How do I play a fancy paladin if the GM forbids plate armour?
How do I play a fancy paladin if the GM forbids plate armour?
play as an OG holy warrior
My current paladin wears light or no armor and uses no weapon but his fists.
Highest AC in the party (28 at 8th level, able to reach 41 if situation is needed). Punches aren't very dangerous though, only 24 per hit on average, 3-4 hits per turn.
Loincloths to show that your faith is enough to shield you from harm
Tabard over chainma--god damn it.
>implying you wouldn't have googled "different historical armour" if you actually played RPGs and was in this position
Fuck off with your dumbass non-contributing shit thread.
Let all those heretical eyes look upon his perfect form and despair.
Why do you not play a monk?
It's not the armor that's outside that matters.
It's the armor that's inside.
Because monks sucks, I have way more AC than a monk can have, way more damage, HPs, way better saves, I have spells, some of them utility, I have cool features. Srly, not even Umonk (as I made one to compare using same level, stats, gold) could actually compare. My only problem is mobility, and that is going to change once I pick Pummeling charge.
Become an archer paladin and wear a white cloak over some light armor.
>How do I play a fancy paladin if the GM forbids plate armour?
Fancy hats.
Why does your GM forbid plate armour?
Setting is inspired by the 8th century europe
Lots of shiny maille and fancy dyed cloth.
invent plate armor
So just before Charlemange and the real paladins then. May be worth looking up for inspiration, the development from 8th to mid 9th century can probably be ignored here. Or go look into what Byzans was up to at the time, cataphractoi etc.
Or you could be a bit of a fashion conservative and you could probably squeeze in some Sutton Hoo and Vendel inspired stuff. Mail hauberk, arm and leg splints, and a very fancy helmet, with religious decorations of course. Add some expensive fabric of God-pleasing colour and you should be good to go.
>look at me being a minmaxing faggot
If he is going with the paladin theme then he basically is a monk of the European variety.
D&D 5e? Oath of Redemption.
So he copies texts, brews beer, and declares beavers to be a kind of fish?
And draws knights riding snails slaughtering rabbits who are holding monks hostage.
And punches people.
That doesn't sound like a european monk to me.
That sounds like the best European monk to me.
Actually a full armor and sword paladin will be slightly better than the light armored and unarmed one (I'm using an archetype for this btw). So since when being slightly weaker than the default class you're using is considered being a minmaxer?
Shit man, they live in water, how are they NOT fish?
Literally took the words out of my mouth verbatim. I like you.
Mail shirt with brigandine over the top. Brigandine can be quite colourful. Also you should be wearing a tabard so that they can see your heraldry and know that it is you who is coming for them and then they can know exactly how badly they done fucked up.
>he thinks he needs plate armor to be fancy
Step aside, peasant, real knight coming through
>The guy on the right
Dang it pic dident work.
Technically not full plate.
Why is that so attractive...
Finding a nearly naked woman attractive?! What's wrong with you?!?! Heathen! Degenerate!
It suggests without actually revealing, and tantalizes with the thought that at any moment more might be uncovered.
Plus, DAMN dats one thicc hotty.
>GM forbids plate armour
Traditionally, Paladins wore Chainmail with likely splint of scale over it.
Splint, or chain mail + cloth, as thousands before you have done
Yea you can fuck right off.
>look at me wanting to contribute to the team
If you are not taking the best options you can take, you are actively making the game worse and being that guy
Medium armor can be just as good
Sprinkle bits of metal thematically.
Also making a more mobile paladin is a concept I have had for a while, one that goes against the grain
Like that.
>when some lazy noble has been secretly training with badass 90 y/o masters.
did those helms come with the crown forged on it or was it just a really thight fit? i cant imagine that crown staying on during the heat of a brutal melee.
Truthfully, though, that was a wholly legitimate criterion for the time. It seems silly to us now, with our fancy Linnaen taxonomy, but for an older society that frankly doesn't give a shit about the niceties of zoological anatomy and physiology and mostly just wants to know where you find a thing, whether it's good eating, and whether it'll eat you? The category of "shit that lives in the water" is way more useful to them than "shit that lives in the water and has gills and scales and is cold blooded" as distinct from other shit that lives in the water, so why not just use "fish" to refer to the broader category?
Sometimes, we put on platemail just to see who cares enough to stab us in the armpit.
Talismanic shirts. God protec when he doesn't attac after all.
Is this for pathfinder and if so how do?