful in the exact D&D definition of Lawful Evil: they care about the law insofar as it lets them uphold their authority/PoV. The whole profession of lawyer is largely about manipulation of the law (and people) (and a bit of it is about legal theory).
I agree with user, power and money tends to corrupt people. I bet they were a lot of young optimists banker at the start of their caree, then they realised it's a cruel world and it all goes down from here, and it's a vicious circle.